title: Instant Development Environments in Docker
date: 2014-10-24
 - release

Instant Development Environments in Docker

I have been using a few shell scripts for turbocharging development
using Docker and today I have released the first version of a simple
tool I call "[dev](https://github.com/Xe/dev)". Usage is very very simple.

$ dev up
Starting up container for spike
spike-dev (43c5c1) running!
To use this container please attach to it with:
  $ docker attach spike-dev
$ docker attach spike-dev
docker:dev:spike ~

I have made a simple [asciinema
recording](https://asciinema.org/a/13158) describing the process of setting up and tearing down
these containers. The development environments have the code you are
working on mounted to \~/dev in the container.

The containers are defined by a simple manifest file in yaml:

base:     xena/base
repopath: github.com/Xe/test
golang:   false
ssh:      true
user:     xena
projname: test

Right now dev is a very immature tool and currently Works For Me ™. If
you have any issues with it or questions about it, please open an issue
on its [GitHub issue

Thanks for taking a look at it and please let me know if it works for
you too!