from util import hook, http thread_re = r"(?i)forums\.somethingawful\.com/\S+threadid=(\d+)" showthread = "" def login(user, password): http.jar.clear_expired_cookies() if any(cookie.domain == '' and == 'bbuserid' for cookie in http.jar): if any(cookie.domain == '' and == 'bbpassword' for cookie in http.jar): return assert("malformed cookie jar") http.get("", cookies=True, post_data="action=login&username=%s&password=%s" % (user, password)) @hook.regex(thread_re) def forum_link(inp, bot=None): if 'sa_user' not in bot.config or \ 'sa_password' not in bot.config: return login(bot.config['sa_user'], bot.config['sa_password']) thread = http.get_html(showthread,, perpage='1', cookies=True) breadcrumbs = thread.xpath('//div[@class="breadcrumbs"]//a/text()') if not breadcrumbs: return thread_title = breadcrumbs[-1] forum_title = forum_abbrevs.get(breadcrumbs[-2], breadcrumbs[-2]) poster = thread.xpath('//dt[contains(@class, author)]//text()')[0] # 1 post per page => n_pages = n_posts num_posts = thread.xpath('//a[@title="last page"]/@href') if not num_posts: num_posts = 1 else: num_posts = int(num_posts[0].rsplit('=', 1)[1]) return '\x02%s\x02 > \x02%s\x02 by \x02%s\x02, %s post%s' % ( forum_title, thread_title, poster, num_posts, 's' if num_posts > 1 else '') forum_abbrevs = { 'Serious Hardware / Software Crap': 'SHSC', 'The Cavern of COBOL': 'CoC', 'General Bullshit': 'GBS', 'Haus of Tech Support': 'HoTS' }