"weather, thanks to google" from lxml import etree import urllib from util import hook @hook.command def weather(inp, nick='', server='', reply=None, db=None): ".weather <location> [dontsave] -- gets weather data from Google" loc = inp dontsave = loc.endswith(" dontsave") if dontsave: loc = loc[:-9].strip().lower() db.execute("create table if not exists weather(nick primary key, loc)") if not loc: # blank line loc = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)", (nick,)).fetchone() if not loc: return weather.__doc__ loc = loc[0] data = urllib.urlencode({'weather': loc.encode('utf-8')}) url = 'http://www.google.com/ig/api?' + data w = etree.parse(url).find('weather') if w.find('problem_cause') is not None: return "Couldn't fetch weather data for '%s', try using a zip or " \ "postal code." % inp info = dict((e.tag, e.get('data')) for e in w.find('current_conditions')) info['city'] = w.find('forecast_information/city').get('data') info['high'] = w.find('forecast_conditions/high').get('data') info['low'] = w.find('forecast_conditions/low').get('data') reply('%(city)s: %(condition)s, %(temp_f)sF/%(temp_c)sC (H:%(high)sF'\ ', L:%(low)sF), %(humidity)s, %(wind_condition)s.' % info) if inp and not dontsave: db.execute("insert or replace into weather(nick, loc) values (?,?)", (nick.lower(), loc)) db.commit()