diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/profile.html.eex b/lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/profile.html.eex
index 94063c92d..e7d2aecad 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/profile.html.eex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/profile.html.eex
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<%= raw Formatter.emojify(@user.name, emoji_for_user(@user)) %> |
- <%= link "@#{@user.nickname}@#{Endpoint.host()}", to: User.profile_url(@user) %>
+ <%= link "@#{@user.nickname}@#{Endpoint.host()}", to: (@user.uri || @user.ap_id) %>
<%= raw @user.bio %>
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/web_finger/web_finger.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/web_finger/web_finger.ex
index 43a81c75d..7ffd0e51b 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/web_finger/web_finger.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/web_finger/web_finger.ex
@@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ def find_lrdd_template(domain) do
_ ->
- with {:ok, %{body: body}} <- HTTP.get("https://#{domain}/.well-known/host-meta", []) do
+ with {:ok, %{body: body, status: status}} when status in 200..299 <-
+ HTTP.get("https://#{domain}/.well-known/host-meta", []) do
e -> {:error, "Can't find LRDD template: #{inspect(e)}"}
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ def finger(account) do
with response <-
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
{:ok, %{status: status, body: body}} when status in 200..299 <- response do
doc = XML.parse_document(body)
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
index dd598345c..a1fcde564 100644
--- a/mix.exs
+++ b/mix.exs
@@ -37,12 +37,21 @@ def project do
pleroma: [
include_executables_for: [:unix],
applications: [ex_syslogger: :load, syslog: :load],
- steps: [:assemble, ©_files/1, ©_nginx_config/1]
+ steps: [:assemble, &put_otp_version/1, ©_files/1, ©_nginx_config/1]
+ def put_otp_version(%{path: target_path} = release) do
+ File.write!(
+ Path.join([target_path, "OTP_VERSION"]),
+ Pleroma.OTPVersion.version()
+ )
+ release
+ end
def copy_files(%{path: target_path} = release) do
File.cp_r!("./rel/files", target_path)
@@ -63,7 +72,7 @@ def copy_nginx_config(%{path: target_path} = release) do
def application do
mod: {Pleroma.Application, []},
- extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools, :comeonin, :quack, :fast_sanitize],
+ extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools, :comeonin, :quack, :fast_sanitize, :ssl],
included_applications: [:ex_syslogger]
@@ -119,7 +128,15 @@ defp deps do
{:calendar, "~> 0.17.4"},
{:cachex, "~> 3.2"},
{:poison, "~> 3.0", override: true},
- {:tesla, "~> 1.3", override: true},
+ # {:tesla, "~> 1.3", override: true},
+ {:tesla,
+ git: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/elixir-libraries/tesla.git",
+ ref: "61b7503cef33f00834f78ddfafe0d5d9dec2270b",
+ override: true},
+ {:castore, "~> 0.1"},
+ {:cowlib, "~> 2.8", override: true},
+ {:gun,
+ github: "ninenines/gun", ref: "e1a69b36b180a574c0ac314ced9613fdd52312cc", override: true},
{:jason, "~> 1.0"},
{:mogrify, "~> 0.6.1"},
{:ex_aws, "~> 2.1"},
@@ -171,7 +188,8 @@ defp deps do
git: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/elixir-libraries/elixir-captcha.git",
ref: "e0f16822d578866e186a0974d65ad58cddc1e2ab"},
{:mox, "~> 0.5", only: :test},
- {:restarter, path: "./restarter"}
+ {:restarter, path: "./restarter"},
+ {:open_api_spex, "~> 3.6"}
] ++ oauth_deps()
diff --git a/mix.lock b/mix.lock
index 62e14924a..cf8bf5b31 100644
--- a/mix.lock
+++ b/mix.lock
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
"cachex": {:hex, :cachex, "3.2.0", "a596476c781b0646e6cb5cd9751af2e2974c3e0d5498a8cab71807618b74fe2f", [:mix], [{:eternal, "~> 1.2", [hex: :eternal, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jumper, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jumper, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:sleeplocks, "~> 1.1", [hex: :sleeplocks, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:unsafe, "~> 1.0", [hex: :unsafe, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "aef93694067a43697ae0531727e097754a9e992a1e7946296f5969d6dd9ac986"},
"calendar": {:hex, :calendar, "0.17.6", "ec291cb2e4ba499c2e8c0ef5f4ace974e2f9d02ae9e807e711a9b0c7850b9aee", [:mix], [{:tzdata, "~> 0.5.20 or ~> 0.1.201603 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :tzdata, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "738d0e17a93c2ccfe4ddc707bdc8e672e9074c8569498483feb1c4530fb91b2b"},
"captcha": {:git, "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/elixir-libraries/elixir-captcha.git", "e0f16822d578866e186a0974d65ad58cddc1e2ab", [ref: "e0f16822d578866e186a0974d65ad58cddc1e2ab"]},
+ "castore": {:hex, :castore, "0.1.5", "591c763a637af2cc468a72f006878584bc6c306f8d111ef8ba1d4c10e0684010", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "6db356b2bc6cc22561e051ff545c20ad064af57647e436650aa24d7d06cd941a"},
"certifi": {:hex, :certifi, "2.5.1", "867ce347f7c7d78563450a18a6a28a8090331e77fa02380b4a21962a65d36ee5", [:rebar3], [{:parse_trans, "~>3.3", [hex: :parse_trans, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "805abd97539caf89ec6d4732c91e62ba9da0cda51ac462380bbd28ee697a8c42"},
"combine": {:hex, :combine, "0.10.0", "eff8224eeb56498a2af13011d142c5e7997a80c8f5b97c499f84c841032e429f", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "1b1dbc1790073076580d0d1d64e42eae2366583e7aecd455d1215b0d16f2451b"},
"comeonin": {:hex, :comeonin, "4.1.2", "3eb5620fd8e35508991664b4c2b04dd41e52f1620b36957be837c1d7784b7592", [:mix], [{:argon2_elixir, "~> 1.2", [hex: :argon2_elixir, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:bcrypt_elixir, "~> 0.12.1 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :bcrypt_elixir, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:pbkdf2_elixir, "~> 0.12", [hex: :pbkdf2_elixir, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "d8700a0ca4dbb616c22c9b3f6dd539d88deaafec3efe66869d6370c9a559b3e9"},
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
"gen_stage": {:hex, :gen_stage, "0.14.3", "d0c66f1c87faa301c1a85a809a3ee9097a4264b2edf7644bf5c123237ef732bf", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"gen_state_machine": {:hex, :gen_state_machine, "2.0.5", "9ac15ec6e66acac994cc442dcc2c6f9796cf380ec4b08267223014be1c728a95", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"gettext": {:hex, :gettext, "0.17.4", "f13088e1ec10ce01665cf25f5ff779e7df3f2dc71b37084976cf89d1aa124d5c", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "3c75b5ea8288e2ee7ea503ff9e30dfe4d07ad3c054576a6e60040e79a801e14d"},
+ "gun": {:git, "https://github.com/ninenines/gun.git", "e1a69b36b180a574c0ac314ced9613fdd52312cc", [ref: "e1a69b36b180a574c0ac314ced9613fdd52312cc"]},
"hackney": {:hex, :hackney, "1.15.2", "07e33c794f8f8964ee86cebec1a8ed88db5070e52e904b8f12209773c1036085", [:rebar3], [{:certifi, "2.5.1", [hex: :certifi, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:idna, "6.0.0", [hex: :idna, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:metrics, "1.0.1", [hex: :metrics, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mimerl, "~>1.1", [hex: :mimerl, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ssl_verify_fun, "1.1.5", [hex: :ssl_verify_fun, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "e0100f8ef7d1124222c11ad362c857d3df7cb5f4204054f9f0f4a728666591fc"},
"html_entities": {:hex, :html_entities, "0.5.1", "1c9715058b42c35a2ab65edc5b36d0ea66dd083767bef6e3edb57870ef556549", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "30efab070904eb897ff05cd52fa61c1025d7f8ef3a9ca250bc4e6513d16c32de"},
"html_sanitize_ex": {:hex, :html_sanitize_ex, "1.3.0", "f005ad692b717691203f940c686208aa3d8ffd9dd4bb3699240096a51fa9564e", [:mix], [{:mochiweb, "~> 2.15", [hex: :mochiweb, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@
"nimble_parsec": {:hex, :nimble_parsec, "0.5.3", "def21c10a9ed70ce22754fdeea0810dafd53c2db3219a0cd54cf5526377af1c6", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "589b5af56f4afca65217a1f3eb3fee7e79b09c40c742fddc1c312b3ac0b3399f"},
"nodex": {:git, "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/nodex", "cb6730f943cfc6aad674c92161be23a8411f15d1", [ref: "cb6730f943cfc6aad674c92161be23a8411f15d1"]},
"oban": {:hex, :oban, "0.12.1", "695e9490c6e0edfca616d80639528e448bd29b3bff7b7dd10a56c79b00a5d7fb", [:mix], [{:ecto_sql, "~> 3.1", [hex: :ecto_sql, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jason, "~> 1.1", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:postgrex, "~> 0.14", [hex: :postgrex, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "c1d58d69b8b5a86e7167abbb8cc92764a66f25f12f6172052595067fc6a30a17"},
+ "open_api_spex": {:hex, :open_api_spex, "3.6.0", "64205aba9f2607f71b08fd43e3351b9c5e9898ec5ef49fc0ae35890da502ade9", [:mix], [{:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:plug, "~> 1.7", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:poison, "~> 3.1", [hex: :poison, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "126ba3473966277132079cb1d5bf1e3df9e36fe2acd00166e75fd125cecb59c5"},
"parse_trans": {:hex, :parse_trans, "3.3.0", "09765507a3c7590a784615cfd421d101aec25098d50b89d7aa1d66646bc571c1", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "17ef63abde837ad30680ea7f857dd9e7ced9476cdd7b0394432af4bfc241b960"},
"pbkdf2_elixir": {:hex, :pbkdf2_elixir, "0.12.4", "8dd29ed783f2e12195d7e0a4640effc0a7c37e6537da491f1db01839eee6d053", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "595d09db74cb093b1903381c9de423276a931a2480a46a1a5dc7f932a2a6375b"},
"phoenix": {:hex, :phoenix, "1.4.13", "67271ad69b51f3719354604f4a3f968f83aa61c19199343656c9caee057ff3b8", [:mix], [{:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:phoenix_pubsub, "~> 1.1", [hex: :phoenix_pubsub, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug, "~> 1.8.1 or ~> 1.9", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug_cowboy, "~> 1.0 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :plug_cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "ab765a0feddb81fc62e2116c827b5f068df85159c162bee760745276ad7ddc1b"},
@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@
"swoosh": {:hex, :swoosh, "0.23.5", "bfd9404bbf5069b1be2ffd317923ce57e58b332e25dbca2a35dedd7820dfee5a", [:mix], [{:cowboy, "~> 1.0.1 or ~> 1.1 or ~> 2.4", [hex: :cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:gen_smtp, "~> 0.13", [hex: :gen_smtp, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:hackney, "~> 1.9", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mail, "~> 0.2", [hex: :mail, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:mime, "~> 1.1", [hex: :mime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug_cowboy, ">= 1.0.0", [hex: :plug_cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "e3928e1d2889a308aaf3e42755809ac21cffd77cb58eef01cbfdab4ce2fd1e21"},
"syslog": {:hex, :syslog, "1.0.6", "995970c9aa7feb380ac493302138e308d6e04fd57da95b439a6df5bb3bf75076", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "769ddfabd0d2a16f3f9c17eb7509951e0ca4f68363fb26f2ee51a8ec4a49881a"},
"telemetry": {:hex, :telemetry, "0.4.1", "ae2718484892448a24470e6aa341bc847c3277bfb8d4e9289f7474d752c09c7f", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "4738382e36a0a9a2b6e25d67c960e40e1a2c95560b9f936d8e29de8cd858480f"},
- "tesla": {:hex, :tesla, "1.3.2", "deb92c5c9ce35e747a395ba413ca78593a4f75bf0e1545630ee2e3d34264021e", [:mix], [{:castore, "~> 0.1", [hex: :castore, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:exjsx, ">= 3.0.0", [hex: :exjsx, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:fuse, "~> 2.4", [hex: :fuse, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:gun, "~> 1.3", [hex: :gun, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:hackney, "~> 1.6", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:ibrowse, "~> 4.4.0", [hex: :ibrowse, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:jason, ">= 1.0.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:mime, "~> 1.0", [hex: :mime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mint, "~> 1.0", [hex: :mint, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:poison, ">= 1.0.0", [hex: :poison, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.3", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "7567704c4790e21bd9a961b56d0b6a988ff68cc4dacfe6b2106e258da1d5cdda"},
+ "tesla": {:git, "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/elixir-libraries/tesla.git", "61b7503cef33f00834f78ddfafe0d5d9dec2270b", [ref: "61b7503cef33f00834f78ddfafe0d5d9dec2270b"]},
"timex": {:hex, :timex, "3.6.1", "efdf56d0e67a6b956cc57774353b0329c8ab7726766a11547e529357ffdc1d56", [:mix], [{:combine, "~> 0.10", [hex: :combine, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:gettext, "~> 0.10", [hex: :gettext, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:tzdata, "~> 0.1.8 or ~> 0.5 or ~> 1.0.0", [hex: :tzdata, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "f354efb2400dd7a80fd9eb6c8419068c4f632da4ac47f3d8822d6e33f08bc852"},
"trailing_format_plug": {:hex, :trailing_format_plug, "0.0.7", "64b877f912cf7273bed03379936df39894149e35137ac9509117e59866e10e45", [:mix], [{:plug, "> 0.12.0", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "bd4fde4c15f3e993a999e019d64347489b91b7a9096af68b2bdadd192afa693f"},
"tzdata": {:hex, :tzdata, "0.5.22", "f2ba9105117ee0360eae2eca389783ef7db36d533899b2e84559404dbc77ebb8", [:mix], [{:hackney, "~> 1.0", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "cd66c8a1e6a9e121d1f538b01bef459334bb4029a1ffb4eeeb5e4eae0337e7b6"},
diff --git a/priv/repo/migrations/20190408123347_create_conversations.exs b/priv/repo/migrations/20190408123347_create_conversations.exs
index d75459e82..3eaa6136c 100644
--- a/priv/repo/migrations/20190408123347_create_conversations.exs
+++ b/priv/repo/migrations/20190408123347_create_conversations.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.CreateConversations do
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-Admin FE
\ No newline at end of file
+Admin FE
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/restarter/lib/pleroma.ex
+++ b/restarter/lib/pleroma.ex
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def handle_cast(:refresh, _state) do
def handle_cast({:restart, :test, _}, state) do
- Logger.warn("pleroma restarted")
+ Logger.debug("pleroma manually restarted")
{:noreply, Map.put(state, :need_reboot, false)}
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def handle_cast({:restart, _, delay}, state) do
def handle_cast({:after_boot, _}, %{after_boot: true} = state), do: {:noreply, state}
def handle_cast({:after_boot, :test}, state) do
- Logger.warn("pleroma restarted")
+ Logger.debug("pleroma restarted after boot")
state = %{state | after_boot: true, rebooted: true}
{:noreply, state}
diff --git a/test/activity/ir/topics_test.exs b/test/activity/ir/topics_test.exs
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--- a/test/activity/ir/topics_test.exs
+++ b/test/activity/ir/topics_test.exs
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ test "converts tags to hash tags", %{activity: %{object: %{data: data} = object}
assert Enum.member?(topics, "hashtag:bar")
- test "only converts strinngs to hash tags", %{
+ test "only converts strings to hash tags", %{
activity: %{object: %{data: data} = object} = activity
} do
tagged_data = Map.put(data, "tag", [2])
diff --git a/test/config/config_db_test.exs b/test/config/config_db_test.exs
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--- a/test/config/config_db_test.exs
+++ b/test/config/config_db_test.exs
@@ -478,14 +478,6 @@ test "simple keyword" do
assert ConfigDB.from_binary(binary) == [key: "value"]
- test "keyword with partial_chain key" do
- binary =
- ConfigDB.transform([%{"tuple" => [":partial_chain", "&:hackney_connect.partial_chain/1"]}])
- assert binary == :erlang.term_to_binary(partial_chain: &:hackney_connect.partial_chain/1)
- assert ConfigDB.from_binary(binary) == [partial_chain: &:hackney_connect.partial_chain/1]
- end
test "keyword" do
binary =
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "finmoji": {
+ "license": "CC BY-NC-ND 4.0",
+ "homepage": "https://finland.fi/emoji/",
+ "description": "Finland is the first country in the world to publish its own set of country themed emojis. The Finland emoji collection contains 56 tongue-in-cheek emotions, which were created to explain some hard-to-describe Finnish emotions, Finnish words and customs.",
+ "src": "https://finland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/finland-emojis.zip",
+ "src_sha256": "384025A1AC6314473863A11AC7AB38A12C01B851A3F82359B89B4D4211D3291D",
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/emoji/packs/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "blobs.gg": {
+ "src_sha256": "3a12f3a181678d5b3584a62095411b0d60a335118135910d879920f8ade5a57f",
+ "src": "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/packs/blobs_gg.zip",
+ "license": "Apache 2.0",
+ "homepage": "https://blobs.gg",
+ "files": "blobs_gg.json",
+ "description": "Blob Emoji from blobs.gg repacked as apng"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "type": "Audio",
+ "name": "Compositions - Test Audio for Pleroma",
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+ "published": "2020-03-11T10:01:52.714918+00:00",
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+ {
+ "type": "Link",
+ "mimeType": "audio/ogg",
+ "href": "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/api/v1/listen/3901e5d8-0445-49d5-9711-e096cf32e515/?upload=42342395-0208-4fee-a38d-259a6dae0871&download=false"
+ },
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+ "type": "Link",
+ "mimeType": "text/html",
+ "href": "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/library/tracks/74"
+ }
+ ],
+ "content": "This is a test Audio for Pleroma.
