# metacritic.com scraper from util import hook, http import re from urllib2 import HTTPError @hook.command('mc') def metacritic(inp): '.mc [all|movie|tv|album|x360|ps3|pc|ds|wii] -- gets rating for'\ ' <title> from metacritic on the specified medium' # if the results suck, it's metacritic's fault args = inp.strip() game_platforms = ('x360', 'ps3', 'pc', 'ds', 'wii', '3ds', 'gba') all_platforms = game_platforms + ('all','movie','tv','album') try: plat, title = args.split(' ', 1) if plat not in all_platforms: # raise the ValueError so that the except block catches it # in this case, or in the case of the .split above raising the # ValueError, we want the same thing to happen raise ValueError except ValueError: plat = 'all' title = args cat = 'game' if plat in game_platforms else plat title_safe = http.quote_plus(title) url = 'http://www.metacritic.com/search/%s/%s/results' % (cat, title_safe) try: doc = http.get_html(url) except HTTPError: return 'error fetching results' ''' result format: -- game result, with score -- subsequent results are the same structure, without first_result class <li class="result first_result"> <div class="result_type"> <strong>Game</strong> <span class="platform">WII</span> </div> <div class="result_wrap"> <div class="basic_stats has_score"> <div class="main_stats"> <h3 class="product_title basic_stat">...</h3> <div class="std_score"> <div class="score_wrap"> <span class="label">Metascore: </span> <span class="data metascore score_favorable">87</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="more_stats extended_stats">...</div> </div> </div> </li> -- other platforms are the same basic layout -- if it doesn't have a score, there is no div.basic_score -- the <div class="result_type"> changes content for non-games: <div class="result_type"><strong>Movie</strong></div> ''' # get the proper result element we want to pull data from result = None if not doc.find_class('query_results'): return 'no results found' # if they specified an invalid search term, the input box will be empty if doc.get_element_by_id('search_term').value == '': return 'invalid search term' if plat not in game_platforms: # for [all] results, or non-game platforms, get the first result result = doc.find_class('result first_result')[0] # find the platform, if it exists result_type = result.find_class('result_type') if result_type: # if the result_type div has a platform div, get that one platform_div = result_type[0].find_class('platform') if platform_div: plat = platform_div[0].text_content().strip() else: # otherwise, use the result_type text_content plat = result_type[0].text_content().strip() else: # for games, we want to pull the first result with the correct # platform results = doc.find_class('result') for res in results: result_plat = res.find_class('platform')[0].text_content().strip() if result_plat == plat.upper(): result = res break if not result: return 'no results found' # get the name, release date, and score from the result product_title = result.find_class('product_title')[0] name = product_title.text_content() link = 'http://metacritic.com' + product_title.find('a').attrib['href'] try: release = result.find_class('release_date')[0].\ find_class('data')[0].text_content() # strip extra spaces out of the release date release = re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', release) except IndexError: release = None try: score = result.find_class('metascore')[0].text_content() except IndexError: score = None result = '[%s] %s - %s, %s -- %s' % (plat.upper(), name, score or 'no score', 'release: %s' % release if release else 'unreleased', link) return result