/* * ircd-ratbox: A slightly useful ircd. * s_conf.c: Configuration file functions. * * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and University of Oulu, Co Center * Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Hybrid Development Team * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 ircd-ratbox development team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA * * $Id: s_conf.c 3550 2007-08-09 06:47:26Z nenolod $ */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "ircd_defs.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "s_newconf.h" #include "newconf.h" #include "s_serv.h" #include "s_user.h" #include "s_stats.h" #include "channel.h" #include "class.h" #include "client.h" #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "match.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "listener.h" #include "hostmask.h" #include "modules.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "logger.h" #include "send.h" #include "reject.h" #include "cache.h" #include "blacklist.h" #include "privilege.h" #include "sslproc.h" #include "bandbi.h" #include "operhash.h" struct config_server_hide ConfigServerHide; extern int yyparse(void); /* defined in y.tab.c */ extern char linebuf[]; #ifndef INADDR_NONE #define INADDR_NONE ((unsigned int) 0xffffffff) #endif static rb_bh *confitem_heap = NULL; rb_dlink_list prop_bans; rb_dlink_list temp_klines[LAST_TEMP_TYPE]; rb_dlink_list temp_dlines[LAST_TEMP_TYPE]; rb_dlink_list service_list; /* internally defined functions */ static void set_default_conf(void); static void validate_conf(void); static void read_conf(FILE *); static void clear_out_old_conf(void); static void expire_prop_bans(void *list); static void expire_temp_kd(void *list); static void reorganise_temp_kd(void *list); FILE *conf_fbfile_in; extern char yytext[]; static int verify_access(struct Client *client_p, const char *username); static int attach_iline(struct Client *, struct ConfItem *); void init_s_conf(void) { confitem_heap = rb_bh_create(sizeof(struct ConfItem), CONFITEM_HEAP_SIZE, "confitem_heap"); rb_event_addish("expire_prop_bans", expire_prop_bans, &prop_bans, 60); rb_event_addish("expire_temp_klines", expire_temp_kd, &temp_klines[TEMP_MIN], 60); rb_event_addish("expire_temp_dlines", expire_temp_kd, &temp_dlines[TEMP_MIN], 60); rb_event_addish("expire_temp_klines_hour", reorganise_temp_kd, &temp_klines[TEMP_HOUR], 3600); rb_event_addish("expire_temp_dlines_hour", reorganise_temp_kd, &temp_dlines[TEMP_HOUR], 3600); rb_event_addish("expire_temp_klines_day", reorganise_temp_kd, &temp_klines[TEMP_DAY], 86400); rb_event_addish("expire_temp_dlines_day", reorganise_temp_kd, &temp_dlines[TEMP_DAY], 86400); rb_event_addish("expire_temp_klines_week", reorganise_temp_kd, &temp_klines[TEMP_WEEK], 604800); rb_event_addish("expire_temp_dlines_week", reorganise_temp_kd, &temp_dlines[TEMP_WEEK], 604800); } /* * make_conf * * inputs - none * output - pointer to new conf entry * side effects - none */ struct ConfItem * make_conf() { struct ConfItem *aconf; aconf = rb_bh_alloc(confitem_heap); aconf->status = CONF_ILLEGAL; return (aconf); } /* * free_conf * * inputs - pointer to conf to free * output - none * side effects - crucial password fields are zeroed, conf is freed */ void free_conf(struct ConfItem *aconf) { s_assert(aconf != NULL); if(aconf == NULL) return; /* security.. */ if(aconf->passwd) memset(aconf->passwd, 0, strlen(aconf->passwd)); if(aconf->spasswd) memset(aconf->spasswd, 0, strlen(aconf->spasswd)); rb_free(aconf->passwd); rb_free(aconf->spasswd); rb_free(aconf->className); rb_free(aconf->user); rb_free(aconf->host); if(IsConfBan(aconf)) operhash_delete(aconf->info.oper); else rb_free(aconf->info.name); rb_bh_free(confitem_heap, aconf); } /* * check_client * * inputs - pointer to client * output - 0 = Success * NOT_AUTHORISED (-1) = Access denied (no I line match) * SOCKET_ERROR (-2) = Bad socket. * I_LINE_FULL (-3) = I-line is full * TOO_MANY (-4) = Too many connections from hostname * BANNED_CLIENT (-5) = K-lined * side effects - Ordinary client access check. * Look for conf lines which have the same * status as the flags passed. */ int check_client(struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, const char *username) { int i; if((i = verify_access(source_p, username))) { ilog(L_FUSER, "Access denied: %s[%s]", source_p->name, source_p->sockhost); } switch (i) { case SOCKET_ERROR: exit_client(client_p, source_p, &me, "Socket Error"); break; case TOO_MANY_LOCAL: /* Note that these notices are sent to opers on other * servers also, so even if local opers are allowed to * see the IP, we still cannot send it. */ sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_FULL, L_NETWIDE, "Too many local connections for %s!