""" iambuttbot.py: avidal 2009 posts everything buttbot says to the iambuttbot twitter account """ import urllib from util import hook @hook.command(hook=r'(.*)', prefix=False, ignorebots=False) def iambuttbot(bot, input): if input.nick.lower() not in ('buttbot', 'buttsbot'): return if '@' in input.inp or '#' in input.inp: return #prevent abuse password = open('iambuttbot_password').readlines()[0].strip() status = input.inp if len(input.inp) <= 140 else input.inp[:137] + "..." data = urllib.urlencode({"status": status.encode('utf8')}) url = 'http://iambuttbot:%s@twitter.com/statuses/update.xml' % password response = urllib.urlopen(url, data) try: open('iambuttbot_password') except IOError: print 'iambuttbot twitter password not found: module disabled' del iambuttbot