+ "mediaType": "text/html",
+ "tag": [
+ {
+ "type": "Hashtag",
+ "name": "#funkwhale"
+ },
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+ "type": "Hashtag",
+ "name": "#test"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "Hashtag",
+ "name": "#tests"
+ }
+ ],
+ "summary": "#funkwhale #test #tests",
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+ {
+ "manuallyApprovesFollowers": "as:manuallyApprovesFollowers"
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
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+ "href": "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/channels/compositions",
+ "mediaType": "text/html"
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+ "type": "Link",
+ "href": "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/api/v1/channels/compositions/rss",
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+ "url": "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/media/attachments/75/b4/f1/nosmile.jpeg",
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+ },
+ "summary": "I'm testing federation with the fediverse :)
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+ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
+ "https://w3id.org/security/v1",
+ {
+ "manuallyApprovesFollowers": "as:manuallyApprovesFollowers"
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+ "id": "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/federation/actors/compositions#main-key"
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+ "endpoints": {
+ "sharedInbox": "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/federation/shared/inbox"
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
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+ "id": "http://localhost:4001/users/{{nickname}}#main-key",
+ "owner": "http://localhost:4001/users/{{nickname}}",
+ "publicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA5DLtwGXNZElJyxFGfcVc\nXANhaMadj/iYYQwZjOJTV9QsbtiNBeIK54PJrYuU0/0YIdrvS1iqheX5IwXRhcwa\nhm3ZyLz7XeN9st7FBni4BmZMBtMpxAuYuu5p/jbWy13qAiYOhPreCx0wrWgm/lBD\n9mkgaxIxPooBE0S4ZWEJIDIV1Vft3AWcRUyWW1vIBK0uZzs6GYshbQZB952S0yo4\nFzI1hABGHncH8UvuFauh4EZ8tY7/X5I0pGRnDOcRN1dAht5w5yTA+6r5kebiFQjP\nIzN/eCO/a9Flrj9YGW7HDNtjSOH0A31PLRGlJtJO3yK57dnf5ppyCZGfL4emShQo\ncQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n\n"
+ },
+ "summary": "your friendly neighborhood pleroma developer
I like cute things and distributed systems, and really hate delete and redrafts",
+ "tag": [],
+ "type": "Person",
+ "url": "http://localhost:4001/users/{{nickname}}"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/21.1 b/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/21.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90cd64c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/21.1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/22.1 b/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/22.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9b314368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/22.1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/22.4 b/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/22.4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1da8ccd28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/22.4
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/23.0 b/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/23.0
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4266d8634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/23.0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/formatter_test.exs b/test/formatter_test.exs
index cf8441cf6..93fd8eab7 100644
--- a/test/formatter_test.exs
+++ b/test/formatter_test.exs
@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ test "gives a replacement for user links, using local nicknames in user links te
assert length(mentions) == 3
expected_text =
- ~s(@gsimg According to @gsimg According to @archa_eme_, that is @daggsy. Also hello @archa_eme_, that is @daggsy. Also hello @archaeme)
+ }" href="#{archaeme_remote.ap_id}" rel="ugc">@archaeme)
assert expected_text == text
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ test "gives a replacement for user links when the user is using Osada" do
assert length(mentions) == 1
expected_text =
- ~s(
@mike test)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ test "gives a replacement for single-character local nicknames" do
assert length(mentions) == 1
expected_text =
- ~s(
@o hi)
+ ~s(
@o hi)
assert expected_text == text
@@ -209,17 +209,13 @@ test "given the 'safe_mention' option, it will only mention people in the beginn
assert mentions == [{"@#{user.nickname}", user}, {"@#{other_user.nickname}", other_user}]
assert expected_text ==
- ~s(
@#{user.nickname} @#{user.nickname} @#{
- other_user.nickname
- } hey dudes i hate
@#{other_user.nickname} hey dudes i hate
- third_user.nickname
- })
+ }" href="#{third_user.ap_id}" rel="ugc">@
test "given the 'safe_mention' option, it will still work without any mention" do
diff --git a/test/http/adapter_helper/gun_test.exs b/test/http/adapter_helper/gun_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e961826e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/http/adapter_helper/gun_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.GunTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
+ import Mox
+ alias Pleroma.Config
+ alias Pleroma.Gun.Conn
+ alias Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.Gun
+ alias Pleroma.Pool.Connections
+ setup :verify_on_exit!
+ defp gun_mock(_) do
+ gun_mock()
+ :ok
+ end
+ defp gun_mock do
+ Pleroma.GunMock
+ |> stub(:open, fn _, _, _ -> Task.start_link(fn -> Process.sleep(1000) end) end)
+ |> stub(:await_up, fn _, _ -> {:ok, :http} end)
+ |> stub(:set_owner, fn _, _ -> :ok end)
+ end
+ describe "options/1" do
+ setup do: clear_config([:http, :adapter], a: 1, b: 2)
+ test "https url with default port" do
+ uri = URI.parse("https://example.com")
+ opts = Gun.options([receive_conn: false], uri)
+ assert opts[:certificates_verification]
+ assert opts[:tls_opts][:log_level] == :warning
+ end
+ test "https ipv4 with default port" do
+ uri = URI.parse("")
+ opts = Gun.options([receive_conn: false], uri)
+ assert opts[:certificates_verification]
+ assert opts[:tls_opts][:log_level] == :warning
+ end
+ test "https ipv6 with default port" do
+ uri = URI.parse("https://[2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de]")
+ opts = Gun.options([receive_conn: false], uri)
+ assert opts[:certificates_verification]
+ assert opts[:tls_opts][:log_level] == :warning
+ end
+ test "https url with non standart port" do
+ uri = URI.parse("https://example.com:115")
+ opts = Gun.options([receive_conn: false], uri)
+ assert opts[:certificates_verification]
+ end
+ test "get conn on next request" do
+ gun_mock()
+ level = Application.get_env(:logger, :level)
+ Logger.configure(level: :debug)
+ on_exit(fn -> Logger.configure(level: level) end)
+ uri = URI.parse("http://some-domain2.com")
+ opts = Gun.options(uri)
+ assert opts[:conn] == nil
+ assert opts[:close_conn] == nil
+ Process.sleep(50)
+ opts = Gun.options(uri)
+ assert is_pid(opts[:conn])
+ assert opts[:close_conn] == false
+ end
+ test "merges with defaul http adapter config" do
+ defaults = Gun.options([receive_conn: false], URI.parse("https://example.com"))
+ assert Keyword.has_key?(defaults, :a)
+ assert Keyword.has_key?(defaults, :b)
+ end
+ test "default ssl adapter opts with connection" do
+ gun_mock()
+ uri = URI.parse("https://some-domain.com")
+ :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
+ opts = Gun.options(uri)
+ assert opts[:certificates_verification]
+ refute opts[:tls_opts] == []
+ assert opts[:close_conn] == false
+ assert is_pid(opts[:conn])
+ end
+ test "parses string proxy host & port" do
+ proxy = Config.get([:http, :proxy_url])
+ Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], "localhost:8123")
+ on_exit(fn -> Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], proxy) end)
+ uri = URI.parse("https://some-domain.com")
+ opts = Gun.options([receive_conn: false], uri)
+ assert opts[:proxy] == {'localhost', 8123}
+ end
+ test "parses tuple proxy scheme host and port" do
+ proxy = Config.get([:http, :proxy_url])
+ Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], {:socks, 'localhost', 1234})
+ on_exit(fn -> Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], proxy) end)
+ uri = URI.parse("https://some-domain.com")
+ opts = Gun.options([receive_conn: false], uri)
+ assert opts[:proxy] == {:socks, 'localhost', 1234}
+ end
+ test "passed opts have more weight than defaults" do
+ proxy = Config.get([:http, :proxy_url])
+ Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], {:socks5, 'localhost', 1234})
+ on_exit(fn -> Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], proxy) end)
+ uri = URI.parse("https://some-domain.com")
+ opts = Gun.options([receive_conn: false, proxy: {'example.com', 4321}], uri)
+ assert opts[:proxy] == {'example.com', 4321}
+ end
+ end
+ describe "options/1 with receive_conn parameter" do
+ setup :gun_mock
+ test "receive conn by default" do
+ uri = URI.parse("http://another-domain.com")
+ :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
+ received_opts = Gun.options(uri)
+ assert received_opts[:close_conn] == false
+ assert is_pid(received_opts[:conn])
+ end
+ test "don't receive conn if receive_conn is false" do
+ uri = URI.parse("http://another-domain.com")
+ :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
+ opts = [receive_conn: false]
+ received_opts = Gun.options(opts, uri)
+ assert received_opts[:close_conn] == nil
+ assert received_opts[:conn] == nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "after_request/1" do
+ setup :gun_mock
+ test "body_as not chunks" do
+ uri = URI.parse("http://some-domain.com")
+ :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
+ opts = Gun.options(uri)
+ :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
+ conn = opts[:conn]
+ assert %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ used_by: []
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
+ end
+ test "body_as chunks" do
+ uri = URI.parse("http://some-domain.com")
+ :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
+ opts = Gun.options([body_as: :chunks], uri)
+ :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
+ conn = opts[:conn]
+ self = self()
+ assert %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ conn_state: :active,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}]
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
+ end
+ test "with no connection" do
+ uri = URI.parse("http://uniq-domain.com")
+ :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
+ opts = Gun.options([body_as: :chunks], uri)
+ conn = opts[:conn]
+ opts = Keyword.delete(opts, :conn)
+ self = self()
+ :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
+ assert %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:uniq-domain.com:80" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ conn_state: :active,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}]
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
+ end
+ test "with ipv4" do
+ uri = URI.parse("")
+ :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
+ opts = Gun.options(uri)
+ :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
+ conn = opts[:conn]
+ assert %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ used_by: []
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
+ end
+ test "with ipv6" do
+ uri = URI.parse("http://[2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de]")
+ :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
+ opts = Gun.options(uri)
+ :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
+ conn = opts[:conn]
+ assert %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de:80" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ used_by: []
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/http/adapter_helper/hackney_test.exs b/test/http/adapter_helper/hackney_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f7e708e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/http/adapter_helper/hackney_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.HackneyTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
+ alias Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.Hackney
+ setup_all do
+ uri = URI.parse("http://domain.com")
+ {:ok, uri: uri}
+ end
+ describe "options/2" do
+ setup do: clear_config([:http, :adapter], a: 1, b: 2)
+ test "add proxy and opts from config", %{uri: uri} do
+ opts = Hackney.options([proxy: "localhost:8123"], uri)
+ assert opts[:a] == 1
+ assert opts[:b] == 2
+ assert opts[:proxy] == "localhost:8123"
+ end
+ test "respect connection opts and no proxy", %{uri: uri} do
+ opts = Hackney.options([a: 2, b: 1], uri)
+ assert opts[:a] == 2
+ assert opts[:b] == 1
+ refute Keyword.has_key?(opts, :proxy)
+ end
+ test "add opts for https" do
+ uri = URI.parse("https://domain.com")
+ opts = Hackney.options(uri)
+ assert opts[:ssl_options] == [
+ partial_chain: &:hackney_connect.partial_chain/1,
+ versions: [:tlsv1, :"tlsv1.1", :"tlsv1.2"],
+ server_name_indication: 'domain.com'
+ ]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/http/adapter_helper_test.exs b/test/http/adapter_helper_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24d501ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/http/adapter_helper_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelperTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ alias Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper
+ describe "format_proxy/1" do
+ test "with nil" do
+ assert AdapterHelper.format_proxy(nil) == nil
+ end
+ test "with string" do
+ assert AdapterHelper.format_proxy("") == {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 8123}
+ end
+ test "localhost with port" do
+ assert AdapterHelper.format_proxy("localhost:8123") == {'localhost', 8123}
+ end
+ test "tuple" do
+ assert AdapterHelper.format_proxy({:socks4, :localhost, 9050}) ==
+ {:socks4, 'localhost', 9050}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/http/connection_test.exs b/test/http/connection_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cc78ad5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/http/connection_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.ConnectionTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
+ import ExUnit.CaptureLog
+ alias Pleroma.Config
+ alias Pleroma.HTTP.Connection
+ describe "parse_host/1" do
+ test "as atom to charlist" do
+ assert Connection.parse_host(:localhost) == 'localhost'
+ end
+ test "as string to charlist" do
+ assert Connection.parse_host("localhost.com") == 'localhost.com'
+ end
+ test "as string ip to tuple" do
+ assert Connection.parse_host("") == {127, 0, 0, 1}
+ end
+ end
+ describe "parse_proxy/1" do
+ test "ip with port" do
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy("") == {:ok, {127, 0, 0, 1}, 8123}
+ end
+ test "host with port" do
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy("localhost:8123") == {:ok, 'localhost', 8123}
+ end
+ test "as tuple" do
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy({:socks4, :localhost, 9050}) ==
+ {:ok, :socks4, 'localhost', 9050}
+ end
+ test "as tuple with string host" do
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy({:socks5, "localhost", 9050}) ==
+ {:ok, :socks5, 'localhost', 9050}
+ end
+ end
+ describe "parse_proxy/1 errors" do
+ test "ip without port" do
+ capture_log(fn ->
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy("") == {:error, :invalid_proxy}
+ end) =~ "parsing proxy fail \"\""
+ end
+ test "host without port" do
+ capture_log(fn ->
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy("localhost") == {:error, :invalid_proxy}
+ end) =~ "parsing proxy fail \"localhost\""
+ end
+ test "host with bad port" do
+ capture_log(fn ->
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy("localhost:port") == {:error, :invalid_proxy_port}
+ end) =~ "parsing port in proxy fail \"localhost:port\""
+ end
+ test "ip with bad port" do
+ capture_log(fn ->
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy("") == {:error, :invalid_proxy_port}
+ end) =~ "parsing port in proxy fail \"\""
+ end
+ test "as tuple without port" do
+ capture_log(fn ->
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy({:socks5, :localhost}) == {:error, :invalid_proxy}
+ end) =~ "parsing proxy fail {:socks5, :localhost}"
+ end
+ test "with nil" do
+ assert Connection.parse_proxy(nil) == nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "options/3" do
+ setup do: clear_config([:http, :proxy_url])
+ test "without proxy_url in config" do
+ Config.delete([:http, :proxy_url])
+ opts = Connection.options(%URI{})
+ refute Keyword.has_key?(opts, :proxy)
+ end
+ test "parses string proxy host & port" do
+ Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], "localhost:8123")
+ opts = Connection.options(%URI{})
+ assert opts[:proxy] == {'localhost', 8123}
+ end
+ test "parses tuple proxy scheme host and port" do
+ Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], {:socks, 'localhost', 1234})
+ opts = Connection.options(%URI{})
+ assert opts[:proxy] == {:socks, 'localhost', 1234}
+ end
+ test "passed opts have more weight than defaults" do
+ Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], {:socks5, 'localhost', 1234})
+ opts = Connection.options(%URI{}, proxy: {'example.com', 4321})
+ assert opts[:proxy] == {'example.com', 4321}
+ end
+ end
+ describe "format_host/1" do
+ test "with domain" do
+ assert Connection.format_host("example.com") == 'example.com'
+ end
+ test "with idna domain" do
+ assert Connection.format_host("ですexample.com") == 'xn--example-183fne.com'
+ end
+ test "with ipv4" do
+ assert Connection.format_host("") == ''
+ end
+ test "with ipv6" do
+ assert Connection.format_host("2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de") ==
+ '2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de'
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/http/request_builder_test.exs b/test/http/request_builder_test.exs
index bf3a15ebe..f11528c3f 100644
--- a/test/http/request_builder_test.exs
+++ b/test/http/request_builder_test.exs
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.RequestBuilderTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
+ alias Pleroma.Config
+ alias Pleroma.HTTP.Request
alias Pleroma.HTTP.RequestBuilder
describe "headers/2" do
@@ -12,48 +14,31 @@ defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.RequestBuilderTest do
setup do: clear_config([:http, :user_agent])
test "don't send pleroma user agent" do
- assert RequestBuilder.headers(%{}, []) == %{headers: []}
+ assert RequestBuilder.headers(%Request{}, []) == %Request{headers: []}
test "send pleroma user agent" do
- Pleroma.Config.put([:http, :send_user_agent], true)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:http, :user_agent], :default)
+ Config.put([:http, :send_user_agent], true)
+ Config.put([:http, :user_agent], :default)
- assert RequestBuilder.headers(%{}, []) == %{
- headers: [{"User-Agent", Pleroma.Application.user_agent()}]
+ assert RequestBuilder.headers(%Request{}, []) == %Request{
+ headers: [{"user-agent", Pleroma.Application.user_agent()}]
test "send custom user agent" do
- Pleroma.Config.put([:http, :send_user_agent], true)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:http, :user_agent], "totally-not-pleroma")
+ Config.put([:http, :send_user_agent], true)
+ Config.put([:http, :user_agent], "totally-not-pleroma")
- assert RequestBuilder.headers(%{}, []) == %{
- headers: [{"User-Agent", "totally-not-pleroma"}]
+ assert RequestBuilder.headers(%Request{}, []) == %Request{
+ headers: [{"user-agent", "totally-not-pleroma"}]
- describe "add_optional_params/3" do
- test "don't add if keyword is empty" do
- assert RequestBuilder.add_optional_params(%{}, %{}, []) == %{}
- end
- test "add query parameter" do
- assert RequestBuilder.add_optional_params(
- %{},
- %{query: :query, body: :body, another: :val},
- [
- {:query, "param1=val1¶m2=val2"},
- {:body, "some body"}
- ]
- ) == %{query: "param1=val1¶m2=val2", body: "some body"}
- end
- end
describe "add_param/4" do
test "add file parameter" do
- %{
+ %Request{
body: %Tesla.Multipart{
boundary: _,
content_type_params: [],
@@ -70,7 +55,7 @@ test "add file parameter" do
- } = RequestBuilder.add_param(%{}, :file, "filename.png", "some-path/filename.png")
+ } = RequestBuilder.add_param(%Request{}, :file, "filename.png", "some-path/filename.png")
test "add key to body" do
@@ -82,7 +67,7 @@ test "add key to body" do
body: "\"someval\"",
dispositions: [name: "somekey"],
- headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"]
+ headers: [{"content-type", "application/json"}]
diff --git a/test/http_test.exs b/test/http_test.exs
index 3edb0de36..618485b55 100644
--- a/test/http_test.exs
+++ b/test/http_test.exs
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.HTTPTest do
- use Pleroma.DataCase
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
import Tesla.Mock
+ alias Pleroma.HTTP
setup do
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.HTTPTest do
describe "get/1" do
test "returns successfully result" do
- assert Pleroma.HTTP.get("http://example.com/hello") == {
+ assert HTTP.get("http://example.com/hello") == {
%Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: "hello"}
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ test "returns successfully result" do
describe "get/2 (with headers)" do
test "returns successfully result for json content-type" do
- assert Pleroma.HTTP.get("http://example.com/hello", [{"content-type", "application/json"}]) ==
+ assert HTTP.get("http://example.com/hello", [{"content-type", "application/json"}]) ==
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ test "returns successfully result for json content-type" do
describe "post/2" do
test "returns successfully result" do
- assert Pleroma.HTTP.post("http://example.com/world", "") == {
+ assert HTTP.post("http://example.com/world", "") == {
%Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: "world"}
diff --git a/test/notification_test.exs b/test/notification_test.exs
index d240ede94..837a9dacd 100644
--- a/test/notification_test.exs
+++ b/test/notification_test.exs
@@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
import Pleroma.Factory
+ import Mock
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.Tests.ObanHelpers
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
+ alias Pleroma.Web.Push
alias Pleroma.Web.Streamer
describe "create_notifications" do
@@ -80,6 +82,80 @@ test "does not create a notification for subscribed users if status is a reply"
+ describe "CommonApi.post/2 notification-related functionality" do
+ test_with_mock "creates but does NOT send notification to blocker user",
+ Push,
+ [:passthrough],
+ [] do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ blocker = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _user_relationship} = User.block(blocker, user)
+ {:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{blocker.nickname}!"})
+ blocker_id = blocker.id
+ assert [%Notification{user_id: ^blocker_id}] = Repo.all(Notification)
+ refute called(Push.send(:_))
+ end
+ test_with_mock "creates but does NOT send notification to notification-muter user",
+ Push,
+ [:passthrough],
+ [] do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ muter = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _user_relationships} = User.mute(muter, user)
+ {:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{muter.nickname}!"})
+ muter_id = muter.id
+ assert [%Notification{user_id: ^muter_id}] = Repo.all(Notification)
+ refute called(Push.send(:_))
+ end
+ test_with_mock "creates but does NOT send notification to thread-muter user",
+ Push,
+ [:passthrough],
+ [] do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ thread_muter = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{thread_muter.nickname}!"})
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.add_mute(thread_muter, activity)
+ {:ok, _same_context_activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{