%s%s@%s", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, show_ip(NULL, source_p) && !IsIPSpoof(source_p) ? source_p->sockhost : source_p->host); ilog(L_FUSER, "Too many local connections from %s!%s%s@%s", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, source_p->sockhost); ServerStats.is_ref++; exit_client(client_p, source_p, &me, "Too many host connections (local)"); break; case TOO_MANY_GLOBAL: sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_FULL, L_NETWIDE, "Too many global connections for %s!%s%s@%s", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, show_ip(NULL, source_p) && !IsIPSpoof(source_p) ? source_p->sockhost : source_p->host); ilog(L_FUSER, "Too many global connections from %s!%s%s@%s", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, source_p->sockhost); ServerStats.is_ref++; exit_client(client_p, source_p, &me, "Too many host connections (global)"); break; case TOO_MANY_IDENT: sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_FULL, L_NETWIDE, "Too many user connections for %s!%s%s@%s", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, show_ip(NULL, source_p) && !IsIPSpoof(source_p) ? source_p->sockhost : source_p->host); ilog(L_FUSER, "Too many user connections from %s!%s%s@%s", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, source_p->sockhost); ServerStats.is_ref++; exit_client(client_p, source_p, &me, "Too many user connections (global)"); break; case I_LINE_FULL: sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_FULL, L_NETWIDE, "I-line is full for %s!%s%s@%s (%s).", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, source_p->host, show_ip(NULL, source_p) && !IsIPSpoof(source_p) ? source_p->sockhost : ""); ilog(L_FUSER, "Too many connections from %s!%s%s@%s.", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, source_p->sockhost); ServerStats.is_ref++; exit_client(client_p, source_p, &me, "No more connections allowed in your connection class"); break; case NOT_AUTHORISED: { int port = -1; #ifdef RB_IPV6 if(source_p->localClient->ip.ss_family == AF_INET6) port = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&source_p->localClient->listener->addr)->sin6_port); else #endif port = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)&source_p->localClient->listener->addr)->sin_port); ServerStats.is_ref++; /* jdc - lists server name & port connections are on */ /* a purely cosmetical change */ /* why ipaddr, and not just source_p->sockhost? --fl */ #if 0 static char ipaddr[HOSTIPLEN]; rb_inet_ntop_sock(&source_p->localClient->ip, ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr)); #endif sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_UNAUTH, L_ALL, "Unauthorised client connection from " "%s!%s%s@%s [%s] on [%s/%u].", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, source_p->host, source_p->sockhost, source_p->localClient->listener->name, port); ilog(L_FUSER, "Unauthorised client connection from %s!%s%s@%s on [%s/%u].", source_p->name, IsGotId(source_p) ? "" : "~", source_p->username, source_p->sockhost, source_p->localClient->listener->name, port); add_reject(client_p, NULL, NULL); exit_client(client_p, source_p, &me, "You are not authorised to use this server"); break; } case BANNED_CLIENT: exit_client(client_p, client_p, &me, "*** Banned "); ServerStats.is_ref++; break; case 0: default: break; } return (i); } /* * verify_access * * inputs - pointer to client to verify * - pointer to proposed username * output - 0 if success -'ve if not * side effect - find the first (best) I line to attach. */ static int verify_access(struct Client *client_p, const char *username) { struct ConfItem *aconf; char non_ident[USERLEN + 1]; if(IsGotId(client_p)) { aconf = find_address_conf(client_p->host, client_p->sockhost, client_p->username, client_p->username, (struct sockaddr *) &client_p->localClient->ip, client_p->localClient->ip.ss_family, client_p->localClient->auth_user); } else { rb_strlcpy(non_ident, "~", sizeof(non_ident)); rb_strlcat(non_ident, username, sizeof(non_ident)); aconf = find_address_conf(client_p->host, client_p->sockhost, non_ident, client_p->username, (struct sockaddr *) &client_p->localClient->ip, client_p->localClient->ip.ss_family, client_p->localClient->auth_user); } if(aconf == NULL) return NOT_AUTHORISED; if(aconf->status & CONF_CLIENT) { if(aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_REDIR) { sendto_one_numeric(client_p, RPL_REDIR, form_str(RPL_REDIR), aconf->info.name ? aconf->info.name : "", aconf->port); return (NOT_AUTHORISED); } /* Thanks for spoof idea amm */ if(IsConfDoSpoofIp(aconf)) { char *p; /* show_ip() depends on this --fl */ SetIPSpoof(client_p); if(IsConfSpoofNotice(aconf)) { sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_GENERAL, L_ALL, "%s spoofing: %s as %s", client_p->name, show_ip(NULL, client_p) ? client_p->host : aconf->info.name, aconf->info.name); } /* user@host spoof */ if((p = strchr(aconf->info.name, '@')) != NULL) { char *host = p+1; *p = '\0'; rb_strlcpy(client_p->username, aconf->info.name, sizeof(client_p->username)); rb_strlcpy(client_p->host, host, sizeof(client_p->host)); *p = '@'; } else rb_strlcpy(client_p->host, aconf->info.name, sizeof(client_p->host)); } return (attach_iline(client_p, aconf)); } else if(aconf->status & CONF_KILL) { if(ConfigFileEntry.kline_with_reason) sendto_one(client_p, form_str(ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP), me.name, client_p->name, get_user_ban_reason(aconf)); add_reject(client_p, aconf->user, aconf->host); return (BANNED_CLIENT); } return NOT_AUTHORISED; } /* * add_ip_limit * * Returns 1 if successful 0 if not * * This checks if the user has exceed the limits for their class * unless of course they are exempt.. */ static int add_ip_limit(struct Client *client_p, struct ConfItem *aconf) { rb_patricia_node_t *pnode; int bitlen; /* If the limits are 0 don't do anything.. */ if(ConfCidrAmount(aconf) == 0 || (ConfCidrIpv4Bitlen(aconf) == 0 && ConfCidrIpv6Bitlen(aconf) == 0)) return -1; pnode = rb_match_ip(ConfIpLimits(aconf), (struct sockaddr *)&client_p->localClient->ip); if(GET_SS_FAMILY(&client_p->localClient->ip) == AF_INET) bitlen = ConfCidrIpv4Bitlen(aconf); else bitlen = ConfCidrIpv6Bitlen(aconf); if(pnode == NULL) pnode = make_and_lookup_ip(ConfIpLimits(aconf), (struct sockaddr *)&client_p->localClient->ip, bitlen); s_assert(pnode != NULL); if(pnode != NULL) { if(((intptr_t)pnode->data) >= ConfCidrAmount(aconf) && !IsConfExemptLimits(aconf)) { /* This should only happen if the limits are set to 0 */ if((intptr_t)pnode->data == 0) { rb_patricia_remove(ConfIpLimits(aconf), pnode); } return (0); } pnode->data = (void *)(((intptr_t)pnode->data) + 1); } return 1; } static void remove_ip_limit(struct Client *client_p, struct ConfItem *aconf) { rb_patricia_node_t *pnode; /* If the limits are 0 don't do anything.. */ if(ConfCidrAmount(aconf) == 0 || (ConfCidrIpv4Bitlen(aconf) == 0 && ConfCidrIpv6Bitlen(aconf) == 0)) return; pnode = rb_match_ip(ConfIpLimits(aconf), (struct sockaddr *)&client_p->localClient->ip); if(pnode == NULL) return; pnode->data = (void *)(((intptr_t)pnode->data) - 1); if(((intptr_t)pnode->data) == 0) { rb_patricia_remove(ConfIpLimits(aconf), pnode); } } /* * attach_iline * * inputs - client pointer * - conf pointer * output - * side effects - do actual attach */ static int attach_iline(struct Client *client_p, struct ConfItem *aconf) { struct Client *target_p; rb_dlink_node *ptr; int local_count = 0; int global_count = 0; int ident_count = 0; int unidented = 0; if(IsConfExemptLimits(aconf)) return (attach_conf(client_p, aconf)); if(*client_p->username == '~') unidented = 1; /* find_hostname() returns the head of the list to search */ RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, find_hostname(client_p->host)) { target_p = ptr->data; if(irccmp(client_p->host, target_p->orighost) != 0) continue; if(MyConnect(target_p)) local_count++; global_count++; if(unidented) { if(*target_p->username == '~') ident_count++; } else if(irccmp(target_p->username, client_p->username) == 0) ident_count++; if(ConfMaxLocal(aconf) && local_count >= ConfMaxLocal(aconf)) return (TOO_MANY_LOCAL); else if(ConfMaxGlobal(aconf) && global_count >= ConfMaxGlobal(aconf)) return (TOO_MANY_GLOBAL); else if(ConfMaxIdent(aconf) && ident_count >= ConfMaxIdent(aconf)) return (TOO_MANY_IDENT); } return (attach_conf(client_p, aconf)); } /* * detach_conf * * inputs - pointer to client to detach * output - 0 for success, -1 for failure * side effects - Disassociate configuration from the client. * Also removes a class from the list if marked for deleting. */ int detach_conf(struct Client *client_p) { struct ConfItem *aconf; aconf = client_p->localClient->att_conf; if(aconf != NULL) { if(ClassPtr(aconf)) { remove_ip_limit(client_p, aconf); if(ConfCurrUsers(aconf) > 0) --ConfCurrUsers(aconf); if(ConfMaxUsers(aconf) == -1 && ConfCurrUsers(aconf) == 0) { free_class(ClassPtr(aconf)); ClassPtr(aconf) = NULL; } } aconf->clients--; if(!aconf->clients && IsIllegal(aconf)) free_conf(aconf); client_p->localClient->att_conf = NULL; return 0; } return -1; } /* * attach_conf * * inputs - client pointer * - conf pointer * output - * side effects - Associate a specific configuration entry to a *local* * client (this is the one which used