$(function() { var socket = io.connect(""); $.each([ "NETWORKS", "CHANNELS", "MESSAGES", "USERS" ], function(i, type) { socket.on(type, function(data) { render(type, data); }); }); var chat = $("#chat"); var sidebar = $("#sidebar"); // Templates var networks = $("#networks").html(); var channels = $("#channels").html(); var messages = $("#messages").html(); var users = $("#users").html() function render(type, data) { var target; if (typeof data.target !== "undefined") { target = $(".window[data-id='" + data.target + "']"); } switch (type) { case "NETWORKS": var partials = { users: users, messages: messages }; chat.html(""); data.forEach(function(network) { chat.append(Mustache.render(channels, network, partials)); }); sidebar.html( Mustache.render(networks, { networks: data }) ).find(".channel") .last() .addClass("active"); chat.find(".messages").sticky().scrollToBottom(); chat.find(".window") // Sort windows by `data-id` value. .sort(function(a, b) { return ($(a).data("id") - $(b).data("id")); }) .last() .bringToTop(); break; case "USERS": target = target.find(".users"); target.html(Mustache.render(users, {users: data.data})); break; case "MESSAGES": var message = data.data; if (message.type == "error") { target = target.parent().find(".active"); } target = target.find(".messages"); target.append(Mustache.render(messages, {messages: message})); break; } } sidebar.on("click", ".channel", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); sidebar.find(".active").removeClass("active"); var item = $(this) .addClass("active") .find(".badge") .html("") .end(); var id = item.data("id"); chat.find(".window[data-id='" + id + "']") .bringToTop(); }); chat.on("submit", "form", function() { var input = $(this).find(".input"); var text = input.val(); if (text != "") { input.val(""); socket.emit("input", { id: input.data("target"), text: text }); } }); chat.on("click", ".close", function() { var btn = $(this); btn.prop("disabled", true); socket.emit("input", { id: btn.closest(".window").data("id"), text: "/LEAVE" }); }); chat.on("append", ".window", function() { var id = $(this).data("id"); var badge = sidebar.find(".channel[data-id='" + id + "']:not(.active) .badge"); badge.html((parseInt(badge.html()) + 1) || "1"); }); chat.on("click", ".user", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); chat.on("dblclick", ".user", function() { var user = $(this); var id = user.closest(".window").data("id"); var name = user.attr("href"); var channel = sidebar .find(".channel[data-id='" + id + "']") .siblings(".channel[data-name='" + name + "']"); if (channel.size() != 0) { channel.trigger("click"); return; } socket.emit("input", { id: id, text: "/QUERY " + name }); }); }); (function($) { var highest = 1; $.fn.bringToTop = function() { return this.css('z-index', highest++) .addClass("active") .find(".input") .focus() .end() .siblings() .removeClass("active") .end(); }; })(jQuery); // Sticky plugin // https://github.com/erming/sticky (function($) { var append = $.fn.append; $.fn.append = function() { return append.apply(this, arguments).trigger("append"); }; $.fn.sticky = function() { var self = this; if (self.size() > 1) { return self.each(function() { $(this).sticky(); }); } var timer; var resizing = false; $(window).on("resize", function() { // This will prevent the scroll event from triggering // while resizing the window. resizing = true; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { resizing = false; }, 100); if (sticky) { self.scrollToBottom(); } }); var sticky = false; self.on("scroll", function() { if (!resizing) { sticky = self.isScrollAtBottom(); } }); self.trigger("scroll"); self.on("append", function() { if (sticky) { self.scrollToBottom(); } }); return this; }; $.fn.scrollToBottom = function() { this.scrollTop(this.prop("scrollHeight")); }; $.fn.isScrollAtBottom = function() { if ((this.scrollTop() + this.outerHeight()) >= this.prop("scrollHeight")) { return true; } }; })(jQuery);