/* doc/reference.conf - shadowircd Example configuration file
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Hybrid Development Team
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 ircd-ratbox development team
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 charybdis development team
 * Written by ejb, wcampbel, db, leeh, Taros, jdhore and others
 * $Id: reference.conf 3582 2007-11-17 21:55:48Z jilles $

 * class {} blocks MUST be specified before anything that uses them.  That
 * means they must be defined before auth {} and before connect {}.
 * auth {} blocks MUST be specified in order of precedence.  The first one
 * that matches a user will be used.  So place spoofs first, then specials,
 * then general access, then restricted.
 * privset {} blocks MUST be specified before anything that uses them.  That
 * means they must be defined before operator {}.
 * Both shell style (#) and C style comments are supported.
 * Files may be included by either:
 *        .include "filename"
 *        .include <filename>
 * Times/durations are written as:
 *        12 hours 30 minutes 1 second
 * Valid units of time:
 *        month, week, day, hour, minute, second
 * Valid units of size:
 *        megabyte/mbyte/mb, kilobyte/kbyte/kb, byte
 * Sizes and times may be singular or plural.  

/* Extensions:
 * ShadowIRCd contains several extensions that are not enabled by default.
 * To use them, uncomment the lines below. More information on each extension
 * can be found in extensions/README
 * Channel mode +-A (admin only)                     -- chm_adminonly.so
 * Channel mode +-O (oper only)                      -- chm_operonly.so
 * Channel mode +-S (ssl only)                       -- chm_sslonly.so
 * Emulates channel mode +-O (oper only) (+-iI $o)   -- chm_operonly_compat.so
 * Emulates channel mode +-R (quiet unreg) (+-q $~a) -- chm_quietunreg_compat.so
 * Emulates channel mode +-S (ssl only) (+-b $~z)    -- chm_sslonly_compat.so
 * Restrict channel creation to logged in users      -- createauthonly.so
 * Account bans (+b $a[:mask])                       -- extb_account.so
 * Banned from another channel (+b $j:mask)          -- extb_canjoin.so
 * Other-channel bans (+b $c:mask)                   -- extb_channel.so
 * Extended ban (+b $x:mask)                         -- extb_extgecos.so
 * Oper bans (+b $o)                                 -- extb_oper.so
 * Realname (gecos) bans (+b $r:mask)                -- extb_realname.so
 * Server bans (+b $s:mask)                          -- extb_server.so
 * SSL bans (+b $z)                                  -- extb_ssl.so
 * HURT system                                       -- hurt.so
 * New host mangling (umode +x)                      -- ip_cloaking.so
 * Find channel forwards                             -- m_findforwards.so
 * /identify support                                 -- m_identify.so
 * /mkpassword support                               -- m_mkpasswd.so
 * WEBIRC support                                    -- m_webirc.so
 * Server-side /CYCLE                                -- m_cycle.so
 * /oaccept - add to target's accept list, oper only -- m_oaccept.so
 * /opme - op self in opless channels, admin only    -- m_opme.so
 * /ojoin - join despite restrictions, admin only    -- m_ojoin.so
 * /omode - force modes in channels, admin only      -- m_omode.so
 * /olist - see all channels in /list, oper only     -- m_olist.so
 * /okick - kick users without having ops, oper only -- m_okick.so
 * /forcejoin - force join users, admin only         -- m_force.so
 * roleplay commands - send msgs from fake users     -- m_roleplay.so
 * Opers cannot be invisible (umode +i)              -- no_oper_invis.so
 * Far connection notices (snomask +F)               -- sno_farconnect.so
 * Remote k/d/x line active notices                  -- sno_globalkline.so
 * Remote oper up notices                            -- sno_globaloper.so
 * /whois notifications (snomask +W)                 -- sno_whois.so
/* The purpose of this config is for the people who want to be lazy and
 * effectively want charybdis + one feature from shadow. This sets most
 * settings back to working just like chary.
#loadmodule "extensions/chm_adminonly.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/chm_operonly.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/chm_sslonly.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/chm_operonly_compat.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/chm_quietunreg_compat.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/chm_sslonly_compat.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/createauthonly.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_account.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_canjoin.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_channel.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_extgecos.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_oper.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_realname.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_server.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_ssl.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/hurt.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/ip_cloaking.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_findforwards.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_identify.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_mkpasswd.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_webirc.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_cycle.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_oaccept.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_opme.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_ojoin.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_omode.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_olist.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_okick.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_force.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_roleplay.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/no_oper_invis.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/sno_farconnect.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/sno_globalkline.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/sno_globaloper.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/sno_whois.so";

/* serverinfo {}:  Contains information about the server. (OLD M:) */
serverinfo {
	/* name: the name of our server */
	name = "hades.arpa";

	/* sid: the unique server id of our server.  This must be three
	 * characters long.  The first character must be a digit [0-9], the
	 * remaining two chars may be letters [A-Z] or digits [0-9].
	 * This parameter must be specified for the server to start.
	sid = "42X";

	/* description: the description of our server.  '[' and ']' may not
	 * be used here for compatibility with older servers.
	description = "shadowircd test server";

	/* network info: the name and description of the network this server
	 * is on.  Shown in the 005 reply and used with serverhiding.
	network_name = "MyNet";
	network_desc = "This is My Network";

	/* helpchan/helpurl: These 2 items are shown when a user does
	 * /quote help with no additional parameters to direct them
	 * to a channel/URL where they can get more or network-specific help.
	 * They can be commented out and will not show to users if they are.
	#helpchan = "#help";
	#helpurl = "http://www.mynet.net/help";

	/* hub: allow this server to act as a hub and have multiple servers
	 * connected to it.  
	hub = no;

	/* ssl_private_key: our ssl private key */
	ssl_private_key = "etc/ssl.key";

