.near: show closest users to you

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Hitchman 2014-01-07 13:41:07 -08:00
parent aca9ba54ff
commit 6ae70537c0
2 changed files with 63 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
import random
import re
import threading
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ def get_nicks_by_tagset(db, chan, tagset):
nicks = [munge(x[0], 1) for x in sorted(nicks)]
if not nicks:
return 'no tags found in intersection of "%s"' % tagset
return 'no nicks found with tags "%s"' % tagset
return 'nicks tagged "%s": ' % tagset + winnow(nicks)
@ -173,6 +174,40 @@ def tagged(inp, chan='', db=None):
return get_nicks_by_tagset(db, chan, inp)
def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
deg_to_rad = math.pi / 180
lat1 *= deg_to_rad
lat2 *= deg_to_rad
lon1 *= deg_to_rad
lon2 *= deg_to_rad
R = 6371 # km
d = math.acos(math.sin(lat1)*math.sin(lat2) +
math.cos(lat1)*math.cos(lat2) *
math.cos(lon2-lon1)) * R
return d
def near(inp, nick='', chan='', db=None):
loc = db.execute("select lat, lon from location where chan=? and lower(nick)=lower(?)", (chan, nick)).fetchone()
except db.OperationError:
loc = None
if loc is None:
return 'use .weather <loc> first to set your location'
lat, lon = loc
db.create_function('distance', 4, distance)
nearby = db.execute("select nick, distance(lat, lon, ?, ?) as dist from location where chan=?"
" limit 20", (lat, lon, chan)).fetchall()
return nearby
character_replacements = {
'a': 'ä',

View File

@ -1,30 +1,43 @@
"weather, thanks to wunderground"
import math
from util import hook, http
def weather(inp, nick='', server='', reply=None, db=None, api_key=None):
def weather(inp, chan='', nick='', reply=None, db=None, api_key=None):
".weather <location> [dontsave] -- gets weather data from Wunderground "\
if not api_key:
return None
# this database is used by other plugins interested in user's locations,
# like .near in tag.py
db.execute("create table if not exists location(chan, nick, loc, lat, lon, primary key(chan, lower(nick)))")
loc = inp
dontsave = loc.endswith(" dontsave")
if dontsave:
loc = loc[:-9].strip().lower()
db.execute("create table if not exists weather(nick primary key, loc)")
if not loc: # blank line
loc = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)",
loc = db.execute("select loc from location where chan=? and lower(nick)=lower(?)",
(chan, nick)).fetchone()
if not loc:
return weather.__doc__
# grab from old-style weather database
loc = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)",
except db.OperationalError:
pass # no such table
if not loc:
return weather.__doc__
loc = loc[0]
loc, _, state = loc.partition(', ')
@ -91,13 +104,18 @@ def weather(inp, nick='', server='', reply=None, db=None, api_key=None):
info['l_f'] = sf['low']['fahrenheit']
info['l_c'] = sf['low']['celsius']
info['humid'] = obs['relative_humidity']
info['wind'] = 'Wind: {mph}mph/{kph}kph'\
info['wind'] = 'Wind: {mph}mph/{kph}kph' \
.format(mph=obs['wind_mph'], kph=obs['wind_kph'])
reply('{city}: {weather}, {t_f}F/{t_c}C'\
reply('{city}: {weather}, {t_f}F/{t_c}C' \
'(H:{h_f}F/{h_c}C L:{l_f}F/{l_c}C)' \
', Humidity: {humid}, {wind}'.format(**info))
lat = float(obs['display_location']['latitude'])
lon = float(obs['display_location']['longitude'])
if inp and not dontsave:
db.execute("insert or replace into weather(nick, loc) values (?,?)",
(nick.lower(), inp))
db.execute("insert or replace into location(chan, nick, loc, lat, lon) "
"values (?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (chan, nick, inp, lat, lon))