title: Old Articles Recovered
date: 2019-01-17

# Old Articles Recovered

I found an old backup that contained a few articles from my old [Medium](https://medium.com/@theprincessxena) blog. I have converted them to markdown and added them to the blog archives:

- 2014-11-28 - [Web Application Development with Beego](https://christine.website/blog/beego-2014-11-28)
- 2014-11-20 - [Dependency Hell](https://christine.website/blog/dependency-hell-2014-11-20)
- 2014-11-18 - [My Experience with Atom as A Vim User](https://christine.website/blog/atom-as-vim-2014-11-18)
- 2014-10-24 - [Instant Development Environments in Docker](https://christine.website/blog/dev-2014-10-24)
- 2014-10-20 - [MPD Via Docker](https://christine.website/blog/mpd-docker-2014-10-20)

I hope these are at all useful.