	/* ssl_cert: certificate for our ssl server */
	ssl_cert = "etc/ssl.cert";

	/* ssl_dh_params: DH parameters, generate with openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 1024 */
	ssl_dh_params = "etc/dh.pem";

	/* ssld_count: number of ssld processes you want to start, if you
	 * have a really busy server, using N-1 where N is the number of
	 * cpu/cpu cores you have might be useful. A number greater than one
	 * can also be useful in case of bugs in ssld and because ssld needs
	 * two file descriptors per SSL connection.
	ssld_count = 1;

	/* default max clients: the default maximum number of clients
	 * allowed to connect.  This can be changed once ircd has started by
	 * issuing:
	 *   /quote set maxclients <limit>
	default_max_clients = 1024;

/* admin {}: contains admin information about the server. (OLD A:) */
admin {
	name = "Smurf target";
	description = "Main Server Administrator";
	email = "<syn@packets.r.us>";

/* log {}: contains information about logfiles. */
log {
	/* logfiles: the logfiles to use for specific activity.  if these
	 * paths are defined, then ircd will log to them, otherwise it wont.
	 * The confs are, in order:
	 * - userlog:    user exits
	 * - fuserlog:   failed user connections
	 * - operlog:    /oper usage
	 * - foperlog:   failed /oper usage
	 * - serverlog:  server connects/disconnects
	 * - klinelog:   klines, etc
	 * - killlog:    kills
	 * - operspylog: operspy usage
	 * - ioerrorlog: IO errors
	fname_userlog = "logs/userlog";
	#fname_fuserlog = "logs/fuserlog";
	fname_operlog = "logs/operlog";
	#fname_foperlog = "logs/foperlog";
	fname_serverlog = "logs/serverlog";
	#fname_klinelog = "logs/klinelog";
	fname_killlog = "logs/killlog";
	fname_operspylog = "logs/operspylog";
	#fname_ioerrorlog = "logs/ioerror";

/* class {}: contain information about classes for users (OLD Y:) */
class "users" {
	/* class name must go above */

	/* ping time: how often a client must reply to a PING from the
	 * server before they are dropped.
	ping_time = 2 minutes;

        /* number per ident: the number of users per user@host networkwide
         * allowed to connect.  Unidented connections are classified as
         * the same ident.
        number_per_ident = 2;

	/* number per ip: the number of local users per host allowed */
	number_per_ip = 3;

        /* number per ip global: the number of network wide connections
         * per host allowed for a user, including connections to the
         * local server.
        number_per_ip_global = 5;

	/* cidr_ipv4_bitlen:  Limits numbers of connections from a subnet size
	cidr_ipv4_bitlen = 24;

	/* cidr_ipv6_bitlen:  Limits numbers of connections from a subnet size
	 * the following example makes the subnet /64 this is useful
	 * for IPv6 connections in particular
	cidr_ipv6_bitlen = 64;

	/* number_per_cidr:  Number of connections to allow from a subnet of the 
	 * size given in cidr_ipv4_bitlen/cidr_ipv6_bitlen.
	 * 4 seems to be a good default to me.
	number_per_cidr = 4;

	/* max number: the maximum number of users allowed in this class */
	max_number = 100;

	/* sendq: the amount of data allowed in a clients queue before
	 * they are dropped.
	sendq = 100 kbytes;

class "restricted" {
	ping_time = 1 minute 30 seconds;
	number_per_ip = 1;
	max_number = 100;
	sendq = 60kb;

class "opers" {
	ping_time = 5 minutes;
	number_per_ip = 10;
	max_number = 100;
	sendq = 100kbytes;

class "server" {
	ping_time = 5 minutes;

	/* connectfreq: only used in server classes.  specifies the delay
	 * between autoconnecting to servers.
	connectfreq = 5 minutes;

	/* max number: the amount of servers to autoconnect to */
	max_number = 1;

	/* sendq: servers need a higher sendq as they are sent more data */
	sendq=2 megabytes;

/* listen {}: contain information about the ports ircd listens on (OLD P:) */
listen {
	/* port: the specific port to listen on.  if no host is specified
	 * before, it will listen on all available IPs.
	 * sslport: the specific port to listen ssl connections on. if no 
	 * host is specified before, it will listen on all available IPs.
	 * ports are seperated via a comma, a range may be specified using ".."
	/* port: listen on all available IPs, ports 5000 and 6665 to 6669 */
	port = 5000, 6665 .. 6669;
	/* sslport: listen for ssl connections on all available IPs, port 9999 */
	sslport = 9999;

	/* host: set a specific IP/host the ports after the line will listen 
	 * on.  This may be ipv4 or ipv6.
	host = "";
	port = 7000, 7001;
	sslport = 9000, 9001;

	host = "3ffe:1234:a:b:c::d";
        port = 7002;
        sslport = 9002;

/* auth {}: allow users to connect to the ircd (OLD I:) */
auth {
	/* user: the user@host allowed to connect.  Multiple IPv4/IPv6 user
	 * lines are permitted per auth block.  This is matched against the
	 * hostname and IP address (using :: shortening for IPv6 and
	 * prepending a 0 if it starts with a colon) and can also use CIDR
	 * masks.
	user = "*@";
	user = "*test@123D:B567:*";

	/* auth_user: The username (authenticated via SASL or PASS) allowed
	 * to connect. You are able to put multiple auth_user lines. If people
	 * are authenticating via SASL in this way, it is recommended to comment
	 * out the password option below. You will also *NEED* to specify a user
	 * line above auth_user, this can safely be "*@*", however.
	auth_user = "jilles";
	auth_user = "jdhore";

	/* password: an optional password that is required to use this block.
	 * By default this is not encrypted, specify the flag "encrypted" in
	 * flags = ...; below if it is.
	password = "letmein";
	/* spoof: fake the users user@host to be be this.  You may either
	 * specify a host or a user@host to spoof to.  This is free-form,
	 * just do everyone a favour and dont abuse it. (OLD I: = flag)
        spoof = "I.still.hate.packets";