+ "status" => "hey-hey-hey @#{thread_muter.nickname}!",
+ "in_reply_to_status_id" => activity.id
+ })
+ [pre_mute_notification, post_mute_notification] =
+ Repo.all(from(n in Notification, where: n.user_id == ^thread_muter.id, order_by: n.id))
+ pre_mute_notification_id = pre_mute_notification.id
+ post_mute_notification_id = post_mute_notification.id
+ assert called(
+ Push.send(
+ :meck.is(fn
+ %Notification{id: ^pre_mute_notification_id} -> true
+ _ -> false
+ end)
+ )
+ )
+ refute called(
+ Push.send(
+ :meck.is(fn
+ %Notification{id: ^post_mute_notification_id} -> true
+ _ -> false
+ end)
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ end
describe "create_notification" do
@tag needs_streamer: true
test "it creates a notification for user and send to the 'user' and the 'user:notification' stream" do
@@ -382,7 +458,7 @@ test "Returns recent notifications" do
- describe "notification target determination" do
+ describe "notification target determination / get_notified_from_activity/2" do
test "it sends notifications to addressed users in new messages" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
@@ -392,7 +468,9 @@ test "it sends notifications to addressed users in new messages" do
"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"
- assert other_user in Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+ {enabled_receivers, _disabled_receivers} = Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+ assert other_user in enabled_receivers
test "it sends notifications to mentioned users in new messages" do
@@ -420,7 +498,9 @@ test "it sends notifications to mentioned users in new messages" do
{:ok, activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(create_activity)
- assert other_user in Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+ {enabled_receivers, _disabled_receivers} = Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+ assert other_user in enabled_receivers
test "it does not send notifications to users who are only cc in new messages" do
@@ -442,7 +522,9 @@ test "it does not send notifications to users who are only cc in new messages" d
{:ok, activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(create_activity)
- assert other_user not in Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+ {enabled_receivers, _disabled_receivers} = Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+ assert other_user not in enabled_receivers
test "it does not send notification to mentioned users in likes" do
@@ -455,9 +537,12 @@ test "it does not send notification to mentioned users in likes" do
"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"
- {:ok, activity_two, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity_one.id, third_user)
+ {:ok, activity_two} = CommonAPI.favorite(third_user, activity_one.id)
- assert other_user not in Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity_two)
+ {enabled_receivers, _disabled_receivers} =
+ Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity_two)
+ assert other_user not in enabled_receivers
test "it does not send notification to mentioned users in announces" do
@@ -472,7 +557,57 @@ test "it does not send notification to mentioned users in announces" do
{:ok, activity_two, _} = CommonAPI.repeat(activity_one.id, third_user)
- assert other_user not in Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity_two)
+ {enabled_receivers, _disabled_receivers} =
+ Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity_two)
+ assert other_user not in enabled_receivers
+ end
+ test "it returns blocking recipient in disabled recipients list" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _user_relationship} = User.block(other_user, user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"})
+ {enabled_receivers, disabled_receivers} = Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+ assert [] == enabled_receivers
+ assert [other_user] == disabled_receivers
+ end
+ test "it returns notification-muting recipient in disabled recipients list" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _user_relationships} = User.mute(other_user, user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"})
+ {enabled_receivers, disabled_receivers} = Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+ assert [] == enabled_receivers
+ assert [other_user] == disabled_receivers
+ end
+ test "it returns thread-muting recipient in disabled recipients list" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"})
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.add_mute(other_user, activity)
+ {:ok, same_context_activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{
+ "status" => "hey-hey-hey @#{other_user.nickname}!",
+ "in_reply_to_status_id" => activity.id
+ })
+ {enabled_receivers, disabled_receivers} =
+ Notification.get_notified_from_activity(same_context_activity)
+ assert [other_user] == disabled_receivers
+ refute other_user in enabled_receivers
@@ -485,7 +620,7 @@ test "liking an activity results in 1 notification, then 0 if the activity is de
assert Enum.empty?(Notification.for_user(user))
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, activity.id)
assert length(Notification.for_user(user)) == 1
@@ -502,7 +637,7 @@ test "liking an activity results in 1 notification, then 0 if the activity is un
assert Enum.empty?(Notification.for_user(user))
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, activity.id)
assert length(Notification.for_user(user)) == 1
@@ -557,7 +692,7 @@ test "liking an activity which is already deleted does not generate a notificati
assert Enum.empty?(Notification.for_user(user))
- {:error, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
+ {:error, :not_found} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, activity.id)
assert Enum.empty?(Notification.for_user(user))
@@ -649,12 +784,20 @@ test "notifications are deleted if a remote user is deleted" do
"object" => remote_user.ap_id
+ remote_user_url = remote_user.ap_id
+ Tesla.Mock.mock(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: ^remote_user_url} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: ""}
+ end)
{:ok, _delete_activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(delete_user_message)
assert Enum.empty?(Notification.for_user(local_user))
+ @tag capture_log: true
test "move activity generates a notification" do
%{ap_id: old_ap_id} = old_user = insert(:user)
%{ap_id: new_ap_id} = new_user = insert(:user, also_known_as: [old_ap_id])
@@ -664,6 +807,18 @@ test "move activity generates a notification" do
User.follow(follower, old_user)
User.follow(other_follower, old_user)
+ old_user_url = old_user.ap_id
+ body =
+ File.read!("test/fixtures/users_mock/localhost.json")
+ |> String.replace("{{nickname}}", old_user.nickname)
+ |> Jason.encode!()
+ Tesla.Mock.mock(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: ^old_user_url} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: body}
+ end)
Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.move(old_user, new_user)
@@ -716,7 +871,7 @@ test "it doesn't return notifications for blocked user" do
assert Notification.for_user(user) == []
- test "it doesn't return notificatitons for blocked domain" do
+ test "it doesn't return notifications for blocked domain" do
user = insert(:user)
blocked = insert(:user, ap_id: "http://some-domain.com")
{:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "some-domain.com")
diff --git a/test/object_test.exs b/test/object_test.exs
index fe583decd..198d3b1cf 100644
--- a/test/object_test.exs
+++ b/test/object_test.exs
@@ -380,7 +380,8 @@ test "preserves internal fields on refetch", %{mock_modified: mock_modified} do
user = insert(:user)
activity = Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(object.data["id"])
- {:ok, _activity, object} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
+ object = Object.get_by_ap_id(activity.data["object"])
assert object.data["like_count"] == 1
diff --git a/test/otp_version_test.exs b/test/otp_version_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d2538ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/otp_version_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.OTPVersionTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ alias Pleroma.OTPVersion
+ describe "check/1" do
+ test "22.4" do
+ assert OTPVersion.get_version_from_files(["test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/22.4"]) ==
+ "22.4"
+ end
+ test "22.1" do
+ assert OTPVersion.get_version_from_files(["test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/22.1"]) ==
+ "22.1"
+ end
+ test "21.1" do
+ assert OTPVersion.get_version_from_files(["test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/21.1"]) ==
+ "21.1"
+ end
+ test "23.0" do
+ assert OTPVersion.get_version_from_files(["test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/23.0"]) ==
+ "23.0"
+ end
+ test "with non existance file" do
+ assert OTPVersion.get_version_from_files([
+ "test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/non-exising",
+ "test/fixtures/warnings/otp_version/22.4"
+ ]) == "22.4"
+ end
+ test "empty paths" do
+ assert OTPVersion.get_version_from_files([]) == nil
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/pool/connections_test.exs b/test/pool/connections_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aeda54875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pool/connections_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Pool.ConnectionsTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
+ import ExUnit.CaptureLog
+ import Mox
+ alias Pleroma.Gun.Conn
+ alias Pleroma.GunMock
+ alias Pleroma.Pool.Connections
+ setup :verify_on_exit!
+ setup_all do
+ name = :test_connections
+ {:ok, pid} = Connections.start_link({name, [checkin_timeout: 150]})
+ {:ok, _} = Registry.start_link(keys: :unique, name: Pleroma.GunMock)
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ if Process.alive?(pid), do: GenServer.stop(name)
+ end)
+ {:ok, name: name}
+ end
+ defp open_mock(num \\ 1) do
+ GunMock
+ |> expect(:open, num, &start_and_register(&1, &2, &3))
+ |> expect(:await_up, num, fn _, _ -> {:ok, :http} end)
+ |> expect(:set_owner, num, fn _, _ -> :ok end)
+ end
+ defp connect_mock(mock) do
+ mock
+ |> expect(:connect, &connect(&1, &2))
+ |> expect(:await, &await(&1, &2))
+ end
+ defp info_mock(mock), do: expect(mock, :info, &info(&1))
+ defp start_and_register('gun-not-up.com', _, _), do: {:error, :timeout}
+ defp start_and_register(host, port, _) do
+ {:ok, pid} = Task.start_link(fn -> Process.sleep(1000) end)
+ scheme =
+ case port do
+ 443 -> "https"
+ _ -> "http"
+ end
+ Registry.register(GunMock, pid, %{
+ origin_scheme: scheme,
+ origin_host: host,
+ origin_port: port
+ })
+ {:ok, pid}
+ end
+ defp info(pid) do
+ [{_, info}] = Registry.lookup(GunMock, pid)
+ info
+ end
+ defp connect(pid, _) do
+ ref = make_ref()
+ Registry.register(GunMock, ref, pid)
+ ref
+ end
+ defp await(pid, ref) do
+ [{_, ^pid}] = Registry.lookup(GunMock, ref)
+ {:response, :fin, 200, []}
+ end
+ defp now, do: :os.system_time(:second)
+ describe "alive?/2" do
+ test "is alive", %{name: name} do
+ assert Connections.alive?(name)
+ end
+ test "returns false if not started" do
+ refute Connections.alive?(:some_random_name)
+ end
+ end
+ test "opens connection and reuse it on next request", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ url = "http://some-domain.com"
+ key = "http:some-domain.com:80"
+ refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert is_pid(conn)
+ assert Process.alive?(conn)
+ self = self()
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}],
+ conn_state: :active
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert conn == reused_conn
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}, {^self, _}],
+ conn_state: :active
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ :ok = Connections.checkout(conn, self, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}],
+ conn_state: :active
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ :ok = Connections.checkout(conn, self, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [],
+ conn_state: :idle
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ end
+ test "reuse connection for idna domains", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ url = "http://ですsome-domain.com"
+ refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert is_pid(conn)
+ assert Process.alive?(conn)
+ self = self()
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:ですsome-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}],
+ conn_state: :active
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert conn == reused_conn
+ end
+ test "reuse for ipv4", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ url = ""
+ refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert is_pid(conn)
+ assert Process.alive?(conn)
+ self = self()
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}],
+ conn_state: :active
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert conn == reused_conn
+ :ok = Connections.checkout(conn, self, name)
+ :ok = Connections.checkout(reused_conn, self, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [],
+ conn_state: :idle
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ end
+ test "reuse for ipv6", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ url = "http://[2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de]"
+ refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert is_pid(conn)
+ assert Process.alive?(conn)
+ self = self()
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de:80" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}],
+ conn_state: :active
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert conn == reused_conn
+ end
+ test "up and down ipv4", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ |> info_mock()
+ |> allow(self(), name)
+ self = self()
+ url = ""
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ send(name, {:gun_down, conn, nil, nil, nil})
+ send(name, {:gun_up, conn, nil})
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}],
+ conn_state: :active
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ end
+ test "up and down ipv6", %{name: name} do
+ self = self()
+ open_mock()
+ |> info_mock()
+ |> allow(self, name)
+ url = "http://[2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de]"
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ send(name, {:gun_down, conn, nil, nil, nil})
+ send(name, {:gun_up, conn, nil})
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de:80" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}],
+ conn_state: :active
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ end
+ test "reuses connection based on protocol", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock(2)
+ http_url = "http://some-domain.com"
+ http_key = "http:some-domain.com:80"
+ https_url = "https://some-domain.com"
+ https_key = "https:some-domain.com:443"
+ refute Connections.checkin(http_url, name)
+ :ok = Conn.open(http_url, name)
+ conn = Connections.checkin(http_url, name)
+ assert is_pid(conn)
+ assert Process.alive?(conn)
+ refute Connections.checkin(https_url, name)
+ :ok = Conn.open(https_url, name)
+ https_conn = Connections.checkin(https_url, name)
+ refute conn == https_conn
+ reused_https = Connections.checkin(https_url, name)
+ refute conn == reused_https
+ assert reused_https == https_conn
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^http_key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ },
+ ^https_key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^https_conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ end
+ test "connection can't get up", %{name: name} do
+ expect(GunMock, :open, &start_and_register(&1, &2, &3))
+ url = "http://gun-not-up.com"
+ assert capture_log(fn ->
+ refute Conn.open(url, name)
+ refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ end) =~
+ "Opening connection to http://gun-not-up.com failed with error {:error, :timeout}"
+ end
+ test "process gun_down message and then gun_up", %{name: name} do
+ self = self()
+ open_mock()
+ |> info_mock()
+ |> allow(self, name)
+ url = "http://gun-down-and-up.com"
+ key = "http:gun-down-and-up.com:80"
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert is_pid(conn)
+ assert Process.alive?(conn)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}]
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ send(name, {:gun_down, conn, :http, nil, nil})
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :down,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}]
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ send(name, {:gun_up, conn, :http})
+ conn2 = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert conn == conn2
+ assert is_pid(conn2)
+ assert Process.alive?(conn2)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^key => %Conn{
+ conn: _,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}, {^self, _}]
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ end
+ test "async processes get same conn for same domain", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ url = "http://some-domain.com"
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
+ tasks =
+ for _ <- 1..5 do
+ Task.async(fn ->
+ Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ end)
+ end
+ tasks_with_results = Task.yield_many(tasks)
+ results =
+ Enum.map(tasks_with_results, fn {task, res} ->
+ res || Task.shutdown(task, :brutal_kill)
+ end)
+ conns = for {:ok, value} <- results, do: value
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+ conn: conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ assert Enum.all?(conns, fn res -> res == conn end)
+ end
+ test "remove frequently used and idle", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock(3)
+ self = self()
+ http_url = "http://some-domain.com"
+ https_url = "https://some-domain.com"
+ :ok = Conn.open(https_url, name)
+ :ok = Conn.open(http_url, name)
+ conn1 = Connections.checkin(https_url, name)
+ [conn2 | _conns] =
+ for _ <- 1..4 do
+ Connections.checkin(http_url, name)
+ end
+ http_key = "http:some-domain.com:80"
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^http_key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn2,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ conn_state: :active,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}, {^self, _}, {^self, _}, {^self, _}]
+ },
+ "https:some-domain.com:443" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn1,
+ gun_state: :up,
+ conn_state: :active,
+ used_by: [{^self, _}]
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ :ok = Connections.checkout(conn1, self, name)
+ another_url = "http://another-domain.com"
+ :ok = Conn.open(another_url, name)
+ conn = Connections.checkin(another_url, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:another-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ },
+ ^http_key => %Conn{
+ conn: _,
+ gun_state: :up
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ end
+ describe "with proxy" do
+ test "as ip", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ |> connect_mock()
+ url = "http://proxy-string.com"
+ key = "http:proxy-string.com:80"
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 8123})
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ ^key => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert reused_conn == conn
+ end
+ test "as host", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ |> connect_mock()
+ url = "http://proxy-tuple-atom.com"
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {'localhost', 9050})
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:proxy-tuple-atom.com:80" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert reused_conn == conn
+ end
+ test "as ip and ssl", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ |> connect_mock()
+ url = "https://proxy-string.com"
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 8123})
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "https:proxy-string.com:443" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert reused_conn == conn
+ end
+ test "as host and ssl", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ |> connect_mock()
+ url = "https://proxy-tuple-atom.com"
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {'localhost', 9050})
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "https:proxy-tuple-atom.com:443" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert reused_conn == conn
+ end
+ test "with socks type", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ url = "http://proxy-socks.com"
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {:socks5, 'localhost', 1234})
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "http:proxy-socks.com:80" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert reused_conn == conn
+ end
+ test "with socks4 type and ssl", %{name: name} do
+ open_mock()
+ url = "https://proxy-socks.com"
+ :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {:socks4, 'localhost', 1234})
+ conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ %Connections{
+ conns: %{
+ "https:proxy-socks.com:443" => %Conn{
+ conn: ^conn,
+ gun_state: :up
+ }
+ }
+ } = Connections.get_state(name)
+ reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
+ assert reused_conn == conn
+ end
+ end
+ describe "crf/3" do
+ setup do
+ crf = Connections.crf(1, 10, 1)
+ {:ok, crf: crf}
+ end
+ test "more used will have crf higher", %{crf: crf} do
+ # used 3 times
+ crf1 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf)
+ crf1 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf1)
+ # used 2 times
+ crf2 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf)
+ assert crf1 > crf2
+ end
+ test "recently used will have crf higher on equal references", %{crf: crf} do
+ # used 3 sec ago
+ crf1 = Connections.crf(3, 10, crf)
+ # used 4 sec ago
+ crf2 = Connections.crf(4, 10, crf)
+ assert crf1 > crf2
+ end
+ test "equal crf on equal reference and time", %{crf: crf} do
+ # used 2 times
+ crf1 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf)
+ # used 2 times
+ crf2 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf)
+ assert crf1 == crf2
+ end
+ test "recently used will have higher crf", %{crf: crf} do
+ crf1 = Connections.crf(2, 10, crf)
+ crf1 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf1)
+ crf2 = Connections.crf(3, 10, crf)
+ crf2 = Connections.crf(4, 10, crf2)
+ assert crf1 > crf2
+ end
+ end
+ describe "get_unused_conns/1" do
+ test "crf is equalent, sorting by reference", %{name: name} do
+ Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ last_reference: now() - 1
+ })
+ Connections.add_conn(name, "2", %Conn{
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ last_reference: now()
+ })
+ assert [{"1", _unused_conn} | _others] = Connections.get_unused_conns(name)
+ end
+ test "reference is equalent, sorting by crf", %{name: name} do
+ Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ crf: 1.999
+ })
+ Connections.add_conn(name, "2", %Conn{
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ crf: 2
+ })
+ assert [{"1", _unused_conn} | _others] = Connections.get_unused_conns(name)
+ end
+ test "higher crf and lower reference", %{name: name} do
+ Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ crf: 3,
+ last_reference: now() - 1
+ })
+ Connections.add_conn(name, "2", %Conn{
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ crf: 2,
+ last_reference: now()
+ })
+ assert [{"2", _unused_conn} | _others] = Connections.get_unused_conns(name)
+ end
+ test "lower crf and lower reference", %{name: name} do
+ Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ crf: 1.99,
+ last_reference: now() - 1
+ })
+ Connections.add_conn(name, "2", %Conn{
+ conn_state: :idle,
+ crf: 2,
+ last_reference: now()
+ })
+ assert [{"1", _unused_conn} | _others] = Connections.get_unused_conns(name)
+ end
+ end
+ test "count/1" do
+ name = :test_count
+ {:ok, _} = Connections.start_link({name, [checkin_timeout: 150]})
+ assert Connections.count(name) == 0
+ Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{conn: self()})
