rewrite tell, simplify db access in quote, seen, urlhistory. fix wolframalpha for the last time

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Hitchman 2010-02-01 00:29:50 -07:00
parent 72b8168b2e
commit 9eb5b236a6
7 changed files with 109 additions and 160 deletions

core/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import os
import sqlite3
def get_db_connection(server, name='skybot.%s.db'):
"returns an sqlite3 connection to a persistent database"
filename = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, name % server)
return sqlite3.connect(filename)
bot.get_db_connection = get_db_connection

View File

@ -1,37 +1,27 @@
import os
import sqlite3
import random
import re
import sqlite3
import time
from util import hook
dbname = "skybot.db"
def db_connect(db):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
conn.execute('''create table if not exists quotes
(server, chan, nick, add_nick, msg, time real, deleted default 0,
primary key (server, chan, nick, msg))''')
return conn
def add_quote(conn, server, chan, nick, add_nick, msg):
def add_quote(conn, chan, nick, add_nick, msg):
now = time.time()
print repr((conn, server, add_nick, nick, msg, time))
conn.execute('''insert or fail into quotes (server, chan, nick, add_nick,
msg, time) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)''',
(server, chan, nick, add_nick, msg, now))
print repr((conn, add_nick, nick, msg, time))
conn.execute('''insert or fail into quotes (chan, nick, add_nick,
msg, time) values(?,?,?,?,?)''',
(chan, nick, add_nick, msg, now))
def get_quotes_by_nick(conn, server, chan, nick):
def get_quotes_by_nick(conn, chan, nick):
return conn.execute("select time, nick, msg from quotes where deleted!=1 "
"and server=? and chan=? and lower(nick)=lower(?) order by time",
(server, chan, nick)).fetchall()
"and chan=? and lower(nick)=lower(?) order by time",
(chan, nick)).fetchall()
def get_quotes_by_chan(conn, server, chan):
def get_quotes_by_chan(conn, chan):
return conn.execute("select time, nick, msg from quotes where deleted!=1 "
"and server=? and chan=? order by time", (server, chan)).fetchall()
"and chan=? order by time", (chan,)).fetchall()
def format_quote(q, num, n_quotes):
@ -39,15 +29,17 @@ def format_quote(q, num, n_quotes):
return "[%d/%d] %s <%s> %s" % (num, n_quotes,
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.gmtime(ctime)), nick, msg)
def quote(bot, input):
".q/.quote <nick/#chan> [#n]/.quote add <nick> <msg> -- gets " \
"random or [#n]th quote by <nick> or from <#chan>/adds quote"
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = db_connect(dbpath)
conn = bot.get_db_connection(bot, input.server)
conn.execute('''create table if not exists quotes
(chan, nick, add_nick, msg, time real, deleted default 0,
primary key (chan, nick, msg))''')
add = re.match(r"add\s+<?[^\w]?(\S+?)>?\s+(.*)", input.inp, re.I)
@ -57,7 +49,7 @@ def quote(bot, input):
if add:
nick, msg = add.groups()
add_quote(conn, input.server, chan, nick, input.nick, msg)
add_quote(conn, chan, nick, input.nick, msg)
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
return "message already stored, doing nothing."
return "quote added."
@ -67,9 +59,9 @@ def quote(bot, input):
by_chan = False
if select.startswith('#'):
by_chan = True
quotes = get_quotes_by_chan(conn, input.server, select)
quotes = get_quotes_by_chan(conn, select)
quotes = get_quotes_by_nick(conn, input.server, chan, select)
quotes = get_quotes_by_nick(conn, chan, select)
n_quotes = len(quotes)

