title: "Life Update: New Adventures"
date: 2020-10-23
 - personal
 - consulting
 - docker

# Life Update: New Adventures

Today was my last day at my job, and as of the time that I have published this
post, I am now inbetween jobs. I have had an adventure at Lightspeed, but all
things must come to an end and my adventure has come to an end there. I have a
new job lined up and I will be heading to it soon, but for the meantime I plan
to relax and decompress.

I want to finish that tabletop RPG book I have prototyped out. When I have
something closer to a cohesive book I will post something on my
[patreon](https://www.patreon.com/cadey) so that you all can take a look. Any
and all feedback would be very appreciated. I hope to have it published on my
[Itch page](https://withinstudios.itch.io/) by the end of this year. My target
is on or about $5 for the game manual and supplemental material.

I am going to have a lot of time on my hands, so if you want to, I'm more than
willing to walk through your Docker build pipelines and optimize them so your
builds are faster and futureproofed against the [upcoming Docker Hub rate limit
Please [contact me](/contact) for more information and pricing. I am very
flexible and just want to make things better. 

Thanks for reading, sorry to send out an ad like this. I would like to emphasize
that I am fine as far as new jobs go. I have primary and fallback plans in
place, but if they all somehow fall through I will be sure to put up a note
here. Please be sure to check out [/signalboost](/signalboost) for people to
consider when making hiring decisions.