# gitea-release [![built with nix](https://builtwithnix.org/badge.svg)](https://builtwithnix.org) [![Build Status](https://drone.tulpa.dev/api/badges/cadey/gitea-release/status.svg)](https://drone.tulpa.dev/cadey/gitea-release) A small command line tool to automate releases for [Gitea](https://gitea.io) repositories that reads from CHANGELOG and VERSION files. This is a clone of [github-release](https://github.com/github-release/github-release), but more suited for my individual needs. This may also turn into a generic webhook handler, but one thing at a time. :) ## Installation ### With Nix ```console $ nix-env -if https://tulpa.dev/cadey/gitea-release/archive/master.tar.gz ``` ### With cargo ```console $ cargo install --git https://tulpa.dev/cadey/gitea-release.git ``` ## Drone Plugin To use this as a drone plugin, add the following to your `.drone.yml`: ```yaml - name: auto-release image: xena/gitea-release:0.2.4 settings: auth_username: cadey changelog_path: ./CHANGELOG.md gitea_server: https://tulpa.dev gitea_token: from_secret: GITEA_TOKEN when: event: - push branch: - master ``` Replace the values of the settings as makes sense for your gitea server. The `changelog_path` attribute is optional, and will be `./CHANGELOG.md` by default. ## CHANGELOG.md and VERSION files The `CHANGELOG.md` file is based on the [Keep a Changelog][kacl] format, but modified slightly to make it easier for this tool. Here is an example changelog that this tool accepts: [kacl]: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/ ```markdown # Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## 0.1.0 Hi there this is a test! ### ADDED - something ``` The `VERSION` file plays into this as well. The `VERSION` file MUST be a single line containing a [semantic version][semver] string. When this tool is run with the `release` subcommand, the following actions take place: [semver]: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html - The `VERSION` file is read and loaded as the desired tag for the repo - The `CHANGELOG.md` file is read and the changes for the `VERSION` are cherry-picked out of the file - The git repo is checked to see if that tag already exists - If the tag exists, the tool exits and does nothing - If the tag does not exist, it is created (with the changelog fragment as the body of the tag) and pushed to the gitea server - A gitea release is created using the changelog fragment and the release name is generated from the `VERSION` string