	/* autojoin: Channel (or channels, comma-seperated) to join users
	 * in this auth block to on connect. Note that this won't join
	 * the user through any bans or otherwise restrictive chmodes.
	autojoin = "#shadowircd,#test";

	/* Possible flags in auth:
	 * encrypted                  | password is encrypted with mkpasswd
	 * spoof_notice               | give a notice when spoofing hosts
	 * exceed_limit (old > flag)  | allow user to exceed class user limits
	 * kline_exempt (old ^ flag)  | exempt this user from k/g/xlines&dnsbls
	 * dnsbl_exempt		      | exempt this user from dnsbls
	 * spambot_exempt	      | exempt this user from spambot checks
	 * shide_exempt		      | exempt this user from serverhiding
	 * jupe_exempt                | exempt this user from generating
	 *                              warnings joining juped channels
	 * resv_exempt		      | exempt this user from resvs
         * flood_exempt               | exempt this user from flood limits
         *                                     USE WITH CAUTION.
	 * no_tilde     (old - flag)  | don't prefix ~ to username if no ident
	 * need_ident   (old + flag)  | require ident for user in this class
	 * need_ssl                   | require SSL/TLS for user in this class
	 * need_sasl                  | require SASL id for user in this class
	flags = kline_exempt, exceed_limit;
	/* class: the class the user is placed in */
	class = "opers";

/* Example WEBIRC authblock */
auth {
	/* user: webirc@IP.OF.YOUR.WEBIRC . the webirc@ part is required */
	user = "webirc@";

	/* password: password the webirc client sends in the WEBIRC command.
	* You can use a encrypted password here (see above auth block).
	password = "<password>";

	/* spoof: This is required to keep it what it is currently if you
	* want the webirc client to show the users' real host as their
	* host on IRC.
	spoof = "webirc.";
	class = "users";

auth {
	/* redirect: the server and port to redirect a user to.  A user does
	 * not have to obey the redirection, the ircd just suggests to them
	 * an alternative server.
	redirserv = "irc.some.domain";
	redirport = 6667;
	user = "*.some.domain";

	/* class: a class is required even though it is not used */
	class = "users";

auth {
	user = "*@*";
	class = "users";
	flags = need_ident;

/* privset{}: defines operator privilege sets. */
privset "local_op" {
	/* privs: controls the activities and commands an oper is
	 * allowed to do on the server
	 * Available options:
	 * oper:local_kill:      allows local users to be /KILL'd
	 * oper:global_kill:     allows local and remote users to be /KILL'd
	 * oper:routing:         allows remote SQUIT and CONNECT
	 * oper:kline:           allows KLINE and DLINE
	 * oper:unkline:         allows UNKLINE and UNDLINE
	 * snomask:nick_changes: allows oper to see nickchanges via snomask +n
	 * oper:rehash:          allows oper to REHASH config
	 * oper:die:             allows DIE and RESTART
	 * oper:admin:           gives admin privileges.  admins
	 *                       may (un)load modules and see various
	 *                       additional information.
	 * oper:hidden_admin:    gives admin privileges except
	 *		         will not have the admin lines in
	 *		         whois.
	 * oper:xline:	         allows use of /quote xline/unxline
	 * oper:resv:	         allows /quote resv/unresv and cmode +LP
	 * oper:operwall:        allows the oper to send/receive operwalls
	 * oper:override:        allows the oper to set umode +p on themself
                                 which grants the ability to have implicit
                                 operator access in all channels.
	 * oper:spy:	         allows 'operspy' features to see through +s
	 * 		         channels etc. see /quote help operspy
	 * oper:hidden:          hides the oper from /stats p
	 * oper:remoteban:       allows remote kline etc
	 * oper:mass_notice:     allows sending wallops and mass notices
	privs = oper:local_kill, oper:operwall;

privset "server_bot" {
	/* extends: a privset to inherit in this privset */
	extends = "local_op";
	privs = oper:kline, oper:remoteban, snomask:nick_changes;

privset "global_op" {
	extends = "local_op";
	privs = oper:global_kill, oper:routing, oper:kline, oper:unkline, oper:xline,
		oper:resv, oper:mass_notice, oper:remoteban;

privset "admin" {
	extends = "global_op";
	privs = oper:admin, oper:die, oper:rehash, oper:spy, oper:override;

/* operator {}: defines ircd operators. (OLD O:) */
operator "god" {
	/* name: the name of the oper must go above */

	/* user: the user@host required for this operator.  CIDR *is*
	 * supported now. auth{} spoofs work here, other spoofs do not.
 	 * multiple user="" lines are supported.
	user = "*god@*";
	user = "*@";

	/* password: the password required to oper.  Unless ~encrypted is
	 * contained in flags = ...; this will need to be encrypted using 
	 * mkpasswd, MD5 is supported
	password = "etcnjl8juSU1E";

	/* rsa key: the public key for this oper when using Challenge.
	 * A password should not be defined when this is used, see 
	 * doc/challenge.txt for more information.
	#rsa_public_key_file = "/usr/local/ircd/etc/oper.pub";

	/* fingerprint: if specified, the oper's client certificate
	 * fingerprint will be checked against the specified fingerprint
	 * below.
	#fingerprint = "c77106576abf7f9f90cca0f63874a60f2e40a64b";

	/* umodes: the specific umodes this oper gets when they oper.
	 * If this is specified an oper will not be given oper_umodes
	 * These are described above oper_only_umodes in general {};
	#umodes = locops, servnotice, operwall, wallop;

	/* snomask: specific server notice mask on oper up.
	 * If this is specified an oper will not be given oper_snomask.
	snomask = "+FZbcfkrsuy";

