make record irc servers as well

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Hitchman 2010-01-18 20:16:40 -07:00
parent 977c62f7ef
commit 8271b23cb6
1 changed files with 69 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -1,110 +1,69 @@
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
import sqlite3
import pickle
from datetime import timedelta
import re
from util import hook, timesince
from util import urlnorm
#from util import texttime
url_re = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+://|www\.)[^ ]*')
dbname = "skybot.db"
expiration_period = timedelta(days=1)
ignored_urls = [ urlnorm.normalize("") ]
#TODO: Generate expiration_period_text from expiration_period
expiration_period_text = "24 hours"
def adapt_datetime(ts):
return time.mktime(ts.timetuple())
sqlite3.register_adapter(datetime, adapt_datetime)
def insert_history(conn, url, channel, nick):
cursor = conn.cursor()
now =
cursor.execute("insert into urlhistory(url, nick, chan, time) values(?,?,?,?)", (url, nick, channel, now))
def select_history_for_url_and_channel(conn, url, channel):
cursor = conn.cursor()
results = cursor.execute("select nick, time from urlhistory where url=? and chan=?", (url, channel)).fetchall()
j = 0
now =
nicks = []
for i in xrange(len(results)):
reltime = datetime.fromtimestamp(results[j][1])
if (now - reltime) > expiration_period:
conn.execute("delete from urlhistory where url=? and chan=? and nick=? and time=?", (url, channel, results[j][0], results[j][1]))
j += 1
return nicks
def get_nicklist(nicks):
nicks = list(set(nicks))
l = len(nicks)
if l == 0:
return ""
elif l == 1:
return nicks[0]
elif l == 2:
return nicks[0] + " and " + nicks[1]
result = ""
for i in xrange(l-1):
result += nicks[i] + ", "
result += "and " + nicks[-1]
return result
def dbconnect(db):
"check to see that our db has the the seen table and return a connection."
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
results = conn.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master where name=?",
if(results[0] == 0):
conn.execute("create table if not exists urlhistory(url text not null, nick text not null, chan text not null, time datetime not null, primary key(url, nick, chan, time));")
return conn
def normalize_url(url):
return urlnorm.normalize(url)
def get_once_twice(count):
if count == 1:
return "once"
elif count == 2:
return "twice"
return str(count) + " times"
@hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False, ignorebots=True)
def urlinput(bot, input):
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
m =
if m:
# URL detected
url = normalize_url(
if url not in ignored_urls:
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
dupes = select_history_for_url_and_channel(conn, url, input.chan)
num_dupes = len(dupes)
if num_dupes > 0 and input.nick not in dupes:
nicks = get_nicklist(dupes)
reply = "That link has been posted " + get_once_twice(num_dupes)
reply += " in the past " + expiration_period_text + " by " + nicks
insert_history(conn, url, input.chan, input.nick)
import os
import time
import sqlite3
import pickle
import re
from util import hook, urlnorm
url_re = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+://|www\.)[^ ]*')
dbname = "skybot.db"
expiration_period = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day
expiration_period_text = "24 hours"
ignored_urls = [urlnorm.normalize("")]
def dbconnect(db):
"check to see that our db has the the seen table and return a connection."
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
conn.execute("create table if not exists urlhistory"
"(server, chan, url, nick, time)")
return conn
def insert_history(conn, server, chan, url, nick):
now = time.time()
conn.execute("insert into urlhistory(server, chan, url, nick, time) "
"values(?,?,?,?,?)", (server, chan, url, nick, time.time()))
def get_history(conn, server, chan, url):
conn.execute("delete from urlhistory where time < ?",
(time.time() - expiration_period,))
nicks = conn.execute("select nick from urlhistory where server=? "
"and chan=? and url=?", (server, chan, url)).fetchall()
return [x[0] for x in nicks]
def get_nicklist(nicks):
nicks = sorted(set(nicks))
if len(nicks) <= 2:
return ' and '.join(nicks)
return ', and '.join((', '.join(nicks[:-1]), nicks[-1]))
def ordinal(count):
return ["once", "twice", "%d times" % count][min(count, 3) - 1]
@hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False)
def urlinput(bot, input):
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
m ='utf8'))
if not m:
# URL detected
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
url = urlnorm.normalize(
if url not in ignored_urls:
dupes = get_history(conn, input.server, input.chan, url)
insert_history(conn, input.server, input.chan, url, input.nick)
if dupes and input.nick not in dupes:
input.reply("That link has been posted " + ordinal(len(dupes))
+ " in the past " + expiration_period_text + " by " +