pep8 compliance
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ rbot
- very simple, not multithreaded
- poor use of regexes, skybot has much better parsing, but it implements many more irc control godes
- poor use of regexes, skybot has much better parsing, but it implements many more irc control codes
- can convert irc colors to vt100 escape codes -- should implement this
- autoreconnect
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from util import hook, yaml
########### from #############
def unescape(text):
def fixup(m):
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ def gis(inp):
return 'no images found'
return parsed['responseData']['results'][0]['unescapedUrl']
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ formats = {'PRIVMSG': '<%(nick)s> %(msg)s',
'KICK': '-!- %(param1)s was kicked from %(chan)s by %(nick)s [%(msg)s]',
'TOPIC': '-!- %(nick)s changed the topic of %(chan)s to: %(msg)s',
'QUIT': '-!- %(nick)s has quit [%(msg)s]'
ctcp_formats = {'ACTION': '* %(nick)s %(ctcpmsg)s'}
@ -1,29 +1,35 @@
" written by sklnd in about two beers July 2009"
import sqlite3
import datetime, time
import os
import time
import datetime
import sqlite3
from util import hook, timesince
dbname = "seen.db"
def adapt_datetime(ts):
return time.mktime(ts.timetuple())
sqlite3.register_adapter(datetime.datetime, adapt_datetime)
@hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False, ignorebots=False)
def seeninput(bot,input):
def seeninput(bot, input):
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("insert or replace into seen(name, date, quote, chan) values(?,?,?,?)"
command, (input.nick,, input.msg, input.chan))
cursor.execute("insert or replace into seen(name, date, quote, chan)"
"values(?,?,?,?)", command, (input.nick,,
input.msg, input.chan))
def seen(bot, input):
".seen <nick> - Tell when a nickname was last in active in irc"
@ -48,23 +54,23 @@ def seen(bot, input):
if(results != None):
reltime = timesince(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(results[0]))
return '%(name)s was last seen %(timespan)s ago saying: <%(name)s> %(quote)s' % \
{'name': query, 'timespan': reltime, 'quote': results[1]}
return '%s was last seen %s ago saying: <%s> %s' % \
(query, reltime, results[1])
return "I've never seen %(name)s" % {'name':query}
return "I've never seen %s" % query
# check to see that our db has the the seen table, and return a connection.
def dbconnect(db):
"check to see that our db has the the seen table and return a connection."
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
results = conn.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master where name=?", ("seen",)).fetchone()
results = conn.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master where name=?",
("seen", )).fetchone()
if(results[0] == 0):
conn.execute("create table if not exists "+ \
"seen(name varchar(30) not null, date datetime not null, "+ \
"quote varchar(250) not null, chan varchar(32) not null, "+ \
conn.execute("create table if not exists "
"seen(name varchar(30) not null, date datetime not null, "
"quote varchar(250) not null, chan varchar(32) not null, "
"primary key(name, chan));")
return conn
@ -10,41 +10,42 @@ from util import hook, timesince
dbname = "skydb"
def adapt_datetime(ts):
return time.mktime(ts.timetuple())
sqlite3.register_adapter(datetime.datetime, adapt_datetime)
@hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False, ignorebots=True)
def tellinput(bot,input):
def tellinput(bot, input):
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
cursor = conn.cursor()
command = "select count(name) from tell where name = ? and chan = ?"
results = cursor.execute(command, (input.nick,input.chan)).fetchone()
results = cursor.execute(command, (input.nick, input.chan)).fetchone()
if results[0] > 0:
command = "select id, user_from, quote, date from tell where name = ? and chan = ?"
command = "select id, user_from, quote, date from tell " \
"where name = ? and chan = ?"
tells = cursor.execute(command, (input.nick, input.chan)).fetchall()
for tell in tells:
reltime = timesince(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tell[3]))
bot.reply('%(teller)s said %(reltime)s ago: %(quote)s' % \
bot.reply('%(teller)s said %(reltime)s ago: %(quote)s' %
{'teller': tell[1], 'quote': tell[2], 'reltime': reltime})
command = "delete from tell where id = ?"
cursor.execute(command, (tell[0],))
cursor.execute(command, (tell[0], ))
def tell(bot, input):
".tell <nick> - Tell somebody something later. Unless you suck, in which case tell yourself to go take a hike"
".tell <nick> <message> - Relay <message> to <nick> the next time he talks"
if len(input.msg) < 6:
return tell.__doc__
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ def tell(bot, input):
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
command = "select count(*) from tell_probation where name=? and chan=?"
if conn.execute(command, (input.nick,input.chan)).fetchone()[0] > 0:
if conn.execute(command, (input.nick, input.chan)).fetchone()[0] > 0:
return "No."
command = "select count(*) from tell where name=? and user_from=?"
@ -68,8 +69,10 @@ def tell(bot, input):
return "You've told that person too many things."
cursor = conn.cursor()
command = "insert into tell(name, user_from, quote, chan, date) values(?,?,?,?,?)"
cursor.execute(command, (query[0], input.nick, query[2], input.chan,
command = "insert into tell(name, user_from, quote, chan, date) " \
cursor.execute(command, (query[0], input.nick, query[2], input.chan,
@ -78,25 +81,27 @@ def tell(bot, input):
return tell.__doc__
# check to see that our db has the the seen table, and return a connection.
def dbconnect(db):
"check to see that our db has the the seen table and return a connection."
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
results = conn.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master where name=?", ("tell" ,)).fetchone()
results = conn.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master where name=?",
("tell", )).fetchone()
if results[0] == 0:
conn.execute("create table if not exists "+ \
"tell(id integer primary key autoincrement, name varchar(30) not null, "+ \
"user_from varchar(30) not null, quote varchar(250) not null, "+ \
conn.execute("create table if not exists tell(id integer primary key "
"autoincrement, name varchar(30) not null, user_from "
"varchar(30) not null, quote varchar(250) not null, "
"chan varchar(32) not null, date datetime not null);")
results = conn.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master where name=?", ("tell_probation" ,)).fetchone()
results = conn.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master where name=?",
("tell_probation", )).fetchone()
if results[0] == 0:
conn.execute("create table if not exists "+ \
"tell_probation(name varchar(30), chan varchar(32),"+ \
"tell_probation(name varchar(30), chan varchar(32),"
"primary key(name, chan));")
return conn
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import urllib2
from util import hook
tinyurl_re = re.compile(r'http://(?:www\.)?[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
tinyurl_re = re.compile(r'http://(?:www\.)?[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)',
@hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False)
@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ def unescape_xml(string):
# zip('> < ' "e; &'.split(), '> < \' " &'.split()))
# boring, normal
return string.replace('>', '>').replace('<', '<'). \
replace(''', "'").replace('"e;', '"').replace('&', '&')
return string.replace('>', '>').replace('<', '<').replace(''',
"'").replace('"e;', '"').replace('&', '&')
def twitter(input):
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue