ROLEPLAY consists of a number of similar commands all of which send messages to channel under 'fake' nicknames. The user of the command can be identified by looking at the ident of the 'fake' user - it will always be the nickname of the person using the command, and the host will always be npc.fakeuser.invalid. These commands require the target channel to be set +N, and obey the same restrictions as regular PRIVMSG. Roleplay commands from normal users have the nick underlined, to clearly show that the message is a roleplay message rather than a normal one (with one exception). Network operators are not subject to this restriction. NPC <nick> <channel> :message Sends a standard roleplay message to #channel with the nick specified. NPCA <nick> <channel> :message Sends an ACTION to #channel with the nick and message specified. SCENE <channel> :message The same as NPC, except the message always originates from the nickname =Scene=, which will not be underlined like the other commands. FSAY <nick> <channel> :message This command is exactly like NPC, except the nickname will not be underlined if the person running the command is an operator. FACTION <nick> <channel> :message This command is exactly like NPCA, except the nickname will not be underlined if the person running the command is an operator.