module Page.Switches exposing (view) import Browser exposing (Document) import Html exposing (a, br, button, h2, img, p, span, table, td, text, th, tr) import Html.Attributes exposing (height, href, src, width) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Iso8601 import Layout exposing (template) import Model exposing (Model, Msg(..)) import Time exposing (Month(..), utc) view : Model -> Document Msg view { front, switches, switchPage } = let frontInfo = case front of Just front_data -> [ text "All times are in UTC." , h2 [] [ text "Current Front" ] , p [] [ text "Name: " , text front_data.who , br [] [] , text "Started At: " , text <| Iso8601.fromTime front_data.started_at , br [] [] , img [ src front_data.img_url, width 64, height 64 ] [] ] ] Nothing -> [] heading = tr [] [ th [] [] , th [] [ text "ID" ] , th [] [ text "Who" ] , th [] [ text "Start" ] , th [] [ text "End" ] ] formatMonth month = case month of Jan -> "Jan" Feb -> "Feb" Mar -> "Mar" Apr -> "Apr" May -> "May" Jun -> "Jun" Jul -> "Jul" Aug -> "Aug" Sep -> "Sep" Oct -> "Oct" Nov -> "Nov" Dec -> "Dec" format time = span [] [ text <| String.pad 2 '0' <| String.fromInt <| Time.toHour utc time , text ":" , text <| String.pad 2 '0' <| String.fromInt <| Time.toMinute utc time , text " " , text <| formatMonth <| Time.toMonth utc time , text " " , text <| String.fromInt <| Time.toDay utc time , text " " , text <| String.fromInt <| Time.toYear utc time ] rowify data = let ended_at = case data.ended_at of Nothing -> span [] [] Just time -> format time in tr [] [ td [] [ img [ src data.img_url, width 16, height 16 ] [] ] , td [] [ a [ href <| "/switches/" ++ ] [ text <| String.slice 0 10 ] ] , td [] [ text data.who ] , td [] [ format data.started_at ] , td [] [ ended_at ] ] contents = rowify switches prevButton = if switchPage > 1 then button [ onClick PrevSwitchesPage ] [ text "<-" ] else span [] [] nextButton = button [ onClick NextSwitchesPage ] [ text "->" ] body = [ table [] <| [ heading ] ++ contents , p [] [ prevButton , text <| String.fromInt switchPage , nextButton ] ] in Layout.template "Switches" (frontInfo ++ body )