in accepting the * connection). Note, that this automatically changes the * attachment if there was an old one... */ int attach_conf(struct Client *client_p, struct ConfItem *aconf) { if(IsIllegal(aconf)) return (NOT_AUTHORISED); if(ClassPtr(aconf)) { if(!add_ip_limit(client_p, aconf)) return (TOO_MANY_LOCAL); } if((aconf->status & CONF_CLIENT) && ConfCurrUsers(aconf) >= ConfMaxUsers(aconf) && ConfMaxUsers(aconf) > 0) { if(!IsConfExemptLimits(aconf)) { return (I_LINE_FULL); } else { sendto_one_notice(client_p, ":*** I: line is full, but you have an >I: line!"); } } if(client_p->localClient->att_conf != NULL) detach_conf(client_p); client_p->localClient->att_conf = aconf; aconf->clients++; ConfCurrUsers(aconf)++; return (0); } /* * rehash * * Actual REHASH service routine. Called with sig == 0 if it has been called * as a result of an operator issuing this command, else assume it has been * called as a result of the server receiving a HUP signal. */ int rehash(int sig) { if(sig != 0) { sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_GENERAL, L_ALL, "Got signal SIGHUP, reloading ircd conf. file"); } restart_resolver(); /* don't close listeners until we know we can go ahead with the rehash */ read_conf_files(NO); if(ServerInfo.description != NULL) rb_strlcpy(me.info, ServerInfo.description, sizeof(me.info)); else rb_strlcpy(me.info, "unknown", sizeof(me.info)); open_logfiles(); return (0); } void rehash_bans(int sig) { bandb_rehash_bans(); } /* * set_default_conf() * * inputs - NONE * output - NONE * side effects - Set default values here. * This is called **PRIOR** to parsing the * configuration file. If you want to do some validation * of values later, put them in validate_conf(). */ #define YES 1 #define NO 0 #define UNSET -1 static void set_default_conf(void) { /* ServerInfo.name is not rehashable */ /* ServerInfo.name = ServerInfo.name; */ ServerInfo.description = NULL; ServerInfo.network_name = rb_strdup(NETWORK_NAME_DEFAULT); ServerInfo.network_desc = rb_strdup(NETWORK_DESC_DEFAULT); memset(&ServerInfo.ip, 0, sizeof(ServerInfo.ip)); ServerInfo.specific_ipv4_vhost = 0; #ifdef RB_IPV6 memset(&ServerInfo.ip6, 0, sizeof(ServerInfo.ip6)); ServerInfo.specific_ipv6_vhost = 0; #endif /* Don't reset hub, as that will break lazylinks */ /* ServerInfo.hub = NO; */ AdminInfo.name = NULL; AdminInfo.email = NULL; AdminInfo.description = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.default_operstring = rb_strdup("is an IRC operator"); ConfigFileEntry.default_adminstring = rb_strdup("is a Server Administrator"); ConfigFileEntry.default_operhost = rb_strdup(""); ConfigFileEntry.static_quit = rb_strdup(""); ConfigFileEntry.servicestring = rb_strdup("is a Network Service"); ConfigFileEntry.default_umodes = UMODE_INVISIBLE; ConfigFileEntry.failed_oper_notice = YES; ConfigFileEntry.anti_nick_flood = NO; ConfigFileEntry.disable_fake_channels = NO; ConfigFileEntry.max_nick_time = 20; ConfigFileEntry.max_nick_changes = 5; ConfigFileEntry.max_accept = 20; ConfigFileEntry.max_monitor = 60; ConfigFileEntry.nick_delay = 900; /* 15 minutes */ ConfigFileEntry.target_change = YES; ConfigFileEntry.anti_spam_exit_message_time = 0; ConfigFileEntry.use_part_messages = YES; ConfigFileEntry.ts_warn_delta = TS_WARN_DELTA_DEFAULT; ConfigFileEntry.ts_max_delta = TS_MAX_DELTA_DEFAULT; ConfigFileEntry.client_exit = YES; ConfigFileEntry.dline_with_reason = YES; ConfigFileEntry.kline_with_reason = YES; ConfigFileEntry.kline_delay = 0; ConfigFileEntry.warn_no_nline = YES; ConfigFileEntry.non_redundant_klines = YES; ConfigFileEntry.stats_e_disabled = NO; ConfigFileEntry.stats_o_oper_only = NO; ConfigFileEntry.stats_k_oper_only = 1; /* masked */ ConfigFileEntry.stats_i_oper_only = 1; /* masked */ ConfigFileEntry.stats_P_oper_only = NO; ConfigFileEntry.stats_c_oper_only = NO; ConfigFileEntry.stats_y_oper_only = NO; ConfigFileEntry.stats_h_oper_only = NO; ConfigFileEntry.map_oper_only = YES; ConfigFileEntry.operspy_admin_only = NO; ConfigFileEntry.pace_wait = 10; ConfigFileEntry.caller_id_wait = 60; ConfigFileEntry.pace_wait_simple = 1; ConfigFileEntry.short_motd = NO; ConfigFileEntry.no_oper_flood = NO; ConfigFileEntry.true_no_oper_flood = NO; ConfigFileEntry.fname_userlog = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.fname_fuserlog = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.fname_operlog = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.fname_foperlog = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.fname_serverlog = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.fname_klinelog = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.fname_operspylog = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.fname_ioerrorlog = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.use_egd = NO; ConfigFileEntry.hide_spoof_ips = YES; ConfigFileEntry.hide_error_messages = 1; ConfigFileEntry.dots_in_ident = 0; ConfigFileEntry.max_targets = MAX_TARGETS_DEFAULT; ConfigFileEntry.egdpool_path = NULL; ConfigFileEntry.use_whois_actually = YES; ConfigFileEntry.burst_away = NO; ConfigFileEntry.collision_fnc = YES; ConfigFileEntry.global_snotices = YES; ConfigFileEntry.operspy_dont_care_user_info = NO; ConfigFileEntry.secret_channels_in_whois = NO; #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ ConfigFileEntry.compression_level = 4; #endif ConfigFileEntry.oper_umodes = UMODE_LOCOPS | UMODE_SERVNOTICE | UMODE_OPERWALL | UMODE_WALLOP; ConfigFileEntry.oper_only_umodes = UMODE_SERVNOTICE; ConfigFileEntry.oper_snomask = SNO_GENERAL; ConfigChannel.autochanmodes = rb_strdup("nt"); ConfigChannel.exemptchanops = rb_strdup(""); ConfigChannel.use_halfop = YES; ConfigChannel.use_admin = YES; ConfigChannel.use_except = YES; ConfigChannel.use_invex = YES; ConfigChannel.use_knock = YES; ConfigChannel.use_forward = YES; ConfigChannel.use_local_channels = YES; ConfigChannel.knock_delay = 300; ConfigChannel.knock_delay_channel = 60; ConfigChannel.max_chans_per_user = 15; ConfigChannel.max_bans = 25; ConfigChannel.max_bans_large = 500; ConfigChannel.only_ascii_channels = NO; ConfigChannel.cycle_host_change = YES; ConfigChannel.host_in_topic = YES; ConfigChannel.burst_topicwho = NO; ConfigChannel.kick_on_split_riding = NO; ConfigChannel.default_split_user_count = 15000; ConfigChannel.default_split_server_count = 10; ConfigChannel.no_join_on_split = NO; ConfigChannel.no_create_on_split = YES; ConfigChannel.resv_forcepart = YES; ConfigChannel.kick_no_rejoin_time = 30; ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_c = NO; ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_C = NO; ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_D = NO; ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_T = NO; ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_N = NO; ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_G = NO; ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_K = NO; ConfigServerHide.flatten_links = 0; ConfigServerHide.links_delay = 300; ConfigServerHide.hidden = 0; ConfigServerHide.disable_hidden = 0; ConfigFileEntry.min_nonwildcard = 4; ConfigFileEntry.min_nonwildcard_simple = 3; ConfigFileEntry.default_floodcount = 8; ConfigFileEntry.client_flood = CLIENT_FLOOD_DEFAULT; ConfigFileEntry.tkline_expire_notices = 0; ConfigFileEntry.reject_after_count = 5; ConfigFileEntry.reject_ban_time = 300; ConfigFileEntry.reject_duration = 120; ConfigFileEntry.throttle_count = 4; ConfigFileEntry.throttle_duration = 60; ConfigFileEntry.expire_override_time = 300; ServerInfo.default_max_clients = MAXCONNECTIONS; if (!alias_dict) alias_dict = irc_dictionary_create(strcasecmp); } #undef YES #undef NO /* * read_conf() * * * inputs - file descriptor pointing to config file to use * output - None * side effects - Read configuration file. */ static void read_conf(FILE * file) { lineno = 0; set_default_conf(); /* Set default values prior to conf parsing */ yyparse(); /* Load the values from the conf */ validate_conf(); /* Check to make sure some values are still okay. */ /* Some global values are also loaded here. */ check_class(); /* Make sure classes are valid */ privilegeset_delete_all_illegal(); } static void validate_conf(void) { if(ConfigFileEntry.ts_warn_delta < TS_WARN_DELTA_MIN) ConfigFileEntry.ts_warn_delta = TS_WARN_DELTA_DEFAULT; if(ConfigFileEntry.ts_max_delta < TS_MAX_DELTA_MIN) ConfigFileEntry.ts_max_delta = TS_MAX_DELTA_DEFAULT; if(ServerInfo.network_name == NULL) ServerInfo.network_name = rb_strdup(NETWORK_NAME_DEFAULT); if(ServerInfo.network_desc == NULL) ServerInfo.network_desc = rb_strdup(NETWORK_DESC_DEFAULT); if(ServerInfo.ssld_count < 1) ServerInfo.ssld_count = 1; if(!rb_setup_ssl_server(ServerInfo.ssl_cert, ServerInfo.ssl_private_key, ServerInfo.ssl_dh_params)) { ilog(L_MAIN, "WARNING: Unable to setup SSL."); ssl_ok = 0; } else { ssl_ok = 1; send_new_ssl_certs(ServerInfo.ssl_cert, ServerInfo.ssl_private_key, ServerInfo.ssl_dh_params); } if(ServerInfo.ssld_count > get_ssld_count()) { int start = ServerInfo.ssld_count - get_ssld_count(); /* start up additional ssld if needed */ start_ssldaemon(start, ServerInfo.ssl_cert, ServerInfo.ssl_private_key, ServerInfo.ssl_dh_params); } if((ConfigFileEntry.client_flood < CLIENT_FLOOD_MIN) || (ConfigFileEntry.client_flood > CLIENT_FLOOD_MAX)) ConfigFileEntry.client_flood = CLIENT_FLOOD_MAX; if(!split_users || !split_servers || (!ConfigChannel.no_create_on_split && !ConfigChannel.no_join_on_split)) { rb_event_delete(check_splitmode_ev); check_splitmode_ev = NULL; splitmode = 0; splitchecking = 0; } if(!valid_hostname(ConfigFileEntry.default_operhost)) { conf_report_error("Warning -- invalid default_operhost specified, ignoring."); ConfigFileEntry.default_operhost = rb_strdup(""); } /* Parse the exemptchanops option and set the internal variables * that we will use. */ char * ech; for(ech = ConfigChannel.exemptchanops; *ech; ech++) { if(*ech == 'c') { ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_c = 1; continue; } if(*ech == 'C') { ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_C = 1; continue; } if(*ech == 'D') { ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_D = 1; continue; } if(*ech == 'T') { ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_T = 1; continue; } if(*ech == 'N') { ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_N = 1; continue; } if(*ech == 'G') { ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_G = 1; continue; } if(*ech == 'K') ConfigChannel.exempt_cmode_K = 1; } } /* add_temp_kline() * * inputs - pointer to struct ConfItem * output - none * Side effects - links in given struct ConfItem into * temporary kline link list */ void add_temp_kline(struct ConfItem *aconf) { if(aconf->hold >= rb_current_time() + (10080 * 60)) { rb_dlinkAddAlloc(aconf, &temp_klines[TEMP_WEEK]); aconf->port = TEMP_WEEK; } else if(aconf->hold >= rb_current_time() + (1440 * 60)) { rb_dlinkAddAlloc(aconf, &temp_klines[TEMP_DAY]); aconf->port = TEMP_DAY; } else if(aconf->hold >= rb_current_time() + (60 * 60)) { rb_dlinkAddAlloc(aconf, &temp_klines[TEMP_HOUR]); aconf->port = TEMP_HOUR; } else { rb_dlinkAddAlloc(aconf, &temp_klines[TEMP_MIN]); aconf->port = TEMP_MIN; } aconf->flags |= CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY; add_conf_by_address(aconf->host, CONF_KILL, aconf->user, NULL, aconf); } /* add_temp_dline() * * input - pointer to struct ConfItem * output - none * side effects - added to tdline link list and address hash */ void add_temp_dline(struct ConfItem *aconf) { if(aconf->hold >= rb_current_time() + (10080 * 60)) { rb_dlinkAddAlloc(aconf, &temp_dlines[TEMP_WEEK]); aconf->port = TEMP_WEEK; } else if(aconf->hold >= rb_current_time() + (1440 * 60)) { rb_dlinkAddAlloc(aconf, &temp_dlines[TEMP_DAY]); aconf->port = TEMP_DAY; } else if(aconf->hold >= rb_current_time() + (60 * 60)) { rb_dlinkAddAlloc(aconf, &temp_dlines[TEMP_HOUR]); aconf->port = TEMP_HOUR; } else { rb_dlinkAddAlloc(aconf, &temp_dlines[TEMP_MIN]); aconf->port = TEMP_MIN; } aconf->flags |= CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY; add_conf_by_address(aconf->host, CONF_DLINE, aconf->user, NULL, aconf); } void deactivate_conf(struct ConfItem *aconf, rb_dlink_node *ptr) { int i; s_assert(ptr->data == aconf); switch (aconf->status) { case CONF_KILL: if (aconf->lifetime == 0 && aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY) for (i = 0; i < LAST_TEMP_TYPE; i++) rb_dlinkFindDestroy(aconf, &temp_klines[i]); /* Make sure delete_one_address_conf() does not * free the aconf. */ aconf->clients++; delete_one_address_conf(aconf->host, aconf); aconf->clients--; break; case CONF_DLINE: if (aconf->lifetime == 0 && aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY) for (i = 0; i < LAST_TEMP_TYPE; i++) rb_dlinkFindDestroy(aconf, &temp_dlines[i]); aconf->clients++; delete_one_address_conf(aconf->host, aconf); aconf->clients--; break; case CONF_XLINE: rb_dlinkFindDestroy(aconf, &xline_conf_list); break; case CONF_RESV_NICK: rb_dlinkFindDestroy(aconf, &resv_conf_list); break; case CONF_RESV_CHANNEL: del_from_resv_hash(aconf->host, aconf); break; } if (aconf->lifetime != 0 && rb_current_time() < aconf->lifetime) aconf->status |= CONF_ILLEGAL; else { if (aconf->lifetime != 0) rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &prop_bans); free_conf(aconf); } } static void expire_prop_bans(void *list) { rb_dlink_node *ptr; rb_dlink_node *next_ptr; struct ConfItem *aconf; RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, ((rb_dlink_list *) list)->head) { aconf = ptr->data; if(aconf->lifetime <= rb_current_time() || (aconf->hold <= rb_current_time() && !(aconf->status & CONF_ILLEGAL))) { /* Alert opers that a TKline expired - Hwy */ /* XXX show what type of ban it is */ if(ConfigFileEntry.tkline_expire_notices && !