#!/usr/bin/python2 # Copyright (C) 2014 Christine Dodrill All rights reserved. # # This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied # warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages # arising from the use of this software. # # Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, # including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it # freely, subject to the following restrictions: # # 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not # claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software # in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be # appreciated but is not required. # # 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be # misrepresented as being the original software. # # 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source # distribution. # import baker import docker import json import os import subprocess import time client = docker.Client() @baker.command def build(): """ Builds the docker images """ client.build(path="server", tag="xena/minecraft:server") client.build(path="data", tag="xena/minecraft:data") client.build(path="data-ambassador", tag="xena/minecraft:data-amb") client.build(path="backup", tag="xena/minecraft:backup") @baker.command def establish(prefix): """ Establish a server name and setup its data container. The prefix prefixes the server container names. """ spawn_data(prefix) spawn(prefix) @baker.command def spawn(prefix): """ Respawn a server with prefix name """ server_id = client.create_container("xena/minecraft:server", name="%s-mc-server" % prefix, ports=["25565"], stdin_open=True, tty=True) client.start(server_id, publish_all_ports=True, volumes_from="%s-mc-data" % prefix) print "Server %s started" % prefix portinfo(prefix) @baker.command def spawn_data(prefix): """ Spawns the data container for a minecraft server """ data_id = client.create_container("xena/minecraft:data", name="%s-mc-data" % prefix, detach=True) client.start(data_id) amb_id = client.create_container("xena/minecraft:data-amb", detach=False) client.start(amb_id, volumes_from="%s-mc-data" % prefix) client.wait(amb_id) client.remove_container(amb_id) print "Data for %s started and permissions set" % prefix @baker.command def addop(prefix, opname): """ Arbitrarily add a server operator """ subprocess.call(["bash", "scripts/addop.sh", opname, prefix]) print "Op %s on %s added." % (opname, prefix) @baker.command def portinfo(prefix): """ Gets the local and nonpersistent ip/port numbers for a server at prefix """ server_id = "%s-mc-server" % prefix ip = None port = None container = client.inspect_container(server_id) ip = container["NetworkSettings"]["IPAddress"] port = container["NetworkSettings"]["Ports"]["25565/tcp"][0]["HostPort"] print "IP: %s" % ip print "Port: %s" % port @baker.command def logs(prefix): """ Get logs for a prefix """ subprocess.call(["docker", "logs", "%s-mc-server" % prefix]) @baker.command def kill(prefix, purge=False): """ Kills a minecraft server, optionally purging it """ server_id = "%s-mc-server" % prefix subprocess.call(["bash", "scripts/kill-server.sh", prefix]) client.stop(server_id) client.remove_container(server_id) print "stopped %s" % server_id if purge: data_id = "%s-mc-data" % prefix client.stop(data_id) client.remove_container(data_id) print "Data for %s removed" % prefix @baker.command def backup(prefix, mega=False): """ Backup a minecraft server. """ subprocess.call(["bash", "scripts/backup.sh", prefix]) name = "%s-%s.tgz" % (prefix, time.time()) os.rename("backup.tgz", name) print "Backup for %s written to %s." % (prefix, name) if mega: from mega import Mega config = {} with open(os.getenv("HOME") + "/.config/mineupload/conf.json", "r") as fin: config = json.loads(fin.read()) username, password = config["u"], config["p"] print "Logging into mega..." mega = Mega({"verbose": True}) m = mega.login(username, password) print "Uploading %s to mega..." % name fpointer = m.upload(name) print "URL: %s" % m.get_upload_link(fpointer) print "Local copy removed" os.remove(name) baker.run()