+ assert Connections.count(name) == 1
+ Connections.remove_conn(name, "1")
+ assert Connections.count(name) == 0
+ end
diff --git a/test/reverse_proxy_test.exs b/test/reverse_proxy/reverse_proxy_test.exs
similarity index 76%
rename from test/reverse_proxy_test.exs
rename to test/reverse_proxy/reverse_proxy_test.exs
index 87c6aca4e..c677066b3 100644
--- a/test/reverse_proxy_test.exs
+++ b/test/reverse_proxy/reverse_proxy_test.exs
@@ -4,13 +4,16 @@
defmodule Pleroma.ReverseProxyTest do
use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase, async: true
import ExUnit.CaptureLog
import Mox
alias Pleroma.ReverseProxy
alias Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock
+ alias Plug.Conn
setup_all do
- {:ok, _} = Registry.start_link(keys: :unique, name: Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock)
+ {:ok, _} = Registry.start_link(keys: :unique, name: ClientMock)
@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ defp user_agent_mock(user_agent, invokes) do
|> expect(:request, fn :get, url, _, _, _ ->
- Registry.register(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, url, 0)
+ Registry.register(ClientMock, url, 0)
{:ok, 200,
@@ -29,14 +32,14 @@ defp user_agent_mock(user_agent, invokes) do
{"content-length", byte_size(json) |> to_string()}
], %{url: url}}
- |> expect(:stream_body, invokes, fn %{url: url} ->
- case Registry.lookup(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, url) do
+ |> expect(:stream_body, invokes, fn %{url: url} = client ->
+ case Registry.lookup(ClientMock, url) do
[{_, 0}] ->
- Registry.update_value(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, url, &(&1 + 1))
- {:ok, json}
+ Registry.update_value(ClientMock, url, &(&1 + 1))
+ {:ok, json, client}
[{_, 1}] ->
- Registry.unregister(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, url)
+ Registry.unregister(ClientMock, url)
@@ -78,7 +81,39 @@ test "closed connection", %{conn: conn} do
assert conn.halted
- describe "max_body " do
+ defp stream_mock(invokes, with_close? \\ false) do
+ ClientMock
+ |> expect(:request, fn :get, "/stream-bytes/" <> length, _, _, _ ->
+ Registry.register(ClientMock, "/stream-bytes/" <> length, 0)
+ {:ok, 200, [{"content-type", "application/octet-stream"}],
+ %{url: "/stream-bytes/" <> length}}
+ end)
+ |> expect(:stream_body, invokes, fn %{url: "/stream-bytes/" <> length} = client ->
+ max = String.to_integer(length)
+ case Registry.lookup(ClientMock, "/stream-bytes/" <> length) do
+ [{_, current}] when current < max ->
+ Registry.update_value(
+ ClientMock,
+ "/stream-bytes/" <> length,
+ &(&1 + 10)
+ )
+ {:ok, "0123456789", client}
+ [{_, ^max}] ->
+ Registry.unregister(ClientMock, "/stream-bytes/" <> length)
+ :done
+ end
+ end)
+ if with_close? do
+ expect(ClientMock, :close, fn _ -> :ok end)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "max_body" do
test "length returns error if content-length more than option", %{conn: conn} do
user_agent_mock("hackney/1.15.1", 0)
@@ -94,38 +129,6 @@ test "length returns error if content-length more than option", %{conn: conn} do
end) == ""
- defp stream_mock(invokes, with_close? \\ false) do
- ClientMock
- |> expect(:request, fn :get, "/stream-bytes/" <> length, _, _, _ ->
- Registry.register(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, "/stream-bytes/" <> length, 0)
- {:ok, 200, [{"content-type", "application/octet-stream"}],
- %{url: "/stream-bytes/" <> length}}
- end)
- |> expect(:stream_body, invokes, fn %{url: "/stream-bytes/" <> length} ->
- max = String.to_integer(length)
- case Registry.lookup(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, "/stream-bytes/" <> length) do
- [{_, current}] when current < max ->
- Registry.update_value(
- Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock,
- "/stream-bytes/" <> length,
- &(&1 + 10)
- )
- {:ok, "0123456789"}
- [{_, ^max}] ->
- Registry.unregister(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, "/stream-bytes/" <> length)
- :done
- end
- end)
- if with_close? do
- expect(ClientMock, :close, fn _ -> :ok end)
- end
- end
test "max_body_length returns error if streaming body more than that option", %{conn: conn} do
stream_mock(3, true)
@@ -214,24 +217,24 @@ test "streaming", %{conn: conn} do
conn = ReverseProxy.call(conn, "/stream-bytes/200")
assert conn.state == :chunked
assert byte_size(conn.resp_body) == 200
- assert Plug.Conn.get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") == ["application/octet-stream"]
+ assert Conn.get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") == ["application/octet-stream"]
defp headers_mock(_) do
|> expect(:request, fn :get, "/headers", headers, _, _ ->
- Registry.register(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, "/headers", 0)
+ Registry.register(ClientMock, "/headers", 0)
{:ok, 200, [{"content-type", "application/json"}], %{url: "/headers", headers: headers}}
- |> expect(:stream_body, 2, fn %{url: url, headers: headers} ->
- case Registry.lookup(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, url) do
+ |> expect(:stream_body, 2, fn %{url: url, headers: headers} = client ->
+ case Registry.lookup(ClientMock, url) do
[{_, 0}] ->
- Registry.update_value(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, url, &(&1 + 1))
+ Registry.update_value(ClientMock, url, &(&1 + 1))
headers = for {k, v} <- headers, into: %{}, do: {String.capitalize(k), v}
- {:ok, Jason.encode!(%{headers: headers})}
+ {:ok, Jason.encode!(%{headers: headers}), client}
[{_, 1}] ->
- Registry.unregister(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, url)
+ Registry.unregister(ClientMock, url)
@@ -244,7 +247,7 @@ defp headers_mock(_) do
test "header passes", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
- Plug.Conn.put_req_header(
+ Conn.put_req_header(
@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ test "header passes", %{conn: conn} do
test "header is filtered", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
- Plug.Conn.put_req_header(
+ Conn.put_req_header(
@@ -290,18 +293,18 @@ test "add cache-control", %{conn: conn} do
defp disposition_headers_mock(headers) do
|> expect(:request, fn :get, "/disposition", _, _, _ ->
- Registry.register(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, "/disposition", 0)
+ Registry.register(ClientMock, "/disposition", 0)
{:ok, 200, headers, %{url: "/disposition"}}
- |> expect(:stream_body, 2, fn %{url: "/disposition"} ->
- case Registry.lookup(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, "/disposition") do
+ |> expect(:stream_body, 2, fn %{url: "/disposition"} = client ->
+ case Registry.lookup(ClientMock, "/disposition") do
[{_, 0}] ->
- Registry.update_value(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, "/disposition", &(&1 + 1))
- {:ok, ""}
+ Registry.update_value(ClientMock, "/disposition", &(&1 + 1))
+ {:ok, "", client}
[{_, 1}] ->
- Registry.unregister(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, "/disposition")
+ Registry.unregister(ClientMock, "/disposition")
diff --git a/test/stat_test.exs b/test/stat_test.exs
index 33b77e7e7..bccc1c8d0 100644
--- a/test/stat_test.exs
+++ b/test/stat_test.exs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ test "doesn't count unrelated activities" do
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"visibility" => "public", "status" => "hey"})
_ = CommonAPI.follow(user, other_user)
- CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, activity.id)
CommonAPI.repeat(activity.id, other_user)
assert %{direct: 0, private: 0, public: 1, unlisted: 0} =
diff --git a/test/support/http_request_mock.ex b/test/support/http_request_mock.ex
index e72638814..20cb2b3d1 100644
--- a/test/support/http_request_mock.ex
+++ b/test/support/http_request_mock.ex
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/activity+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]
) do
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/activity+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]
) do
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ def get(
- def get("https://niu.moe/users/rye", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("https://niu.moe/users/rye", _, _, [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]) do
status: 200,
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ def get("https://niu.moe/users/rye", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json")
- def get("https://n1u.moe/users/rye", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("https://n1u.moe/users/rye", _, _, [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]) do
status: 200,
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ def get("http://mastodon.example.org/users/admin/statuses/100787282858396771", _
- def get("https://puckipedia.com/", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("https://puckipedia.com/", _, _, [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]) do
status: 200,
@@ -308,9 +308,9 @@ def get("https://peertube.moe/videos/watch/df5f464b-be8d-46fb-ad81-2d4c2d1630e3"
- def get("https://mobilizon.org/events/252d5816-00a3-4a89-a66f-15bf65c33e39", _, _,
- Accept: "application/activity+json"
- ) do
+ def get("https://mobilizon.org/events/252d5816-00a3-4a89-a66f-15bf65c33e39", _, _, [
+ {"accept", "application/activity+json"}
+ ]) do
status: 200,
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ def get("https://mobilizon.org/events/252d5816-00a3-4a89-a66f-15bf65c33e39", _,
- def get("https://mobilizon.org/@tcit", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("https://mobilizon.org/@tcit", _, _, [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]) do
status: 200,
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ def get("https://wedistribute.org/wp-json/pterotype/v1/actor/-blog", _, _, _) do
- def get("http://mastodon.example.org/users/admin", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("http://mastodon.example.org/users/admin", _, _, _) do
status: 200,
@@ -366,7 +366,9 @@ def get("http://mastodon.example.org/users/admin", _, _, Accept: "application/ac
- def get("http://mastodon.example.org/users/relay", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("http://mastodon.example.org/users/relay", _, _, [
+ {"accept", "application/activity+json"}
+ ]) do
status: 200,
@@ -374,7 +376,9 @@ def get("http://mastodon.example.org/users/relay", _, _, Accept: "application/ac
- def get("http://mastodon.example.org/users/gargron", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("http://mastodon.example.org/users/gargron", _, _, [
+ {"accept", "application/activity+json"}
+ ]) do
{:error, :nxdomain}
@@ -557,7 +561,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/activity+json"
+ _
) do
@@ -582,7 +586,7 @@ def get("https://shitposter.club/notice/7369654", _, _, _) do
- def get("https://mstdn.io/users/mayuutann", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("https://mstdn.io/users/mayuutann", _, _, [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]) do
status: 200,
@@ -594,7 +598,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/activity+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]
) do
@@ -614,7 +618,7 @@ def get("https://pleroma.soykaf.com/users/lain/feed.atom", _, _, _) do
- def get(url, _, _, Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json")
+ def get(url, _, _, [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}])
when url in [
@@ -641,7 +645,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -685,7 +689,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -738,7 +742,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -751,7 +755,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/atom+xml"
+ [{"accept", "application/atom+xml"}]
) do
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/tesla_mock/sakamoto.atom")}}
@@ -768,7 +772,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -790,7 +794,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -804,7 +808,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/activity+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]
) do
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 406, body: ""}}
@@ -840,7 +844,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -853,7 +857,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -866,7 +870,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: ""}}
@@ -883,7 +887,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -942,7 +946,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -1005,7 +1009,7 @@ def get("https://apfed.club/channel/indio", _, _, _) do
%Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/tesla_mock/osada-user-indio.json")}}
- def get("https://social.heldscal.la/user/23211", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("https://social.heldscal.la/user/23211", _, _, [{"accept", "application/activity+json"}]) do
{:ok, Tesla.Mock.json(%{"id" => "https://social.heldscal.la/user/23211"}, status: 200)}
@@ -1138,7 +1142,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -1151,7 +1155,7 @@ def get(
- Accept: "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"
+ [{"accept", "application/xrd+xml,application/jrd+json"}]
) do
@@ -1173,7 +1177,9 @@ def get(
- def get("https://info.pleroma.site/activity.json", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("https://info.pleroma.site/activity.json", _, _, [
+ {"accept", "application/activity+json"}
+ ]) do
status: 200,
@@ -1185,7 +1191,9 @@ def get("https://info.pleroma.site/activity.json", _, _, _) do
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: ""}}
- def get("https://info.pleroma.site/activity2.json", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("https://info.pleroma.site/activity2.json", _, _, [
+ {"accept", "application/activity+json"}
+ ]) do
status: 200,
@@ -1197,7 +1205,9 @@ def get("https://info.pleroma.site/activity2.json", _, _, _) do
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: ""}}
- def get("https://info.pleroma.site/activity3.json", _, _, Accept: "application/activity+json") do
+ def get("https://info.pleroma.site/activity3.json", _, _, [
+ {"accept", "application/activity+json"}
+ ]) do
status: 200,
@@ -1273,6 +1283,21 @@ def get("https://patch.cx/users/rin", _, _, _) do
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/tesla_mock/rin.json")}}
+ def get(
+ "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/federation/music/uploads/42342395-0208-4fee-a38d-259a6dae0871",
+ _,
+ _,
+ _
+ ) do
+ {:ok,
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/tesla_mock/funkwhale_audio.json")}}
+ end
+ def get("https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/federation/actors/compositions", _, _, _) do
+ {:ok,
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/tesla_mock/funkwhale_channel.json")}}
+ end
def get("http://example.com/rel_me/error", _, _, _) do
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: ""}}
diff --git a/test/tasks/database_test.exs b/test/tasks/database_test.exs
index ed1c31d9c..7b05993d3 100644
--- a/test/tasks/database_test.exs
+++ b/test/tasks/database_test.exs
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ test "it turns OrderedCollection likes into empty arrays" do
{:ok, %{id: id, object: object}} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "test"})
{:ok, %{object: object2}} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "test test"})
- CommonAPI.favorite(id, user2)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(user2, id)
likes = %{
"first" =>
diff --git a/test/tasks/emoji_test.exs b/test/tasks/emoji_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5de3ef0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tasks/emoji_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.EmojiTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ import ExUnit.CaptureIO
+ import Tesla.Mock
+ alias Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji
+ describe "ls-packs" do
+ test "with default manifest as url" do
+ mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/index.json"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/default-manifest.json")
+ }
+ end)
+ capture_io(fn -> Emoji.run(["ls-packs"]) end) =~
+ "https://finland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/finland-emojis.zip"
+ end
+ test "with passed manifest as file" do
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run(["ls-packs", "-m", "test/fixtures/emoji/packs/manifest.json"])
+ end) =~ "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/packs/blobs_gg.zip"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "get-packs" do
+ test "download pack from default manifest" do
+ mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/index.json"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/default-manifest.json")
+ }
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://finland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/finland-emojis.zip"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/blank.png.zip")
+ }
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/finmoji.json"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/finmoji.json")
+ }
+ end)
+ assert capture_io(fn -> Emoji.run(["get-packs", "finmoji"]) end) =~ "Writing pack.json for"
+ emoji_path =
+ Path.join(
+ Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]),
+ "emoji"
+ )
+ assert File.exists?(Path.join([emoji_path, "finmoji", "pack.json"]))
+ on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test/instance_static/emoji/finmoji") end)
+ end
+ test "pack not found" do
+ mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/index.json"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/default-manifest.json")
+ }
+ end)
+ assert capture_io(fn -> Emoji.run(["get-packs", "not_found"]) end) =~
+ "No pack named \"not_found\" found"
+ end
+ test "raise on bad sha256" do
+ mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/packs/blobs_gg.zip"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/blank.png.zip")
+ }
+ end)
+ assert_raise RuntimeError, ~r/^Bad SHA256 for blobs.gg/, fn ->
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run(["get-packs", "blobs.gg", "-m", "test/fixtures/emoji/packs/manifest.json"])
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "gen-pack" do
+ setup do
+ url = "https://finland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/finland-emojis.zip"
+ mock(fn %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: ^url
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/blank.png.zip")}
+ end)
+ {:ok, url: url}
+ end
+ test "with default extensions", %{url: url} do
+ name = "pack1"
+ pack_json = "#{name}.json"
+ files_json = "#{name}_file.json"
+ refute File.exists?(pack_json)
+ refute File.exists?(files_json)
+ captured =
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run([
+ "gen-pack",
+ url,
+ "--name",
+ name,
+ "--license",
+ "license",
+ "--homepage",
+ "homepage",
+ "--description",
+ "description",
+ "--files",
+ files_json,
+ "--extensions",
+ ".png .gif"
+ ])
+ end)
+ assert captured =~ "#{pack_json} has been created with the pack1 pack"
+ assert captured =~ "Using .png .gif extensions"
+ assert File.exists?(pack_json)
+ assert File.exists?(files_json)
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ File.rm!(pack_json)
+ File.rm!(files_json)
+ end)
+ end
+ test "with custom extensions and update existing files", %{url: url} do
+ name = "pack2"
+ pack_json = "#{name}.json"
+ files_json = "#{name}_file.json"
+ refute File.exists?(pack_json)
+ refute File.exists?(files_json)
+ captured =
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run([
+ "gen-pack",
+ url,
+ "--name",
+ name,
+ "--license",
+ "license",
+ "--homepage",
+ "homepage",
+ "--description",
+ "description",
+ "--files",
+ files_json,
+ "--extensions",
+ " .png .gif .jpeg "
+ ])
+ end)
+ assert captured =~ "#{pack_json} has been created with the pack2 pack"
+ assert captured =~ "Using .png .gif .jpeg extensions"
+ assert File.exists?(pack_json)
+ assert File.exists?(files_json)
+ captured =
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run([
+ "gen-pack",
+ url,
+ "--name",
+ name,
+ "--license",
+ "license",
+ "--homepage",
+ "homepage",
+ "--description",
+ "description",
+ "--files",
+ files_json,
+ "--extensions",
+ " .png .gif .jpeg "
+ ])
+ end)
+ assert captured =~ "#{pack_json} has been updated with the pack2 pack"
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ File.rm!(pack_json)
+ File.rm!(files_json)
+ end)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/test_helper.exs b/test/test_helper.exs
index 6b91d2b46..ee880e226 100644
--- a/test/test_helper.exs
+++ b/test/test_helper.exs
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
ExUnit.start(exclude: [:federated | os_exclude])
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(Pleroma.Repo, :manual)
Mox.defmock(Pleroma.ReverseProxy.ClientMock, for: Pleroma.ReverseProxy.Client)
+Mox.defmock(Pleroma.GunMock, for: Pleroma.Gun)
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:ex_machina)
ExUnit.after_suite(fn _results ->
diff --git a/test/user_invite_token_test.exs b/test/user_invite_token_test.exs
index 4f70ef337..63f18f13c 100644
--- a/test/user_invite_token_test.exs
+++ b/test/user_invite_token_test.exs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
defmodule Pleroma.UserInviteTokenTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
- use Pleroma.DataCase
alias Pleroma.UserInviteToken
describe "valid_invite?/1 one time invites" do
@@ -64,7 +63,6 @@ test "expires today returns true", %{invite: invite} do
test "expires yesterday returns false", %{invite: invite} do
invite = %{invite | expires_at: Date.add(Date.utc_today(), -1)}
- invite = Repo.insert!(invite)
refute UserInviteToken.valid_invite?(invite)
@@ -82,7 +80,6 @@ test "not overdue date and less uses returns true", %{invite: invite} do
test "overdue date and less uses returns false", %{invite: invite} do
invite = %{invite | expires_at: Date.add(Date.utc_today(), -1)}
- invite = Repo.insert!(invite)
refute UserInviteToken.valid_invite?(invite)
@@ -93,7 +90,6 @@ test "not overdue date with more uses returns false", %{invite: invite} do
test "overdue date with more uses returns false", %{invite: invite} do
invite = %{invite | expires_at: Date.add(Date.utc_today(), -1), uses: 5}
- invite = Repo.insert!(invite)
refute UserInviteToken.valid_invite?(invite)
diff --git a/test/user_test.exs b/test/user_test.exs
index 119a36ec1..d39787f35 100644
--- a/test/user_test.exs
+++ b/test/user_test.exs
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ test "returns invisible actor" do
{:ok, user: insert(:user)}
- test "outgoing_relations_ap_ids/1", %{user: user} do
+ test "outgoing_relationships_ap_ids/1", %{user: user} do
rel_types = [:block, :mute, :notification_mute, :reblog_mute, :inverse_subscription]
ap_ids_by_rel =
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ test "outgoing_relations_ap_ids/1", %{user: user} do
assert ap_ids_by_rel[:inverse_subscription] ==
Enum.sort(Enum.map(User.subscriber_users(user), & &1.ap_id))
- outgoing_relations_ap_ids = User.outgoing_relations_ap_ids(user, rel_types)
+ outgoing_relationships_ap_ids = User.outgoing_relationships_ap_ids(user, rel_types)
assert ap_ids_by_rel ==
- Enum.into(outgoing_relations_ap_ids, %{}, fn {k, v} -> {k, Enum.sort(v)} end)
+ Enum.into(outgoing_relationships_ap_ids, %{}, fn {k, v} -> {k, Enum.sort(v)} end)
@@ -1141,8 +1141,8 @@ test "it deletes a user, all follow relationships and all activities", %{user: u
object_two = insert(:note, user: follower)
activity_two = insert(:note_activity, user: follower, note: object_two)
- {:ok, like, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity_two.id, user)
- {:ok, like_two, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, follower)
+ {:ok, like} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity_two.id)
+ {:ok, like_two} = CommonAPI.favorite(follower, activity.id)
{:ok, repeat, _} = CommonAPI.repeat(activity_two.id, user)
{:ok, job} = User.delete(user)
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ test "preserves hosts in user links text" do
bio = "A.k.a. @nick@domain.com"
expected_text =
- ~s(A.k.a.
