""" URI Normalization function: * Always provide the URI scheme in lowercase characters. * Always provide the host, if any, in lowercase characters. * Only perform percent-encoding where it is essential. * Always use uppercase A-through-F characters when percent-encoding. * Prevent dot-segments appearing in non-relative URI paths. * For schemes that define a default authority, use an empty authority if the default is desired. * For schemes that define an empty path to be equivalent to a path of "/", use "/". * For schemes that define a port, use an empty port if the default is desired * All portions of the URI must be utf-8 encoded NFC from Unicode strings implements: http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/rev-2002/rfc2396bis.html#canonical-form http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/PaceCanonicalIds inspired by: Tony J. Ibbs, http://starship.python.net/crew/tibs/python/tji_url.py Mark Nottingham, http://www.mnot.net/python/urlnorm.py """ __license__ = "Python" import re, unicodedata, urlparse from urllib import quote, unquote default_port = { 'http': 80, } def normalize(url): """Normalize a URL.""" scheme, auth, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url.strip()) userinfo, host, port=re.search('([^@]*@)?([^:]*):?(.*)', auth).groups() # Always provide the URI scheme in lowercase characters. scheme = scheme.lower() # Always provide the host, if any, in lowercase characters. host = host.lower() if host and host[-1] == '.': host = host[:-1] if host and host.startswith("www."): if not scheme: scheme = "http" host = host[4:] elif path and path.startswith("www."): if not scheme: scheme = "http" path = path[4:] # Only perform percent-encoding where it is essential. # Always use uppercase A-through-F characters when percent-encoding. # All portions of the URI must be utf-8 encoded NFC from Unicode strings def clean(string): string=unicode(unquote(string), 'utf-8', 'replace') return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', string).encode('utf-8') path=quote(clean(path), "~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=") fragment=quote(clean(fragment), "~") # note care must be taken to only encode & and = characters as values query="&".join(["=".join([quote(clean(t), "~:/?#[]@!$'()*+,;=") for t in q.split("=", 1)]) for q in query.split("&")]) # Prevent dot-segments appearing in non-relative URI paths. if scheme in ["", "http", "https", "ftp", "file"]: output=[] for input in path.split('/'): if input=="": if not output: output.append(input) elif input==".": pass elif input=="..": if len(output)>1: output.pop() else: output.append(input) if input in ["", ".", ".."]: output.append("") path='/'.join(output) # For schemes that define a default authority, use an empty authority if # the default is desired. if userinfo in ["@", ":@"]: userinfo="" # For schemes that define an empty path to be equivalent to a path of "/", # use "/". if path=="" and scheme in ["http", "https", "ftp", "file"]: path="/" # For schemes that define a port, use an empty port if the default is # desired if port and scheme in default_port.keys(): if port.isdigit(): port=str(int(port)) if int(port)==default_port[scheme]: port = '' # Put it all back together again auth=(userinfo or "") + host if port: auth+=":"+port if url.endswith("#") and query == "" and fragment == "": path += "#" return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, auth, path, query, fragment)).replace( "http:///", "http://")