/* This code is in the public domain. * $Id: newconf.c 3550 2007-08-09 06:47:26Z nenolod $ */ #include "stdinc.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBCRYPTO #include #include #endif #include "newconf.h" #include "ircd_defs.h" #include "common.h" #include "logger.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "s_user.h" #include "s_newconf.h" #include "send.h" #include "setup.h" #include "modules.h" #include "listener.h" #include "hostmask.h" #include "s_serv.h" #include "hash.h" #include "cache.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "snomask.h" #include "blacklist.h" #include "sslproc.h" #include "privilege.h" #define CF_TYPE(x) ((x) & CF_MTYPE) struct TopConf *conf_cur_block; static char *conf_cur_block_name; static rb_dlink_list conf_items; static struct ConfItem *yy_aconf = NULL; static struct Class *yy_class = NULL; static struct remote_conf *yy_shared = NULL; static struct server_conf *yy_server = NULL; static rb_dlink_list yy_aconf_list; static rb_dlink_list yy_oper_list; static rb_dlink_list yy_shared_list; static rb_dlink_list yy_cluster_list; static struct oper_conf *yy_oper = NULL; static struct alias_entry *yy_alias = NULL; static char *yy_blacklist_host = NULL; static char *yy_blacklist_reason = NULL; static char *yy_privset_extends = NULL; static const char * conf_strtype(int type) { switch (type & CF_MTYPE) { case CF_INT: return "integer value"; case CF_STRING: return "unquoted string"; case CF_YESNO: return "yes/no value"; case CF_QSTRING: return "quoted string"; case CF_TIME: return "time/size value"; default: return "unknown type"; } } int add_top_conf(const char *name, int (*sfunc) (struct TopConf *), int (*efunc) (struct TopConf *), struct ConfEntry *items) { struct TopConf *tc; tc = rb_malloc(sizeof(struct TopConf)); tc->tc_name = name; tc->tc_sfunc = sfunc; tc->tc_efunc = efunc; tc->tc_entries = items; rb_dlinkAddAlloc(tc, &conf_items); return 0; } struct TopConf * find_top_conf(const char *name) { rb_dlink_node *d; struct TopConf *tc; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(d, conf_items.head) { tc = d->data; if(strcasecmp(tc->tc_name, name) == 0) return tc; } return NULL; } struct ConfEntry * find_conf_item(const struct TopConf *top, const char *name) { struct ConfEntry *cf; rb_dlink_node *d; if(top->tc_entries) { int i; for(i = 0; top->tc_entries[i].cf_type; i++) { cf = &top->tc_entries[i]; if(!strcasecmp(cf->cf_name, name)) return cf; } } RB_DLINK_FOREACH(d, top->tc_items.head) { cf = d->data; if(strcasecmp(cf->cf_name, name) == 0) return cf; } return NULL; } int remove_top_conf(char *name) { struct TopConf *tc; rb_dlink_node *ptr; if((tc = find_top_conf(name)) == NULL) return -1; if((ptr = rb_dlinkFind(tc, &conf_items)) == NULL) return -1; rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &conf_items); rb_free(tc); return 0; } static void conf_set_serverinfo_name(void *data) { if(ServerInfo.name == NULL) { const char *s; int dots = 0; for(s = data; *s != '\0'; s++) { if(!IsServChar(*s)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring serverinfo::name " "-- bogus servername."); return; } else if(*s == '.') ++dots; } if(!dots) { conf_report_error("Ignoring serverinfo::name -- must contain '.'"); return; } s = data; if(IsDigit(*s)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring serverinfo::name -- cannot begin with digit."); return; } /* the ircd will exit() in main() if we dont set one */ if(strlen(s) <= HOSTLEN) ServerInfo.name = rb_strdup((char *) data); } } static void conf_set_serverinfo_sid(void *data) { char *sid = data; if(ServerInfo.sid[0] == '\0') { if(!IsDigit(sid[0]) || !IsIdChar(sid[1]) || !IsIdChar(sid[2]) || sid[3] != '\0') { conf_report_error("Ignoring serverinfo::sid " "-- bogus sid."); return; } strcpy(ServerInfo.sid, sid); } } static void conf_set_serverinfo_network_name(void *data) { char *p; if((p = strchr((char *) data, ' '))) *p = '\0'; rb_free(ServerInfo.network_name); ServerInfo.network_name = rb_strdup((char *) data); } static void conf_set_serverinfo_vhost(void *data) { if(rb_inet_pton(AF_INET, (char *) data, &ServerInfo.ip.sin_addr) <= 0) { conf_report_error("Invalid netmask for server IPv4 vhost (%s)", (char *) data); return; } ServerInfo.ip.sin_family = AF_INET; ServerInfo.specific_ipv4_vhost = 1; } static void conf_set_serverinfo_vhost6(void *data) { #ifdef RB_IPV6 if(rb_inet_pton(AF_INET6, (char *) data, &ServerInfo.ip6.sin6_addr) <= 0) { conf_report_error("Invalid netmask for server IPv6 vhost (%s)", (char *) data); return; } ServerInfo.specific_ipv6_vhost = 1; ServerInfo.ip6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; #else conf_report_error("Warning -- ignoring serverinfo::vhost6 -- IPv6 support not available."); #endif } static void conf_set_modules_module(void *data) { #ifndef STATIC_MODULES char *m_bn; m_bn = rb_basename((char *) data); if(findmodule_byname(m_bn) != -1) return; load_one_module((char *) data, 0); rb_free(m_bn); #else conf_report_error("Ignoring modules::module -- loadable module support not present."); #endif } static void conf_set_modules_path(void *data) { #ifndef STATIC_MODULES mod_add_path((char *) data); #else conf_report_error("Ignoring modules::path -- loadable module support not present."); #endif } struct mode_table { const char *name; int mode; }; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct mode_table umode_table[] = { {"callerid", UMODE_CALLERID }, {"softcallerid", UMODE_SCALLERID }, {"deaf", UMODE_DEAF }, {"invisible", UMODE_INVISIBLE }, {"locops", UMODE_LOCOPS }, {"noforward", UMODE_NOFORWARD }, {"regonlymsg", UMODE_REGONLYMSG}, {"servnotice", UMODE_SERVNOTICE}, {"wallop", UMODE_WALLOP }, {"operwall", UMODE_OPERWALL }, {"noctcp", UMODE_NOCTCP }, {"noinvite", UMODE_NOINVITE }, {"bot", UMODE_BOT }, {"override", UMODE_OVERRIDE }, {NULL, 0} }; static struct mode_table oper_table[] = { {"encrypted", OPER_ENCRYPTED }, {"need_ssl", OPER_NEEDSSL }, {NULL, 0} }; static struct mode_table auth_table[] = { {"encrypted", CONF_FLAGS_ENCRYPTED }, {"spoof_notice", CONF_FLAGS_SPOOF_NOTICE }, {"exceed_limit", CONF_FLAGS_NOLIMIT }, {"dnsbl_exempt", CONF_FLAGS_EXEMPTDNSBL }, {"kline_exempt", CONF_FLAGS_EXEMPTKLINE }, {"flood_exempt", CONF_FLAGS_EXEMPTFLOOD }, {"spambot_exempt", CONF_FLAGS_EXEMPTSPAMBOT }, {"shide_exempt", CONF_FLAGS_EXEMPTSHIDE }, {"jupe_exempt", CONF_FLAGS_EXEMPTJUPE }, {"resv_exempt", CONF_FLAGS_EXEMPTRESV }, {"no_tilde", CONF_FLAGS_NO_TILDE }, {"need_ident", CONF_FLAGS_NEED_IDENTD }, {"have_ident", CONF_FLAGS_NEED_IDENTD }, {"need_ssl", CONF_FLAGS_NEED_SSL }, {"need_sasl", CONF_FLAGS_NEED_SASL }, {NULL, 0} }; static struct mode_table connect_table[] = { { "autoconn", SERVER_AUTOCONN }, { "compressed", SERVER_COMPRESSED }, { "encrypted", SERVER_ENCRYPTED }, { "topicburst", SERVER_TB }, { "ssl", SERVER_SSL }, { NULL, 0 }, }; static struct mode_table cluster_table[] = { { "kline", SHARED_PKLINE }, { "tkline", SHARED_TKLINE }, { "unkline", SHARED_UNKLINE }, { "locops", SHARED_LOCOPS }, { "xline", SHARED_PXLINE }, { "txline", SHARED_TXLINE }, { "unxline", SHARED_UNXLINE }, { "resv", SHARED_PRESV }, { "tresv", SHARED_TRESV }, { "unresv", SHARED_UNRESV }, { "all", CLUSTER_ALL }, {NULL, 0} }; static struct mode_table shared_table[] = { { "kline", SHARED_PKLINE|SHARED_TKLINE }, { "xline", SHARED_PXLINE|SHARED_TXLINE }, { "resv", SHARED_PRESV|SHARED_TRESV }, { "dline", SHARED_PDLINE|SHARED_TDLINE }, { "tdline", SHARED_TDLINE }, { "pdline", SHARED_PDLINE }, { "undline", SHARED_UNDLINE }, { "tkline", SHARED_TKLINE }, { "unkline", SHARED_UNKLINE }, { "txline", SHARED_TXLINE }, { "unxline", SHARED_UNXLINE }, { "tresv", SHARED_TRESV }, { "unresv", SHARED_UNRESV }, { "locops", SHARED_LOCOPS }, { "rehash", SHARED_REHASH }, { "all", SHARED_ALL }, { "none", 0 }, {NULL, 0} }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static int find_umode(struct mode_table *tab, const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; tab[i].name; i++) { if(strcmp(tab[i].name, name) == 0) return tab[i].mode; } return -1; } static void set_modes_from_table(int *modes, const char *whatis, struct mode_table *tab, conf_parm_t * args) { for (; args; args = args->next) { const char *umode; int dir = 1; int mode; if((args->type & CF_MTYPE) != CF_STRING) { conf_report_error("Warning -- %s is not a string; ignoring.", whatis); continue; } umode = args->v.string; if(*umode == '~') { dir = 0; umode++; } mode = find_umode(tab, umode); if(mode == -1) { conf_report_error("Warning -- unknown %s %s.", whatis, args->v.string); continue; } if(mode) { if(dir) *modes |= mode; else *modes &= ~mode; } else *modes = 0; } } static void conf_set_privset_extends(void *data) { yy_privset_extends = rb_strdup((char *) data); } static void conf_set_privset_privs(void *data) { char *privs = NULL; conf_parm_t *args = data; for (; args; args = args->next) { if (privs == NULL) privs = rb_strdup(args->v.string); else { char *privs_old = privs; privs = rb_malloc(strlen(privs_old) + 1 + strlen(args->v.string) + 1); strcpy(privs, privs_old); strcat(privs, " "); strcat(privs, args->v.string); rb_free(privs_old); } } if (privs) { if (yy_privset_extends) { struct PrivilegeSet *set = privilegeset_get(yy_privset_extends); if (!set) { conf_report_error("Warning -- unknown parent privilege set %s for %s; assuming defaults", yy_privset_extends, conf_cur_block_name); set = privilegeset_get("default"); } privilegeset_extend(set, conf_cur_block_name != NULL ? conf_cur_block_name : "", privs, 0); rb_free(yy_privset_extends); yy_privset_extends = NULL; } else privilegeset_set_new(conf_cur_block_name != NULL ? conf_cur_block_name : "", privs, 0); rb_free(privs); } } static int conf_begin_oper(struct TopConf *tc) { rb_dlink_node *ptr; rb_dlink_node *next_ptr; if(yy_oper != NULL) { free_oper_conf(yy_oper); yy_oper = NULL; } RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, yy_oper_list.head) { free_oper_conf(ptr->data); rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &yy_oper_list); } yy_oper = make_oper_conf(); yy_oper->flags |= OPER_ENCRYPTED; return 0; } static int conf_end_oper(struct TopConf *tc) { struct oper_conf *yy_tmpoper; rb_dlink_node *ptr; rb_dlink_node *next_ptr; if(conf_cur_block_name != NULL) { if(strlen(conf_cur_block_name) > OPERNICKLEN) conf_cur_block_name[OPERNICKLEN] = '\0'; yy_oper->name = rb_strdup(conf_cur_block_name); } if(EmptyString(yy_oper->name)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring operator block -- missing name."); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBCRYPTO if(EmptyString(yy_oper->passwd) && EmptyString(yy_oper->rsa_pubkey_file)) #else if(EmptyString(yy_oper->passwd)) #endif { conf_report_error("Ignoring operator block for %s -- missing password", yy_oper->name); return 0; } if (!yy_oper->privset) yy_oper->privset = privilegeset_get("default"); /* now, yy_oper_list contains a stack of oper_conf's with just user * and host in, yy_oper contains the rest of the information which * we need to copy into each element in yy_oper_list */ RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, yy_oper_list.head) { yy_tmpoper = ptr->data; yy_tmpoper->name = rb_strdup(yy_oper->name); /* could be an rsa key instead.. */ if(!EmptyString(yy_oper->passwd)) yy_tmpoper->passwd = rb_strdup(yy_oper->passwd); yy_tmpoper->flags = yy_oper->flags; yy_tmpoper->umodes = yy_oper->umodes; yy_tmpoper->snomask = yy_oper->snomask; yy_tmpoper->privset = yy_oper->privset; #ifdef HAVE_LIBCRYPTO if(yy_oper->rsa_pubkey_file) { BIO *file; if((file = BIO_new_file(yy_oper->rsa_pubkey_file, "r")) == NULL) { conf_report_error("Ignoring operator block for %s -- " "rsa_public_key_file cant be opened", yy_tmpoper->name); return 0; } yy_tmpoper->rsa_pubkey = (RSA *) PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(file, NULL, 0, NULL); (void)BIO_set_close(file, BIO_CLOSE); BIO_free(file); if(yy_tmpoper->rsa_pubkey == NULL) { conf_report_error("Ignoring operator block for %s -- " "rsa_public_key_file key invalid; check syntax", yy_tmpoper->name); return 0; } } #endif /* all is ok, put it on oper_conf_list */ rb_dlinkMoveNode(ptr, &yy_oper_list, &oper_conf_list); } free_oper_conf(yy_oper); yy_oper = NULL; return 0; } static void conf_set_oper_flags(void *data) { conf_parm_t *args = data; set_modes_from_table(&yy_oper->flags, "flag", oper_table, args); } static void conf_set_oper_fingerprint(void *data) { yy_oper->certfp = rb_strdup((char *) data); } static void conf_set_oper_privset(void *data) { yy_oper->privset = privilegeset_get((char *) data); } static void conf_set_oper_user(void *data) { struct oper_conf *yy_tmpoper; char *p; char *host = (char *) data; yy_tmpoper = make_oper_conf(); if((p = strchr(host, '@'))) { *p++ = '\0'; yy_tmpoper->username = rb_strdup(host); yy_tmpoper->host = rb_strdup(p); } else { yy_tmpoper->username = rb_strdup("*"); yy_tmpoper->host = rb_strdup(host); } if(EmptyString(yy_tmpoper->username) || EmptyString(yy_tmpoper->host)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring user -- missing username/host"); free_oper_conf(yy_tmpoper); return; } rb_dlinkAddAlloc(yy_tmpoper, &yy_oper_list); } static void conf_set_oper_password(void *data) { if(yy_oper->passwd) { memset(yy_oper->passwd, 0, strlen(yy_oper->passwd)); rb_free(yy_oper->passwd); } yy_oper->passwd = rb_strdup((char *) data); } static void conf_set_oper_rsa_public_key_file(void *data) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBCRYPTO rb_free(yy_oper->rsa_pubkey_file); yy_oper->rsa_pubkey_file = rb_strdup((char *) data); #else conf_report_error("Warning -- ignoring rsa_public_key_file (OpenSSL support not available"); #endif } static void conf_set_oper_umodes(void *data) { set_modes_from_table(&yy_oper->umodes, "umode", umode_table, data); } static void conf_set_oper_snomask(void *data) { yy_oper->snomask = parse_snobuf_to_mask(0, (const char *) data); } static int conf_begin_class(struct TopConf *tc) { if(yy_class) free_class(yy_class); yy_class = make_class(); return 0; } static int conf_end_class(struct TopConf *tc) { if(conf_cur_block_name != NULL) yy_class->class_name = rb_strdup(conf_cur_block_name); if(EmptyString(yy_class->class_name)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring connect block -- missing name."); return 0; } add_class(yy_class); yy_class = NULL; return 0; } static void conf_set_class_ping_time(void *data) { yy_class->ping_freq = *(unsigned int *) data; } static void conf_set_class_cidr_ipv4_bitlen(void *data) { unsigned int maxsize = 32; if(*(unsigned int *) data > maxsize) conf_report_error ("class::cidr_ipv4_bitlen argument exceeds maxsize (%d > %d) - ignoring.", *(unsigned int *) data, maxsize); else yy_class->cidr_ipv4_bitlen = *(unsigned int *) data; } #ifdef RB_IPV6 static void conf_set_class_cidr_ipv6_bitlen(void *data) { unsigned int maxsize = 128; if(*(unsigned int *) data > maxsize) conf_report_error ("class::cidr_ipv6_bitlen argument exceeds maxsize (%d > %d) - ignoring.", *(unsigned int *) data, maxsize); else yy_class->cidr_ipv6_bitlen = *(unsigned int *) data; } #endif static void conf_set_class_number_per_cidr(void *data) { yy_class->cidr_amount = *(unsigned int *) data; } static void conf_set_class_number_per_ip(void *data) { yy_class->max_local = *(unsigned int *) data; } static void conf_set_class_number_per_ip_global(void *data) { yy_class->max_global = *(unsigned int *) data; } static void conf_set_class_number_per_ident(void *data) { yy_class->max_ident = *(unsigned int *) data; } static void conf_set_class_connectfreq(void *data) { yy_class->con_freq = *(unsigned int *) data; } static void conf_set_class_max_number(void *data) { yy_class->max_total = *(unsigned int *) data; } static void conf_set_class_sendq(void *data) { yy_class->max_sendq = *(unsigned int *) data; } static char *listener_address; static int conf_begin_listen(struct TopConf *tc) { rb_free(listener_address); listener_address = NULL; return 0; } static int conf_end_listen(struct TopConf *tc) { rb_free(listener_address); listener_address = NULL; return 0; } static void conf_set_listen_port_both(void *data, int ssl) { conf_parm_t *args = data; for (; args; args = args->next) { if((args->type & CF_MTYPE) != CF_INT) { conf_report_error ("listener::port argument is not an integer " "-- ignoring."); continue; } if(listener_address == NULL) { add_listener(args->v.number, listener_address, AF_INET, ssl); #ifdef RB_IPV6 add_listener(args->v.number, listener_address, AF_INET6, ssl); #endif } else { int family; #ifdef RB_IPV6 if(strchr(listener_address, ':') != NULL) family = AF_INET6; else #endif family = AF_INET; add_listener(args->v.number, listener_address, family, ssl); } } } static void conf_set_listen_port(void *data) { conf_set_listen_port_both(data, 0); } static void conf_set_listen_sslport(void *data) { conf_set_listen_port_both(data, 1); } static void conf_set_listen_address(void *data) { rb_free(listener_address); listener_address = rb_strdup(data); } static int conf_begin_auth(struct TopConf *tc) { rb_dlink_node *ptr; rb_dlink_node *next_ptr; if(yy_aconf) free_conf(yy_aconf); RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, yy_aconf_list.head) { free_conf(ptr->data); rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &yy_aconf_list); } yy_aconf = make_conf(); yy_aconf->status = CONF_CLIENT; return 0; } static int conf_end_auth(struct TopConf *tc) { struct ConfItem *yy_tmp, *found_conf; rb_dlink_node *ptr; rb_dlink_node *next_ptr; if(EmptyString(yy_aconf->name)) yy_aconf->name = rb_strdup("NOMATCH"); /* didnt even get one ->host? */ if(EmptyString(yy_aconf->host)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring auth block -- missing user@host"); return 0; } /* so the stacking works in order.. */ collapse(yy_aconf->user); collapse(yy_aconf->host); conf_add_class_to_conf(yy_aconf); if ((found_conf = find_exact_conf_by_address("*", CONF_CLIENT, "*")) && found_conf->spasswd == NULL) conf_report_error("Ignoring redundant auth block (after *@*)"); else if ((found_conf = find_exact_conf_by_address(yy_aconf->host, CONF_CLIENT, yy_aconf->user)) && (!found_conf->spasswd || (yy_aconf->spasswd && 0 == irccmp(found_conf->spasswd, yy_aconf->spasswd)))) conf_report_error("Ignoring duplicate auth block for %s@%s", yy_aconf->user, yy_aconf->host); else add_conf_by_address(yy_aconf->host, CONF_CLIENT, yy_aconf->user, yy_aconf->spasswd, yy_aconf); RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, yy_aconf_list.head) { yy_tmp = ptr->data; if(yy_aconf->passwd) yy_tmp->passwd = rb_strdup(yy_aconf->passwd); if(yy_aconf->spasswd) yy_tmp->spasswd = rb_strdup(yy_aconf->spasswd); /* this will always exist.. */ yy_tmp->name = rb_strdup(yy_aconf->name); if(yy_aconf->className) yy_tmp->className = rb_strdup(yy_aconf->className); yy_tmp->flags = yy_aconf->flags; yy_tmp->port = yy_aconf->port; collapse(yy_tmp->user); collapse(yy_tmp->host); conf_add_class_to_conf(yy_tmp); if (find_exact_conf_by_address("*", CONF_CLIENT, "*")) conf_report_error("Ignoring redundant auth block (after *@*)"); else if (find_exact_conf_by_address(yy_tmp->host, CONF_CLIENT, yy_tmp->user)) conf_report_error("Ignoring duplicate auth block for %s@%s", yy_tmp->user, yy_tmp->host); else add_conf_by_address(yy_tmp->host, CONF_CLIENT, yy_tmp->user, yy_tmp->spasswd, yy_tmp); rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &yy_aconf_list); } yy_aconf = NULL; return 0; } static void conf_set_auth_user(void *data) { struct ConfItem *yy_tmp; char *p; /* The first user= line doesn't allocate a new conf */ if(!EmptyString(yy_aconf->host)) { yy_tmp = make_conf(); yy_tmp->status = CONF_CLIENT; } else yy_tmp = yy_aconf; if((p = strchr(data, '@'))) { *p++ = '\0'; yy_tmp->user = rb_strdup(data); yy_tmp->host = rb_strdup(p); } else { yy_tmp->user = rb_strdup("*"); yy_tmp->host = rb_strdup(data); } if(yy_aconf != yy_tmp) rb_dlinkAddAlloc(yy_tmp, &yy_aconf_list); } static void conf_set_auth_auth_user(void *data) { if(yy_aconf->spasswd) memset(yy_aconf->spasswd, 0, strlen(yy_aconf->spasswd)); rb_free(yy_aconf->spasswd); yy_aconf->spasswd = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_auth_passwd(void *data) { if(yy_aconf->passwd) memset(yy_aconf->passwd, 0, strlen(yy_aconf->passwd)); rb_free(yy_aconf->passwd); yy_aconf->passwd = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_auth_autojoin(void *data) { if(yy_aconf->autojoin) memset(yy_aconf->autojoin, 0, strlen(yy_aconf->autojoin)); rb_free(yy_aconf->autojoin); yy_aconf->autojoin = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_auth_autojoin_opers(void *data) { if(yy_aconf->autojoin_opers) memset(yy_aconf->autojoin_opers, 0, strlen(yy_aconf->autojoin)); rb_free(yy_aconf->autojoin_opers); yy_aconf->autojoin_opers = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_auth_spoof(void *data) { char *p; char *user = NULL; char *host = NULL; host = data; /* user@host spoof */ if((p = strchr(host, '@')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; user = data; host = p+1; if(EmptyString(user)) { conf_report_error("Warning -- spoof ident empty."); return; } if(strlen(user) > USERLEN) { conf_report_error("Warning -- spoof ident length invalid."); return; } if(!valid_username(user)) { conf_report_error("Warning -- invalid spoof (ident)."); return; } /* this must be restored! */ *p = '@'; } if(EmptyString(host)) { conf_report_error("Warning -- spoof host empty."); return; } if(strlen(host) > HOSTLEN) { conf_report_error("Warning -- spoof host length invalid."); return; } if(!valid_hostname(host)) { conf_report_error("Warning -- invalid spoof (host)."); return; } rb_free(yy_aconf->name); yy_aconf->name = rb_strdup(data); yy_aconf->flags |= CONF_FLAGS_SPOOF_IP; } static void conf_set_auth_flags(void *data) { conf_parm_t *args = data; set_modes_from_table((int *) &yy_aconf->flags, "flag", auth_table, args); } static void conf_set_auth_redir_serv(void *data) { yy_aconf->flags |= CONF_FLAGS_REDIR; rb_free(yy_aconf->name); yy_aconf->name = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_auth_redir_port(void *data) { int port = *(unsigned int *) data; yy_aconf->flags |= CONF_FLAGS_REDIR; yy_aconf->port = port; } static void conf_set_auth_class(void *data) { rb_free(yy_aconf->className); yy_aconf->className = rb_strdup(data); } /* ok, shared_oper handles the stacking, shared_flags handles adding * things.. so all we need to do when we start and end a shared block, is * clean up anything thats been left over. */ static int conf_cleanup_shared(struct TopConf *tc) { rb_dlink_node *ptr, *next_ptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, yy_shared_list.head) { free_remote_conf(ptr->data); rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &yy_shared_list); } if(yy_shared != NULL) { free_remote_conf(yy_shared); yy_shared = NULL; } return 0; } static void conf_set_shared_oper(void *data) { conf_parm_t *args = data; const char *username; char *p; if(yy_shared != NULL) free_remote_conf(yy_shared); yy_shared = make_remote_conf(); if(args->next != NULL) { if((args->type & CF_MTYPE) != CF_QSTRING) { conf_report_error("Ignoring shared::oper -- server is not a qstring"); return; } yy_shared->server = rb_strdup(args->v.string); args = args->next; } else yy_shared->server = rb_strdup("*"); if((args->type & CF_MTYPE) != CF_QSTRING) { conf_report_error("Ignoring shared::oper -- oper is not a qstring"); return; } if((p = strchr(args->v.string, '@')) == NULL) { conf_report_error("Ignoring shard::oper -- oper is not a user@host"); return; } username = args->v.string; *p++ = '\0'; if(EmptyString(p)) yy_shared->host = rb_strdup("*"); else yy_shared->host = rb_strdup(p); if(EmptyString(username)) yy_shared->username = rb_strdup("*"); else yy_shared->username = rb_strdup(username); rb_dlinkAddAlloc(yy_shared, &yy_shared_list); yy_shared = NULL; } static void conf_set_shared_flags(void *data) { conf_parm_t *args = data; int flags = 0; rb_dlink_node *ptr, *next_ptr; if(yy_shared != NULL) free_remote_conf(yy_shared); set_modes_from_table(&flags, "flag", shared_table, args); RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, yy_shared_list.head) { yy_shared = ptr->data; yy_shared->flags = flags; rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &yy_shared_list); rb_dlinkAddTail(yy_shared, &yy_shared->node, &shared_conf_list); } yy_shared = NULL; } static int conf_begin_connect(struct TopConf *tc) { if(yy_server) free_server_conf(yy_server); yy_server = make_server_conf(); yy_server->port = PORTNUM; yy_server->flags |= SERVER_TB; if(conf_cur_block_name != NULL) yy_server->name = rb_strdup(conf_cur_block_name); return 0; } static int conf_end_connect(struct TopConf *tc) { if(EmptyString(yy_server->name)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring connect block -- missing name."); return 0; } if(ServerInfo.name != NULL && !irccmp(ServerInfo.name, yy_server->name)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring connect block for %s -- name is equal to my own name.", yy_server->name); return 0; } if(EmptyString(yy_server->passwd) || EmptyString(yy_server->spasswd)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring connect block for %s -- missing password.", yy_server->name); return 0; } if(EmptyString(yy_server->host)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring connect block for %s -- missing host.", yy_server->name); return 0; } #ifndef HAVE_LIBZ if(ServerConfCompressed(yy_server)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring connect::flags::compressed -- zlib not available."); yy_server->flags &= ~SERVER_COMPRESSED; } #endif add_server_conf(yy_server); rb_dlinkAdd(yy_server, &yy_server->node, &server_conf_list); yy_server = NULL; return 0; } static void conf_set_connect_host(void *data) { rb_free(yy_server->host); yy_server->host = rb_strdup(data); if (strchr(yy_server->host, ':')) yy_server->aftype = AF_INET6; } static void conf_set_connect_vhost(void *data) { if(rb_inet_pton_sock(data, (struct sockaddr *)&yy_server->my_ipnum) <= 0) { conf_report_error("Invalid netmask for server vhost (%s)", (char *) data); return; } yy_server->flags |= SERVER_VHOSTED; } static void conf_set_connect_send_password(void *data) { if(yy_server->spasswd) { memset(yy_server->spasswd, 0, strlen(yy_server->spasswd)); rb_free(yy_server->spasswd); } yy_server->spasswd = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_connect_accept_password(void *data) { if(yy_server->passwd) { memset(yy_server->passwd, 0, strlen(yy_server->passwd)); rb_free(yy_server->passwd); } yy_server->passwd = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_connect_port(void *data) { int port = *(unsigned int *) data; if(port < 1) port = PORTNUM; yy_server->port = port; } static void conf_set_connect_aftype(void *data) { char *aft = data; if(strcasecmp(aft, "ipv4") == 0) yy_server->aftype = AF_INET; #ifdef RB_IPV6 else if(strcasecmp(aft, "ipv6") == 0) yy_server->aftype = AF_INET6; #endif else conf_report_error("connect::aftype '%s' is unknown.", aft); } static void conf_set_connect_flags(void *data) { conf_parm_t *args = data; /* note, we allow them to set compressed, then remove it later if * they do and LIBZ isnt available */ set_modes_from_table(&yy_server->flags, "flag", connect_table, args); } static void conf_set_connect_hub_mask(void *data) { struct remote_conf *yy_hub; if(EmptyString(yy_server->name)) return; yy_hub = make_remote_conf(); yy_hub->flags = CONF_HUB; yy_hub->host = rb_strdup(data); yy_hub->server = rb_strdup(yy_server->name); rb_dlinkAdd(yy_hub, &yy_hub->node, &hubleaf_conf_list); } static void conf_set_connect_leaf_mask(void *data) { struct remote_conf *yy_leaf; if(EmptyString(yy_server->name)) return; yy_leaf = make_remote_conf(); yy_leaf->flags = CONF_LEAF; yy_leaf->host = rb_strdup(data); yy_leaf->server = rb_strdup(yy_server->name); rb_dlinkAdd(yy_leaf, &yy_leaf->node, &hubleaf_conf_list); } static void conf_set_connect_class(void *data) { rb_free(yy_server->class_name); yy_server->class_name = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_exempt_ip(void *data) { struct ConfItem *yy_tmp; if(parse_netmask(data, NULL, NULL) == HM_HOST) { conf_report_error("Ignoring exempt -- invalid exempt::ip."); return; } yy_tmp = make_conf(); yy_tmp->passwd = rb_strdup("*"); yy_tmp->host = rb_strdup(data); yy_tmp->status = CONF_EXEMPTDLINE; add_conf_by_address(yy_tmp->host, CONF_EXEMPTDLINE, NULL, NULL, yy_tmp); } static int conf_cleanup_cluster(struct TopConf *tc) { rb_dlink_node *ptr, *next_ptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, yy_cluster_list.head) { free_remote_conf(ptr->data); rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &yy_cluster_list); } if(yy_shared != NULL) { free_remote_conf(yy_shared); yy_shared = NULL; } return 0; } static void conf_set_cluster_name(void *data) { if(yy_shared != NULL) free_remote_conf(yy_shared); yy_shared = make_remote_conf(); yy_shared->server = rb_strdup(data); rb_dlinkAddAlloc(yy_shared, &yy_cluster_list); yy_shared = NULL; } static void conf_set_cluster_flags(void *data) { conf_parm_t *args = data; int flags = 0; rb_dlink_node *ptr, *next_ptr; if(yy_shared != NULL) free_remote_conf(yy_shared); set_modes_from_table(&flags, "flag", cluster_table, args); RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, yy_cluster_list.head) { yy_shared = ptr->data; yy_shared->flags = flags; rb_dlinkAddTail(yy_shared, &yy_shared->node, &cluster_conf_list); rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &yy_cluster_list); } yy_shared = NULL; } static void conf_set_general_havent_read_conf(void *data) { if(*(unsigned int *) data) { conf_report_error("You haven't read your config file properly."); conf_report_error ("There is a line in the example conf that will kill your server if not removed."); conf_report_error ("Consider actually reading/editing the conf file, and removing this line."); if (!testing_conf) exit(0); } } static void conf_set_general_hide_error_messages(void *data) { char *val = data; if(strcasecmp(val, "yes") == 0) ConfigFileEntry.hide_error_messages = 2; else if(strcasecmp(val, "opers") == 0) ConfigFileEntry.hide_error_messages = 1; else if(strcasecmp(val, "no") == 0) ConfigFileEntry.hide_error_messages = 0; else conf_report_error("Invalid setting '%s' for general::hide_error_messages.", val); } static void conf_set_general_kline_delay(void *data) { ConfigFileEntry.kline_delay = *(unsigned int *) data; /* THIS MUST BE HERE to stop us being unable to check klines */ kline_queued = 0; } static void conf_set_general_stats_k_oper_only(void *data) { char *val = data; if(strcasecmp(val, "yes") == 0) ConfigFileEntry.stats_k_oper_only = 2; else if(strcasecmp(val, "masked") == 0) ConfigFileEntry.stats_k_oper_only = 1; else if(strcasecmp(val, "no") == 0) ConfigFileEntry.stats_k_oper_only = 0; else conf_report_error("Invalid setting '%s' for general::stats_k_oper_only.", val); } static void conf_set_general_stats_i_oper_only(void *data) { char *val = data; if(strcasecmp(val, "yes") == 0) ConfigFileEntry.stats_i_oper_only = 2; else if(strcasecmp(val, "masked") == 0) ConfigFileEntry.stats_i_oper_only = 1; else if(strcasecmp(val, "no") == 0) ConfigFileEntry.stats_i_oper_only = 0; else conf_report_error("Invalid setting '%s' for general::stats_i_oper_only.", val); } static void conf_set_general_compression_level(void *data) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ ConfigFileEntry.compression_level = *(unsigned int *) data; if((ConfigFileEntry.compression_level < 1) || (ConfigFileEntry.compression_level > 9)) { conf_report_error ("Invalid general::compression_level %d -- using default.", ConfigFileEntry.compression_level); ConfigFileEntry.compression_level = 0; } #else conf_report_error("Ignoring general::compression_level -- zlib not available."); #endif } static void conf_set_general_default_umodes(void *data) { char *pm; int what = MODE_ADD, flag; ConfigFileEntry.default_umodes = 0; for (pm = (char *) data; *pm; pm++) { switch (*pm) { case '+': what = MODE_ADD; break; case '-': what = MODE_DEL; break; /* don't allow +o */ case 'o': case 'S': case ' ': break; default: if ((flag = user_modes[(unsigned char) *pm])) { /* Proper value has probably not yet been set * so don't check oper_only_umodes -- jilles */ if (what == MODE_ADD) ConfigFileEntry.default_umodes |= flag; else ConfigFileEntry.default_umodes &= ~flag; } break; } } } static void conf_set_general_oper_umodes(void *data) { set_modes_from_table(&ConfigFileEntry.oper_umodes, "umode", umode_table, data); } static void conf_set_general_oper_only_umodes(void *data) { set_modes_from_table(&ConfigFileEntry.oper_only_umodes, "umode", umode_table, data); } static void conf_set_general_oper_snomask(void *data) { char *pm; int what = MODE_ADD, flag; ConfigFileEntry.oper_snomask = 0; for (pm = (char *) data; *pm; pm++) { switch (*pm) { case '+': what = MODE_ADD; break; case '-': what = MODE_DEL; break; default: if ((flag = snomask_modes[(unsigned char) *pm])) { if (what == MODE_ADD) ConfigFileEntry.oper_snomask |= flag; else ConfigFileEntry.oper_snomask &= ~flag; } break; } } } static void conf_set_serverhide_links_delay(void *data) { int val = *(unsigned int *) data; ConfigServerHide.links_delay = val; } static int conf_begin_service(struct TopConf *tc) { struct Client *target_p; rb_dlink_node *ptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, global_serv_list.head) { target_p = ptr->data; target_p->flags &= ~FLAGS_SERVICE; } return 0; } static void conf_set_service_name(void *data) { struct Client *target_p; const char *s; char *tmp; int dots = 0; for(s = data; *s != '\0'; s++) { if(!IsServChar(*s)) { conf_report_error("Ignoring service::name " "-- bogus servername."); return; } else if(*s == '.') dots++; } if(!dots) { conf_report_error("Ignoring service::name -- must contain '.'"); return; } tmp = rb_strdup(data); rb_dlinkAddAlloc(tmp, &service_list); if((target_p = find_server(NULL, tmp))) target_p->flags |= FLAGS_SERVICE; } static int conf_begin_alias(struct TopConf *tc) { yy_alias = rb_malloc(sizeof(struct alias_entry)); if (conf_cur_block_name != NULL) yy_alias->name = rb_strdup(conf_cur_block_name); yy_alias->flags = 0; yy_alias->hits = 0; return 0; } static int conf_end_alias(struct TopConf *tc) { if (yy_alias == NULL) return -1; if (yy_alias->name == NULL) { conf_report_error("Ignoring alias -- must have a name."); rb_free(yy_alias); return -1; } if (yy_alias->target == NULL) { conf_report_error("Ignoring alias -- must have a target."); rb_free(yy_alias); return -1; } irc_dictionary_add(alias_dict, yy_alias->name, yy_alias); return 0; } static void conf_set_alias_name(void *data) { if (data == NULL || yy_alias == NULL) /* this shouldn't ever happen */ return; yy_alias->name = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_alias_target(void *data) { if (data == NULL || yy_alias == NULL) /* this shouldn't ever happen */ return; yy_alias->target = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_blacklist_host(void *data) { yy_blacklist_host = rb_strdup(data); } static void conf_set_blacklist_reason(void *data) { yy_blacklist_reason = rb_strdup(data); if (yy_blacklist_host && yy_blacklist_reason) { new_blacklist(yy_blacklist_host, yy_blacklist_reason); rb_free(yy_blacklist_host); rb_free(yy_blacklist_reason); yy_blacklist_host = NULL; yy_blacklist_reason = NULL; } } /* public functions */ void conf_report_error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char msg[IRCD_BUFSIZE + 1] = { 0 }; va_start(ap, fmt); rb_vsnprintf(msg, IRCD_BUFSIZE, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (testing_conf) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %d: %s\n", current_file, lineno + 1, msg); return; } ierror("\"%s\", line %d: %s", current_file, lineno + 1, msg); sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_GENERAL, L_ALL, "\"%s\", line %d: %s", current_file, lineno + 1, msg); } int conf_start_block(char *block, char *name) { if((conf_cur_block = find_top_conf(block)) == NULL) { conf_report_error("Configuration block '%s' is not defined.", block); return -1; } if(name) conf_cur_block_name = rb_strdup(name); else conf_cur_block_name = NULL; if(conf_cur_block->tc_sfunc) if(conf_cur_block->tc_sfunc(conf_cur_block) < 0) return -1; return 0; } int conf_end_block(struct TopConf *tc) { if(tc->tc_efunc) return tc->tc_efunc(tc); rb_free(conf_cur_block_name); return 0; } static void conf_set_generic_int(void *data, void *location) { *((int *) location) = *((unsigned int *) data); } static void conf_set_generic_string(void *data, int len, void *location) { char **loc = location; char *input = data; if(len && strlen(input) > (unsigned int)len) input[len] = '\0'; rb_free(*loc); *loc = rb_strdup(input); } int conf_call_set(struct TopConf *tc, char *item, conf_parm_t * value, int type) { struct ConfEntry *cf; conf_parm_t *cp; if(!tc) return -1; if((cf = find_conf_item(tc, item)) == NULL) { conf_report_error ("Non-existant configuration setting %s::%s.", tc->tc_name, (char *) item); return -1; } /* if it takes one thing, make sure they only passed one thing, and handle as needed. */ if(value->type & CF_FLIST && !cf->cf_type & CF_FLIST) { conf_report_error ("Option %s::%s does not take a list of values.", tc->tc_name, item); return -1; } cp = value->v.list; if(CF_TYPE(value->v.list->type) != CF_TYPE(cf->cf_type)) { /* if it expects a string value, but we got a yesno, * convert it back */ if((CF_TYPE(value->v.list->type) == CF_YESNO) && (CF_TYPE(cf->cf_type) == CF_STRING)) { value->v.list->type = CF_STRING; if(cp->v.number == 1) cp->v.string = rb_strdup("yes"); else cp->v.string = rb_strdup("no"); } /* maybe it's a CF_TIME and they passed CF_INT -- should still be valid */ else if(!((CF_TYPE(value->v.list->type) == CF_INT) && (CF_TYPE(cf->cf_type) == CF_TIME))) { conf_report_error ("Wrong type for %s::%s (expected %s, got %s)", tc->tc_name, (char *) item, conf_strtype(cf->cf_type), conf_strtype(value->v.list->type)); return -1; } } if(cf->cf_type & CF_FLIST) { #if 0 if(cf->cf_arg) conf_set_generic_list(value->v.list, cf->cf_arg); else #endif /* just pass it the extended argument list */ cf->cf_func(value->v.list); } else { /* it's old-style, needs only one arg */ switch (cf->cf_type) { case CF_INT: case CF_TIME: case CF_YESNO: if(cf->cf_arg) conf_set_generic_int(&cp->v.number, cf->cf_arg); else cf->cf_func(&cp->v.number); break; case CF_STRING: case CF_QSTRING: if(EmptyString(cp->v.string)) conf_report_error("Ignoring %s::%s -- empty field", tc->tc_name, item); else if(cf->cf_arg) conf_set_generic_string(cp->v.string, cf->cf_len, cf->cf_arg); else cf->cf_func(cp->v.string); break; } } return 0; } int add_conf_item(const char *topconf, const char *name, int type, void (*func) (void *)) { struct TopConf *tc; struct ConfEntry *cf; if((tc = find_top_conf(topconf)) == NULL) return -1; if((cf = find_conf_item(tc, name)) != NULL) return -1; cf = rb_malloc(sizeof(struct ConfEntry)); cf->cf_name = name; cf->cf_type = type; cf->cf_func = func; cf->cf_arg = NULL; rb_dlinkAddAlloc(cf, &tc->tc_items); return 0; } int remove_conf_item(const char *topconf, const char *name) { struct TopConf *tc; struct ConfEntry *cf; rb_dlink_node *ptr; if((tc = find_top_conf(topconf)) == NULL) return -1; if((cf = find_conf_item(tc, name)) == NULL) return -1; if((ptr = rb_dlinkFind(cf, &tc->tc_items)) == NULL) return -1; rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &tc->tc_items); rb_free(cf); return 0; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct ConfEntry conf_serverinfo_table[] = { { "description", CF_QSTRING, NULL, 0, &ServerInfo.description }, { "network_desc", CF_QSTRING, NULL, 0, &ServerInfo.network_desc }, { "hub", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ServerInfo.hub }, { "network_name", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_serverinfo_network_name, 0, NULL }, { "name", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_serverinfo_name, 0, NULL }, { "sid", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_serverinfo_sid, 0, NULL }, { "vhost", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_serverinfo_vhost, 0, NULL }, { "vhost6", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_serverinfo_vhost6, 0, NULL }, { "ssl_private_key", CF_QSTRING, NULL, 0, &ServerInfo.ssl_private_key }, { "ssl_ca_cert", CF_QSTRING, NULL, 0, &ServerInfo.ssl_ca_cert }, { "ssl_cert", CF_QSTRING, NULL, 0, &ServerInfo.ssl_cert }, { "ssl_dh_params", CF_QSTRING, NULL, 0, &ServerInfo.ssl_dh_params }, { "ssld_count", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ServerInfo.ssld_count }, { "default_max_clients",CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ServerInfo.default_max_clients }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_admin_table[] = { { "name", CF_QSTRING, NULL, 200, &AdminInfo.name }, { "description",CF_QSTRING, NULL, 200, &AdminInfo.description }, { "email", CF_QSTRING, NULL, 200, &AdminInfo.email }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_log_table[] = { { "fname_userlog", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.fname_userlog }, { "fname_fuserlog", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.fname_fuserlog }, { "fname_operlog", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.fname_operlog }, { "fname_foperlog", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.fname_foperlog }, { "fname_serverlog", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.fname_serverlog }, { "fname_killlog", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.fname_killlog }, { "fname_klinelog", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.fname_klinelog }, { "fname_operspylog", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.fname_operspylog }, { "fname_ioerrorlog", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.fname_ioerrorlog }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_operator_table[] = { { "rsa_public_key_file", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_oper_rsa_public_key_file, 0, NULL }, { "flags", CF_STRING | CF_FLIST, conf_set_oper_flags, 0, NULL }, { "umodes", CF_STRING | CF_FLIST, conf_set_oper_umodes, 0, NULL }, { "privset", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_oper_privset, 0, NULL }, { "snomask", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_oper_snomask, 0, NULL }, { "user", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_oper_user, 0, NULL }, { "password", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_oper_password, 0, NULL }, { "fingerprint", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_oper_fingerprint, 0, NULL }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_privset_table[] = { { "extends", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_privset_extends, 0, NULL }, { "privs", CF_STRING | CF_FLIST, conf_set_privset_privs, 0, NULL }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_class_table[] = { { "ping_time", CF_TIME, conf_set_class_ping_time, 0, NULL }, { "cidr_ipv4_bitlen", CF_INT, conf_set_class_cidr_ipv4_bitlen, 0, NULL }, #ifdef RB_IPV6 { "cidr_ipv6_bitlen", CF_INT, conf_set_class_cidr_ipv6_bitlen, 0, NULL }, #endif { "number_per_cidr", CF_INT, conf_set_class_number_per_cidr, 0, NULL }, { "number_per_ip", CF_INT, conf_set_class_number_per_ip, 0, NULL }, { "number_per_ip_global", CF_INT,conf_set_class_number_per_ip_global, 0, NULL }, { "number_per_ident", CF_INT, conf_set_class_number_per_ident, 0, NULL }, { "connectfreq", CF_TIME, conf_set_class_connectfreq, 0, NULL }, { "max_number", CF_INT, conf_set_class_max_number, 0, NULL }, { "sendq", CF_TIME, conf_set_class_sendq, 0, NULL }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_auth_table[] = { { "user", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_auth_user, 0, NULL }, { "auth_user", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_auth_auth_user, 0, NULL }, { "password", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_auth_passwd, 0, NULL }, { "class", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_auth_class, 0, NULL }, { "spoof", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_auth_spoof, 0, NULL }, { "autojoin", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_auth_autojoin, 0, NULL }, { "autojoin_opers", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_auth_autojoin_opers, 0, NULL }, { "redirserv", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_auth_redir_serv, 0, NULL }, { "redirport", CF_INT, conf_set_auth_redir_port, 0, NULL }, { "flags", CF_STRING | CF_FLIST, conf_set_auth_flags, 0, NULL }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_connect_table[] = { { "send_password", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_connect_send_password, 0, NULL }, { "accept_password", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_connect_accept_password, 0, NULL }, { "flags", CF_STRING | CF_FLIST, conf_set_connect_flags, 0, NULL }, { "host", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_connect_host, 0, NULL }, { "vhost", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_connect_vhost, 0, NULL }, { "port", CF_INT, conf_set_connect_port, 0, NULL }, { "aftype", CF_STRING, conf_set_connect_aftype, 0, NULL }, { "hub_mask", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_connect_hub_mask, 0, NULL }, { "leaf_mask", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_connect_leaf_mask, 0, NULL }, { "class", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_connect_class, 0, NULL }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_general_table[] = { { "oper_only_umodes", CF_STRING | CF_FLIST, conf_set_general_oper_only_umodes, 0, NULL }, { "oper_umodes", CF_STRING | CF_FLIST, conf_set_general_oper_umodes, 0, NULL }, { "oper_snomask", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_general_oper_snomask, 0, NULL }, { "compression_level", CF_INT, conf_set_general_compression_level, 0, NULL }, { "havent_read_conf", CF_YESNO, conf_set_general_havent_read_conf, 0, NULL }, { "hide_error_messages",CF_STRING, conf_set_general_hide_error_messages,0, NULL }, { "kline_delay", CF_TIME, conf_set_general_kline_delay, 0, NULL }, { "stats_k_oper_only", CF_STRING, conf_set_general_stats_k_oper_only, 0, NULL }, { "stats_i_oper_only", CF_STRING, conf_set_general_stats_i_oper_only, 0, NULL }, { "default_umodes", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_general_default_umodes, 0, NULL }, { "default_operstring", CF_QSTRING, NULL, REALLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.default_operstring }, { "default_adminstring",CF_QSTRING, NULL, REALLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.default_adminstring }, { "servicestring", CF_QSTRING, NULL, REALLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.servicestring }, { "egdpool_path", CF_QSTRING, NULL, MAXPATHLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.egdpool_path }, { "kline_reason", CF_QSTRING, NULL, REALLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.kline_reason }, { "identify_service", CF_QSTRING, NULL, REALLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.identifyservice }, { "identify_command", CF_QSTRING, NULL, REALLEN, &ConfigFileEntry.identifycommand }, { "anti_spam_exit_message_time", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.anti_spam_exit_message_time }, { "disable_fake_channels", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.disable_fake_channels }, { "min_nonwildcard_simple", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.min_nonwildcard_simple }, { "non_redundant_klines", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.non_redundant_klines }, { "tkline_expire_notices", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.tkline_expire_notices }, { "anti_nick_flood", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.anti_nick_flood }, { "burst_away", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.burst_away }, { "caller_id_wait", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.caller_id_wait }, { "client_exit", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.client_exit }, { "client_flood", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.client_flood }, { "collision_fnc", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.collision_fnc }, { "connect_timeout", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.connect_timeout }, { "default_floodcount", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.default_floodcount }, { "disable_auth", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.disable_auth }, { "dots_in_ident", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.dots_in_ident }, { "failed_oper_notice", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.failed_oper_notice }, { "global_snotices", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.global_snotices }, { "hide_spoof_ips", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.hide_spoof_ips }, { "dline_with_reason", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.dline_with_reason }, { "kline_with_reason", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.kline_with_reason }, { "map_oper_only", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.map_oper_only }, { "max_accept", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.max_accept }, { "max_monitor", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.max_monitor }, { "max_nick_time", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.max_nick_time }, { "max_nick_changes", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.max_nick_changes }, { "max_targets", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.max_targets }, { "min_nonwildcard", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.min_nonwildcard }, { "nick_delay", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.nick_delay }, { "no_oper_flood", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.no_oper_flood }, { "operspy_admin_only", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.operspy_admin_only }, { "operspy_dont_care_user_info", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.operspy_dont_care_user_info }, { "secret_channels_in_whois", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.secret_channels_in_whois }, { "pace_wait", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.pace_wait }, { "pace_wait_simple", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.pace_wait_simple }, { "ping_cookie", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.ping_cookie }, { "reject_after_count", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.reject_after_count }, { "reject_ban_time", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.reject_ban_time }, { "reject_duration", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.reject_duration }, { "throttle_count", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.throttle_count }, { "throttle_duration", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.throttle_duration }, { "short_motd", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.short_motd }, { "stats_c_oper_only", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.stats_c_oper_only }, { "stats_e_disabled", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.stats_e_disabled }, { "stats_h_oper_only", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.stats_h_oper_only }, { "stats_o_oper_only", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.stats_o_oper_only }, { "stats_P_oper_only", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.stats_P_oper_only }, { "stats_y_oper_only", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.stats_y_oper_only }, { "target_change", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.target_change }, { "ts_max_delta", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.ts_max_delta }, { "use_egd", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.use_egd }, { "ts_warn_delta", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.ts_warn_delta }, { "use_whois_actually", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.use_whois_actually }, { "warn_no_nline", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigFileEntry.warn_no_nline }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_channel_table[] = { { "autochanmodes", CF_QSTRING, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.autochanmodes }, { "default_split_user_count", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.default_split_user_count }, { "default_split_server_count", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.default_split_server_count }, { "burst_topicwho", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.burst_topicwho }, { "kick_on_split_riding", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.kick_on_split_riding }, { "knock_delay", CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.knock_delay }, { "knock_delay_channel",CF_TIME, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.knock_delay_channel }, { "max_bans", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.max_bans }, { "max_bans_large", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.max_bans_large }, { "max_chans_per_user", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.max_chans_per_user }, { "no_create_on_split", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.no_create_on_split }, { "no_join_on_split", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.no_join_on_split }, { "only_ascii_channels", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.only_ascii_channels }, { "cycle_host_change", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.cycle_host_change }, { "host_in_topic", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.host_in_topic }, { "use_halfop", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.use_halfop }, { "use_owner", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.use_owner }, { "use_except", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.use_except }, { "use_invex", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.use_invex }, { "use_knock", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.use_knock }, { "use_forward", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.use_forward }, { "use_local_channels", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.use_local_channels }, { "resv_forcepart", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.resv_forcepart }, { "kick_no_rejoin_time", CF_INT, NULL, 0, &ConfigChannel.kick_no_rejoin_time }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct ConfEntry conf_serverhide_table[] = { { "disable_hidden", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigServerHide.disable_hidden }, { "flatten_links", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigServerHide.flatten_links }, { "hidden", CF_YESNO, NULL, 0, &ConfigServerHide.hidden }, { "links_delay", CF_TIME, conf_set_serverhide_links_delay, 0, NULL }, { "\0", 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ void newconf_init() { add_top_conf("modules", NULL, NULL, NULL); add_conf_item("modules", "path", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_modules_path); add_conf_item("modules", "module", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_modules_module); add_top_conf("serverinfo", NULL, NULL, conf_serverinfo_table); add_top_conf("admin", NULL, NULL, conf_admin_table); add_top_conf("log", NULL, NULL, conf_log_table); add_top_conf("operator", conf_begin_oper, conf_end_oper, conf_operator_table); add_top_conf("class", conf_begin_class, conf_end_class, conf_class_table); add_top_conf("privset", NULL, NULL, conf_privset_table); add_top_conf("listen", conf_begin_listen, conf_end_listen, NULL); add_conf_item("listen", "port", CF_INT | CF_FLIST, conf_set_listen_port); add_conf_item("listen", "sslport", CF_INT | CF_FLIST, conf_set_listen_sslport); add_conf_item("listen", "ip", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_listen_address); add_conf_item("listen", "host", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_listen_address); add_top_conf("auth", conf_begin_auth, conf_end_auth, conf_auth_table); add_top_conf("shared", conf_cleanup_shared, conf_cleanup_shared, NULL); add_conf_item("shared", "oper", CF_QSTRING|CF_FLIST, conf_set_shared_oper); add_conf_item("shared", "flags", CF_STRING | CF_FLIST, conf_set_shared_flags); add_top_conf("connect", conf_begin_connect, conf_end_connect, conf_connect_table); add_top_conf("exempt", NULL, NULL, NULL); add_conf_item("exempt", "ip", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_exempt_ip); add_top_conf("cluster", conf_cleanup_cluster, conf_cleanup_cluster, NULL); add_conf_item("cluster", "name", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_cluster_name); add_conf_item("cluster", "flags", CF_STRING | CF_FLIST, conf_set_cluster_flags); add_top_conf("general", NULL, NULL, conf_general_table); add_top_conf("channel", NULL, NULL, conf_channel_table); add_top_conf("serverhide", NULL, NULL, conf_serverhide_table); add_top_conf("service", conf_begin_service, NULL, NULL); add_conf_item("service", "name", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_service_name); add_top_conf("alias", conf_begin_alias, conf_end_alias, NULL); add_conf_item("alias", "name", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_alias_name); add_conf_item("alias", "target", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_alias_target); add_top_conf("blacklist", NULL, NULL, NULL); add_conf_item("blacklist", "host", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_blacklist_host); add_conf_item("blacklist", "reject_reason", CF_QSTRING, conf_set_blacklist_reason); }