#!/usr/bin/python network = "irc.synirc.net" nick = "skybot" channel = "#cobol" import sys import os import glob import imp import re import thread import Queue import collections import irc import yaml os.chdir(sys.path[0]) # do stuff relative to the installation directory sys.path += ['plugins'] # so 'import hook' works without duplication class Bot(object): def __init__(self, nick, channel, network): self.nick = nick self.channel = channel self.network = network bot = Bot(nick, channel, network) print 'Loading plugins' typs = '|'.join('command filter event'.split()) magic_re = re.compile(r'^\s*#!(%s)(?:: +(\S+) *(\S.*)?)?\s*$' % typs) def reload_plugins(mtime=[0]): new_mtime = os.stat('plugins') if new_mtime == mtime[0]: return bot.plugs = collections.defaultdict(lambda: []) for filename in glob.glob("plugins/*.py"): shortname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] try: plugin = imp.load_source(shortname, filename) for thing in dir(plugin): thing = getattr(plugin, thing) if hasattr(thing, '_skybot_hook'): for type, data in thing._skybot_hook: bot.plugs[type] += [data] except Exception, e: print ' error:', e mtime[0] = new_mtime reload_plugins() print ' plugin listing:' for type, plugs in sorted(bot.plugs.iteritems()): print ' %s:' % type for plug in plugs: out = ' %s:%s:%s' % (plug[0]) print out, if len(plug) == 3 and 'hook' in plug[2]: print '%s%s' % (' ' * (35 - len(out)), plug[2]['hook']) else: print print print 'Connecting to IRC' bot.irc = irc.irc(network, nick) bot.irc.join(channel) bot.commandprefix = '^(?:\.|'+nick+'[:,]*\s*)' print 'Running main loop' class Input(object): def __init__(self, raw, prefix, command, params, nick, user, host, paraml, msg): self.raw = raw self.prefix = prefix self.command = command self.params = params self.nick = nick self.user = user self.host = host self.paraml = paraml self.msg = msg class FakeBot(object): def __init__(self, bot, input, func): self.bot = bot self.input = input self.msg = bot.irc.msg self.cmd = bot.irc.cmd self.join = bot.irc.join self.func = func self.doreply = True if input.command == "PRIVMSG": self.chan = input.paraml[0] def say(self, msg): self.bot.irc.msg(self.input.paraml[0], msg) def reply(self, msg): self.say(self.input.nick + ': ' + msg) def run(self): ac = self.func.func_code.co_argcount if ac == 2: out = self.func(self, self.input) elif ac == 1: out = self.func(self.input.inp) if out is not None: if self.doreply: self.reply(unicode(out)) else: self.say(unicode(out)) while True: try: out = bot.irc.out.get(timeout=1) reload_plugins() for csig, func, args in (bot.plugs['command'] + bot.plugs['event']): input = Input(*out) for fsig, sieve in bot.plugs['sieve']: try: input = sieve(bot, input, func, args) except Exception, e: print 'filter error:', e input = None if input == None: break if input == None: continue print '<<<', input.raw thread.start_new_thread(FakeBot(bot, input, func).run, ()) except Queue.Empty: pass