$Id: README 6 2005-09-10 01:02:21Z nenolod $
A directory of support programs for ircd.
convertconf.c - converts a Hybrid 5 or 6 conf file to the new
style. will not convert I:
convertilines.c - convert hybrid 5/6 I: to auth {};
convertklines.c - convert Hybrid 5/6 and early 7beta kline.conf files
to the new spreadsheet like format.
genssl.sh - a small tool for generating SSL certificates for your IRCd.
mkkeypair - a small program used for generating a public and private
key pair
mkpasswd.c - makes password for O lines
rsa_respond/ - a tool to generate an RSA response to the challenge asked
by the server, and a tool to generate a keypair for the
C/R system
shadow_help.pl - an irssi script which adds a OHELP command so you do not
have to type /quote help everytime you want to view the
IRCd's helpfiles.
untabify - converts tab characters to a specific number of spaces
viconf.c - edit your conf file without having to chdir su etc. etc.
also locks the file if file locking is used.
viconf is also installed with hard links as vimotd and
viklines, to edit those files in a locked mode.