""" dice.py: written by Scaevolus 2008, updated 2009 simulates dicerolls """ import re import random from util import hook whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+') valid_diceroll = r'^([+-]?(\d+|\d*d(\d+|F))([+-](\d+|\d*d(\d+|F)))*)$' valid_diceroll_re = re.compile(valid_diceroll, re.I) sign_re = re.compile(r'[+-]?(?:\d*d)?(?:\d+|F)', re.I) split_re = re.compile(r'([\d+-]*)d?(F|\d*)', re.I) def nrolls(count, n): "roll an n-sided die count times" if n < 2: # it's a coin if count < 5000: return sum(random.randint(0, 1) for x in xrange(count)) else: # fake it return int(random.normalvariate(.5*count, (.75*count)**.5)) else: if count < 5000: return sum(random.randint(1, n) for x in xrange(count)) else: # fake it return int(random.normalvariate(.5*(1+n)*count, (((n+1)*(2*n+1)/6.-(.5*(1+n))**2)*count)**.5)) @hook.command('roll') @hook.regex(valid_diceroll, re.I) @hook.command def dice(inp): ".dice -- simulates dicerolls, e.g. .dice 2d20-d5+4 roll 2 " \ "D20s, subtract 1D5, add 4" try: inp = inp.groups()[0] # try to grab the roll except AttributeError: pass # we got called via hook.command, inp is already the roll spec = whitespace_re.sub('', inp) if not valid_diceroll_re.match(spec): return "Invalid diceroll" sum = 0 groups = sign_re.findall(spec) for roll in groups: count, side = split_re.match(roll).groups() count = int(count) if count not in " +-" else 1 if side.lower() == "f": if count > 0: sum += nrolls(count, 3) - 2 * count else: sum -= nrolls(count, 3) + 2 * count elif side == "": sum += count else: side = int(side) try: if count > 0: sum += nrolls(count, side) else: sum -= nrolls(abs(count), side) except OverflowError: return "Thanks for overflowing a float, jerk >:[" return str(sum)