View File

@ -1,36 +1,21 @@
" written by sklnd in about two beers July 2009"
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
import sqlite3
from util import hook, timesince
dbname = "skybot.db"
def adapt_datetime(ts):
return time.mktime(ts.timetuple())
sqlite3.register_adapter(datetime, adapt_datetime)
def seeninput(bot, input):
if input.command != 'PRIVMSG':
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
conn = db_connect(bot, input.server)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO seen(name, date, quote, chan)"
"values(?,?,?,?)", (input.nick.lower(),,
"values(?,?,?,?)", (input.nick.lower(), time.time(),
input.msg, input.chan))
@ -45,8 +30,7 @@ def seen(bot, input):
if query.lower() == input.nick.lower():
return "Have you looked in a mirror lately?"
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
conn = db_connect(bot, input.server)
cursor = conn.cursor()
command = "SELECT date, quote FROM seen WHERE name LIKE ? AND chan = ?" \
@ -54,19 +38,17 @@ def seen(bot, input):
cursor.execute(command, (query, input.chan))
results = cursor.fetchone()
if(results != None):
reltime = timesince.timesince(datetime.fromtimestamp(results[0]))
if results:
reltime = timesince.timesince(results[0])
return '%s was last seen %s ago saying: %s' % \
(query, reltime, results[1])
return "I've never seen %s" % query
def dbconnect(db):
def db_connect(bot, server):
"check to see that our db has the the seen table and return a connection."
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
conn = bot.get_db_connection(server)
"seen(name varchar(30) not null, date datetime not null, "

View File

@ -1,131 +1,100 @@
" written by sklnd in July 2009"
" 2010.01.25 - modified by Scaevolus"
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
import sqlite3
import time
from util import hook, timesince
dbname = "skybot.db"
def get_tells(conn, user_to, chan):
return conn.execute("select user_from, message, time from tell where"
" user_to=lower(?) and chan=? order by time",
(user_to.lower(), chan)).fetchall()
def adapt_datetime(ts):
return time.mktime(ts.timetuple())
sqlite3.register_adapter(datetime, adapt_datetime)
@hook.command(hook=r'^(?!\.showtells)(.*)', prefix=False, ignorebots=True)
@hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False)
def tellinput(bot, input):
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
if 'showtells' in input.inp.lower():
conn = db_connect(bot, input.server)
cursor = conn.cursor()
command = "select count(name) from tell where name LIKE ? and chan = ?"
results = cursor.execute(command, (input.nick, input.chan)).fetchone()
tells = get_tells(conn, input.nick, input.chan)
if tells:
user_from, message, time = tells[0]
reltime = timesince.timesince(time)
if results[0] > 0:
command = "select id, user_from, quote, date from tell " \
"where name LIKE ? and chan = ? limit 1"
tell = cursor.execute(command, (input.nick, input.chan)).fetchall()[0]
more = results[0] - 1
reltime = timesince.timesince(datetime.fromtimestamp(tell[3]))
reply = "%s said %s ago: %s" % (user_from, reltime, message)
if len(tells) > 1:
reply += " (+%d more, .showtells to view)" % (len(tells) - 1)
reply = "%(teller)s said %(reltime)s ago: %(quote)s" % \
{"teller": tell[1], "quote": tell[2], "reltime": reltime}
if more:
reply += " (+%(more)d more, to view use .showtells)" % {"more": more}
command = "delete from tell where id = ?"
cursor.execute(command, (tell[0], ))
conn.execute("delete from tell where user_to=lower(?) and message=?",
(input.nick, message))
return reply
def showtells(bot, input):
".showtells -- view all pending tell messages (sent in PM)."
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
conn = db_connect(bot, input.server)
cursor = conn.cursor()
command = "SELECT id, user_from, quote, date FROM tell " \
"WHERE name LIKE ? and chan = ?"
tells = cursor.execute(command, (input.nick, input.chan)).fetchall()
tells = get_tells(conn, input.nick, input.chan)
if(len(tells) > 0):
for tell in tells:
reltime = timesince.timesince(datetime.fromtimestamp(tell[3]))'%(teller)s said %(time)s ago: %(quote)s' % \
{'teller': tell[1], 'quote': tell[2], 'time': reltime})
command = "delete from tell where id = ?"
cursor.execute(command, (tell[0], ))
if not tells:"You have no pending tells.")
for tell in tells:
user_from, message, time = tell
reltime = timesince.timesince(time)"%s said %s ago: %s" % (user_from, reltime, message))
conn.execute("delete from tell where user_to=lower(?) and chan=?",
(input.nick, input.chan))
def tell(bot, input):
".tell <nick> <message> -- relay <message> to <nick> when <nick> is around"
if len(input.msg) < 6:
query = input.inp.split(' ', 1)
if len(query) != 2 or not input.inp:
return tell.__doc__
query = input.inp.partition(" ")
if query[0] == input.nick:
user_to = query[0].lower()
message = query[1].strip()
user_from = input.nick
if user_to == user_from.lower():
return "No."
conn = db_connect(bot, input.server)
if query[2] != "":
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
command = "select count(*) from tell_probation where name=? and chan=?"
if conn.execute(command, (input.nick, input.chan)).fetchone()[0] > 0:
return "No."
command = "select count(*) from tell where name=? and user_from=?"
if conn.execute(command, (query[0], input.nick)).fetchone()[0] >= 3:
return "You've told that person too many things."
cursor = conn.cursor()
command = "insert into tell(name, user_from, quote, chan, date) " \
cursor.execute(command, (query[0], input.nick, query[2], input.chan,
if conn.execute("select count() from tell where user_to=?",
(user_to,)).fetchone()[0] >= 5:
return "That person has too many things queued."
conn.execute("insert into tell(user_to, user_from, message, chan,"
"time) values(?,?,?,?,?)", (user_to, user_from, message,
input.chan, time.time()))
return "I'll pass that along."
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
return "Message has already been queued."
return tell.__doc__
return "I'll pass that along."
def dbconnect(db):
def db_connect(bot, server):
"check to see that our db has the tell table and return a connection."
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tell(id integer primary key "
"autoincrement, name text not null, user_from text not null,"
"quote text not null, chan text not null, "
"date datetime not null);")
"tell_probation(name text, chan text,"
"primary key(name, chan));")
conn = bot.get_db_connection(server)
conn.execute("create table if not exists tell"
"(user_to, user_from, message, chan, time,"
"primary key(user_to, message))")
return conn