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs
index 573853afa..fbacb3993 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs
@@ -1239,16 +1239,56 @@ test "POST /api/ap/upload_media", %{conn: conn} do
filename: "an_image.jpg"
- conn =
+ object =
|> assign(:user, user)
|> post("/api/ap/upload_media", %{"file" => image, "description" => desc})
+ |> json_response(:created)
- assert object = json_response(conn, :created)
assert object["name"] == desc
assert object["type"] == "Document"
assert object["actor"] == user.ap_id
+ assert [%{"href" => object_href, "mediaType" => object_mediatype}] = object["url"]
+ assert is_binary(object_href)
+ assert object_mediatype == "image/jpeg"
+ activity_request = %{
+ "@context" => "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
+ "type" => "Create",
+ "object" => %{
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "content" => "AP C2S test, attachment",
+ "attachment" => [object]
+ },
+ "to" => "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public",
+ "cc" => []
+ }
+ activity_response =
+ conn
+ |> assign(:user, user)
+ |> post("/users/#{user.nickname}/outbox", activity_request)
+ |> json_response(:created)
+ assert activity_response["id"]
+ assert activity_response["object"]
+ assert activity_response["actor"] == user.ap_id
+ assert %Object{data: %{"attachment" => [attachment]}} =
+ Object.normalize(activity_response["object"])
+ assert attachment["type"] == "Document"
+ assert attachment["name"] == desc
+ assert [
+ %{
+ "href" => ^object_href,
+ "type" => "Link",
+ "mediaType" => ^object_mediatype
+ }
+ ] = attachment["url"]
+ # Fails if unauthenticated
|> post("/api/ap/upload_media", %{"file" => image, "description" => desc})
|> json_response(403)
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_test.exs
index 31d441d38..d7226f5a3 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_test.exs
@@ -1425,6 +1425,12 @@ test "it creates a delete activity and deletes the original object" do
assert Repo.get(Object, object.id).data["type"] == "Tombstone"
+ test "it doesn't fail when an activity was already deleted" do
+ {:ok, delete} = insert(:note_activity) |> Object.normalize() |> ActivityPub.delete()
+ assert {:ok, ^delete} = delete |> Object.normalize() |> ActivityPub.delete()
+ end
test "decrements user note count only for public activities" do
user = insert(:user, note_count: 10)
@@ -1894,14 +1900,14 @@ test "returns a favourite activities sorted by adds to favorite" do
{:ok, a4} = CommonAPI.post(user2, %{"status" => "Agent Smith "})
{:ok, a5} = CommonAPI.post(user1, %{"status" => "Red or Blue "})
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(a4.id, user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(a3.id, other_user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(a3.id, user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(a5.id, other_user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(a5.id, user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(a4.id, other_user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(a1.id, user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(a1.id, other_user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, a4.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, a3.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, a3.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, a5.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, a5.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, a4.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, a1.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, a1.id)
result = ActivityPub.fetch_favourites(user)
assert Enum.map(result, & &1.id) == [a1.id, a5.id, a3.id, a4.id]
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/anti_followbot_policy_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/anti_followbot_policy_test.exs
index 37a7bfcf7..fca0de7c6 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/anti_followbot_policy_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/anti_followbot_policy_test.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2019 Pleroma Authors
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.AntiFollowbotPolicyTest do
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/anti_link_spam_policy_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/anti_link_spam_policy_test.exs
index b524fdd23..1a13699be 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/anti_link_spam_policy_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/anti_link_spam_policy_test.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2019 Pleroma Authors
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.AntiLinkSpamPolicyTest do
@@ -110,6 +110,15 @@ test "it allows posts with links" do
describe "with unknown actors" do
+ setup do
+ Tesla.Mock.mock(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: "http://invalid.actor"} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 500, body: ""}
+ end)
+ :ok
+ end
test "it rejects posts without links" do
message =
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/ensure_re_prepended_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/ensure_re_prepended_test.exs
index dbc8b9e80..38ddec5bb 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/ensure_re_prepended_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/ensure_re_prepended_test.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2019 Pleroma Authors
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.EnsureRePrependedTest do
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/no_placeholder_text_policy_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/no_placeholder_text_policy_test.exs
index 63ed71129..64ea61dd4 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/no_placeholder_text_policy_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/no_placeholder_text_policy_test.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2019 Pleroma Authors
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.NoPlaceholderTextPolicyTest do
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/normalize_markup_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/normalize_markup_test.exs
index 0207be56b..9b39c45bd 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/normalize_markup_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/normalize_markup_test.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2019 Pleroma Authors
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.NormalizeMarkupTest do
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/object_age_policy_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/object_age_policy_test.exs
index 0fbc5f57a..7ee195eeb 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/object_age_policy_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/object_age_policy_test.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2019 Pleroma Authors
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.ObjectAgePolicyTest do
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public_test.exs
index abfd32df8..f36299b86 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/reject_non_public_test.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2019 Pleroma Authors
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.RejectNonPublicTest do
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/simple_policy_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/simple_policy_test.exs
index 5aebbc675..91c24c2d9 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/simple_policy_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/mrf/simple_policy_test.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2019 Pleroma Authors
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicyTest do
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/object_validator_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/object_validator_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c5c3696e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/object_validator_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidatorTest do
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidator
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.LikeValidator
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils
+ alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ describe "likes" do
+ setup do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, post_activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "uguu"})
+ valid_like = %{
+ "to" => [user.ap_id],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "type" => "Like",
+ "id" => Utils.generate_activity_id(),
+ "object" => post_activity.data["object"],
+ "actor" => user.ap_id,
+ "context" => "a context"
+ }
+ %{valid_like: valid_like, user: user, post_activity: post_activity}
+ end
+ test "returns ok when called in the ObjectValidator", %{valid_like: valid_like} do
+ {:ok, object, _meta} = ObjectValidator.validate(valid_like, [])
+ assert "id" in Map.keys(object)
+ end
+ test "is valid for a valid object", %{valid_like: valid_like} do
+ assert LikeValidator.cast_and_validate(valid_like).valid?
+ end
+ test "it errors when the actor is missing or not known", %{valid_like: valid_like} do
+ without_actor = Map.delete(valid_like, "actor")
+ refute LikeValidator.cast_and_validate(without_actor).valid?
+ with_invalid_actor = Map.put(valid_like, "actor", "invalidactor")
+ refute LikeValidator.cast_and_validate(with_invalid_actor).valid?
+ end
+ test "it errors when the object is missing or not known", %{valid_like: valid_like} do
+ without_object = Map.delete(valid_like, "object")
+ refute LikeValidator.cast_and_validate(without_object).valid?
+ with_invalid_object = Map.put(valid_like, "object", "invalidobject")
+ refute LikeValidator.cast_and_validate(with_invalid_object).valid?
+ end
+ test "it errors when the actor has already like the object", %{
+ valid_like: valid_like,
+ user: user,
+ post_activity: post_activity
+ } do
+ _like = CommonAPI.favorite(user, post_activity.id)
+ refute LikeValidator.cast_and_validate(valid_like).valid?
+ end
+ test "it works when actor or object are wrapped in maps", %{valid_like: valid_like} do
+ wrapped_like =
+ valid_like
+ |> Map.put("actor", %{"id" => valid_like["actor"]})
+ |> Map.put("object", %{"id" => valid_like["object"]})
+ validated = LikeValidator.cast_and_validate(wrapped_like)
+ assert validated.valid?
+ assert {:actor, valid_like["actor"]} in validated.changes
+ assert {:object, valid_like["object"]} in validated.changes
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/object_validators/note_validator_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/object_validators/note_validator_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30c481ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/object_validators/note_validator_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.NoteValidatorTest do
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.NoteValidator
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ describe "Notes" do
+ setup do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ note = %{
+ "id" => Utils.generate_activity_id(),
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "actor" => user.ap_id,
+ "to" => [user.follower_address],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "content" => "Hellow this is content.",
+ "context" => "xxx",
+ "summary" => "a post"
+ }
+ %{user: user, note: note}
+ end
+ test "a basic note validates", %{note: note} do
+ %{valid?: true} = NoteValidator.cast_and_validate(note)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/object_validators/types/date_time_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/object_validators/types/date_time_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e17a9497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/object_validators/types/date_time_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.Types.DateTimeTest do
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.Types.DateTime
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ test "it validates an xsd:Datetime" do
+ valid_strings = [
+ "2004-04-12T13:20:00",
+ "2004-04-12T13:20:15.5",
+ "2004-04-12T13:20:00-05:00",
+ "2004-04-12T13:20:00Z"
+ ]
+ invalid_strings = [
+ "2004-04-12T13:00",
+ "2004-04-1213:20:00",
+ "99-04-12T13:00",
+ "2004-04-12"
+ ]
+ assert {:ok, "2004-04-01T12:00:00Z"} == DateTime.cast("2004-04-01T12:00:00Z")
+ Enum.each(valid_strings, fn date_time ->
+ result = DateTime.cast(date_time)
+ assert {:ok, _} = result
+ end)
+ Enum.each(invalid_strings, fn date_time ->
+ result = DateTime.cast(date_time)
+ assert :error == result
+ end)
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/object_validators/types/object_id_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/object_validators/types/object_id_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..834213182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/object_validators/types/object_id_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ObjectValidators.Types.ObjectIDTest do
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.Types.ObjectID
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ @uris [
+ "http://lain.com/users/lain",
+ "http://lain.com",
+ "https://lain.com/object/1"
+ ]
+ @non_uris [
+ "https://",
+ "rin",
+ 1,
+ :x,
+ %{"1" => 2}
+ ]
+ test "it accepts http uris" do
+ Enum.each(@uris, fn uri ->
+ assert {:ok, uri} == ObjectID.cast(uri)
+ end)
+ end
+ test "it accepts an object with a nested uri id" do
+ Enum.each(@uris, fn uri ->
+ assert {:ok, uri} == ObjectID.cast(%{"id" => uri})
+ end)
+ end
+ test "it rejects non-uri strings" do
+ Enum.each(@non_uris, fn non_uri ->
+ assert :error == ObjectID.cast(non_uri)
+ assert :error == ObjectID.cast(%{"id" => non_uri})
+ end)
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/pipeline_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/pipeline_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3c437498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/pipeline_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.PipelineTest do
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ import Mock
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ describe "common_pipeline/2" do
+ test "it goes through validation, filtering, persisting, side effects and federation for local activities" do
+ activity = insert(:note_activity)
+ meta = [local: true]
+ with_mocks([
+ {Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidator, [], [validate: fn o, m -> {:ok, o, m} end]},
+ {
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF,
+ [],
+ [filter: fn o -> {:ok, o} end]
+ },
+ {
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub,
+ [],
+ [persist: fn o, m -> {:ok, o, m} end]
+ },
+ {
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.SideEffects,
+ [],
+ [handle: fn o, m -> {:ok, o, m} end]
+ },
+ {
+ Pleroma.Web.Federator,
+ [],
+ [publish: fn _o -> :ok end]
+ }
+ ]) do
+ assert {:ok, ^activity, ^meta} =
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Pipeline.common_pipeline(activity, meta)
+ assert_called(Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidator.validate(activity, meta))
+ assert_called(Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.filter(activity))
+ assert_called(Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.persist(activity, meta))
+ assert_called(Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.SideEffects.handle(activity, meta))
+ assert_called(Pleroma.Web.Federator.publish(activity))
+ end
+ end
+ test "it goes through validation, filtering, persisting, side effects without federation for remote activities" do
+ activity = insert(:note_activity)
+ meta = [local: false]
+ with_mocks([
+ {Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidator, [], [validate: fn o, m -> {:ok, o, m} end]},
+ {
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF,
+ [],
+ [filter: fn o -> {:ok, o} end]
+ },
+ {
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub,
+ [],
+ [persist: fn o, m -> {:ok, o, m} end]
+ },
+ {
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.SideEffects,
+ [],
+ [handle: fn o, m -> {:ok, o, m} end]
+ },
+ {
+ Pleroma.Web.Federator,
+ [],
+ []
+ }
+ ]) do
+ assert {:ok, ^activity, ^meta} =
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Pipeline.common_pipeline(activity, meta)
+ assert_called(Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidator.validate(activity, meta))
+ assert_called(Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.filter(activity))
+ assert_called(Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.persist(activity, meta))
+ assert_called(Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.SideEffects.handle(activity, meta))
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/relay_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/relay_test.exs
index 040625e4d..9e16e39c4 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/relay_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/relay_test.exs
@@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ test "returns error when object is unknown" do
+ Tesla.Mock.mock(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: "http://mastodon.example.org/eee/99541947525187367"} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 500, body: ""}
+ end)
assert capture_log(fn ->
assert Relay.publish(activity) == {:error, nil}
end) =~ "[error] error: nil"
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/side_effects_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/side_effects_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b67bd14b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/side_effects_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.SideEffectsTest do
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ alias Pleroma.Object
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Builder
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.SideEffects
+ alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ describe "like objects" do
+ setup do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, post} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey"})
+ {:ok, like_data, _meta} = Builder.like(user, post.object)
+ {:ok, like, _meta} = ActivityPub.persist(like_data, local: true)
+ %{like: like, user: user}
+ end
+ test "add the like to the original object", %{like: like, user: user} do
+ {:ok, like, _} = SideEffects.handle(like)
+ object = Object.get_by_ap_id(like.data["object"])
+ assert object.data["like_count"] == 1
+ assert user.ap_id in object.data["likes"]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/transmogrifier_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/transmogrifier_test.exs
index b2cabbd30..1299683fd 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/transmogrifier_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/transmogrifier_test.exs
@@ -334,7 +334,9 @@ test "it works for incoming likes" do
|> Poison.decode!()
|> Map.put("object", activity.data["object"])
- {:ok, %Activity{data: data, local: false}} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(data)
+ {:ok, %Activity{data: data, local: false} = activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(data)
+ refute Enum.empty?(activity.recipients)
assert data["actor"] == "http://mastodon.example.org/users/admin"
assert data["type"] == "Like"
@@ -1228,19 +1230,13 @@ test "it remaps video URLs as attachments if necessary" do
attachment = %{
"type" => "Link",
"mediaType" => "video/mp4",
- "href" =>
- "https://peertube.moe/static/webseed/df5f464b-be8d-46fb-ad81-2d4c2d1630e3-480.mp4",
- "mimeType" => "video/mp4",
- "size" => 5_015_880,
"url" => [
"href" =>
- "mediaType" => "video/mp4",
- "type" => "Link"
+ "mediaType" => "video/mp4"
- ],
- "width" => 480
+ ]
assert object.data["url"] ==
@@ -2061,11 +2057,7 @@ test "returns modified object when attachment is map" do
"mediaType" => "video/mp4",
"url" => [
- %{
- "href" => "https://peertube.moe/stat-480.mp4",
- "mediaType" => "video/mp4",
- "type" => "Link"
- }
+ %{"href" => "https://peertube.moe/stat-480.mp4", "mediaType" => "video/mp4"}
@@ -2083,23 +2075,13 @@ test "returns modified object when attachment is list" do
"mediaType" => "video/mp4",
"url" => [
- %{
- "href" => "https://pe.er/stat-480.mp4",
- "mediaType" => "video/mp4",
- "type" => "Link"
- }
+ %{"href" => "https://pe.er/stat-480.mp4", "mediaType" => "video/mp4"}
- "href" => "https://pe.er/stat-480.mp4",
"mediaType" => "video/mp4",
- "mimeType" => "video/mp4",
"url" => [
- %{
- "href" => "https://pe.er/stat-480.mp4",
- "mediaType" => "video/mp4",
- "type" => "Link"
- }
+ %{"href" => "https://pe.er/stat-480.mp4", "mediaType" => "video/mp4"}
diff --git a/test/web/activity_pub/views/object_view_test.exs b/test/web/activity_pub/views/object_view_test.exs
index de5ffc5b3..6c006206b 100644
--- a/test/web/activity_pub/views/object_view_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/activity_pub/views/object_view_test.exs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ test "renders a like activity" do
object = Object.normalize(note)
user = insert(:user)
- {:ok, like_activity, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(note.id, user)
+ {:ok, like_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, note.id)
result = ObjectView.render("object.json", %{object: like_activity})
diff --git a/test/web/admin_api/admin_api_controller_test.exs b/test/web/admin_api/admin_api_controller_test.exs
index 0a902585d..f02f6ae7a 100644
--- a/test/web/admin_api/admin_api_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/admin_api/admin_api_controller_test.exs
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AdminAPIControllerTest do
alias Pleroma.UserInviteToken
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Relay
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
- alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView
alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy
setup_all do
@@ -626,6 +625,39 @@ test "it returns 403 if requested by a non-admin" do
assert json_response(conn, :forbidden)
+ test "email with +", %{conn: conn, admin: admin} do
+ recipient_email = "foo+bar@baz.com"
+ conn
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
+ |> post("/api/pleroma/admin/users/email_invite", %{email: recipient_email})
+ |> json_response(:no_content)
+ token_record =
+ Pleroma.UserInviteToken
+ |> Repo.all()
+ |> List.last()
+ assert token_record
+ refute token_record.used
+ notify_email = Config.get([:instance, :notify_email])
+ instance_name = Config.get([:instance, :name])
+ email =
+ Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail.user_invitation_email(
+ admin,
+ token_record,
+ recipient_email
+ )
+ Swoosh.TestAssertions.assert_email_sent(
+ from: {instance_name, notify_email},
+ to: recipient_email,
+ html_body: email.html_body
+ )
+ end
describe "POST /api/pleroma/admin/users/email_invite, with invalid config" do
@@ -638,7 +670,8 @@ test "it returns 500 if `invites_enabled` is not enabled", %{conn: conn} do
conn = post(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/users/email_invite?email=foo@bar.com&name=JD")
- assert json_response(conn, :internal_server_error)
+ assert json_response(conn, :bad_request) ==
+ "To send invites you need to set the `invites_enabled` option to true."
