@use super::{header_html, footer_html}; @use crate::post::Post; @(post: Post, body: impl ToHtml) @:header_html(Some(&post.front_matter.title.clone()), None) @if post.front_matter.redirect_to.is_none() { } @if let Some(to) = post.front_matter.redirect_to.clone() { }


A @post.read_time_estimate_minutes minute read. @body

This article was posted on @post.detri(). Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.

@if post.front_matter.series.is_some() {

Series: @post.front_matter.series.as_ref().unwrap()

} @if post.front_matter.tags.is_some() {

Tags: @for tag in post.front_matter.tags.as_ref().unwrap() { @tag }

} @if post.mentions.len() != 0 {

This post was WebMentioned at the following URLs:

} else {

This post was not WebMentioned yet. You could be the first!


The art for Mara was drawn by Selicre.

The art for Cadey was drawn by ArtZora Studios.
