use crate::{ app::State, templates::{self, Html, RenderRucte}, }; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use prometheus::{opts, register_int_counter_vec, IntCounterVec}; use std::{convert::Infallible, fmt, sync::Arc}; use tracing::instrument; use warp::{ http::{Response, StatusCode}, Rejection, Reply, }; lazy_static! { static ref HIT_COUNTER: IntCounterVec = register_int_counter_vec!(opts!("hits", "Number of hits to various pages"), &["page"]) .unwrap(); } #[instrument] pub async fn index() -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["index"]).inc(); Response::builder().html(|o| templates::index_html(o)) } #[instrument] pub async fn contact() -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["contact"]).inc(); Response::builder().html(|o| templates::contact_html(o)) } #[instrument] pub async fn feeds() -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["feeds"]).inc(); Response::builder().html(|o| templates::feeds_html(o)) } #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn resume(state: Arc) -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["resume"]).inc(); let state = state.clone(); Response::builder().html(|o| templates::resume_html(o, Html(state.resume.clone()))) } #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn patrons(state: Arc) -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["patrons"]).inc(); let state = state.clone(); match &state.patrons { None => Response::builder().status(500).html(|o| { templates::error_html( o, "Could not load patrons, let me know the API token expired again".to_string(), ) }), Some(patrons) => Response::builder().html(|o| templates::patrons_html(o, patrons.clone())), } } #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn signalboost(state: Arc) -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["signalboost"]).inc(); let state = state.clone(); Response::builder().html(|o| templates::signalboost_html(o, state.signalboost.clone())) } #[instrument] pub async fn not_found() -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["not_found"]).inc(); Response::builder().html(|o| templates::notfound_html(o, "some path".into())) } pub mod blog; pub mod feeds; pub mod gallery; pub mod talks; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] struct PostNotFound(String, String); impl fmt::Display for PostNotFound { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "not found: {}/{}", self.0, self.1) } } impl warp::reject::Reject for PostNotFound {} #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] struct SeriesNotFound(String); impl fmt::Display for SeriesNotFound { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.0) } } impl warp::reject::Reject for SeriesNotFound {} lazy_static! { static ref REJECTION_COUNTER: IntCounterVec = register_int_counter_vec!( opts!("rejections", "Number of rejections by kind"), &["kind"] ) .unwrap(); } #[instrument] pub async fn rejection(err: Rejection) -> Result { let path: String; let code; if err.is_not_found() { REJECTION_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["404"]).inc(); path = "".into(); code = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND; } else if let Some(SeriesNotFound(series)) = err.find() { REJECTION_COUNTER .with_label_values(&["SeriesNotFound"]) .inc(); log::error!("invalid series {}", series); path = format!("/blog/series/{}", series); code = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND; } else if let Some(PostNotFound(kind, name)) = err.find() { REJECTION_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["PostNotFound"]).inc(); log::error!("unknown post {}/{}", kind, name); path = format!("/{}/{}", kind, name); code = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND; } else { REJECTION_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["Other"]).inc(); log::error!("unhandled rejection: {:?}", err); path = format!("weird rejection: {:?}", err); code = StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } Ok(warp::reply::with_status( Response::builder() .html(|o| templates::notfound_html(o, path)) .unwrap(), code, )) }