defmodule HttpRequestMock do def request( %Tesla.Env{ url: url, method: method, headers: headers, query: query, body: body } = _env ) do with {:ok, res} <- apply(__MODULE__, method, [url, query, body, headers]) do res else {_, r} = error -> IO.warn(r) error end end # GET Requests # def get(url, query \\ [], body \\ [], headers \\ []) def get("", _, _, _) do {:ok, %Tesla.Env{ status: 200, body:!( "test/fixtures/httpoison_mock/https___social.heldscal.la_api_statuses_user_timeline_23211.atom.xml" )}} end def get("", _, _, _) do {:ok, %Tesla.Env{ status: 200, body:!("test/fixtures/httpoison_mock/https___social.heldscal.la_user_23211.xml")}} end def get("", _, _, _) do {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body:!("test/fixtures/httpoison_mock/social.heldscal.la_host_meta")}} end def get("", _, _, _) do {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body:!("test/fixtures/httpoison_mock/social.heldscal.la_host_meta")}} end def get("", _, _, _) do {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body:!("test/fixtures/lambadalambda.atom")}} end def get("", _, _, [Accept: "application/activity+json"]) do {:ok, Tesla.Mock.json(%{"id" => ""}, status: 200) } end def get(url, query, body, headers) do {:error, "Not implemented the mock response for get #{inspect(url)}, #{query}, #{inspect(body)}, #{ inspect(headers) }"} end # POST Requests # def post(url, query \\ [], body \\ [], headers \\ []) def post("", _, _, _) do {:ok, %Tesla.Env{ status: 200, body: "" }} end def post(url, _query, _body, _headers) do {:error, "Not implemented the mock response for post #{inspect(url)}"} end end