import collections import glob import os import re import sys import traceback if 'mtimes' not in globals(): mtimes = {} if 'lastfiles' not in globals(): lastfiles = set() def make_signature(f): return f.__code__.co_filename, f.__name__, f.__code__.co_firstlineno def format_plug(plug, kind='', lpad=0, width=40): out = ' ' * lpad + '%s:%s:%s' % make_signature(plug[0]) if kind == 'command': out += ' ' * (50 - len(out)) + plug[1]['name'] if kind == 'event': out += ' ' * (50 - len(out)) + ', '.join(plug[1]['events']) if kind == 'regex': out += ' ' * (50 - len(out)) + plug[1]['regex'] return out def reload(init=False): changed = False if init: bot.plugs = collections.defaultdict(list) bot.threads = {} core_fileset = set(glob.glob(os.path.join("core", "*.py"))) for filename in core_fileset: mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime if mtime != mtimes.get(filename): mtimes[filename] = mtime changed = True try: eval(compile(open(filename, 'U').read(), filename, 'exec'), globals()) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() if init: # stop if there's an error (syntax?) in a core sys.exit() # script on startup continue if filename == os.path.join('core', ''): reload(init=init) return fileset = set(glob.glob(os.path.join('plugins', '*.py'))) # remove deleted/moved plugins for name, data in bot.plugs.items(): bot.plugs[name] = [x for x in data if x[0]._filename in fileset] for filename in list(mtimes): if filename not in fileset and filename not in core_fileset: mtimes.pop(filename) for func, handler in list(bot.threads.items()): if func._filename not in fileset: handler.stop() del bot.threads[func] # compile new plugins for filename in fileset: mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime if mtime != mtimes.get(filename): mtimes[filename] = mtime changed = True try: code = compile(open(filename, 'U').read(), filename, 'exec') namespace = {} eval(code, namespace) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() continue # remove plugins already loaded from this filename for name, data in bot.plugs.items(): bot.plugs[name] = [x for x in data if x[0]._filename != filename] for func, handler in list(bot.threads.items()): if func._filename == filename: handler.stop() del bot.threads[func] for obj in namespace.values(): if hasattr(obj, '_hook'): # check for magic if obj._thread: bot.threads[obj] = Handler(obj) for type, data in obj._hook: bot.plugs[type] += [data] if not init: print('### new plugin (type: %s) loaded:' % \ type, format_plug(data)) if changed: bot.commands = {} for plug in bot.plugs['command']: name = plug[1]['name'].lower() if not re.match(r'^\w+$', name): print('### ERROR: invalid command name "%s" (%s)' % (name, format_plug(plug))) continue if name in bot.commands: print("### ERROR: command '%s' already registered (%s, %s)" % \ (name, format_plug(bot.commands[name]), format_plug(plug))) continue bot.commands[name] = plug = collections.defaultdict(list) for func, args in bot.plugs['event']: for event in args['events']:[event].append((func, args)) if init: print(' plugin listing:') if bot.commands: # hack to make commands with multiple aliases # print nicely print(' command:') commands = collections.defaultdict(list) for name, (func, args) in bot.commands.items(): commands[make_signature(func)].append(name) for sig, names in sorted(commands.items()): names.sort(key=lambda x: (-len(x), x)) # long names first out = ' ' * 6 + '%s:%s:%s' % sig out += ' ' * (50 - len(out)) + ', '.join(names) print(out) for kind, plugs in sorted(bot.plugs.items()): if kind == 'command': continue print(' %s:' % kind) for plug in plugs: print(format_plug(plug, kind=kind, lpad=6)) print()