	/* vhost: defines the vhost that this oper will get on oper up.
	 * this must be a valid hostmask. If this is specified the oper
	 * will not be given default_operhost.
	#vhost = "is.an.oper";

	/* swhois: defines an additional line that will be displayed
	 * whenever someone does /whois on the oper in question.
	#swhois = "is wearing pants.";

	/* operstring: defines a custom operstring for this oper,
	 * which will be shown in whois instead of default_operstring
	 * or default_adminstring.
	#operstring = "is a lazy IRC Operator";

	/* flags: misc options for the operator.  You may prefix an option
	 * with ~ to disable it, e.g. ~encrypted.
	 * Default flags are encrypted.
	 * Available options:
	 * encrypted:    the password above is encrypted [DEFAULT]
	 * need_ssl:     must be using SSL/TLS to oper up
	flags = encrypted;

	/* privset: privileges set to grant */
	privset = "admin";

/* connect {}: controls servers we connect to (OLD C:, N:, H:, L:) */
connect "irc.uplink.com" {
	/* the name must go above */

	/* host: the host or IP to connect to.  If a hostname is used it
	 * must match the reverse dns of the server.
	host = "";

	/* vhost: the host or IP to bind to for this connection.  If this
	 * is not specified, the default vhost (in serverinfo {}) is used.
	#vhost = "";

	/* passwords: the passwords we send (OLD C:) and accept (OLD N:).
	 * The remote server will have these passwords reversed.
	send_password = "password";
	accept_password = "anotherpassword";

	/* fingerprint: if specified, the server's client certificate
	 * fingerprint will be checked against the specified fingerprint
	 * below.
	#fingerprint = "c77106576abf7f9f90cca0f63874a60f2e40a64b";

	/* port: the port to connect to this server on */
	port = 6666;

	/* hub mask: the mask of servers that this server may hub. Multiple
	 * entries are permitted
	hub_mask = "*";

	/* leaf mask: the mask of servers this server may not hub.  Multiple
	 * entries are permitted.  Useful for forbidding EU -> US -> EU routes.
	#leaf_mask = "*.uk";

	/* class: the class this server is in */
	class = "server";

	/* flags: controls special options for this server
	 * encrypted	- marks the accept_password as being crypt()'d
	 * autoconn	- automatically connect to this server
	 * compressed	- compress traffic via ziplinks
	 * topicburst	- burst topics between servers
	 * ssl		- ssl/tls encrypted server connections
	flags = compressed, topicburst;

connect "ipv6.some.server" {
	/* Hosts that are IPv6 addresses must be in :: shortened form
	 * if applicable.  Addresses starting with a colon get an extra
	 * zero prepended, for example: 0::1
        host = "3ffd:dead:beef::1";
        send_password = "password";
        accept_password = "password";
        port = 6666;

	/* aftype: controls whether the connection uses "ipv4" or "ipv6".
	 * Default is ipv4.
	aftype = ipv6;
        class = "server";

connect "ssl.uplink.com" {
	/* Example of ssl server-to-server connection, ssl flag doesn't need
	 * compressed flag, 'cause it uses own compression
	host = "";
	send_password = "password";
	accept_password = "anotherpassword";
	port = 9999;
	hub_mask = "*";
	class = "server";
	flags = ssl, topicburst;

/* cluster {}; servers that we propagate things to automatically.
 * NOTE: This does NOT grant them privileges to apply anything locally,
 *       you must add a seperate shared block for that.  Clustering will
 *       only be done for actions by LOCAL opers, that arent directed
 *       remotely.
cluster {
	/* name: the server to share with, this can be a wildcard and may be
	 * stacked.
	/* flags: list of what to share, all the name lines above this (up
	 * until another flags entry) will receive these flags.
	 *    kline   - share perm klines
	 *    tkline  - share temp klines
	 *    unkline - share unklines
	 *    locops  - share locops
	 *    xline   - share perm xlines
	 *    txline  - share temp xlines
	 *    unxline - share unxlines
	 *    resv    - share perm resvs
	 *    tresv   - share temp resvs
	 *    unresv  - share unresvs
	 *    all     - share all of the above

	/* share klines/unklines/xlines with *.lan */
	name = "*.lan";
	flags = kline, unkline, xline;

	/* share locops with irc.ircd-ratbox.org and ircd.ircd-ratbox.org */
	name = "irc.ircd-ratbox.org";
	name = "ircd.ircd-ratbox.org";
	flags = locops;

/* service{}: privileged servers (services). These servers have extra
 * privileges such as setting login names on users and introducing clients
 * with umode +S (unkickable, hide channels, etc). This does not allow them
 * to set bans, you need a separate shared{} for that.
 * Do not place normal servers here.
 * There may be only one service{} block.
service {
	/* name: the server name. These may be stacked. */
	name = "services.int";

/* shared {}: users that are allowed to place remote bans on our server.
 * NOTE: These are ordered top down.  The first one the user@host and server
 *       matches will be used.  Their access will then be decided on that
 *       block and will not fall back to another block that matches.
shared {
	/* oper: the user@host and server the user must be on to set klines.
	 * The first field must be a user@host, the second field is an
	 * optional server.  These may be stacked.
	/* flags: list of what to allow them to place, all the oper lines
	 * above this (up until another flags entry) will receive these
	 * flags.  This *must* be present.
	 *    kline   - allow setting perm/temp klines
	 *    tkline  - allow setting temp klines
	 *    unkline - allow removing klines
	 *    xline   - allow setting perm/temp xlines
	 *    txline  - allow setting temp xlines
	 *    unxline - allow removing xlines
	 *    resv    - allow setting perm/temp resvs
	 *    tresv   - allow setting temp resvs
	 *    unresv  - allow removing xlines
 	 *    rehash  - allow rehashing
	 *    all     - allow oper/server to do all of above.
	 *    locops  - allow locops - only used for servers who cluster
	 *    die     - allow restarting/dying of servers
	 *    modules - allow loading/unloading/reloading of modules
	 *    dline   - allow setting perm/temp dlines
	 *    tdline  - allow setting temp dlines
	 *    undline - allow removing dlines
	 *    none    - disallow everything

