module Page.SwitchInfo exposing (view) import Browser exposing (Document) import Html exposing (br, img, p, span, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (src) import Layout exposing (template) import Mi.Switch exposing (Switch) import Page exposing (format) import Time exposing (Month(..)) type alias Model a = { a | switchByID : Maybe Switch } view : Model a -> Document msg view { switchByID } = case switchByID of Nothing -> template "Loading" [ text "Please wait..." ] Just switch -> let title = "Switch Details" ended_at = case switch.ended_at of Nothing -> span [] [] Just time -> span [] [ text "Ended at: " , format time , br [] [] ] in template title [ p [] [ img [ src switch.img_url ] [] , br [] [] , text "ID: " , text , br [] [] , text "Name: " , text switch.who , br [] [] , text "Started At: " , format switch.started_at , br [] [] , ended_at ] ]