Update NEWS.

This commit is contained in:
B.Greenham 2010-03-05 13:54:38 -05:00
parent d3b90aaad3
commit b5285733d3
1 changed files with 15 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ new modes
- Add umode +C (no CTCP).
- Add umode +V, users with this mode set will never recieve channel invites
from other users.
- Add umode +B which identifies users as being bots.
- Add umode +B which identifies users as being bots in /whois.
- Add umode +G which disallows users from messaging you unless you're both
on at least one channel together. This can be "overridden" with /accept.
- Add cmode +T which blocks all notices to the channel.
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ new modes
- Add cmode +E which disallows channel ops from kicking users.
- Add cmode +N which disallows users from changing their nick while they're on
a channel with this mode set.
- Add cmode +K (norepeat) which will block repeated messages if a user sends
the same message multiple times before any other users send to the channel.
- Add cmode +K (norepeat) which will block repeated messages, regardless of
- who they're from.
- Add cmode +G which blocks messages containing 50% or more capital letters
from being sent to the channel.
- Add cmode +J which disallows a kicked user from rejoining within 'X' seconds
@ -56,33 +56,32 @@ opers
- swhois support - Adds a mostly free-form line of text to opers' whois
if one is set in their operator {} block.
- custom operstring - Instead of showing the IRC operator or IRC administrator
oper strings, you can customize what it shows by privset or
for a specific operator.
- host-on-oper - This will be a option settable in both general block and
operator block that defines what host a operator gets upon oper-up.
oper strings, you can customize what it shows in each oper's operator {}
- host-on-oper - Give a vhost to operators upon oper up. Can be defined
generally, then the general option may be overridden by each operator {}
- operoverride - Oper override works very differently in ShadowIRCd compared
to all other IRCd's which support oper override. In ShadowIRCd, to be able
to override, you must have the oper:override privledge and you must then
set umode +p on yourself. The p umode will automatically expire and un-set
itself after a time set in the configuration option general::expire_override_time.
- immune - Immune depends on the chm_no_oper_kick extension being enabled.
An oper can set +M on a channel (which that channel's ops and users can not
see, but other opers can), then when the oper joins that channel with override
(umode +p) set on themselves, the channel's ops will be unable to kick the oper
from the channel.
- immune - Adds cmode +M. Opers can set this on a channel (even if they don't
have ops) without the channel's ops or other users seeing (only opers see
this mode at all.) It disallows anyone in the channel from kicking opers.
- OACCEPT/callerid override - In ShadowIRCd 6, opers no longer can simply PM
users that have umodes +g or +G set and the oper is not on their accept list.
To allow opers to still be able to PM users in this situation, OACCEPT has been
added. To use: /oaccept <user> and it will add a piece of metadata to that user
which will allow you to PM them.
added. OACCEPT is a new extension that enables the command /oaccept <user>
which adds a piece of metadata to that use which will allow you to PM them.
- Changed default NICKLEN to 31 (from 15) to fit more closely with other
- Rebrand many things from Charybdis to ShadowIRCd.
- Move the m_force module to extensions.
- Add a metadata framework. Currently used for swhois, custom operstring and
- Add a metadata framework. Currently used for swhois, custom operstring,
OACCEPT, cmode +J, cmode +K.
-- charybdis-3.2.0