# GDFractals Fractal shaders for Godot 3.0 # Contains * Julia fractal shader * Mandelbrot fractal shader * Sierpinski carpet shader # How to setup * Create ColorRect and lay ShaderMaterial on it * Drag&drop the required shader to ShaderMaterial slot * Create gradient texture, if you dont want to create it yourself use fire_gradient.tres * Set parameters on material: # for Julia: * Gradient - gradient texture * Scale = 4, 4 * Offset = 0, 0 * MaxIter = from 100 to 1000 * Speed = 1 # for Mandelbrot: * Gradient - gradient texture * Scale = 1, 1 * Offset = 0, 0 * MaxIter = from 100 to 1000 # for Serpinski carpet: * Scale = 81, 81 * Offset = 0, 0