# Configuration # Skybot uses a JSON configuration file to hold settings: `/config` On first run this file is created with default settings: ```json { "connections": { "local irc": { "server": "localhost", "nick": "skybot", "channels": ["#test"] } } } ``` ## Options ## Connections is an associative array of connection_name : connection_settings key/value pairs. `connection_settings:` Required: * nick: the name of the bot. * server: the hostname of the irc server. * channels: channels to join. A list of strings. Can be [] Optional: * port: defaults to 6667. The port to connect to. * user: defaults to "skybot". (user@netmask) * realname: defaults to "Python bot - http://github.com/rmmh/skybot" (Shown in whois) * server_password: the server password. Omit if not needed. * nickserv_password: defaults to "" (no login is performed) * nickserv_name: defaults to "nickserv" (standard on most networks) * nickserv_command: defaults to "IDENTIFY %s" (interpolated with password) * ssl: defaults to false. Set to true to connect to the server using SSL * ignore_cert: defaults to true. Set to false to validate the certificate that the remote host uses for the SSL connection. ## Examples ## A single skybot instance can have multiple connections and multiple channels: ```json { "connections": { "public bot": { "server": "irc.example.org", "nick": "publicbot", "channels": ["#main"] }, "private bot": { "server": "irc.example.org", "nick": "privatebot", "channels": ["#secret", "#admin"] } } } ``` The user and realname can be set. * user: defaults to "skybot" * realname: defaults to "Python bot - http://github.com/rmmh/skybot" ```json { "connections": { "poker irc": { "server": "irc.poker.example.com", "nick": "pokerbot", "channels": ["#poker"], "user": "pokerbot", "realname": "Pokerbot - a fork of Skybot", } } } ``` Automatic identification is possible. * nickserv_password: defaults to "" (no login is performed) * nickserv_name: defaults to "nickserv" (standard on most networks) * nickserv_command: defaults to "IDENTIFY %s" (interpolated with password) ```json { "connections": { "poker irc": { "server": "irc.poker.example.com", "nick": "pokerbot", "nickserv_password": "aceofspades", "channels": ["#poker"] } } } ```