use crate::{models, paseto, schema, web, MainDatabase}; use diesel::prelude::*; use rocket::{ data::{self, FromDataSimple}, http::Status, request::Request, response::Responder, Data, Outcome::*, Response, State, }; use rocket_contrib::json::Json; use std::io::Read; pub mod posse; pub mod switch; pub mod webmention; #[get("/members")] #[instrument(skip(conn), err)] pub fn get_members(tok: paseto::Token, conn: MainDatabase) -> Result>> { use schema::members; let results = members::table .load::(&*conn) .map_err(Error::Database)?; Ok(Json(results)) } #[get("/token/info")] pub fn token_info(tok: paseto::Token) -> Json { Json(tok) } #[post("/tweet", data = "")] #[instrument(skip(tw), err)] pub fn tweet(body: StringBody, tw: State, tok: paseto::Token) -> Result { tw.tweet(body.unwrap())?; Ok(()) } #[post("/toot", data = "")] #[instrument(skip(ma), err)] pub fn toot(body: StringBody, ma: State, tok: paseto::Token) -> Result { ma.toot(body.unwrap())?; Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct StringBody(String); impl StringBody { fn unwrap(self) -> String { self.0 } } impl FromDataSimple for StringBody { type Error = String; fn from_data(_req: &Request, data: Data) -> data::Outcome { let mut contents = String::new(); if let Err(e) = contents) { return Failure((Status::InternalServerError, format!("{:?}", e))); } Success(StringBody(contents)) } } #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] pub enum Error { #[error("internal database error: {0}")] Database(#[from] diesel::result::Error), #[error("not found")] NotFound, #[error("web API interop error: {0}")] Web(#[from] web::Error), #[error("URL parsing error: {0}")] URL(#[from] url::ParseError), #[error("invalid webmention: {0}")] InvalidWebMention(String), #[error("can't switch to the same fronter {0}")] SameFronter(String), } pub type Result = std::result::Result; impl<'a> Responder<'a> for Error { fn respond_to(self, _: &Request) -> ::std::result::Result, Status> { error!("{}", self); match self { Error::NotFound => Err(Status::NotFound), Error::InvalidWebMention(_) | Error::SameFronter(_) => Err(Status::BadRequest), _ => Err(Status::InternalServerError), } } }