	/* allow flame@*.leeh.co.uk on server irc.ircd-ratbox.org and
	 * allow leeh@*.leeh.co.uk on server ircd.ircd-ratbox.org to kline
	oper = "flame@*.leeh.co.uk", "irc.ircd-ratbox.org";
	oper = "leeh@*.leeh.co.uk", "ircd.ircd-ratbox.org";
	flags = kline;

	/* you may forbid certain opers/servers from doing anything */
	oper = "irc@vanity.oper", "*";
	oper = "*@*", "irc.vanity.server";
	oper = "irc@another.vanity.oper", "bigger.vanity.server";
	flags = none;

	/* or allow everyone to place temp klines */
	oper = "*@*";
	flags = tkline;

/* exempt {}: IPs that are exempt from Dlines and rejectcache. (OLD d:) */
exempt {
	ip = "";

	/* these may be stacked */
	ip = "";
	ip = "";

/* The channel block contains options pertaining to channels */
channel {
	/* disabledmodes: Modes that will be disabled, users will not be
	 * able to set them. This is only read on startup, you need to 
	 * restart the ircd for this to have any effect. This only prevents 
	 * local users/opers from setting these modes. This does not prevent 
	 * remote servers/users (ex: services) from setting them. Make sure 
	 * your services and remote servers are properly configured when 
	 * using this option!
	 * Valid parameters are: CLPFQITDENGJKMrczgqefj
	disabledmodes = "TDENGJKM";

	/* autochanmodes: Modes that will be set on a unregistered channel
	 * when the first user joins it.
	#autochanmodes = "nt";

	/* admin_on_channel_create: If set to yes, users joining new channels
	 * will be given +ao instead of just +o. Requires use_admin.
	admin_on_channel_create = no;

	/* exemptchanops: Channel modes that any form of channel ops (+aoh) 
	 * will be exempt from. Even if the mode is set, it will not apply to the
	 * channel ops if it is listed in this option. Valid modes are cCDTNGK.
	#exemptchanops = "NT";

	/* halfop: Enable/disable channel mode +h, which adds halfop,
	 * a channel status below op that has op powers (kick, ban, mode, etc.)
	 * halfops can only kick/devoice/etc people who are +v or
	 * do not have any channel status. Disabling this via rehash will
	 * cause things which are rather confusing to occur, it is highly
	 * recommended to restart if you wish to disable this option, though
	 * it may be enabled by rehash with no problems.
	use_halfop = no;

	/* admin: Enable/disable channel mode +a, which adds admin,
	 * a channel status above op that has op powers (kick, ban, mode, etc.)
	 * admins can only be kicked/deadmined by other admins, and may kick
	 * or deop anyone. Disabling this via rehash will cause things which
	 * are rather confusing to occur, it is highly recommended to restart
	 * if you wish to disable this option, though it may be enabled 
	 * by rehash with no problems.
	use_admin = no;

        /* owner: Enable/disable channel mode +y, which adds owner,
         * a channel status above admin that has op powers (kick, ban, mode, etc.)
         * owners can only be kicked/deadmined by other owners, and may kick
         * or deop anyone. Disabling this via rehash will cause things which
         * are rather confusing to occur, it is highly recommended to restart
         * if you wish to disable this option, though it may be enabled 
         * by rehash with no problems.
        use_owner = no;

	/* knock: Allows users to request an invite to a channel that
	 * is locked somehow (+ikl).  If the channel is +p or you are banned
	 * the knock will not be sent.
	use_knock = yes;

	/* local channels: &Channel - a channel that exists only on one server
	 * people on other servers will not be able to see or join local channels
	 * from another server.
	use_local_channels = yes;

	/* knock delay: The amount of time a user must wait between issuing
	 * the knock command.
	knock_delay = 5 minutes;

	/* knock channel delay: How often a knock to any specific channel
	 * is permitted, regardless of the user sending the knock.
	knock_delay_channel = 1 minute;

	/* max chans: The maximum number of channels a user can join/be on. */
	max_chans_per_user = 15;

        /* max bans: maximum number of +b/e/I/q modes in a channel */
        max_bans = 100;

        /* max bans: maximum number of +b/e/I/q modes in a +L channel */
        max_bans_large = 500;

        /* splitcode: split users, split servers and either no join on split
	 * or no create on split must be enabled for split checking.
	 * splitmode will be entered on either split users or split servers
	 * dropping below the limit.
	 * you may force splitmode to be permanent by /quote set splitmode on

	/* split users: when the usercount is lower than this level, consider
	 * ourselves split.  this must be set for automatic splitmode
	default_split_user_count = 0;

	/* split servers: when the amount of servers that have acknowledged
	 * theyve finished bursting is lower than this, consider ourselves 
	 * split.  this must be set for automatic splitmode
	default_split_server_count = 0;

	/* split: no create: disallow users creating channels on split */
	no_create_on_split = no;

	/* split: no join: disallow users joining channels at all on a split */
	no_join_on_split = no;

	/* burst topicwho: when bursting topics, also burst the topic setter */
	burst_topicwho = yes;

	/* kick on split riding: kick users riding splits to join +i or +k
	 * channels. more precisely, if a bursting server sends an SJOIN
	 * for a channel with a lower TS with either a +i mode or a +k
	 * mode with a different key, kick all local users.
	 * note: this does not take +r, +b, +e and +I into account.
	 * warning: if there are any TS5 servers on the network, this
	 * will cause ban desyncs if they send such an SJOIN and the
	 * splitriders added any bans (our side will lose them, the TS5
	 * side will accept them). we will send a notice to the channel
	 * if this happens. most services do not send such SJOINs but
	 * ratbox-services does.
	kick_on_split_riding = no;