(aconf->status & CONF_ILLEGAL)) sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_GENERAL, L_ALL, "Propagated ban for [%s%s%s] expired", aconf->user ? aconf->user : "", aconf->user ? "@" : "", aconf->host ? aconf->host : "*"); /* will destroy or mark illegal */ deactivate_conf(aconf, ptr); } } } /* expire_tkline() * * inputs - list pointer * - type * output - NONE * side effects - expire tklines and moves them between lists */ static void expire_temp_kd(void *list) { rb_dlink_node *ptr; rb_dlink_node *next_ptr; struct ConfItem *aconf; RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, ((rb_dlink_list *) list)->head) { aconf = ptr->data; if(aconf->hold <= rb_current_time()) { /* Alert opers that a TKline expired - Hwy */ if(ConfigFileEntry.tkline_expire_notices) sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_GENERAL, L_ALL, "Temporary K-line for [%s@%s] expired", (aconf->user) ? aconf-> user : "*", (aconf->host) ? aconf->host : "*"); delete_one_address_conf(aconf->host, aconf); rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, list); } } } static void reorganise_temp_kd(void *list) { struct ConfItem *aconf; rb_dlink_node *ptr, *next_ptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, ((rb_dlink_list *) list)->head) { aconf = ptr->data; if(aconf->hold < (rb_current_time() + (60 * 60))) { rb_dlinkMoveNode(ptr, list, (aconf->status == CONF_KILL) ? &temp_klines[TEMP_MIN] : &temp_dlines[TEMP_MIN]); aconf->port = TEMP_MIN; } else if(aconf->port > TEMP_HOUR) { if(aconf->hold < (rb_current_time() + (1440 * 60))) { rb_dlinkMoveNode(ptr, list, (aconf->status == CONF_KILL) ? &temp_klines[TEMP_HOUR] : &temp_dlines[TEMP_HOUR]); aconf->port = TEMP_HOUR; } else if(aconf->port > TEMP_DAY && (aconf->hold < (rb_current_time() + (10080 * 60)))) { rb_dlinkMoveNode(ptr, list, (aconf->status == CONF_KILL) ? &temp_klines[TEMP_DAY] : &temp_dlines[TEMP_DAY]); aconf->port = TEMP_DAY; } } } } /* const char* get_oper_name(struct Client *client_p) * Input: A client to find the active oper{} name for. * Output: The nick!user@host{oper} of the oper. * "oper" is server name for remote opers * Side effects: None. */ char * get_oper_name(struct Client *client_p) { /* +5 for !,@,{,} and null */ static char buffer[NICKLEN + USERLEN + HOSTLEN + HOSTLEN + 5]; if(MyOper(client_p)) { rb_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s!%s@%s{%s}", client_p->name, client_p->username, client_p->host, client_p->localClient->opername); return buffer; } rb_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s!%s@%s{%s}", client_p->name, client_p->username, client_p->host, client_p->servptr->name); return buffer; } /* * get_printable_conf * * inputs - struct ConfItem * * output - name * - host * - pass * - user * - port * * side effects - * Examine the struct struct ConfItem, setting the values * of name, host, pass, user to values either * in aconf, or "" port is set to aconf->port in all cases. */ void get_printable_conf(struct ConfItem *aconf, char **name, char **host, char **pass, char **user, int *port, char **classname) { static char null[] = ""; static char zero[] = "default"; *name = EmptyString(aconf->info.name) ? null : aconf->info.name; *host = EmptyString(aconf->host) ? null : aconf->host; *pass = EmptyString(aconf->passwd) ? null : aconf->passwd; *user = EmptyString(aconf->user) ? null : aconf->user; *classname = EmptyString(aconf->className) ? zero : aconf->className; *port = (int) aconf->port; } char * get_user_ban_reason(struct ConfItem *aconf) { static char reasonbuf[BUFSIZE]; if (aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY && (aconf->status == CONF_KILL || aconf->status == CONF_DLINE)) rb_snprintf(reasonbuf, sizeof reasonbuf, "Temporary %c-line %d min. - ", aconf->status == CONF_DLINE ? 'D' : 'K', (aconf->hold - aconf->created) / 60); else reasonbuf[0] = '\0'; if (aconf->passwd) rb_strlcat(reasonbuf, aconf->passwd, sizeof reasonbuf); else rb_strlcat(reasonbuf, "No Reason", sizeof reasonbuf); if (aconf->created) { rb_strlcat(reasonbuf, " (", sizeof reasonbuf); rb_strlcat(reasonbuf, smalldate(aconf->created), sizeof reasonbuf); rb_strlcat(reasonbuf, ")", sizeof reasonbuf); } return reasonbuf; } void get_printable_kline(struct Client *source_p, struct ConfItem *aconf, char **host, char **reason, char **user, char **oper_reason) { static char null[] = ""; *host = EmptyString(aconf->host) ? null : aconf->host; *user = EmptyString(aconf->user) ? null : aconf->user; *reason = get_user_ban_reason(aconf); if(EmptyString(aconf->spasswd) || !IsOper(source_p)) *oper_reason = NULL; else *oper_reason = aconf->spasswd; } /* * read_conf_files * * inputs - cold start YES or NO * output - none * side effects - read all conf files needed, ircd.conf kline.conf etc. */ void read_conf_files(int cold) { const char *filename; conf_fbfile_in = NULL; filename = ConfigFileEntry.configfile; /* We need to know the initial filename for the yyerror() to report FIXME: The full path is in conffilenamebuf first time since