test "it returns 500 if `registrations_open` is enabled", %{conn: conn} do
@@ -647,7 +680,8 @@ test "it returns 500 if `registrations_open` is enabled", %{conn: conn} do
conn = post(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/users/email_invite?email=foo@bar.com&name=JD")
- assert json_response(conn, :internal_server_error)
+ assert json_response(conn, :bad_request) ==
+ "To send invites you need to set the `registrations_open` option to false."
@@ -1586,208 +1620,6 @@ test "returns 403 when requested by anonymous" do
- describe "GET /api/pleroma/admin/grouped_reports" do
- setup do
- [reporter, target_user] = insert_pair(:user)
- date1 = (DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now()) + 1000) |> DateTime.from_unix!()
- date2 = (DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now()) + 2000) |> DateTime.from_unix!()
- date3 = (DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now()) + 3000) |> DateTime.from_unix!()
- first_status =
- insert(:note_activity, user: target_user, data_attrs: %{"published" => date1})
- second_status =
- insert(:note_activity, user: target_user, data_attrs: %{"published" => date2})
- third_status =
- insert(:note_activity, user: target_user, data_attrs: %{"published" => date3})
- {:ok, first_report} =
- CommonAPI.report(reporter, %{
- "account_id" => target_user.id,
- "status_ids" => [first_status.id, second_status.id, third_status.id]
- })
- {:ok, second_report} =
- CommonAPI.report(reporter, %{
- "account_id" => target_user.id,
- "status_ids" => [first_status.id, second_status.id]
- })
- {:ok, third_report} =
- CommonAPI.report(reporter, %{
- "account_id" => target_user.id,
- "status_ids" => [first_status.id]
- })
- %{
- first_status: Activity.get_by_ap_id_with_object(first_status.data["id"]),
- second_status: Activity.get_by_ap_id_with_object(second_status.data["id"]),
- third_status: Activity.get_by_ap_id_with_object(third_status.data["id"]),
- first_report: first_report,
- first_status_reports: [first_report, second_report, third_report],
- second_status_reports: [first_report, second_report],
- third_status_reports: [first_report],
- target_user: target_user,
- reporter: reporter
- }
- end
- test "returns reports grouped by status", %{
- conn: conn,
- first_status: first_status,
- second_status: second_status,
- third_status: third_status,
- first_status_reports: first_status_reports,
- second_status_reports: second_status_reports,
- third_status_reports: third_status_reports,
- target_user: target_user,
- reporter: reporter
- } do
- response =
- conn
- |> get("/api/pleroma/admin/grouped_reports")
- |> json_response(:ok)
- assert length(response["reports"]) == 3
- first_group = Enum.find(response["reports"], &(&1["status"]["id"] == first_status.id))
- second_group = Enum.find(response["reports"], &(&1["status"]["id"] == second_status.id))
- third_group = Enum.find(response["reports"], &(&1["status"]["id"] == third_status.id))
- assert length(first_group["reports"]) == 3
- assert length(second_group["reports"]) == 2
- assert length(third_group["reports"]) == 1
- assert first_group["date"] ==
- Enum.max_by(first_status_reports, fn act ->
- NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!(act.data["published"])
- end).data["published"]
- assert first_group["status"] ==
- Map.put(
- stringify_keys(StatusView.render("show.json", %{activity: first_status})),
- "deleted",
- false
- )
- assert(first_group["account"]["id"] == target_user.id)
- assert length(first_group["actors"]) == 1
- assert hd(first_group["actors"])["id"] == reporter.id
- assert Enum.map(first_group["reports"], & &1["id"]) --
- Enum.map(first_status_reports, & &1.id) == []
- assert second_group["date"] ==
- Enum.max_by(second_status_reports, fn act ->
- NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!(act.data["published"])
- end).data["published"]
- assert second_group["status"] ==
- Map.put(
- stringify_keys(StatusView.render("show.json", %{activity: second_status})),
- "deleted",
- false
- )
- assert second_group["account"]["id"] == target_user.id
- assert length(second_group["actors"]) == 1
- assert hd(second_group["actors"])["id"] == reporter.id
- assert Enum.map(second_group["reports"], & &1["id"]) --
- Enum.map(second_status_reports, & &1.id) == []
- assert third_group["date"] ==
- Enum.max_by(third_status_reports, fn act ->
- NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!(act.data["published"])
- end).data["published"]
- assert third_group["status"] ==
- Map.put(
- stringify_keys(StatusView.render("show.json", %{activity: third_status})),
- "deleted",
- false
- )
- assert third_group["account"]["id"] == target_user.id
- assert length(third_group["actors"]) == 1
- assert hd(third_group["actors"])["id"] == reporter.id
- assert Enum.map(third_group["reports"], & &1["id"]) --
- Enum.map(third_status_reports, & &1.id) == []
- end
- test "reopened report renders status data", %{
- conn: conn,
- first_report: first_report,
- first_status: first_status
- } do
- {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.update_report_state(first_report.id, "resolved")
- response =
- conn
- |> get("/api/pleroma/admin/grouped_reports")
- |> json_response(:ok)
- first_group = Enum.find(response["reports"], &(&1["status"]["id"] == first_status.id))
- assert first_group["status"] ==
- Map.put(
- stringify_keys(StatusView.render("show.json", %{activity: first_status})),
- "deleted",
- false
- )
- end
- test "reopened report does not render status data if status has been deleted", %{
- conn: conn,
- first_report: first_report,
- first_status: first_status,
- target_user: target_user
- } do
- {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.update_report_state(first_report.id, "resolved")
- {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.delete(first_status.id, target_user)
- refute Activity.get_by_ap_id(first_status.id)
- response =
- conn
- |> get("/api/pleroma/admin/grouped_reports")
- |> json_response(:ok)
- assert Enum.find(response["reports"], &(&1["status"]["deleted"] == true))["status"][
- "deleted"
- ] == true
- assert length(Enum.filter(response["reports"], &(&1["status"]["deleted"] == false))) == 2
- end
- test "account not empty if status was deleted", %{
- conn: conn,
- first_report: first_report,
- first_status: first_status,
- target_user: target_user
- } do
- {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.update_report_state(first_report.id, "resolved")
- {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.delete(first_status.id, target_user)
- refute Activity.get_by_ap_id(first_status.id)
- response =
- conn
- |> get("/api/pleroma/admin/grouped_reports")
- |> json_response(:ok)
- assert Enum.find(response["reports"], &(&1["status"]["deleted"] == true))["account"]
- end
- end
describe "PUT /api/pleroma/admin/statuses/:id" do
setup do
activity = insert(:note_activity)
@@ -2572,9 +2404,6 @@ test "update config setting & delete with fallback to default value", %{
test "common config example", %{conn: conn} do
- adapter = Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter)
- on_exit(fn -> Application.put_env(:tesla, :adapter, adapter) end)
conn =
post(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/config", %{
configs: [
@@ -2587,23 +2416,16 @@ test "common config example", %{conn: conn} do
%{"tuple" => [":seconds_valid", 60]},
%{"tuple" => [":path", ""]},
%{"tuple" => [":key1", nil]},
- %{"tuple" => [":partial_chain", "&:hackney_connect.partial_chain/1"]},
%{"tuple" => [":regex1", "~r/https:\/\/example.com/"]},
%{"tuple" => [":regex2", "~r/https:\/\/example.com/u"]},
%{"tuple" => [":regex3", "~r/https:\/\/example.com/i"]},
%{"tuple" => [":regex4", "~r/https:\/\/example.com/s"]},
%{"tuple" => [":name", "Pleroma"]}
- },
- %{
- "group" => ":tesla",
- "key" => ":adapter",
- "value" => "Tesla.Adapter.Httpc"
- assert Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) == Tesla.Adapter.Httpc
assert Config.get([Pleroma.Captcha.NotReal, :name]) == "Pleroma"
assert json_response(conn, 200) == %{
@@ -2617,7 +2439,6 @@ test "common config example", %{conn: conn} do
%{"tuple" => [":seconds_valid", 60]},
%{"tuple" => [":path", ""]},
%{"tuple" => [":key1", nil]},
- %{"tuple" => [":partial_chain", "&:hackney_connect.partial_chain/1"]},
%{"tuple" => [":regex1", "~r/https:\\/\\/example.com/"]},
%{"tuple" => [":regex2", "~r/https:\\/\\/example.com/u"]},
%{"tuple" => [":regex3", "~r/https:\\/\\/example.com/i"]},
@@ -2630,19 +2451,12 @@ test "common config example", %{conn: conn} do
- ":partial_chain",
- },
- %{
- "group" => ":tesla",
- "key" => ":adapter",
- "value" => "Tesla.Adapter.Httpc",
- "db" => [":adapter"]
@@ -3374,6 +3188,75 @@ test "returns log filtered by search", %{conn: conn, moderator: moderator} do
+ describe "GET /users/:nickname/credentials" do
+ test "gets the user credentials", %{conn: conn} do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ conn = get(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/users/#{user.nickname}/credentials")
+ response = assert json_response(conn, 200)
+ assert response["email"] == user.email
+ end
+ test "returns 403 if requested by a non-admin" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ conn =
+ build_conn()
+ |> assign(:user, user)
+ |> get("/api/pleroma/admin/users/#{user.nickname}/credentials")
+ assert json_response(conn, :forbidden)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "PATCH /users/:nickname/credentials" do
+ test "changes password and email", %{conn: conn, admin: admin} do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ assert user.password_reset_pending == false
+ conn =
+ patch(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/users/#{user.nickname}/credentials", %{
+ "password" => "new_password",
+ "email" => "new_email@example.com",
+ "name" => "new_name"
+ })
+ assert json_response(conn, 200) == %{"status" => "success"}
+ ObanHelpers.perform_all()
+ updated_user = User.get_by_id(user.id)
+ assert updated_user.email == "new_email@example.com"
+ assert updated_user.name == "new_name"
+ assert updated_user.password_hash != user.password_hash
+ assert updated_user.password_reset_pending == true
+ [log_entry2, log_entry1] = ModerationLog |> Repo.all() |> Enum.sort()
+ assert ModerationLog.get_log_entry_message(log_entry1) ==
+ "@#{admin.nickname} updated users: @#{user.nickname}"
+ assert ModerationLog.get_log_entry_message(log_entry2) ==
+ "@#{admin.nickname} forced password reset for users: @#{user.nickname}"
+ end
+ test "returns 403 if requested by a non-admin" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ conn =
+ build_conn()
+ |> assign(:user, user)
+ |> patch("/api/pleroma/admin/users/#{user.nickname}/credentials", %{
+ "password" => "new_password",
+ "email" => "new_email@example.com",
+ "name" => "new_name"
+ })
+ assert json_response(conn, :forbidden)
+ end
+ end
describe "PATCH /users/:nickname/force_password_reset" do
test "sets password_reset_pending to true", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user)
diff --git a/test/web/api_spec/app_operation_test.exs b/test/web/api_spec/app_operation_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b96abb44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/api_spec/app_operation_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.AppOperationTest do
+ use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase, async: true
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.AppCreateRequest
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.AppCreateResponse
+ import OpenApiSpex.TestAssertions
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ test "AppCreateRequest example matches schema" do
+ api_spec = ApiSpec.spec()
+ schema = AppCreateRequest.schema()
+ assert_schema(schema.example, "AppCreateRequest", api_spec)
+ end
+ test "AppCreateResponse example matches schema" do
+ api_spec = ApiSpec.spec()
+ schema = AppCreateResponse.schema()
+ assert_schema(schema.example, "AppCreateResponse", api_spec)
+ end
+ test "AppController produces a AppCreateResponse", %{conn: conn} do
+ api_spec = ApiSpec.spec()
+ app_attrs = build(:oauth_app)
+ json =
+ conn
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
+ |> post(
+ "/api/v1/apps",
+ Jason.encode!(%{
+ client_name: app_attrs.client_name,
+ redirect_uris: app_attrs.redirect_uris
+ })
+ )
+ |> json_response(200)
+ assert_schema(json, "AppCreateResponse", api_spec)
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/common_api/common_api_test.exs b/test/web/common_api/common_api_test.exs
index 0da0bd2e2..f46ad0272 100644
--- a/test/web/common_api/common_api_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/common_api/common_api_test.exs
@@ -284,9 +284,12 @@ test "favoriting a status" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
- {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "cofe"})
+ {:ok, post_activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "cofe"})
- {:ok, %Activity{}, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ {:ok, %Activity{data: data}} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, post_activity.id)
+ assert data["type"] == "Like"
+ assert data["actor"] == user.ap_id
+ assert data["object"] == post_activity.data["object"]
test "retweeting a status twice returns the status" do
@@ -298,13 +301,13 @@ test "retweeting a status twice returns the status" do
{:ok, ^activity, ^object} = CommonAPI.repeat(activity.id, user)
- test "favoriting a status twice returns the status" do
+ test "favoriting a status twice returns ok, but without the like activity" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "cofe"})
- {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, object} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
- {:ok, ^activity, ^object} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ {:ok, %Activity{}} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
+ assert {:ok, :already_liked} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
diff --git a/test/web/common_api/common_api_utils_test.exs b/test/web/common_api/common_api_utils_test.exs
index 45fc94522..98cf02d49 100644
--- a/test/web/common_api/common_api_utils_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/common_api/common_api_utils_test.exs
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ test "works for text/markdown with mentions" do
{output, _, _} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/markdown")
assert output ==
- ~s(
hello world
another @user__test and @user__test and @user__test google.com paragraph
+ }" href="http://foo.com/user__test" rel="ugc">@
user__test google.com paragraph)
@@ -472,6 +472,13 @@ test "returns recipients when object not found" do
activity = insert(:note_activity, user: user, note: object)
+ obj_url = activity.data["object"]
+ Tesla.Mock.mock(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: ^obj_url} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: ""}
+ end)
assert Utils.maybe_notify_mentioned_recipients(["test-test"], activity) == [
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller/update_credentials_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller/update_credentials_test.exs
index 43538cb17..2d256f63c 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller/update_credentials_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller/update_credentials_test.exs
@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ test "updates the user's bio", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
patch(conn, "/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{
- "note" => "I drink #cofe with @#{user2.nickname}"
+ "note" => "I drink #cofe with @#{user2.nickname}\n\nsuya.."
assert user_data = json_response(conn, 200)
assert user_data["note"] ==
- ~s(I drink
#cofe with
#cofe with @#{user2.nickname})
+ }" href="#{user2.ap_id}" rel="ugc">@#{user2.nickname}suya..)