	/* only ascii channels: disable local users joining channels
	 * containing characters outside the range 33-126 (non-printable
	 * or non-ASCII).
	only_ascii_channels = no;

	/* cycle_host_change: Should a user be cycled in the channels
	 * they're in when their host changes. If set to no, this may
	 * cause client desyncs.
	cycle_host_change = yes;

	/* host_in_topic: Defines whether or not the topicsetter's
	 * host is shown when users request the TOPIC. If this option
	 * is set to no, it will only show the nick of the topicsetter.
	host_in_topic = yes;
	/* resv_forcepart: force any local users to part a channel
	 * when a RESV is issued.
	resv_forcepart = yes;

	/* channel target change: restrict how many channels users can
	 * message per unit of time. IRC operators, channel operators and
	 * voiced users are exempt.
	channel_target_change = yes;

/* The serverhide block contains the options regarding serverhiding */
serverhide {
	/* flatten links: this option will hide various routing information
	 * and make all servers in /links appear that they are linked to
	 * this server. This option also disallows non-opers from using /map
	flatten_links = no;

	/* links delay: how long to wait before showing splits or new
	 * servers in a flattened /links output.
	links_delay = 5 minutes;

	/* hidden: hide this server from a /links output on servers with
	 * flatten_links enabled.  this allows hub servers to be hidden etc.
        hidden = no;

	/* disable hidden: prevent servers hiding themselves from a
	 * /links ouput.
	disable_hidden = no;

/* These are the blacklist settings.
 * You can have multiple combinations of host and rejection reasons.
 * They are used in pairs of one host/rejection reason.
 * These settings should be adequate for most networks, and are (presently)
 * required for use on AthemeNet.
 * Word to the wise: Do not use blacklists like SPEWS for blocking IRC
 * connections.
 * As of charybdis 2.2, you can do some keyword substitution on the rejection
 * reason. The available keyword substitutions are:
 *   ${ip}           - the user's IP
 *   ${host}         - the user's canonical hostname
 *   ${dnsbl-host}   - the dnsbl hostname the lookup was done against
 *   ${nick}         - the user's nickname
 *   ${network-name} - the name of the network
blacklist {
	host = "rbl.efnetrbl.org";
	reject_reason = "${nick}, your IP (${ip}) is listed in EFnet's RBL. For assistance, see http://efnetrbl.org/?i=${ip}";
	host = "dnsbl.dronebl.org";
	reject_reason = "${nick}, your IP (${ip}) is listed in DroneBL. For assistance, see http://dronebl.org/lookup_branded.do?ip=${ip}&network=${network-name}";

 * Alias blocks allow you to define custom commands. (Old m_sshortcut.c)
 * They send PRIVMSG to the given target. A real command takes
 * precedence above an alias.
alias "NickServ" {
	/* the name must go above */

	/* target: the target nick (must be a network service) or
	 * user@server (cannot be this server, only opers can use
	 * user starting with "opers" reliably, interpreted on the target
	 * server only so you may need to use nick@server instead)
	target = "NickServ";

alias "ChanServ" {
	target = "ChanServ";

alias "OperServ" {
	target = "OperServ";

alias "MemoServ" {
	target = "MemoServ";

alias "HostServ" {
	target = "HostServ";

alias "BotServ" {
	target = "BotServ";

alias "InfoServ" {
	target = "InfoServ";

alias "GroupServ" {
	target = "GroupServ";

alias "NS" {
	target = "NickServ";

alias "CS" {
	target = "ChanServ";

alias "OS" {
	target = "OperServ";

alias "MS" {
	target = "MemoServ";

alias "HS" {
	target = "HostServ";

alias "BS" {
	target = "BotServ";

alias "IS" {
	target = "InfoServ";

alias "GS" {
	target = "GroupServ";

/* The general block contains many of the options that were once compiled
 * in options in config.h.  The general block is read at start time.
general {
	/* hide error messages: defines whether error messages from
	 * servers that are not deemed fully safe are hidden or not.
	 * These can sometimes contain IPs and can have an adverse
	 * effect on server ip hiding.  Set to:
	 *   yes:   hide from opers and admin
	 *   opers: hide from opers only
	 *   no:    do not hide error messages
	 * Admins on other servers count as opers.
	hide_error_messages = opers;

	/* hide spoof ips: hide the real ips of auth{} spoofed users
	 * If disabled, local opers can see them.
	 * Dynamic spoofs (e.g. set by services) are unaffected by this;
	 * any oper (local and remote) can see the real ip.
	 * Warning: for whowas, this is checked when the client exits,
	 * not when the IP is shown.
	hide_spoof_ips = yes;

	/* default umodes: umodes to set upon connection
	 * If you have enabled the ip_cloaking extension, and you wish for
	 * incoming clients to be cloaked upon connection, +x must be in
	 * the umode string below.
	default_umodes = "+ix";

	/* default operstring: defines the default oper response
	 * in /whois queries, eg "is an IRC Operator".
	 * After startup use /quote set operstring to change.
	default_operstring = "is an IRC Operator";

	/* default adminstring: defines the default admin response
	 * in /whois queries, eg "is a Server Administrator".
	 * After startup use /quote set adminstring to change.
	default_adminstring = "is a Server Administrator";

	/* default operhost: defines the default virtual host that
	 * operators will receiving upon opering up. Can be overriden
	 * by the vhost option in individual operator blocks. This
	 * must be a valid hostmask.
	#default_operhost = "staff.testnet.net";

	/* static quit: Quit message to display for all users (not opers)
	 * on QUIT.
	#static_quit = "I like turtles!";

