This guy Lucas has got us all by the balls. His fingers are in our wallets. Get your finger out of my ass wallet! The Millennium Falcon is safe. It was not raped. Where would you rape the Millennium Falcon anyway? I'm gonna fuck my cat and eat my cat and I'm gonna kidnap a hooker, and it'll help me fuck the pain away. Now I've analyzed this movie with a team of cheerleaders, who all came to one unanymous conclusion: that if I let them go, they won't tell nobody. What red-blooded male wouldn't want to dock his canoe in Natalie's port, man? Empire pulled this off perfectly, of course. 'Cause I love Empire so much I fuck it. Oh, my pizza rolls is done. You want some pizza rolls? Are ya sure? They're really good pizza rolls. They're hot and pizza-y. This is what they call filler, and it's nowhere near as good as the kind they put in Twinkies. Mmmmm...I like to fuck my cat. Paging Dr. Plinkett. Dr. Plinkett is in, I'm here. Somebody pass the Vicodin. No, wait, we need Ambien. Well, we sure need some-thien. And someone even said it was the bestest movie ever because it had lava in it. Aw, ain't he cute? His name is Johnny. I adopted him, from a grocery store parking lot. Even Ray Charles could see that coming, and he doesn't know anything about Star Wars. There are two types of people in this world: people that understand what I'm saying, and people that like the Star Wars prequels. Now, is General Grievous supposed to be funny? Cause they said he was a villain, not a comedian, like Larry Seinfeld. But rather a creepy weirdo, like Jerry Flint. I'm so confused. Baby's Day Out is about as interesting as my taint. When will I get my merkins in the mail? Anybody wanna help me milk my cock? You see, a guy named William Shakesman once said, "Brevity is the soul of wit." This just means "Don't waste my time." You keep it nice and simple. Anybody want a pizza roll? Post a comment on this webzone if you want a pizza roll. Who's fucking with my medicine? It's good to show contempt for your audience. Just ask Michael Bay. The entire senate is filled with stupid idiots. Aw, ain't he cute? His name is Johnny. I adopted him from a grocery store parking lot. Trust me, I'm a doctor. Kind of. Stop feeding us this pig slop! I'm only half pig. What red-blooded male wouldn't want to dock his canoe in Natalie's port, man? Anybody wanna help me milk my cat? It's time to make breakfast. Palpatine's behind it all. See, when you say something right to a woman, she smiles, it tickles her brain, which in turns sends blood flowing down to her sex hole. My cat ain't gonna milk itself! Sometimes a cigar is just a giant vagina in the desert that swallows men whole. What's wrong with your face? Get outta my house. Get outta my creepy house. Don't go in my basement either.