/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 William Pitcock et al * Rights to this code are documented in doc/LICENSE. * * Russian Roulette game. Will actually /KILL the user that gets "shot". * */ #include "atheme-compat.h" DECLARE_MODULE_V1 ( "contrib/gs_roulette", false, _modinit, _moddeinit, PACKAGE_STRING, "Atheme Development Group " ); static void command_roulette(sourceinfo_t *si, int parc, char *parv[]); command_t cmd_roulette = { "ROULETTE", N_("A game of Russian Roulette."), AC_NONE, 0, command_roulette, { .path = "contrib/roulette" } }; void _modinit(module_t * m) { service_named_bind_command("gameserv", &cmd_roulette); service_named_bind_command("chanserv", &cmd_roulette); } void _moddeinit(module_unload_intent_t intent) { service_named_unbind_command("gameserv", &cmd_roulette); service_named_unbind_command("chanserv", &cmd_roulette); } /* * Handle reporting for both fantasy commands and normal commands in GameServ * quickly and easily. Of course, sourceinfo has a vtable that can be manipulated, * but this is quicker and easier... -- nenolod */ static void gs_command_report(sourceinfo_t *si, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[BUFSIZE]; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, fmt, args); va_end(args); if (si->c != NULL) msg(chansvs.nick, si->c->name, "%s", buf); else command_success_nodata(si, "%s", buf); if (!strcasecmp(buf, "*BANG*")) kill_user(si->service->me, si->su, "Lost at Russian Roulette."); } static void command_roulette(sourceinfo_t *si, int parc, char *parv[]) { static const char *roulette_responses[2] = { N_("*BANG*"), N_("*CLICK*") }; srand(time(NULL)); gs_command_report(si, "%s", roulette_responses[rand() % 6 == 0]); } /* vim:cinoptions=>s,e0,n0,f0,{0,}0,^0,=s,ps,t0,c3,+s,(2s,us,)20,*30,gs,hs * vim:ts=8 * vim:sw=8 * vim:noexpandtab */