View File

@ -1,39 +1,34 @@
import os
import time
import sqlite3
import pickle
import re
from util import hook, urlnorm
url_re = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+://|www\.)[^ ]*')
dbname = "skybot.db"
expiration_period = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day
expiration_period_text = "24 hours"
ignored_urls = [urlnorm.normalize("")]
def dbconnect(db):
def db_connect(bot, server):
"check to see that our db has the the seen table and return a connection."
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
conn = bot.get_db_connection(server)
conn.execute("create table if not exists urlhistory"
"(server, chan, url, nick, time)")
"(chan, url, nick, time)")
return conn
def insert_history(conn, server, chan, url, nick):
def insert_history(conn, chan, url, nick):
now = time.time()
conn.execute("insert into urlhistory(server, chan, url, nick, time) "
"values(?,?,?,?,?)", (server, chan, url, nick, time.time()))
conn.execute("insert into urlhistory(chan, url, nick, time) "
"values(?,?,?,?)", (chan, url, nick, time.time()))
def get_history(conn, server, chan, url):
def get_history(conn, chan, url):
conn.execute("delete from urlhistory where time < ?",
(time.time() - expiration_period,))
nicks = conn.execute("select nick from urlhistory where server=? "
"and chan=? and url=?", (server, chan, url)).fetchall()
nicks = conn.execute("select nick from urlhistory where "
"chan=? and url=?", (chan, url)).fetchall()
return [x[0] for x in nicks]
def get_nicklist(nicks):
@ -48,18 +43,17 @@ def ordinal(count):
@hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False)
def urlinput(bot, input):
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
m ='utf8'))
if not m:
# URL detected
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
conn = db_connect(bot, input.server)
url = urlnorm.normalize(
if url not in ignored_urls:
dupes = get_history(conn, input.server, input.chan, url)
insert_history(conn, input.server, input.chan, url, input.nick)
dupes = get_history(conn, input.chan, url)
insert_history(conn, input.chan, url, input.nick)
if dupes and input.nick not in dupes:
input.reply("That link has been posted " + ordinal(len(dupes))
+ " in the past " + expiration_period_text + " by " +

View File

@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ def timesince(d, now=None):
(60 * 60, ('hour', 'hours')),
(60, ('minute', 'minutes'))
if isinstance(d, int) or isinstance(d, float):
d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(d)
# Convert to datetime.datetime for comparison.
if not isinstance(d, datetime.datetime):
d = datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month,

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def wolframalpha(inp):
"results for <query>"
if not inp:
return wolframalpha.__help__
return wolframalpha.__doc__
url = ""