local ds = require("DataStructures") local Dictionary, Stack, WordInfo, Environment = ds.Dictionary, ds.Stack, ds.WordInfo, ds.Environment local helpers = require("CoreHelpers") local areNumbers, getActiveDataStack, isNumber, isWhitespace= helpers.areNumbers, helpers.getActiveDataStack, helpers.isNumber, helpers.isWhitespace local skipWhitespace, parseToken = helpers.skipWhitespace, helpers.parseToken local popTwoOperands = helpers.popTwoOperands local defineWord = helpers.defineWord local ret = helpers.ret local makeCall = helpers.makeCall local literal = helpers.literal local compile = helpers.compile -- Mathematical operations local function add(env: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(env) if areNumbers(a,b) then local c = (a as number) + (b as number) getActiveDataStack(env):push(c) else error("invalid operands for add operation!") end end local function sub(env: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(env) if areNumbers(a, b) then local c = (a as number) - (b as number) getActiveDataStack(env):push(c) else error("invalid operands for sub operation!") end end local function mul(env: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(env) if areNumbers(a, b) then local c = (a as number) * (b as number) getActiveDataStack(env):push(c) else error("invalid operands for mul operation!") end end local function div(env: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(env) if areNumbers(a, b) then local c = (a as number) / (b as number) getActiveDataStack(env):push(c) else error("invalid operands for div operation!") end end local function dup(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) local top = stack:pop() stack:push(top) stack:push(top) end local function swap(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) local a, b = popTwoOperands(env) stack:push(b) stack:push(a) end local function rot(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) local c, b, a= stack:pop(), stack:pop(), stack:pop() stack:push(b) stack:push(c) stack:push(a) end local function drop(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) stack:pop() end local function over(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) local b, a = stack:pop(), stack:pop() stack:push(a) stack:push(b) stack:push(a) end -- I/O operations local function dot(env: Environment) local out = env.activeDataStack:pop() io.write(tostring(out) as string) end local twoDup = helpers.makeCall{over, over, ret} local function twoSwap(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) local d, c, b, a = stack:pop(), stack:pop(), stack:pop(), stack:pop() stack:push(c) stack:push(d) stack:push(a) stack:push(b) end local function twoOver(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) local d, c, b, a = stack:pop(), stack:pop(), stack:pop(), stack:pop() stack:push(a) stack:push(b) stack:push(c) stack:push(d) stack:push(a) stack:push(b) end local function nip(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) local b, _ = stack:pop(), stack:pop() stack:push(b) end local tuck = helpers.makeCall{swap, over, ret} local function roll(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) local u = stack:pop() local bufferStack = Stack:new() if u is number then local v = u as number while(v > 0) do local item = stack:pop() bufferStack:push(item) v = v - 1 end local newTop = stack:pop() local x = (u as number) while(x > 0) do local item = bufferStack:pop() stack:push(item) x = x - 1 end stack:push(newTop) else error("u is not a number") end end local function getExecutionToken(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) skipWhitespace(env) local name: string = parseToken(env) for _, dictionary in ipairs(env.dictionaries) do local wordinfo = dictionary:lookup(name) if wordinfo then stack:push((wordinfo as WordInfo).func) break end end end local function execute(env: Environment) local stack = getActiveDataStack(env) local func: function(Environment) = stack:pop() as function(Environment) func(env) end local function enterCompileMode(e: Environment) e.compileState = true end local function exitCompileMode(e: Environment) e.compileState = false end local function colon(e: Environment) skipWhitespace(e) local name: string | nil = parseToken(e) if not name then e.running = false return end e.currentDefinitionName = name as string enterCompileMode(e) end local function semicolon(e: Environment) table.insert(e.currentDefinition as {function(Environment)}, helpers.ret) local instrs = e.currentDefinition local call = helpers.makeCall(instrs as {function(Environment)}) local dict = e.dictionaries[1] defineWord(dict, e.currentDefinitionName, call, false) e.mostRecentDefinition = e.currentDefinitionName e.currentDefinitionName = nil e.currentDefinition = {} exitCompileMode(e) end local function toCompileStack(e: Environment) local dataStack = getActiveDataStack(e) local compileStack = e.compilerStack local val = dataStack:pop() compileStack:push(val) end local function fromCompileStack(e: Environment) e.activeDataStack:push(e.compilerStack:pop()) end local function getDefinitionIndex(e: Environment) e.activeDataStack:push(#e.currentDefinition) end local function unresolvedZeroBranch(e: Environment) helpers.noop(e) end local function unresolvedUncondBranch(e: Environment) helpers.noop(e) end local function getResolvedZeroBranch(destinationIndex: integer): function(Environment) return function(e: Environment) local flag = e.activeDataStack:pop() if flag == 0 or not flag then e.instructionPointer.index = destinationIndex end end end local function resolveBranch(e: Environment, sourceIndex: integer, destinationIndex: integer): function(Environment) if e.currentDefinition[sourceIndex] == unresolvedZeroBranch then return function(e: Environment) local flag = e.activeDataStack:pop() if flag == 0 or not flag then e.instructionPointer.index = destinationIndex end end elseif e.currentDefinition[sourceIndex] == unresolvedUncondBranch