Other bots we should "borrow" ideas from: supybot http://supybot.com/ - horribly bloated plugin structure, each plugin has its own directory and 4 files (unit testing for plugins what) phenny http://inamidst.com/phenny/ - inspiration for skybot, too much magic and not easy enough to change pyfibot http://code.google.com/p/pyfibot/ - interesting, but lots of magic rbot http://linuxbrit.co.uk/rbot/ - Ruby - lots of plugins pyirc http://www.k-pdt.net/pyirc/ - very simple, not multithreaded - poor use of regexes, skybot has much better parsing, but it implements many more irc control godes - can convert irc colors to vt100 escape codes -- should implement this - autoreconnect pybot - can handle multiple servers, but not multithreaded - ugly modules - too many external dependencies - attempt at NLP