.tell: now with a relative timestamp!
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
" tell.py: written by sklnd in July 2009"
import datetime, time
import sqlite3
import hook
import os
from timesince import timesince
dbname = "skydb"
def adapt_datetime(ts):
return time.mktime(ts.timetuple())
sqlite3.register_adapter(datetime.datetime, adapt_datetime)
@hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False, ignorebots=True)
def tellinput(bot,input):
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, dbname)
@ -17,11 +24,13 @@ def tellinput(bot,input):
if results[0] > 0:
command = "select id, user_from, quote from tell where name = ? and chan = ?"
command = "select id, user_from, quote, date from tell where name = ? and chan = ?"
tells = cursor.execute(command, (input.nick, input.chan)).fetchall()
for tell in tells:
bot.reply("{0} says '{1}'".format(tell[1], tell[2]))
reltime = timesince(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tell[3]))
bot.reply('%(teller)s said %(reltime)s ago: %(quote)s' % \
{'teller': tell[1], 'quote': tell[2], 'reltime': reltime})
command = "delete from tell where id = ?"
cursor.execute(command, (tell[0],))
@ -53,8 +62,8 @@ def tell(bot, input):
return "No."
cursor = conn.cursor()
command = "insert into tell(name, user_from, quote, chan) values(?,?,?,?)"
cursor.execute(command, (query[0], input.nick, query[2], input.chan))
command = "insert into tell(name, user_from, quote, chan, date) values(?,?,?,?,?)"
cursor.execute(command, (query[0], input.nick, query[2], input.chan, datetime.datetime.now()))
@ -70,7 +79,8 @@ def dbconnect(db):
if results[0] == 0:
conn.execute("create table if not exists "+ \
"tell(id integer primary key autoincrement, name varchar(50), user_from varchar(50), quote varchar(250), chan varchar(50));")
"tell(id integer primary key autoincrement, name varchar(50), user_from varchar(50), "+ \
" quote varchar(250), chan varchar(50), date datetime);")
Reference in New Issue