Emoji: Don't die when files are present in the emoji folder.

This commit is contained in:
lain 2019-06-04 12:01:21 +02:00
parent d977d73b91
commit e74581a5c4
1 changed files with 13 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -97,10 +97,22 @@ defp load do
# There was some other error
Logger.error("Could not access the custom emoji directory #{emoji_dir_path}: #{e}")
{:ok, packs} ->
{:ok, results} ->
grouped = Enum.group_by(results, &File.dir?/1)
packs = grouped[true] || []
files = grouped[false] || []
# Print the packs we've found
Logger.info("Found emoji packs: #{Enum.join(packs, ", ")}")
if not Enum.empty?(files) do
"Found files in the emoji folder. These will be ignored, please move them to a subdirectory\nFound files: #{
Enum.join(files, ", ")
emojis =