
148 lines
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module Main exposing (main)
import Browser exposing (Document, UrlRequest(..))
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Html exposing (a, p, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Http
import Json.Decode
import Layout
import Mi
import Mi.Switch
import Mi.WebMention
import Model exposing (Model, Msg(..), get, init)
import Page.Index
import Page.Login
import Page.SwitchInfo
import Page.Switches
import Route exposing (Route(..), routeParser)
import Url
import Url.Parser as UrlParser
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
if_okay : Result Http.Error a -> (a -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )) -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
if_okay result doer =
case result of
Ok data ->
doer data
Err why ->
( { model | error = Just <| Mi.errorToString why }, Cmd.none )
case msg of
UpdateToken newToken ->
( { model | token = Just newToken }, Cmd.none )
ChangeUrl url ->
( { model | route = UrlParser.parse routeParser url }, Cmd.none )
SubmitToken ->
( model
, Cmd.batch
[ get model Mi.tokenIntrospectURL <|
Mi.expectJson ValidateToken Mi.tokenDecoder
, get model Mi.Switch.frontURL <|
Mi.expectJson ValidateFront Mi.Switch.decoder
, get model (Mi.Switch.listURL 40 model.switchPage) <|
Mi.expectJson ValidateSwitches <|
Json.Decode.list Mi.Switch.decoder
FetchSwitch id ->
( model
, get model (Mi.Switch.idURL id) <|
Mi.expectJson ValidateSwitchByID Mi.Switch.decoder
NextSwitchesPage ->
( { model | switchPage = model.switchPage + 1 }
, get model (Mi.Switch.listURL 40 <| model.switchPage + 1) <|
Mi.expectJson ValidateSwitches <|
Json.Decode.list Mi.Switch.decoder
PrevSwitchesPage ->
( { model | switchPage = model.switchPage - 1 }
, get model (Mi.Switch.listURL 40 <| model.switchPage - 1) <|
Mi.expectJson ValidateSwitches <|
Json.Decode.list Mi.Switch.decoder
ValidateSwitchByID result ->
if_okay result <|
\data ->
( { model | switchByID = Just data }, Cmd.none )
ValidateSwitches result ->
if_okay result <|
\data ->
( { model | switches = data }, Cmd.none )
ValidateFront result ->
if_okay result <|
\data ->
( { model | front = Just data }, Cmd.none )
ValidateToken result ->
if_okay result <|
\data ->
( { model | tokenData = Just data }
, Nav.pushUrl model.navKey "/"
ClickLink urlRequest ->
case urlRequest of
Internal url ->
( model, Nav.pushUrl model.navKey <| Url.toString url )
External url ->
( model, Nav.load url )
ClearError ->
( { model | error = Nothing }, Cmd.none )
view : Model -> Document Msg
view model =
case model.error of
Nothing ->
case Maybe.withDefault Index model.route of
Index ->
Page.Index.view model
Login ->
Page.Login.view model
SwitchLog ->
Page.Switches.view model
SwitchID _ ->
Page.SwitchInfo.view model
_ ->
Layout.template "Oh noes" [ p [] [ text "todo: implement this 404 page" ] ]
Just why ->
[ p [] [ text why, text ". Please clear the error to proceed." ]
, a [ onClick ClearError, href "/" ] [ text "Clear error" ]
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ view = view
, init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
, onUrlRequest = ClickLink
, onUrlChange = ChangeUrl