<chapter id="intro"> <title>Introduction</title> <sect1> <title>Scope of this document</title> <para> This document describes the commands and functions available to operators in shadowircd, as used on <ulink url="http://www.thinstack.net">Thinstack</ulink>. </para> <para> This document, and various ideas for features of charybdis, have been taken from dancer-ircd/hyperion, the ircd used on freenode, mainly written by Andrew Suffield and Jilles Tjoelker. </para> <para> While this document may be of some interest to the users of charybdis servers, it is intended as a reference for network staff. </para> <para> ShadowIRCd is based on Charybdis which is based on ircd-ratbox 3.0.0, although much has changed. <ulink url="http://www.ircd-ratbox.org">ircd-ratbox</ulink> is commonly used on efnet, and some other networks. </para> </sect1> </chapter> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: sgml sgml-omittag:t sgml-shorttag:t sgml-namecase-general:t sgml-general-insert-case:lower sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-indent-step:2 sgml-indent-data:t sgml-parent-document: ("charybdis-oper-guide.sgml" "book") sgml-exposed-tags:nil fill-column:105 sgml-validate-command: "nsgmls -e -g -s -u charybdis-oper-guide.sgml" End: -->