test "updates the user's locking status", %{conn: conn} do
@@ -118,6 +118,18 @@ test "updates the user's hide_followers status", %{conn: conn} do
assert user_data["pleroma"]["hide_followers"] == true
+ test "updates the user's discoverable status", %{conn: conn} do
+ assert %{"source" => %{"pleroma" => %{"discoverable" => true}}} =
+ conn
+ |> patch("/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{discoverable: "true"})
+ |> json_response(:ok)
+ assert %{"source" => %{"pleroma" => %{"discoverable" => false}}} =
+ conn
+ |> patch("/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{discoverable: "false"})
+ |> json_response(:ok)
+ end
test "updates the user's hide_followers_count and hide_follows_count", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
patch(conn, "/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{
@@ -261,7 +273,7 @@ test "updates profile emojos", %{user: user, conn: conn} do
test "update fields", %{conn: conn} do
fields = [
%{"name" => "
foo", "value" => ""},
- %{"name" => "link", "value" => "cofe.io"}
+ %{"name" => "link.io", "value" => "cofe.io"}
account_data =
@@ -271,7 +283,10 @@ test "update fields", %{conn: conn} do
assert account_data["fields"] == [
%{"name" => "
foo", "value" => "bar"},
- %{"name" => "link", "value" => ~S(
+ %{
+ "name" => "link.io",
+ "value" => ~S(
+ }
assert account_data["source"]["fields"] == [
@@ -279,14 +294,16 @@ test "update fields", %{conn: conn} do
"name" => "
"value" => ""
- %{"name" => "link", "value" => "cofe.io"}
+ %{"name" => "link.io", "value" => "cofe.io"}
+ end
+ test "update fields via x-www-form-urlencoded", %{conn: conn} do
fields =
- "fields_attributes[1][value]=cofe.io",
- "fields_attributes[0][name]=
+ "fields_attributes[1][value]=http://cofe.io",
+ "fields_attributes[0][name]=foo",
|> Enum.join("&")
@@ -298,51 +315,20 @@ test "update fields", %{conn: conn} do
|> json_response(200)
assert account["fields"] == [
- %{"name" => "
foo", "value" => "bar"},
- %{"name" => "link", "value" => ~S(
+ %{"name" => "foo", "value" => "bar"},
+ %{
+ "name" => "link",
+ "value" => ~S(
+ }
assert account["source"]["fields"] == [
- %{
- "name" => "
- "value" => "bar"
- },
- %{"name" => "link", "value" => "cofe.io"}
+ %{"name" => "foo", "value" => "bar"},
+ %{"name" => "link", "value" => "http://cofe.io"}
+ end
- name_limit = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :account_field_name_length])
- value_limit = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :account_field_value_length])
- long_value = Enum.map(0..value_limit, fn _ -> "x" end) |> Enum.join()
- fields = [%{"name" => "
foo", "value" => long_value}]
- assert %{"error" => "Invalid request"} ==
- conn
- |> patch("/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{"fields_attributes" => fields})
- |> json_response(403)
- long_name = Enum.map(0..name_limit, fn _ -> "x" end) |> Enum.join()
- fields = [%{"name" => long_name, "value" => "bar"}]
- assert %{"error" => "Invalid request"} ==
- conn
- |> patch("/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{"fields_attributes" => fields})
- |> json_response(403)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :max_account_fields], 1)
- fields = [
- %{"name" => "foo", "value" => "bar"},
- %{"name" => "link", "value" => "cofe.io"}
- ]
- assert %{"error" => "Invalid request"} ==
- conn
- |> patch("/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{"fields_attributes" => fields})
- |> json_response(403)
+ test "update fields with empty name", %{conn: conn} do
fields = [
%{"name" => "foo", "value" => ""},
%{"name" => "", "value" => "bar"}
@@ -357,5 +343,39 @@ test "update fields", %{conn: conn} do
%{"name" => "foo", "value" => ""}
+ test "update fields when invalid request", %{conn: conn} do
+ name_limit = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :account_field_name_length])
+ value_limit = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :account_field_value_length])
+ long_name = Enum.map(0..name_limit, fn _ -> "x" end) |> Enum.join()
+ long_value = Enum.map(0..value_limit, fn _ -> "x" end) |> Enum.join()
+ fields = [%{"name" => "foo", "value" => long_value}]
+ assert %{"error" => "Invalid request"} ==
+ conn
+ |> patch("/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{"fields_attributes" => fields})
+ |> json_response(403)
+ fields = [%{"name" => long_name, "value" => "bar"}]
+ assert %{"error" => "Invalid request"} ==
+ conn
+ |> patch("/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{"fields_attributes" => fields})
+ |> json_response(403)
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :max_account_fields], 1)
+ fields = [
+ %{"name" => "foo", "value" => "bar"},
+ %{"name" => "link", "value" => "cofe.io"}
+ ]
+ assert %{"error" => "Invalid request"} ==
+ conn
+ |> patch("/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", %{"fields_attributes" => fields})
+ |> json_response(403)
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller_test.exs
index a9fa0ce48..a450a732c 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller_test.exs
@@ -794,7 +794,9 @@ test "blocking / unblocking a user" do
test "Account registration via Application", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
- post(conn, "/api/v1/apps", %{
+ conn
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
+ |> post("/api/v1/apps", %{
client_name: "client_name",
redirect_uris: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
scopes: "read, write, follow"
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/app_controller_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/app_controller_test.exs
index 77d234d67..e7b11d14e 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/app_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/app_controller_test.exs
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ test "apps/verify_credentials", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
- |> assign(:user, token.user)
- |> assign(:token, token)
+ |> put_req_header("authorization", "Bearer #{token.token}")
|> get("/api/v1/apps/verify_credentials")
app = Repo.preload(token, :app).app
@@ -37,6 +36,7 @@ test "creates an oauth app", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
|> assign(:user, user)
|> post("/api/v1/apps", %{
client_name: app_attrs.client_name,
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/notification_controller_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/notification_controller_test.exs
index 7a0011646..1557937d8 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/notification_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/notification_controller_test.exs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ test "list of notifications" do
|> get("/api/v1/notifications")
expected_response =
- "hi @#{user.nickname}"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ test "getting a single notification" do
conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/notifications/#{notification.id}")
expected_response =
- "hi @#{user.nickname}"
@@ -53,6 +53,22 @@ test "getting a single notification" do
assert response == expected_response
+ test "dismissing a single notification (deprecated endpoint)" do
+ %{user: user, conn: conn} = oauth_access(["write:notifications"])
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "hi @#{user.nickname}"})
+ {:ok, [notification]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity)
+ conn =
+ conn
+ |> assign(:user, user)
+ |> post("/api/v1/notifications/dismiss", %{"id" => notification.id})
+ assert %{} = json_response(conn, 200)
+ end
test "dismissing a single notification" do
%{user: user, conn: conn} = oauth_access(["write:notifications"])
other_user = insert(:user)
@@ -64,7 +80,7 @@ test "dismissing a single notification" do
conn =
|> assign(:user, user)
- |> post("/api/v1/notifications/dismiss", %{"id" => notification.id})
+ |> post("/api/v1/notifications/#{notification.id}/dismiss")
assert %{} = json_response(conn, 200)
@@ -194,10 +210,10 @@ test "filters notifications for Like activities" do
{:ok, private_activity} =
CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => ".", "visibility" => "private"})
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(public_activity.id, user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(direct_activity.id, user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(unlisted_activity.id, user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(private_activity.id, user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, public_activity.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, direct_activity.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, unlisted_activity.id)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, private_activity.id)
activity_ids =
@@ -274,7 +290,7 @@ test "filters notifications using exclude_types" do
{:ok, mention_activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey"})
- {:ok, favorite_activity, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(create_activity.id, other_user)
+ {:ok, favorite_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, create_activity.id)
{:ok, reblog_activity, _} = CommonAPI.repeat(create_activity.id, other_user)
{:ok, _, _, follow_activity} = CommonAPI.follow(other_user, user)
@@ -310,7 +326,7 @@ test "filters notifications using include_types" do
{:ok, mention_activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey"})
- {:ok, favorite_activity, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(create_activity.id, other_user)
+ {:ok, favorite_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, create_activity.id)
{:ok, reblog_activity, _} = CommonAPI.repeat(create_activity.id, other_user)
{:ok, _, _, follow_activity} = CommonAPI.follow(other_user, user)
@@ -452,11 +468,24 @@ test "see notifications after muting user with notifications and with_muted para
assert length(json_response(conn, 200)) == 1
+ @tag capture_log: true
test "see move notifications" do
old_user = insert(:user)
new_user = insert(:user, also_known_as: [old_user.ap_id])
%{user: follower, conn: conn} = oauth_access(["read:notifications"])
+ old_user_url = old_user.ap_id
+ body =
+ File.read!("test/fixtures/users_mock/localhost.json")
+ |> String.replace("{{nickname}}", old_user.nickname)
+ |> Jason.encode!()
+ Tesla.Mock.mock(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: ^old_user_url} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: body}
+ end)
User.follow(follower, old_user)
Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.move(old_user, new_user)
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/status_controller_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/status_controller_test.exs
index d59974d50..cd9ca4973 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/status_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/status_controller_test.exs
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ test "reblogged status for another user" do
user1 = insert(:user)
user2 = insert(:user)
user3 = insert(:user)
- CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user2)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user2, activity.id)
{:ok, _bookmark} = Pleroma.Bookmark.create(user2.id, activity.id)
{:ok, reblog_activity1, _object} = CommonAPI.repeat(activity.id, user1)
{:ok, _, _object} = CommonAPI.repeat(activity.id, user2)
@@ -850,11 +850,15 @@ test "favoriting twice will just return 200", %{conn: conn} do
activity = insert(:note_activity)
post(conn, "/api/v1/statuses/#{activity.id}/favourite")
- assert post(conn, "/api/v1/statuses/#{activity.id}/favourite") |> json_response(200)
+ assert post(conn, "/api/v1/statuses/#{activity.id}/favourite")
+ |> json_response(200)
test "returns 404 error for a wrong id", %{conn: conn} do
- conn = post(conn, "/api/v1/statuses/1/favourite")
+ conn =
+ conn
+ |> post("/api/v1/statuses/1/favourite")
assert json_response(conn, 404) == %{"error" => "Record not found"}
@@ -866,7 +870,7 @@ test "returns 404 error for a wrong id", %{conn: conn} do
test "unfavorites a status and returns it", %{user: user, conn: conn} do
activity = insert(:note_activity)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
conn = post(conn, "/api/v1/statuses/#{activity.id}/unfavourite")
@@ -1176,7 +1180,7 @@ test "Repeated posts that are replies incorrectly have in_reply_to_id null", %{c
test "returns users who have favorited the status", %{conn: conn, activity: activity} do
other_user = insert(:user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, activity.id)
response =
@@ -1207,7 +1211,7 @@ test "does not return users who have favorited the status but are blocked", %{
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, _user_relationship} = User.block(user, other_user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, activity.id)
response =
@@ -1219,7 +1223,7 @@ test "does not return users who have favorited the status but are blocked", %{
test "does not fail on an unauthenticated request", %{activity: activity} do
other_user = insert(:user)
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, activity.id)
response =
@@ -1239,7 +1243,7 @@ test "requires authentication for private posts", %{user: user} do
"visibility" => "direct"
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(other_user, activity.id)
favourited_by_url = "/api/v1/statuses/#{activity.id}/favourited_by"
@@ -1399,7 +1403,7 @@ test "returns the favorites of a user" do
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "bla"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "traps are happy"})
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
first_conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/favourites")
@@ -1416,7 +1420,7 @@ test "returns the favorites of a user" do
"Trees Are Never Sad Look At Them Every Once In Awhile They're Quite Beautiful."
- {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(second_activity.id, user)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, second_activity.id)
last_like = status["id"]
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/timeline_controller_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/timeline_controller_test.exs
index 6fedb4223..97b1c3e66 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/timeline_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/controllers/timeline_controller_test.exs
@@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.TimelineControllerTest do
setup do: oauth_access(["read:statuses"])
test "the home timeline", %{user: user, conn: conn} do
- following = insert(:user)
+ following = insert(:user, nickname: "followed")
+ third_user = insert(:user, nickname: "repeated")
- {:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(following, %{"status" => "test"})
+ {:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(following, %{"status" => "post"})
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(third_user, %{"status" => "repeated post"})
+ {:ok, _, _} = CommonAPI.repeat(activity.id, following)
ret_conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/timelines/home")
@@ -31,9 +34,54 @@ test "the home timeline", %{user: user, conn: conn} do
{:ok, _user} = User.follow(user, following)
- conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/timelines/home")
+ ret_conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/timelines/home")
- assert [%{"content" => "test"}] = json_response(conn, :ok)
+ assert [
+ %{
+ "reblog" => %{
+ "content" => "repeated post",
+ "account" => %{
+ "pleroma" => %{
+ "relationship" => %{"following" => false, "followed_by" => false}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "account" => %{"pleroma" => %{"relationship" => %{"following" => true}}}
+ },
+ %{
+ "content" => "post",
+ "account" => %{
+ "acct" => "followed",
+ "pleroma" => %{"relationship" => %{"following" => true}}
+ }
+ }
+ ] = json_response(ret_conn, :ok)
+ {:ok, _user} = User.follow(third_user, user)
+ ret_conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/timelines/home")
+ assert [
+ %{
+ "reblog" => %{
+ "content" => "repeated post",
+ "account" => %{
+ "acct" => "repeated",
+ "pleroma" => %{
+ "relationship" => %{"following" => false, "followed_by" => true}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "account" => %{"pleroma" => %{"relationship" => %{"following" => true}}}
+ },
+ %{
+ "content" => "post",
+ "account" => %{
+ "acct" => "followed",
+ "pleroma" => %{"relationship" => %{"following" => true}}
+ }
+ }
+ ] = json_response(ret_conn, :ok)
test "the home timeline when the direct messages are excluded", %{user: user, conn: conn} do
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/views/account_view_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/views/account_view_test.exs
index d60ed7b64..4435f69ff 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/views/account_view_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/views/account_view_test.exs
@@ -4,11 +4,20 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.AccountViewTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
- import Pleroma.Factory
alias Pleroma.User
+ alias Pleroma.UserRelationship
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.AccountView
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ import Tesla.Mock
+ setup do
+ mock(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end)
+ :ok
+ end
test "Represent a user account" do
source_data = %{
"tag" => [
@@ -32,7 +41,8 @@ test "Represent a user account" do
background: background_image,
nickname: "shp@shitposter.club",
name: ":karjalanpiirakka: shp",
- bio: "valid html",
+ bio:
+ "valid html. a
inserted_at: ~N[2017-08-15 15:47:06.597036]
@@ -46,7 +56,7 @@ test "Represent a user account" do
followers_count: 3,
following_count: 0,
statuses_count: 5,
- note: "valid html",
+ note: "valid html. a
url: user.ap_id,
avatar: "http://localhost:4001/images/avi.png",
avatar_static: "http://localhost:4001/images/avi.png",
@@ -63,7 +73,7 @@ test "Represent a user account" do
fields: [],
bot: false,
source: %{
- note: "valid html",
+ note: "valid html. a\nb\nc\nd\nf",
sensitive: false,
pleroma: %{
actor_type: "Person",
@@ -160,6 +170,17 @@ test "Represent a Service(bot) account" do
assert expected == AccountView.render("show.json", %{user: user})
+ test "Represent a Funkwhale channel" do
+ {:ok, user} =
+ User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(
+ "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/federation/actors/compositions"
+ )
+ assert represented = AccountView.render("show.json", %{user: user})
+ assert represented.acct == "compositions@channels.tests.funkwhale.audio"
+ assert represented.url == "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/channels/compositions"
+ end
test "Represent a deactivated user for an admin" do
admin = insert(:user, is_admin: true)
deactivated_user = insert(:user, deactivated: true)
@@ -181,6 +202,32 @@ test "Represent a smaller mention" do
describe "relationship" do
+ defp test_relationship_rendering(user, other_user, expected_result) do
+ opts = %{user: user, target: other_user, relationships: nil}
+ assert expected_result == AccountView.render("relationship.json", opts)
+ relationships_opt = UserRelationship.view_relationships_option(user, [other_user])
+ opts = Map.put(opts, :relationships, relationships_opt)
+ assert expected_result == AccountView.render("relationship.json", opts)
+ assert [expected_result] ==
+ AccountView.render("relationships.json", %{user: user, targets: [other_user]})
+ end
+ @blank_response %{
+ following: false,
+ followed_by: false,
+ blocking: false,
+ blocked_by: false,
+ muting: false,
+ muting_notifications: false,
+ subscribing: false,
+ requested: false,
+ domain_blocking: false,
+ showing_reblogs: true,
+ endorsed: false
+ }
test "represent a relationship for the following and followed user" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
@@ -191,23 +238,21 @@ test "represent a relationship for the following and followed user" do
{:ok, _user_relationships} = User.mute(user, other_user, true)
{:ok, _reblog_mute} = CommonAPI.hide_reblogs(user, other_user)
- expected = %{
- id: to_string(other_user.id),
- following: true,
- followed_by: true,
- blocking: false,
- blocked_by: false,
- muting: true,
- muting_notifications: true,
- subscribing: true,
- requested: false,
- domain_blocking: false,
- showing_reblogs: false,
- endorsed: false
- }
+ expected =
+ Map.merge(
+ @blank_response,
+ %{
+ following: true,
+ followed_by: true,
+ muting: true,
+ muting_notifications: true,
+ subscribing: true,
+ showing_reblogs: false,
+ id: to_string(other_user.id)
+ }
+ )
- assert expected ==
- AccountView.render("relationship.json", %{user: user, target: other_user})
+ test_relationship_rendering(user, other_user, expected)
test "represent a relationship for the blocking and blocked user" do
@@ -219,23 +264,13 @@ test "represent a relationship for the blocking and blocked user" do
{:ok, _user_relationship} = User.block(user, other_user)
{:ok, _user_relationship} = User.block(other_user, user)
- expected = %{
- id: to_string(other_user.id),
- following: false,
- followed_by: false,
- blocking: true,
- blocked_by: true,
- muting: false,
- muting_notifications: false,
- subscribing: false,
- requested: false,
- domain_blocking: false,
- showing_reblogs: true,
- endorsed: false
- }
+ expected =
+ Map.merge(
+ @blank_response,
+ %{following: false, blocking: true, blocked_by: true, id: to_string(other_user.id)}
+ )
- assert expected ==
- AccountView.render("relationship.json", %{user: user, target: other_user})
+ test_relationship_rendering(user, other_user, expected)
test "represent a relationship for the user blocking a domain" do
@@ -244,8 +279,13 @@ test "represent a relationship for the user blocking a domain" do
{:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "bad.site")
- assert %{domain_blocking: true, blocking: false} =
- AccountView.render("relationship.json", %{user: user, target: other_user})
+ expected =
+ Map.merge(
+ @blank_response,
+ %{domain_blocking: true, blocking: false, id: to_string(other_user.id)}
+ )
+ test_relationship_rendering(user, other_user, expected)
test "represent a relationship for the user with a pending follow request" do
@@ -256,23 +296,13 @@ test "represent a relationship for the user with a pending follow request" do
user = User.get_cached_by_id(user.id)
other_user = User.get_cached_by_id(other_user.id)
- expected = %{
- id: to_string(other_user.id),
- following: false,
- followed_by: false,
- blocking: false,
- blocked_by: false,
- muting: false,
- muting_notifications: false,
- subscribing: false,
- requested: true,
- domain_blocking: false,
- showing_reblogs: true,
- endorsed: false
- }
+ expected =
+ Map.merge(
+ @blank_response,
+ %{requested: true, following: false, id: to_string(other_user.id)}
+ )
- assert expected ==
- AccountView.render("relationship.json", %{user: user, target: other_user})
+ test_relationship_rendering(user, other_user, expected)
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/views/notification_view_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/views/notification_view_test.exs
index d04c3022f..c3ec9dfec 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/views/notification_view_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/views/notification_view_test.exs
@@ -16,6 +16,21 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.NotificationViewTest do
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView
import Pleroma.Factory
+ defp test_notifications_rendering(notifications, user, expected_result) do
+ result = NotificationView.render("index.json", %{notifications: notifications, for: user})
+ assert expected_result == result
+ result =
+ NotificationView.render("index.json", %{
+ notifications: notifications,
+ for: user,
+ relationships: nil
+ })
+ assert expected_result == result
+ end
test "Mention notification" do
user = insert(:user)
mentioned_user = insert(:user)
