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2016-09-01 16:47:49 +00:00
package gorqlite
this file holds most of the cluster-related stuff:
Connection methods:
assembleURL (from a peer)
updateClusterInfo (does the full cluster discovery via status)
/* *****************************************************************
* *****************************************************************/
import "bytes"
import "encoding/json"
import "errors"
import "fmt"
import "strings"
//import "os"
//import "reflect"
/* *****************************************************************
type: peer
this is an internal type to abstact peer info.
note that hostname is sometimes used for "has this struct been
inialized" checks.
* *****************************************************************/
type peer struct {
hostname string // hostname or "localhost"
port string // "4001" or port, only ever used as a string
func (p *peer) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s",p.hostname,p.port)
/* *****************************************************************
type: rqliteCluster
internal type that abstracts the full cluster state (leader, peers)
* *****************************************************************/
type rqliteCluster struct {
leader peer
otherPeers []peer
conn *Connection
/* *****************************************************************
method: rqliteCluster.makePeerList()
in the api calls, we'll want to try the leader first, then the other
peers. to make looping easy, this function returns a list of peers
in the order the try them: leader, other peer, other peer, etc.
* *****************************************************************/
func (rc *rqliteCluster) makePeerList() []peer {
trace("%s: makePeerList() called",rc.conn.ID)
var peerList []peer
peerList = append(peerList,rc.leader)
for _, p := range rc.otherPeers {
peerList = append(peerList,p)
trace("%s: makePeerList() returning this list:",rc.conn.ID)
for n, v := range peerList {
trace("%s: makePeerList() peer %d -> %s",rc.conn.ID,n,v.hostname + ":" + v.port)
return peerList
/* *****************************************************************
method: Connection.assembleURL()
tell it what peer to talk to and what kind of API operation you're
making, and it will return the full URL, from start to finish.
note: this func needs to live at the Connection level because the
Connection holds the username, password, consistencyLevel, etc.
* *****************************************************************/
func (conn *Connection) assembleURL(apiOp apiOperation, p peer) string {
var stringBuffer bytes.Buffer
if ( conn.wantsHTTPS == true ) {
} else {
if ( conn.username != "" && conn.password != "" ) {
switch apiOp {
case api_STATUS:
case api_QUERY:
case api_WRITE:
if ( apiOp == api_QUERY || apiOp == api_WRITE ) {
switch apiOp {
case api_QUERY:
trace("%s: assembled URL for an api_QUERY: %s",conn.ID,stringBuffer.String())
case api_STATUS:
trace("%s: assembled URL for an api_STATUS: %s",conn.ID,stringBuffer.String())
case api_WRITE:
trace("%s: assembled URL for an api_WRITE: %s",conn.ID,stringBuffer.String())
return stringBuffer.String()
/* *****************************************************************
method: Connection.updateClusterInfo()
upon invocation, updateClusterInfo() completely erases and refreshes
the Connection's cluster info, replacing its rqliteCluster object
with current info.
the web heavy lifting (retrying, etc.) is done in rqliteApiGet()
* *****************************************************************/
func (conn *Connection) updateClusterInfo() error {
trace("%s: updateClusterInfo() called",conn.ID)
// start with a fresh new cluster
var rc rqliteCluster
rc.conn = conn
responseBody, err := conn.rqliteApiGet(api_STATUS)
if ( err != nil ) { return err }
trace("%s: updateClusterInfo() back from api call OK",conn.ID)
sections := make(map[string]interface{})
err = json.Unmarshal(responseBody,&sections)
if ( err != nil ) { return err }
sMap := sections["store"].(map[string]interface{})
leaderRaftAddr := sMap["leader"].(string)
trace("%s: leader from store section is %s",conn.ID,leaderRaftAddr)
// leader in this case is the RAFT address
// we want the HTTP address, so we'll use this as
// a key as we sift through APIPeers
meta := sMap["meta"].(map[string]interface{})
apiPeers := meta["APIPeers"].(map[string]interface{})
for raftAddr, httpAddr := range apiPeers {
trace("%s: examining httpAddr %s",conn.ID,httpAddr)
/* httpAddr are usually hostname:port */
var p peer
parts := strings.Split(httpAddr.(string),":")
p.hostname = parts[0]
p.port = parts[1]
// so is this the leader?
if ( leaderRaftAddr == raftAddr ) {
trace ("%s: found leader at %s",conn.ID,httpAddr)
rc.leader = p
} else {
rc.otherPeers = append(rc.otherPeers, p)
if ( rc.leader.hostname == "" ) {
return errors.New("could not determine leader from API status call")
// dump to trace
trace("%s: here is my cluster config:",conn.ID)
trace("%s: leader : %s",conn.ID,rc.leader.String())
for n, v := range rc.otherPeers {
trace("%s: otherPeer #%d: %s",conn.ID,n,v.String())
// now make it official
conn.cluster = rc
return nil