""" log.py: written by Scaevolus 2009 """ from __future__ import with_statement import os import thread import codecs import time import hook lock = thread.allocate_lock() log_fds = {} # '%(net)s %(chan)s' : (filename, fd) timestamp_format = '%H:%M:%S' formats = {'PRIVMSG': '<%(nick)s> %(msg)s', 'PART': '-!- %(nick)s [%(user)s@%(host)s] has left %(chan)s', 'JOIN': '-!- %(nick)s [%(user)s@%(host)s] has joined %(chan)s', 'MODE': '-!- mode/%(chan)s [%(param_tail)s] by %(nick)s', 'KICK': '-!- %(param1)s was kicked from %(chan)s by %(nick)s [%(msg)s]', 'TOPIC': '-!- %(nick)s changed the topic of %(chan)s to: %(msg)s' } ctcp_formats = {'ACTION': '* %(nick)s %(ctcpmsg)s'} def get_log_filename(dir, network, chan): return os.path.join(dir, 'log', gmtime('%Y'), network, gmtime('%%s.%m-%d.log') % chan).lower() def gmtime(format): return time.strftime(format, time.gmtime()) def beautify(input): format = formats.get(input.command, '%(raw)s') args = vars(input) leng = len(args['paraml']) for n, p in enumerate(args['paraml']): args['param' + str(n)] = p args['param_' + str(abs(n - leng))] = p args['param_tail'] = ' '.join(args['paraml'][1:]) if input.command == 'PRIVMSG' and input.msg.count('\x01') >= 2: #ctcp ctcp = input.msg.split('\x01', 2)[1].split(' ', 1) if len(ctcp) == 1: ctcp += [''] args['ctcpcmd'], args['ctcpmsg'] = ctcp format = ctcp_formats.get(args['ctcpcmd'], '%(nick)s [%(user)s@%(host)s] requested unknown CTCP ' '%(ctcpcmd)s from %(chan)s: %(ctcpmsg)s') return format % args def get_log_fd(dir, network, chan): fn = get_log_filename(dir, network, chan) cache_key = '%s %s' % (network, chan) filename, fd = log_fds.get(cache_key, ('', 0)) if fn != filename: # we need to open a file for writing if fd != 0: # is a valid fd fd.flush() fd.close() dir = os.path.split(fn)[0] if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) fd = codecs.open(fn, 'a', 'utf-8') log_fds[cache_key] = (fn, fd) return fd @hook.event(ignorebots=False) def log(bot, input): ".remember -- maps word to data in the memory" with lock: timestamp = gmtime(timestamp_format) fd = get_log_fd(bot.persist_dir, bot.network, 'raw') fd.write(timestamp + ' ' + input.raw + '\n') if input.chan: fd = get_log_fd(bot.persist_dir, bot.network, input.chan) fd.write(timestamp + ' ' + beautify(input) + '\n')