--- title: | The Semiotics of "Simple": Go Modules date: 2021-03-23 tags: - philosophy - golang - simple --- DISCLAIMER In this post there are opinions. These opinions are my opinions and are purely targeted against ideas, not people. I have a lot of respect for the things I am talking about. These arguments are coming from a place of passion and wanting to make software understandable. Please keep this in mind before reacting to any opinions in this article. # The Semiotics of "Simple": Go Modules This sentence is a series of words that conveys a meaning. Each word in this sentence has its own meanings, but individually they don't really mean much. Pastry. Pasta. However, these words have meanings that can be as simple as a name for a color (ex: pink) and as complicated as an entire way of thinking (ex: fatalism). Semiotics is a branch of philosophy that focuses on the meanings and interpretations of symbols, such as words, logos, icons and similar things. In this article, we're going to examine the word "simple" and how different interpretations of that word can result in vastly different outcomes, specifically in the context of [Go Modules](https://blog.golang.org/using-go-modules). There is no central body that dictates what is and is not correct in English. This lack of a central body makes analysis of semiotics in English very hard. However, [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/simple) is generally considered to be an authoritative dictionary in Anglophone communities, so let's start with the definitions it lists: > Definition of _simple_ > > 1. free from guile > 2. free from vanity > 3. free from ostentation or display > 4. of humble origin or modest position > 5. lacking in knowledge or expertise > 6. lacking in intelligence > 7. not socially or culturally sophisticated > 8. free of secondary complications > 9. having only one main clause and no subordinate clauses > 10. _of a subject or predicate_ : having no modifiers, complements, or objects > 11. constituting a basic element > 12. not made up of many like units > 13. free from elaboration or figuration > 14. not subdivided into branches or leaflets > 15. consisting of a single carpel > 16. developing from a single ovary > 17. controlled by a single gene > 18. not limited or restricted : unconditional > 19. readily understood or performed > 20. _of a statistical hypothesis_ : specifying exact values for one or more statistical parameters "simple" is one of the more "core" parts of English vocabulary. As such it ends up having a lot of meanings and senses of the word, which makes it very easy for people to get confused. Let's start this analysis with [Minimal Version Selection](https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs), which is described as a "simple" alternative to other solutions of the [version selection problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_satisfiability_problem). To put a complicated problem in very simple terms, this is solving the problem of picking versions of libraries needed to build a program. The Minimal Version Selection paper does a really great job of exploring the problem space. If you are at all unfamiliar with this topic, I really suggest reading it. Something interesting about this problem is that it's [NP-complete](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NP-completeness), meaning that it's one of the hardest problems you can solve with a computer. So, looking at it again, let's see which sense of the word "simple" is likely being used here. I think Russ Cox was getting at "readily understood or performed" with the word "simple". Minimal Version Selection is very readily understood and performed. It's mainly described in a paper on Russ' website and the paper is very concise and easy to understand. It does its job. It works, does its thing and then gets out of your way so you can go back to writing the programs you want to write. However, as a side effect of this easy to understand (and likely very easy to program) implementation of the version selection problem, there are some practical issues that can crop up like landmines, especially so when you consider "simple" to mean "free of secondary complications". Let's take this image from Russ' article as an example: