XLINE [time] <gecos> :<reason>

Bans by gecos (aka 'real name') field.  If [time] is not specified
this is added to the database, otherwise is temporary for [time] 

Eg. /quote xline eggdrop?bot :no bots

The <gecos> field contains certain special characters:
  ? - Match any single character
  * - Many any characters
  @ - Match any letter [A-Za-z]
  # - Match any digit [0-9]

To use a literal one of these characters, escape it with '\'.  A 
literal '\' character must also be escaped.  You may also insert \s
which will be converted into a space.

If the <gecos> field is purely numeric (ie "123") then the time
field must be specified.  "0" must be used to denote a permanent 
numeric XLINE.

XLINE [time] <gecos> ON <server> :<reason>

Will attempt to set the XLINE on <server> if <server> accepts
remote xlines.

- Requires Oper Priv: X