then return function(e: Environment) e.instructionPointer.index = destinationIndex end end -- TODO: abort if none of the checks succeed end local function forthIf(e: Environment) table.insert(e.currentDefinition as {function(Environment)}, unresolvedZeroBranch) getDefinitionIndex(e) toCompileStack(e) end local function patchBranch(e: Environment) local branchIndex = e.activeDataStack:pop() as integer local destinationIndex = e.activeDataStack:pop() as integer e.currentDefinition[branchIndex as integer] = resolveBranch(e,branchIndex,destinationIndex) end local function forthThen(e: Environment) getDefinitionIndex(e) fromCompileStack(e) patchBranch(e) end local function forthElse(e: Environment) table.insert(e.currentDefinition as {function(Environment)}, unresolvedUncondBranch) getDefinitionIndex(e) fromCompileStack(e) patchBranch(e) getDefinitionIndex(e) toCompileStack(e) end local function cmplt(e: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(e) e.activeDataStack:push((a as number) < (b as number)) end local function cmplte(e: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(e) e.activeDataStack:push((a as number) <= (b as number)) end local function cmpe(e: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(e) e.activeDataStack:push((a as number) == (b as number)) end local function cmpgte(e: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(e) e.activeDataStack:push((a as number) >= (b as number)) end local function cmpgt(e: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(e) e.activeDataStack:push((a as number) > (b as number)) end local function cmpne(e: Environment) local a, b = popTwoOperands(e) e.activeDataStack:push((a as number) ~= (b as number)) end local function markImmediate(e: Environment) helpers.searchDictionaries(e, e.mostRecentDefinition).immediate = true end local function forthBegin(e: Environment) getDefinitionIndex(e) toCompileStack(e) end local function forthUntil(e: Environment) fromCompileStack(e) table.insert(e.currentDefinition as {function(Environment)}, unresolvedZeroBranch) getDefinitionIndex(e) patchBranch(e) end local function forthAgain(e: Environment) fromCompileStack(e) table.insert(e.currentDefinition as {function(Environment)}, unresolvedUncondBranch) getDefinitionIndex(e) patchBranch(e) end local function forthWhile(e: Environment) fromCompileStack(e) table.insert(e.currentDefinition as {function(Environment)}, unresolvedZeroBranch) getDefinitionIndex(e) toCompileStack(e) toCompileStack(e) end local function forthRepeat(e: Environment) fromCompileStack(e) table.insert(e.currentDefinition as {function(Environment)}, unresolvedUncondBranch) getDefinitionIndex(e) patchBranch(e) getDefinitionIndex(e) fromCompileStack(e) patchBranch(e) end local function stringLiteral(e: Environment) local str: string | nil = "" local chr: string | nil = "" if not e.activeInputStream:curr() then e.activeDataStack:push("") end while(not (chr == "\"") and chr ~= nil) do str = str..(chr as string) chr = e.activeInputStream:next() end e.activeInputStream:next() e.activeDataStack:push(str as string) end local CoreWords = Dictionary:new() local addInfo = WordInfo:new(add, false) local subInfo = WordInfo:new(sub, false) local mulInfo = WordInfo:new(mul, false) local divInfo = WordInfo:new(div, false) local dotInfo = WordInfo:new(dot, false) local dupInfo = WordInfo:new(dup, false) local swapInfo = WordInfo:new(swap, false) local rotInfo = WordInfo:new(rot, false) local dropInfo = WordInfo:new(drop, false) local overInfo = WordInfo:new(over, false) local twoDupInfo = WordInfo:new(twoDup, false) local twoSwapInfo = WordInfo:new(twoSwap, false) local twoOverInfo = WordInfo:new(twoOver, false) local nipInfo = WordInfo:new(nip, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "TUCK", tuck, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "ROLL", roll, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "'", getExecutionToken, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "EXECUTE", execute, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "[", exitCompileMode, true) defineWord(CoreWords, "]", enterCompileMode, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "COMPILE,", compile, true) defineWord(CoreWords, "LITERAL", literal, true) defineWord(CoreWords, ":", colon, true) defineWord(CoreWords, ";", semicolon, true) defineWord(CoreWords, ">C",toCompileStack, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "C>", fromCompileStack, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "DP", getDefinitionIndex, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "IF", forthIf, true) defineWord(CoreWords, "THEN", forthThen, true) defineWord(CoreWords, "ELSE", forthElse, true) defineWord(CoreWords, "IMMEDIATE", markImmediate, false) defineWord(CoreWords, "BEGIN", forthBegin, true) defineWord(CoreWords, "UNTIL", forthUntil, true) defineWord(CoreWords, "WHILE", forthWhile, true) defineWord(CoreWords, "REPEAT", forthRepeat, true) defineWord(CoreWords, "AGAIN", forthAgain, true) defineWord(CoreWords,"<", cmplt, false) defineWord(CoreWords,"<=", cmplte, false) defineWord(CoreWords,"=", cmpe, false) defineWord(CoreWords,">=", cmpgte, false) defineWord(CoreWords,">", cmpgt, false) defineWord(CoreWords,"<>", cmpne, false) defineWord(CoreWords,"S\"", stringLiteral, false) CoreWords:define("+", addInfo) CoreWords:define("-", subInfo) CoreWords:define("*", mulInfo) CoreWords:define("/", divInfo) CoreWords:define(".", dotInfo) CoreWords:define("DUP", dupInfo) CoreWords:define("SWAP", swapInfo) CoreWords:define("ROT", rotInfo) CoreWords:define("DROP", dropInfo) CoreWords:define("OVER", overInfo) CoreWords:define("2DUP", twoDupInfo) CoreWords:define("2SWAP", twoSwapInfo) CoreWords:define("2OVER", twoOverInfo) CoreWords:define("NIP", nipInfo) local sqr = {dup, mul, ret} local sqrf = makeCall(sqr) defineWord(CoreWords, "SQR", sqrf, false) return CoreWords