@@ -32,17 +47,14 @@ test "Mention notification" do
created_at: Utils.to_masto_date(notification.inserted_at)
- result =
- NotificationView.render("index.json", %{notifications: [notification], for: mentioned_user})
- assert [expected] == result
+ test_notifications_rendering([notification], mentioned_user, [expected])
test "Favourite notification" do
user = insert(:user)
another_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey"})
- {:ok, favorite_activity, _object} = CommonAPI.favorite(create_activity.id, another_user)
+ {:ok, favorite_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(another_user, create_activity.id)
{:ok, [notification]} = Notification.create_notifications(favorite_activity)
create_activity = Activity.get_by_id(create_activity.id)
@@ -55,9 +67,7 @@ test "Favourite notification" do
created_at: Utils.to_masto_date(notification.inserted_at)
- result = NotificationView.render("index.json", %{notifications: [notification], for: user})
- assert [expected] == result
+ test_notifications_rendering([notification], user, [expected])
test "Reblog notification" do
@@ -77,9 +87,7 @@ test "Reblog notification" do
created_at: Utils.to_masto_date(notification.inserted_at)
- result = NotificationView.render("index.json", %{notifications: [notification], for: user})
- assert [expected] == result
+ test_notifications_rendering([notification], user, [expected])
test "Follow notification" do
@@ -96,23 +104,32 @@ test "Follow notification" do
created_at: Utils.to_masto_date(notification.inserted_at)
- result =
- NotificationView.render("index.json", %{notifications: [notification], for: followed})
- assert [expected] == result
+ test_notifications_rendering([notification], followed, [expected])
User.perform(:delete, follower)
notification = Notification |> Repo.one() |> Repo.preload(:activity)
- assert [] ==
- NotificationView.render("index.json", %{notifications: [notification], for: followed})
+ test_notifications_rendering([notification], followed, [])
+ @tag capture_log: true
test "Move notification" do
old_user = insert(:user)
new_user = insert(:user, also_known_as: [old_user.ap_id])
follower = insert(:user)
+ old_user_url = old_user.ap_id
+ body =
+ File.read!("test/fixtures/users_mock/localhost.json")
+ |> String.replace("{{nickname}}", old_user.nickname)
+ |> Jason.encode!()
+ Tesla.Mock.mock(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: ^old_user_url} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: body}
+ end)
User.follow(follower, old_user)
Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.move(old_user, new_user)
@@ -131,8 +148,7 @@ test "Move notification" do
created_at: Utils.to_masto_date(notification.inserted_at)
- assert [expected] ==
- NotificationView.render("index.json", %{notifications: [notification], for: follower})
+ test_notifications_rendering([notification], follower, [expected])
test "EmojiReact notification" do
@@ -158,7 +174,6 @@ test "EmojiReact notification" do
created_at: Utils.to_masto_date(notification.inserted_at)
- assert expected ==
- NotificationView.render("show.json", %{notification: notification, for: user})
+ test_notifications_rendering([notification], user, [expected])
diff --git a/test/web/mastodon_api/views/status_view_test.exs b/test/web/mastodon_api/views/status_view_test.exs
index 191895c6f..6791c2fb0 100644
--- a/test/web/mastodon_api/views/status_view_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/mastodon_api/views/status_view_test.exs
@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusViewTest do
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
+ alias Pleroma.UserRelationship
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.AccountView
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView
import Pleroma.Factory
import Tesla.Mock
@@ -92,6 +94,23 @@ test "returns a temporary ap_id based user for activities missing db users" do
+ finger_url =
+ "https://localhost/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:#{user.nickname}@localhost"
+ Tesla.Mock.mock_global(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: "http://localhost/.well-known/host-meta"} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: ""}
+ %{method: :get, url: "https://localhost/.well-known/host-meta"} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: ""}
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: ^finger_url
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: ""}
+ end)
%{account: ms_user} = StatusView.render("show.json", activity: activity)
assert ms_user.acct == "erroruser@example.com"
@@ -212,12 +231,21 @@ test "tells if the message is muted for some reason" do
{:ok, _user_relationships} = User.mute(user, other_user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "test"})
- status = StatusView.render("show.json", %{activity: activity})
+ relationships_opt = UserRelationship.view_relationships_option(user, [other_user])
+ opts = %{activity: activity}
+ status = StatusView.render("show.json", opts)
assert status.muted == false
- status = StatusView.render("show.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
+ status = StatusView.render("show.json", Map.put(opts, :relationships, relationships_opt))
+ assert status.muted == false
+ for_opts = %{activity: activity, for: user}
+ status = StatusView.render("show.json", for_opts)
+ assert status.muted == true
+ status = StatusView.render("show.json", Map.put(for_opts, :relationships, relationships_opt))
assert status.muted == true
@@ -420,6 +448,22 @@ test "a peertube video" do
assert length(represented[:media_attachments]) == 1
+ test "funkwhale audio" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, object} =
+ Pleroma.Object.Fetcher.fetch_object_from_id(
+ "https://channels.tests.funkwhale.audio/federation/music/uploads/42342395-0208-4fee-a38d-259a6dae0871"
+ )
+ %Activity{} = activity = Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(object.data["id"])
+ represented = StatusView.render("show.json", %{for: user, activity: activity})
+ assert represented[:id] == to_string(activity.id)
+ assert length(represented[:media_attachments]) == 1
+ end
test "a Mobilizon event" do
user = insert(:user)
diff --git a/test/web/metadata/metadata_test.exs b/test/web/metadata/metadata_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f8b29e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/metadata/metadata_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.MetadataTest do
+ use Pleroma.DataCase, async: true
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ describe "restrict indexing remote users" do
+ test "for remote user" do
+ user = insert(:user, local: false)
+ assert Pleroma.Web.Metadata.build_tags(%{user: user}) =~
+ ""
+ end
+ test "for local user" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ refute Pleroma.Web.Metadata.build_tags(%{user: user}) =~
+ ""
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/metadata/restrict_indexing_test.exs b/test/web/metadata/restrict_indexing_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aad0bac42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/metadata/restrict_indexing_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.RestrictIndexingTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ describe "build_tags/1" do
+ test "for remote user" do
+ assert Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.RestrictIndexing.build_tags(%{
+ user: %Pleroma.User{local: false}
+ }) == [{:meta, [name: "robots", content: "noindex, noarchive"], []}]
+ end
+ test "for local user" do
+ assert Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.RestrictIndexing.build_tags(%{
+ user: %Pleroma.User{local: true}
+ }) == []
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/node_info_test.exs b/test/web/node_info_test.exs
index 43f322606..9bcc07b37 100644
--- a/test/web/node_info_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/node_info_test.exs
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.NodeInfoTest do
import Pleroma.Factory
+ alias Pleroma.Config
setup do: clear_config([:mrf_simple])
setup do: clear_config(:instance)
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ test "nodeinfo shows restricted nicknames", %{conn: conn} do
assert result = json_response(conn, 200)
- assert Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.User, :restricted_nicknames]) ==
+ assert Config.get([Pleroma.User, :restricted_nicknames]) ==
@@ -65,10 +67,10 @@ test "returns software.repository field in nodeinfo 2.1", %{conn: conn} do
test "returns fieldsLimits field", %{conn: conn} do
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :max_account_fields], 10)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :max_remote_account_fields], 15)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_field_name_length], 255)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_field_value_length], 2048)
+ Config.put([:instance, :max_account_fields], 10)
+ Config.put([:instance, :max_remote_account_fields], 15)
+ Config.put([:instance, :account_field_name_length], 255)
+ Config.put([:instance, :account_field_value_length], 2048)
response =
@@ -82,8 +84,8 @@ test "returns fieldsLimits field", %{conn: conn} do
test "it returns the safe_dm_mentions feature if enabled", %{conn: conn} do
- option = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], true)
+ option = Config.get([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions])
+ Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], true)
response =
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ test "it returns the safe_dm_mentions feature if enabled", %{conn: conn} do
assert "safe_dm_mentions" in response["metadata"]["features"]
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], false)
+ Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], false)
response =
@@ -101,14 +103,14 @@ test "it returns the safe_dm_mentions feature if enabled", %{conn: conn} do
refute "safe_dm_mentions" in response["metadata"]["features"]
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], option)
+ Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], option)
describe "`metadata/federation/enabled`" do
setup do: clear_config([:instance, :federating])
test "it shows if federation is enabled/disabled", %{conn: conn} do
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], true)
+ Config.put([:instance, :federating], true)
response =
@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ test "it shows if federation is enabled/disabled", %{conn: conn} do
assert response["metadata"]["federation"]["enabled"] == true
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :federating], false)
+ Config.put([:instance, :federating], false)
response =
@@ -128,15 +130,39 @@ test "it shows if federation is enabled/disabled", %{conn: conn} do
- test "it shows MRF transparency data if enabled", %{conn: conn} do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :rewrite_policy])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], [Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy])
+ test "it shows default features flags", %{conn: conn} do
+ response =
+ conn
+ |> get("/nodeinfo/2.1.json")
+ |> json_response(:ok)
- option = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :mrf_transparency])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency], true)
+ default_features = [
+ "pleroma_api",
+ "mastodon_api",
+ "mastodon_api_streaming",
+ "polls",
+ "pleroma_explicit_addressing",
+ "shareable_emoji_packs",
+ "multifetch",
+ "pleroma_emoji_reactions",
+ "pleroma:api/v1/notifications:include_types_filter"
+ ]
+ assert MapSet.subset?(
+ MapSet.new(default_features),
+ MapSet.new(response["metadata"]["features"])
+ )
+ end
+ test "it shows MRF transparency data if enabled", %{conn: conn} do
+ config = Config.get([:instance, :rewrite_policy])
+ Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], [Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy])
+ option = Config.get([:instance, :mrf_transparency])
+ Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency], true)
simple_config = %{"reject" => ["example.com"]}
- Pleroma.Config.put(:mrf_simple, simple_config)
+ Config.put(:mrf_simple, simple_config)
response =
@@ -145,25 +171,25 @@ test "it shows MRF transparency data if enabled", %{conn: conn} do
assert response["metadata"]["federation"]["mrf_simple"] == simple_config
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], config)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency], option)
- Pleroma.Config.put(:mrf_simple, %{})
+ Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], config)
+ Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency], option)
+ Config.put(:mrf_simple, %{})
test "it performs exclusions from MRF transparency data if configured", %{conn: conn} do
- config = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :rewrite_policy])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], [Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy])
+ config = Config.get([:instance, :rewrite_policy])
+ Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], [Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy])
- option = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :mrf_transparency])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency], true)
+ option = Config.get([:instance, :mrf_transparency])
+ Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency], true)
- exclusions = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions])
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions], ["other.site"])
+ exclusions = Config.get([:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions])
+ Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions], ["other.site"])
simple_config = %{"reject" => ["example.com", "other.site"]}
expected_config = %{"reject" => ["example.com"]}
- Pleroma.Config.put(:mrf_simple, simple_config)
+ Config.put(:mrf_simple, simple_config)
response =
@@ -173,9 +199,9 @@ test "it performs exclusions from MRF transparency data if configured", %{conn:
assert response["metadata"]["federation"]["mrf_simple"] == expected_config
assert response["metadata"]["federation"]["exclusions"] == true
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], config)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency], option)
- Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions], exclusions)
- Pleroma.Config.put(:mrf_simple, %{})
+ Config.put([:instance, :rewrite_policy], config)
+ Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency], option)
+ Config.put([:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions], exclusions)
+ Config.put(:mrf_simple, %{})
diff --git a/test/web/oauth/oauth_controller_test.exs b/test/web/oauth/oauth_controller_test.exs
index 0b0972b17..f2f98d768 100644
--- a/test/web/oauth/oauth_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/oauth/oauth_controller_test.exs
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ test "redirects with oauth authorization, " <>
# In case scope param is missing, expecting _all_ app-supported scopes to be granted
for user <- [non_admin, admin],
{requested_scopes, expected_scopes} <-
- %{scopes_subset => scopes_subset, nil => app_scopes} do
+ %{scopes_subset => scopes_subset, nil: app_scopes} do
conn =
diff --git a/test/web/ostatus/ostatus_controller_test.exs b/test/web/ostatus/ostatus_controller_test.exs
index 6787b414b..bb349cb19 100644
--- a/test/web/ostatus/ostatus_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/ostatus/ostatus_controller_test.exs
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ test "render html for redirect for html format", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user)
- {:ok, like_activity, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(note_activity.id, user)
+ {:ok, like_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, note_activity.id)
assert like_activity.data["type"] == "Like"
diff --git a/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/account_controller_test.exs b/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/account_controller_test.exs
index 2aa87ac30..ae5334015 100644
--- a/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/account_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/account_controller_test.exs
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ test "returns list of statuses favorited by specified user", %{
user: user
} do
[activity | _] = insert_pair(:note_activity)
- CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
response =
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ test "does not return favorites for specified user_id when user is not logged in
user: user
} do
activity = insert(:note_activity)
- CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
|> get("/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/#{user.id}/favourites")
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ test "returns favorited DM only when user is logged in and he is one of recipien
"visibility" => "direct"
- CommonAPI.favorite(direct.id, user)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(user, direct.id)
for u <- [user, current_user] do
response =
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ test "does not return others' favorited DM when user is not one of recipients",
"visibility" => "direct"
- CommonAPI.favorite(direct.id, user)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(user, direct.id)
response =
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ test "paginates favorites using since_id and max_id", %{
activities = insert_list(10, :note_activity)
Enum.each(activities, fn activity ->
- CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
third_activity = Enum.at(activities, 2)
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ test "limits favorites using limit parameter", %{
|> insert_list(:note_activity)
|> Enum.each(fn activity ->
- CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
response =
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ test "returns 404 error when specified user is not exist", %{conn: conn} do
test "returns 403 error when user has hidden own favorites", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user, hide_favorites: true)
activity = insert(:note_activity)
- CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/#{user.id}/favourites")
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ test "returns 403 error when user has hidden own favorites", %{conn: conn} do
test "hides favorites for new users by default", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user)
activity = insert(:note_activity)
- CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
assert user.hide_favorites
conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/#{user.id}/favourites")
diff --git a/test/web/push/impl_test.exs b/test/web/push/impl_test.exs
index 089d55577..9121d90e7 100644
--- a/test/web/push/impl_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/push/impl_test.exs
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ test "renders title and body for follow activity" do
user = insert(:user, nickname: "Bob")
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, _, _, activity} = CommonAPI.follow(user, other_user)
- object = Object.normalize(activity)
+ object = Object.normalize(activity, false)
assert Impl.format_body(%{activity: activity}, user, object) == "@Bob has followed you"
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ test "renders title and body for like activity" do
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur :firefox: adipiscing elit. Fusce sagittis finibus turpis."
- {:ok, activity, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(user, activity.id)
object = Object.normalize(activity)
assert Impl.format_body(%{activity: activity}, user, object) == "@Bob has favorited your post"
diff --git a/test/web/streamer/streamer_test.exs b/test/web/streamer/streamer_test.exs
index a5d6e8ecf..b3fe22920 100644
--- a/test/web/streamer/streamer_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/streamer/streamer_test.exs
@@ -64,9 +64,6 @@ test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a user is bl
blocked = insert(:user)
{:ok, _user_relationship} = User.block(user, blocked)
- {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => ":("})
- {:ok, notif, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, blocked)
task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, @streamer_timeout end)
@@ -74,6 +71,9 @@ test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a user is bl
%{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}}
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => ":("})
+ {:ok, notif} = CommonAPI.favorite(blocked, activity.id)
Streamer.stream("user:notification", notif)
@@ -83,10 +83,6 @@ test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a thread is
} do
user2 = insert(:user)
- {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "super hot take"})
- {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user, activity)
- {:ok, notif, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user2)
task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, @streamer_timeout end)
@@ -94,6 +90,10 @@ test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a thread is
%{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}}
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "super hot take"})
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user, activity)
+ {:ok, notif} = CommonAPI.favorite(user2, activity.id)
Streamer.stream("user:notification", notif)
@@ -103,10 +103,6 @@ test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream' when a domain is
} do
user2 = insert(:user, %{ap_id: "https://hecking-lewd-place.com/user/meanie"})
- {:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "hecking-lewd-place.com")
- {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "super hot take"})
- {:ok, notif, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user2)
task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, @streamer_timeout end)
@@ -114,6 +110,10 @@ test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream' when a domain is
%{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}}
+ {:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "hecking-lewd-place.com")
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "super hot take"})
+ {:ok, notif} = CommonAPI.favorite(user2, activity.id)
Streamer.stream("user:notification", notif)
@@ -121,6 +121,18 @@ test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream' when a domain is
test "it sends follow activities to the 'user:notification' stream", %{
user: user
} do
+ user_url = user.ap_id
+ body =
+ File.read!("test/fixtures/users_mock/localhost.json")
+ |> String.replace("{{nickname}}", user.nickname)
+ |> Jason.encode!()
+ Tesla.Mock.mock_global(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: ^user_url} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: body}
+ end)
user2 = insert(:user)
task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, _}, @streamer_timeout end)
@@ -464,7 +476,7 @@ test "it does send non-reblog notification for reblog-muted actors" do
CommonAPI.hide_reblogs(user1, user2)
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(user3, %{"status" => "I'm kawen"})
- {:ok, favorite_activity, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(create_activity.id, user2)
+ {:ok, favorite_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(user2, create_activity.id)
task =
Task.async(fn ->
diff --git a/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_test.exs b/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_test.exs
index 92f9aa0f5..f6e13b661 100644
--- a/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_test.exs
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ test "it registers a new user and parses mentions in the bio" do
{:ok, user2} = TwitterAPI.register_user(data2)
expected_text =
- ~s(@john test)