First crack at .seen

added plugins/
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Chris Skalenda 2009-07-04 19:52:17 -05:00
parent 2710d6a14a
commit a3ef82a680
1 changed files with 79 additions and 0 deletions

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
" written by sklnd in about two beers July 2009"
import sqlite3
import datetime, time
import hook
import os
dbname = "skydb"
def adapt_datetime(ts):
return time.mktime(ts.timetuple())
sqlite3.register_adapter(datetime.datetime, adapt_datetime)
@hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False, ignorebots=False)
def seeninput(bot,input):
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
cursor = conn.cursor()
command = "select count(name) from seen where name = ? and chan = ?"
cursor.execute(command, (input.nick,input.chan))
if(cursor.fetchone()[0] == 0):
command = "insert into seen(name, date, quote, chan) values(?,?,?,?)"
cursor.execute(command, (input.nick,, input.msg, input.chan))
command = "update seen set date=?, quote=? where name = ? and chan = ?"
cursor.execute(command, (, input.msg, input.nick, input.chan))
def seen(bot, input):
".seen <nick> - Tell when a nickname was last in active in irc"
if len(input.msg) < 6:
return seen.__doc__
query = input.msg[6:]
if query == input.nick:
return "Have you looked in a mirror lately?"
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
conn = dbconnect(dbpath)
cursor = conn.cursor()
command = "select date, quote from seen where name = ? and chan = ?"
cursor.execute(command, (query, input.chan))
results = cursor.fetchone()
if(results != None):
date = time.gmtime(results[0])
quote = results[1]
return time.strftime(query+" was last seen %a %Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p GMT saying: \"<"+query+"> "+quote+"\"", date)
return "I've never seen "+query
# check to see that our db has the the seen table, and return a connection.
def dbconnect(db):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
results = conn.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master where name=?", ("seen" ,)).fetchone()
if(results[0] == 0):
conn.execute("create table if not exists "+ \
"seen(name varchar(50), date datetime, quote varchar(250), chan varchar(50),"+ \
"primary key(name, chan));")
return conn