we dont know anything else - Gozem 2002-07-21 */ rb_strlcpy(conffilebuf, filename, sizeof(conffilebuf)); if((conf_fbfile_in = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { if(cold) { ilog(L_MAIN, "Failed in reading configuration file %s", filename); exit(-1); } else { sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_GENERAL, L_ALL, "Can't open file '%s' - aborting rehash!", filename); return; } } if(!cold) { clear_out_old_conf(); } read_conf(conf_fbfile_in); fclose(conf_fbfile_in); } /* * free an alias{} entry. */ static void free_alias_cb(struct DictionaryElement *ptr, void *unused) { struct alias_entry *aptr = ptr->data; rb_free(aptr->name); rb_free(aptr->target); rb_free(aptr); } /* * clear_out_old_conf * * inputs - none * output - none * side effects - Clear out the old configuration */ static void clear_out_old_conf(void) { struct Class *cltmp; rb_dlink_node *ptr; rb_dlink_node *next_ptr; /* * don't delete the class table, rather mark all entries * for deletion. The table is cleaned up by check_class. - avalon */ RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, class_list.head) { cltmp = ptr->data; MaxUsers(cltmp) = -1; } clear_out_address_conf(); clear_s_newconf(); /* clean out module paths */ #ifndef STATIC_MODULES mod_clear_paths(); mod_add_path(MODULE_DIR); mod_add_path(MODULE_DIR "/autoload"); #endif /* clean out ServerInfo */ rb_free(ServerInfo.description); ServerInfo.description = NULL; rb_free(ServerInfo.network_name); ServerInfo.network_name = NULL; rb_free(ServerInfo.network_desc); ServerInfo.network_desc = NULL; ServerInfo.ssld_count = 1; /* clean out AdminInfo */ rb_free(AdminInfo.name); AdminInfo.name = NULL; rb_free(AdminInfo.email); AdminInfo.email = NULL; rb_free(AdminInfo.description); AdminInfo.description = NULL; /* operator{} and class{} blocks are freed above */ /* clean out listeners */ close_listeners(); /* auth{}, quarantine{}, shared{}, connect{}, kill{}, deny{}, exempt{} * and gecos{} blocks are freed above too */ /* clean out general */ rb_free(ConfigFileEntry.kline_reason); ConfigFileEntry.kline_reason = NULL; RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next_ptr, service_list.head) { rb_free(ptr->data); rb_dlinkDestroy(ptr, &service_list); } /* remove any aliases... -- nenolod */ if (alias_dict != NULL) { irc_dictionary_destroy(alias_dict, free_alias_cb, NULL); alias_dict = NULL; } destroy_blacklists(); privilegeset_mark_all_illegal(); /* OK, that should be everything... */ } /* * conf_add_class_to_conf * inputs - pointer to config item * output - NONE * side effects - Add a class pointer to a conf */ void conf_add_class_to_conf(struct ConfItem *aconf) { if(aconf->className == NULL) { aconf->className = rb_strdup("default"); ClassPtr(aconf) = default_class; return; } ClassPtr(aconf) = find_class(aconf->className); if(ClassPtr(aconf) == default_class) { if(aconf->status == CONF_CLIENT) { conf_report_error( "Using default class for missing class \"%s\" in auth{} for %s@%s", aconf->className, aconf->user, aconf->host); } rb_free(aconf->className); aconf->className = rb_strdup("default"); return; } if(ConfMaxUsers(aconf) < 0) { ClassPtr(aconf) = default_class; rb_free(aconf->className); aconf->className = rb_strdup("default"); return; } } /* * conf_add_d_conf * inputs - pointer to config item * output - NONE * side effects - Add a d/D line */ void conf_add_d_conf(struct ConfItem *aconf) { if(aconf->host == NULL) return; aconf->user = NULL; /* XXX - Should 'd' ever be in the old conf? For new conf we don't * need this anyway, so I will disable it for now... -A1kmm */ if(parse_netmask(aconf->host, NULL, NULL) == HM_HOST) { ilog(L_MAIN, "Invalid Dline %s ignored", aconf->host); free_conf(aconf); } else { add_conf_by_address(aconf->host, CONF_DLINE, NULL, NULL, aconf); } } static char * strip_tabs(char *dest, const char *src, size_t len) { char *d = dest; if(dest == NULL || src == NULL) return NULL; rb_strlcpy(dest, src, len); while(*d) { if(*d == '\t') *d = ' '; d++; } return dest; } /* * yyerror * * inputs - message from parser * output - none * side effects - message to opers and log file entry is made */ void yyerror(const char *msg) { char newlinebuf[BUFSIZE]; strip_tabs(newlinebuf, linebuf, strlen(linebuf)); ierror("\"%s\", line %d: %s at '%s'", conffilebuf, lineno + 1, msg, newlinebuf); sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_GENERAL, L_ALL, "\"%s\", line %d: %s at '%s'", conffilebuf, lineno + 1, msg, newlinebuf); } int conf_fgets(char *lbuf, int max_size, FILE * fb) { char *buff; if((buff = fgets(lbuf, max_size, fb)) == NULL) return (0); return (strlen(lbuf)); } int conf_yy_fatal_error(const char *msg) { return (0); }