	/* servicestring: defines the response for opered services (+S)
	 * in /whois queries, eg "is a Network Service".
	 * This is updated on rehash.
	servicestring = "is a Network Service";

	/* disable fake channels: disable local users joining fake versions
	 * of channels, eg #foo^B^B.  Disables bold, mirc colour, reverse,
	 * underline and hard space.  (ASCII 2, 3, 22, 31, 160 respectively).
	disable_fake_channels = no;

	/* hide_channel_below_users: Amount of users a channel must have in it
	 * before it is shown in a standard LIST. This can be overridden by
	 * invoking LIST like: /LIST <3
	hide_channel_below_users = 3;

        /* tkline_expire_notices: give a notice to opers when a tkline
         * expires
        tkline_expire_notices = no;

	/* floodcount: the default value of floodcount that is configurable
	 * via /quote set floodcount.  This is the amount of lines a user
	 * may send to any other user/channel in one second.
        default_floodcount = 10;

	/* failed oper notice: send a notice to all opers on the server when 
	 * someone tries to OPER and uses the wrong password, host or ident.
	failed_oper_notice = yes;

	/* dots in ident: the amount of '.' characters permitted in an ident
	 * reply before the user is rejected.

        /* min nonwildcard: the minimum non wildcard characters in k/d/g lines
	 * placed via the server.  klines hand placed are exempt from limits.
	 * wildcard chars: '.' '*' '?' '@'
	min_nonwildcard = 4;

	/* min nonwildcard simple: the minimum non wildcard characters in
	 * xlines/resvs placed via the server.
	 * wildcard chars: '*' '?'
	min_nonwildcard_simple = 3;

        /* max accept: maximum allowed /accept's for +gGR usermodes */
        max_accept = 20;

	/* max monitor: the maximum amount of nicknames a client may have in
	 * their monitor (server-side notify) list.
	max_monitor = 100;

	/* nick flood: enable the nickflood control code */
	anti_nick_flood = yes;

	/* nick flood: the nick changes allowed in the specified period */
	max_nick_time = 20 seconds;
	max_nick_changes = 5;

	/* anti spam time: the minimum time a user must be connected before
	 * custom quit messages are allowed.
	anti_spam_exit_message_time = 5 minutes;

	/* use part messages: This option controls whether users should be
	 * allowed to send PART messages to channels. It should probably
	 * be set to no if static_quit is set.
	use_part_messages = yes;

	/* ts delta: the time delta allowed between server clocks before
	 * a warning is given, or before the link is dropped.  all servers
	 * should run ntpdate/rdate to keep clocks in sync
	ts_warn_delta = 30 seconds;
	ts_max_delta = 5 minutes;

	/* client exit: prepend a users quit message with "Client exit: " */
	client_exit = yes;

	/* collision fnc: change user's nick to their UID instead of
	 * killing them, if possible. This setting only applies to nick
	 * collisions detected on this server. Only enable this if
	 * all servers on the network allow remote nicks to start with
	 * a digit.
	collision_fnc = yes;

	/* global snotices: send out certain snotices (most +b, +f, +y,
	 * some +s) to other servers via ENCAP SNOTE. Received SNOTEs are
	 * displayed unconditionally.
	global_snotices = yes;
	/* dline reason: show the user the dline reason when they connect 
	 * and are dlined.
	dline_with_reason = yes;
	/* kline delay: delay the checking of klines until a specified time.
	 * Useful if large kline lists are applied often to prevent the
	 * server eating CPU.
	kline_delay = 0 seconds;

	/* kline reason: show the user the reason why they are k/dlined 
	 * on exit.  may give away who set k/dline when set via tcm.
	kline_with_reason = yes;

	/* kline reason: make the users quit message on channels this
	 * reason instead of the oper's reason.
	kline_reason = "K-Lined";

	/* identify to services via server password
	 * if auth{} block had no password but the user specified a
	 * server password anyway, send a PRIVMSG to <identify_service>
	 * with as text <identify_command> <password>.
	identify_service = "NickServ@services.int";
	identify_command = "IDENTIFY";

	/* non redundant klines: flag and ignore redundant klines */
	non_redundant_klines = yes;

	/* warn no nline: warn opers about servers that try to connect but
	 * we dont have a connect {} block for.  Twits with misconfigured 
	 * servers can get really annoying with this enabled.
	warn_no_nline = yes;

	/* use propagated bans: KLINE, XLINE and RESV set fully propagated bans.
	 * That means the bans are part of the netburst and restarted/split
	 * servers will get them, but they will not apply to 3.2 and older
	 * servers at all.
	use_propagated_bans = yes;

	/* stats e disabled: disable stats e.  useful if server ips are
	 * exempted and you dont want them listing on irc.
	stats_e_disabled = no;

	/* stats c oper only: make stats c (connect {}) oper only */

	/* stats h oper only: make stats h (hub_mask/leaf_mask) oper only */

	/* stats y oper only: make stats y (class {}) oper only */

	/* stats o oper only: make stats o (opers) oper only */

	/* stats P oper only: make stats P (ports) oper only
	 * NOTE: users doing stats P will never be given the ips that the 
	 * server listens on, simply the ports.

	/* stats i oper only: make stats i (auth {}) oper only. set to:
	 *     yes:    show users no auth blocks, made oper only.
	 *     masked: show users first matching auth block
	 *     no:     show users all auth blocks.

	/* stats k/K oper only: make stats k/K (klines) oper only.  set to:
	 *     yes:    show users no auth blocks, made oper only
	 *     masked: show users first matching auth block
	 *     no:     show users all auth blocks.

