''' The Last.fm API key is retrieved from the bot config file. ''' from util import hook, http api_url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?format=json" @hook.api_key('lastfm') @hook.command(autohelp=False) def lastfm(inp, nick='', say=None, api_key=None): if inp: user = inp else: user = nick response = http.get_json(api_url, method="user.getrecenttracks", api_key=api_key, user=user, limit=1) if 'error' in response: if inp: # specified a user name return "error: %s" % response["message"] else: return "your nick is not a Last.fm account. try '.lastfm username'." if not "track" in response["recenttracks"] or len(response["recenttracks"]["track"]) == 0: return "no recent tracks for user \x02%s\x0F found" % user tracks = response["recenttracks"]["track"] if type(tracks) == list: # if the user is listening to something, the tracks entry is a list # the first item is the current track track = tracks[0] status = 'current track' elif type(tracks) == dict: # otherwise, they aren't listening to anything right now, and # the tracks entry is a dict representing the most recent track track = tracks status = 'last track' else: return "error parsing track listing" title = track["name"] album = track["album"]["#text"] artist = track["artist"]["#text"] ret = "\x02%s\x0F's %s - \x02%s\x0f" % (user, status, title) if artist: ret += " by \x02%s\x0f" % artist if album: ret += " on \x02%s\x0f" % album say(ret)