var _ = require("lodash"); var config = require("../config") || {}; var fs = require("fs"); var http = require("connect"); var io = require(""); var irc = require("slate-irc"); var net = require("net"); var tls = require("tls"); var Msg = require("./models/msg"); var Network = require("./models/network"); var sockets = null; var networks = []; var plugins = [ "errors", "join", "kick", "mode", "motd", "message", "names", "nick", "notice", "part", "quit", "topic", "welcome", "whois", ]; module.exports = function listen() { var port = config.port || 9000; var app = http() .use(index) .use(http.static("client")) .listen(port); sockets = io.listen(app, {log: 0}).sockets.on("connection", function(socket) { socket, !!config.password ); }); (config.networks || []).forEach(function(n) { connect(n); }); } function init(login) { if (login) { this.on("auth", auth); this.emit("auth"); } else { this.join("chat"); this.on("debug", debug); this.on("input", input); this.on("fetch", fetch); this.emit( "networks", {networks: networks} ); } } function index(req, res, next) { if (req.url != "/") return next(); return fs.readFile("client/index.html", function(err, file) { var data = _.merge( require("../package.json"), config ); res.end(_.template( file, data )); }); } function connect(params) { _.defaults( params, config.defaults ); var host =; var port = params.port || 6667; var options = { host: host, port: port, }; var stream = params.tls ? tls.connect(options) : net.connect(options); stream.on("error", function(e) { console.log(e); }); var client = irc(stream); var network = new Network({ host: host, client: client, }); networks.push(network);"chat").emit("networks", {networks: networks}); client.nick(params.nick); client.user(params.nick, params.realname); plugins.forEach(function(plugin) { require("./plugins/" + plugin).apply(network, [client, sockets]); }); if (!params.onConnect) { return; } client.once("welcome", function() { client.write("PING " +; var channels = params.onConnect.join || []; channels.forEach(function(chan) { client.join.apply( client, chan.split(' ') ); }); }); client.once("pong", function() { var delay = 1000; var commands = params.onConnect.commands || []; commands.forEach(function(cmd) { setTimeout(function() { input({ id: network.channels[0].id, text: cmd }); }, delay); delay += 1000; }); }); } function auth(password) { if (password == config.password) { this.disable = false;; } } function debug(data) { console.log(data); } function input(data) { var target = find(; if (!target) { return; } var network =; var chan = target.chan; var client = network.client; var id =; var text = data.text; if (!text) { return; } var args = text.replace(/^\//, '').split(" "); var cmd = text.charAt(0) == "/" ? args[0].toLowerCase() : ""; switch (cmd) { case "say": // Remove '/say' and treat this command as a message. args.shift(); case "": args.unshift( "msg", ); case "msg": var user; var text = args.slice(2).join(" "); if (client) { user =; client.send(args[1], text); } var chan = _.findWhere(network.channels, {name: args[1]}); if (typeof chan !== "undefined") { var msg = new Msg({ from: user, text: text, }); chan.addMsg(msg)"chat").emit("msg", { id:, msg: msg, }); } break; case "notice": if (client && args[2]) { client.notice(args[1], args.slice(2).join(" ")); } break; case "slap": var slap = "slaps " + args[1] + " around a bit with a large trout"; case "me": if (!args[1]) { break; } var user; var text = slap || args.slice(1).join(" "); if (client) { user =; client.action(, text); } var msg = new Msg({ type: "action", from: user, text: text, }); chan.addMsg(msg)"chat").emit("msg", { id:, msg: msg, }); break; case "ame": var type = "action"; case "amsg": var user =; var text = args.slice(1).join(" "); var channels = []; network.channels.forEach(function(chan) { if (chan.type == "channel") { channels.push(; var msg = new Msg({ type: type || "normal", from: user, text: text, }); chan.addMsg(msg)"chat").emit("msg", { id:, msg: msg, }); } }); client[type || "send"]( channels, text ); break; case "server": case "connect": if (args[1]) { connect({host: args[1]}); } break; case "join": if (client && args[1]) { if (!args[2] || args[2].charAt(0) == "#") { client.join(args.slice(1)); } else { client.join( args[1], args[2] // Password ); } } break; case "nick": if (client && args[1]) { client.nick(args[1]); } break; case "part": if (chan.type != "channel") { return; } case "close": case "leave": if (chan.type == "lobby") { return; } var id =; if (chan.type == "query" || !chan.users.length) { remove(id);"chat").emit("part", { id: id, }); } else if (client) { client.part(; } break; case "partall": var part = []; network.channels.forEach(function(c) { if (c.type == "channel") part.push(; }); console.log("PART"); console.log(part); client.part(part); break; case "invite": if (client && args[2]) { client.invite(args[1], args[2]); } break; case "topic": if (client) { var msg = "TOPIC"; msg += " " +; msg += args[1] ? " :" + args.slice(1).join(" ") : ""; client.write(msg); } break; case "whoami": var user =; case "query": case "whois": var user = user || args[1]; if (client && user) { client.whois(user); } break; case "kick": if (client && args[1]) { client.kick(, args[1]); } break; case "op": case "deop": case "voice": case "devoice": case "mode": if (!client || !args[1]) { break; } var mode; var user; if (cmd != "mode") { user = args[1]; mode = { "op": "+o", "deop": "-o", "voice": "+v", "devoice": "-v", }[cmd]; } else if (!args[2]) { break; } else { mode = args[1]; user = args[2]; } client.mode(, mode, user ); break; case "quit": case "disconnect": if (client) { networks = _.without(networks, network);"chat").emit("networks", {networks: networks}); client.quit(); } break; case "raw": case "send": if (client) { client.write(args.slice(1).join(" ")); } break; } } function fetch(data) { var socket = this; var target = find(; if (!target) { return; } var chan = target.chan; var messages = chan .messages .slice(0, chan.messages.length - (data.count || 0)); socket.emit("messages", { id:, msg: messages, }); } function find(id) { for (var i = 0; i < networks.length; i++) { var result = { network: networks[i], chan: _.findWhere(networks[i].channels, {id: id}), }; if (result.chan) { return result; } } } function remove(id) { networks.forEach(function(n) { n.channels = _.without(n.channels, _.findWhere(n.channels, {id: id})); }); }