        /* map oper only: make /map oper only */
        map_oper_only = no;

	/* operspy admin only: make operspy notices to +Z admin only */
	operspy_admin_only = no;

	/* operspy dont care user info: treat /who mask as if there was
	 * an '!' always; do not log or server notice about operspy
	 * /who mask, /masktrace and /scan. channel information is still
	 * protected. */
	operspy_dont_care_user_info = no;

	/* secret channels in whois: display secret channels in /whois
	 * even if operspy was not used, as long as the oper doing the
	 * whois has the oper:spy priv. this will not send any kind of
	 * server notice. */
	secret_channels_in_whois = no;

	/* caller id wait: time between notifying a +g user that somebody
	 * is messaging them.
	caller_id_wait = 1 minute;

	/* pace wait simple: time between use of less intensive commands
	 * (HELP, remote WHOIS, WHOWAS)
	pace_wait_simple = 1 second;

	/* pace wait: time between more intensive commands
	pace_wait = 10 seconds;

	/* short motd: send clients a notice telling them to read the motd
	 * instead of forcing a motd to clients who may simply ignore it.
	short_motd = no;

	/* ping cookies: require clients to respond exactly to a ping command,
	 * can help block certain types of drones and FTP PASV mode spoofing.
	ping_cookie = no;

	/* connect timeout: sets how long we should wait for a connection
	 * request to succeed
	connect_timeout = 30 seconds;

	/* ident timeout: Amount of time (in seconds) that the IRCd will
	 * wait for a user to respond to an ident request.
	default_ident_timeout = 5;

	/* disable auth: disables identd checking */
	disable_auth = no;

	/* no oper flood: increase flood limits for opers.
	 * This option quadruples the user command flood limits, it
	 * DOES NOT affect PRIVMSG/NOTICE usage.
	no_oper_flood = yes;

	/* true no oper flood: Allow opers to NEVER hit flood limits.
	 * With the above setting, flood limits are set to 4x what they
	 * are for normal users. With this setting, they're removed entirely.
	 * For this setting to work, you need to have no_oper_flood enabled as well.
	 * This option DOES allow PRIVMSG/NOTICE flooding.
	true_no_oper_flood = no;

	/* REMOVE ME.  The following line checks you've been reading. */
	havent_read_conf = yes;
	/* max targets: the maximum amount of targets in a single 
	 * PRIVMSG/NOTICE.  set to 999 NOT 0 for unlimited.
	max_targets = 4;

	/* client flood: maximum number of lines in a clients queue before
	 * they are dropped for flooding.
	client_flood = 20;

        /* use_whois_actually: send clients requesting a whois a numeric
         * giving the real IP of non-spoofed clients to prevent DNS abuse.
        use_whois_actually = yes;

	/* usermodes configurable: a list of usermodes for the options below
	 * +g - callerid   - Server Side Ignore
	 * +D - deaf       - Don't see channel messages
	 * +i - invisible  - Not shown in NAMES or WHO unless you share a 
	 *                   a channel
	 * +l - locops     - See LOCOPS messages
	 * +Q - noforward  - Unaffected by channel forwarding
	 * +R - regonlymsg - No messages from unindentified
	 * +s - servnotice - See server notices
	 * +w - wallop     - See oper and server generated WALLOPS
	 * +z - operwall   - See operwalls
	 * +C - noctcp     - Block CTCPs to user.
	 * +V - noinvite   - Block INVITE to user.
	 * +B - bot        - Marks as a bot.
	 * +p - override   - Implicit operator access in all channels.
	 *                   This is oper-only and requires the oper:override priv.
	/* oper only umodes: usermodes only opers may set */
	oper_only_umodes = operwall, locops, servnotice;

	/* oper umodes: default usermodes opers get when they /oper */
	oper_umodes = locops, servnotice, operwall, wallop;

	/* oper snomask: default snomask opers get when they /oper,
	 * provided they have umode +s set */
	oper_snomask = "+s";

	/* use egd: if your system does not have *random devices yet you
	 * want to use OpenSSL and encrypted links, enable this.  Beware -
	 * EGD is *very* CPU intensive when gathering data for its pool
	#use_egd = yes;

	/* egdpool path: path to EGD pool. Not necessary for OpenSSL >= 0.9.7
	 * which automatically finds the path.
	#egdpool_path = "/var/run/egd-pool";

	/* compression level: level of compression for compressed links between
	 * servers.  
	 * values are between: 1 (least compression, fastest)
	 *                and: 9 (most compression, slowest).
	#compression_level = 6;

        /* burst_away: This enables bursting away messages to servers.
         * With this disabled, we will only propogate AWAY messages
         * as users send them, but never burst them.  Be warned though
         * enabling this could increase the size of a burst significantly
         * for a large network, like EFnet.
        burst_away = yes;

	/* nick delay: This locks nicks of split clients for the given time
	 * or until a remote client uses the nick. This significantly
	 * reduces nick collisions on short splits but it can be annoying.
	 * To make things as fair as possible, this should be the same on
	 * all servers. If you enable this, the suggested value is 15 minutes.
	nick_delay = 0 seconds;

	/* reject time: the amount of rejections through klines/dlines etc
	 * allowed in the given time before the rejection is cached and
	 * a pseudo temp dline is placed
	reject_ban_time = 1 minute;
	reject_after_count = 3;

	/* reject duration: the amount of time to cache the rejection */
	reject_duration = 5 minutes;

	/* throttle_duration: Amount of time that throttling will be applied to an IP
	 * address.
	throttle_duration = 60;

	/* throttle_count: Number of connections within throttle_duration that it takes
	 * for throttling to take effect */
	throttle_count = 4;

	/* expire_override_time: User mode +p will be automatically unset
	 * this long after it is set. 0 disables this. Default is 5 minutes.
	#expire_override_time = 5 minutes;

modules {
	/* module path: paths to search for modules specified below and 
	 * in /modload.
	path = "/usr/local/ircd/modules";
	path = "/usr/local/ircd/modules/autoload";

	/* module: the name of a module to load on startup/rehash */
	#module = "some_module.so";