
32 lines
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SET <option> <value>
<option> can be one of the following:
ADMINSTRING - Sets string shown in WHOIS for admins
AUTOCONN - Sets auto-connect on or off for a particular
AUTOCONNALL - Sets auto-connect on or off for all servers
FLOODCOUNT - The number of lines allowed before
throttling a connection due to flooding
Note that this variable is used for both
channels and clients
IDENTTIMEOUT- Timeout for requesting ident from a client
IDLETIME - The number of seconds a client can be idle
before disconnecting them
MAX - Sets the number of max connections
to <value>. (This number cannot exceed
HARD_FDLIMIT in config.h)
OPERSTRING - Sets string shown in WHOIS for opers
SPAMNUM - Sets how many join/parts to channels
constitutes a possible spambot.
SPAMTIME - Below this time on a channel
counts as a join/part as above.
SPLITMODE - Sets splitmode to <value>:
ON - splitmode is permanently on
OFF - splitmode is permanently off
AUTO - ircd chooses splitmode based on
SPLITUSERS - Sets the minimum amount of users needed to
deactivate automatic splitmode.
SPLITNUM - Sets the minimum amount of servers needed to
deactivate automatic splitmode.