
444 lines
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# pycparser: clex.py
# CLexer class: lexer for the C language
# Copyright (C) 2008, Eli Bendersky
# License: LGPL
import re
import sys
import ply.lex
from ply.lex import TOKEN
class CLexer(object):
""" A lexer for the C language. After building it, set the
input text with input(), and call token() to get new
The public attribute filename can be set to an initial
filaneme, but the lexer will update it upon #line
def __init__(self, error_func, type_lookup_func):
""" Create a new Lexer.
An error function. Will be called with an error
message, line and column as arguments, in case of
an error during lexing.
A type lookup function. Given a string, it must
return True IFF this string is a name of a type
that was defined with a typedef earlier.
self.error_func = error_func
self.type_lookup_func = type_lookup_func
self.filename = ''
# Allow either "# line" or "# <num>" to support GCC's
# cpp output
self.line_pattern = re.compile('([ \t]*line\W)|([ \t]*\d+)')
def build(self, **kwargs):
""" Builds the lexer from the specification. Must be
called after the lexer object is created.
This method exists separately, because the PLY
manual warns against calling lex.lex inside
self.lexer = ply.lex.lex(object=self, **kwargs)
def reset_lineno(self):
""" Resets the internal line number counter of the lexer.
self.lexer.lineno = 1
def input(self, text):
def token(self):
g = self.lexer.token()
return g
######################-- PRIVATE --######################
## Internal auxiliary methods
def _error(self, msg, token):
location = self._make_tok_location(token)
self.error_func(msg, location[0], location[1])
def _find_tok_column(self, token):
i = token.lexpos
while i > 0:
if self.lexer.lexdata[i] == '\n': break
i -= 1
return (token.lexpos - i) + 1
def _make_tok_location(self, token):
return (token.lineno, self._find_tok_column(token))
## Reserved keywords
keywords = (
keyword_map = {}
for r in keywords:
keyword_map[r.lower()] = r
## All the tokens recognized by the lexer
tokens = keywords + (
# Identifiers
# Type identifiers (identifiers previously defined as
# types with typedef)
# constants
# String literals
# Operators
'OR', 'AND', 'NOT', 'XOR', 'LSHIFT', 'RSHIFT',
'LOR', 'LAND', 'LNOT',
'LT', 'LE', 'GT', 'GE', 'EQ', 'NE',
# Assignment
# Increment/decrement
# Structure dereference (->)
# Conditional operator (?)
# Delimeters
'LPAREN', 'RPAREN', # ( )
'LBRACE', 'RBRACE', # { }
'COMMA', 'PERIOD', # . ,
'SEMI', 'COLON', # ; :
# Ellipsis (...)
# pre-processor
'PPHASH', # '#'
## Regexes for use in tokens
# valid C identifiers (K&R2: A.2.3)
identifier = r'[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*'
# integer constants (K&R2: A.2.5.1)
integer_suffix_opt = r'(([uU][lL])|([lL][uU])|[uU]|[lL])?'
decimal_constant = '(0'+integer_suffix_opt+')|([1-9][0-9]*'+integer_suffix_opt+')'
octal_constant = '0[0-7]*'+integer_suffix_opt
hex_constant = '0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+'+integer_suffix_opt
bad_octal_constant = '0[0-7]*[89]'
# character constants (K&R2: A.2.5.2)
# Note: a-zA-Z are allowed as escape chars to support #line
# directives with Windows paths as filenames (\dir\file...)
simple_escape = r"""([a-zA-Z\\?'"])"""
octal_escape = r"""([0-7]{1,3})"""
hex_escape = r"""(x[0-9a-fA-F]+)"""
bad_escape = r"""([\\][^a-zA-Z\\?'"x0-7])"""
escape_sequence = r"""(\\("""+simple_escape+'|'+octal_escape+'|'+hex_escape+'))'
cconst_char = r"""([^'\\\n]|"""+escape_sequence+')'
char_const = "'"+cconst_char+"'"
wchar_const = 'L'+char_const
unmatched_quote = "('"+cconst_char+"*\\n)|('"+cconst_char+"*$)"
bad_char_const = r"""('"""+cconst_char+"""[^'\n]+')|('')|('"""+bad_escape+r"""[^'\n]*')"""
# string literals (K&R2: A.2.6)
string_char = r"""([^"\\\n]|"""+escape_sequence+')'
string_literal = '"'+string_char+'*"'
wstring_literal = 'L'+string_literal
bad_string_literal = '"'+string_char+'*'+bad_escape+string_char+'*"'
# floating constants (K&R2: A.2.5.3)
exponent_part = r"""([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)"""
fractional_constant = r"""([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.)"""
floating_constant = '(((('+fractional_constant+')'+exponent_part+'?)|([0-9]+'+exponent_part+'))[FfLl]?)'
## Lexer states
states = (
# ppline: preprocessor line directives
('ppline', 'exclusive'),
def t_PPHASH(self, t):
r'[ \t]*\#'
m = self.line_pattern.match(
t.lexer.lexdata, pos=t.lexer.lexpos)
if m:
self.pp_line = self.pp_filename = None
#~ print "ppline starts on line %s" % t.lexer.lineno
t.type = 'PPHASH'
return t
## Rules for the ppline state
def t_ppline_FILENAME(self, t):
if self.pp_line is None:
self._error('filename before line number in #line', t)
self.pp_filename = t.value.lstrip('"').rstrip('"')
#~ print "PP got filename: ", self.pp_filename
def t_ppline_LINE_NUMBER(self, t):
if self.pp_line is None:
self.pp_line = t.value
# Ignore: GCC's cpp sometimes inserts a numeric flag
# after the file name
def t_ppline_NEWLINE(self, t):
if self.pp_line is None:
self._error('line number missing in #line', t)
self.lexer.lineno = int(self.pp_line)
if self.pp_filename is not None:
self.filename = self.pp_filename
def t_ppline_PPLINE(self, t):
t_ppline_ignore = ' \t'
def t_ppline_error(self, t):
msg = 'invalid #line directive'
self._error(msg, t)
## Rules for the normal state
t_ignore = ' \t'
# Newlines
def t_NEWLINE(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
# Operators
t_PLUS = r'\+'
t_MINUS = r'-'
t_TIMES = r'\*'
t_DIVIDE = r'/'
t_MOD = r'%'
t_OR = r'\|'
t_AND = r'&'
t_NOT = r'~'
t_XOR = r'\^'
t_LSHIFT = r'<<'
t_RSHIFT = r'>>'
t_LOR = r'\|\|'
t_LAND = r'&&'
t_LNOT = r'!'
t_LT = r'<'
t_GT = r'>'
t_LE = r'<='
t_GE = r'>='
t_EQ = r'=='
t_NE = r'!='
# Assignment operators
t_EQUALS = r'='
t_TIMESEQUAL = r'\*='
t_DIVEQUAL = r'/='
t_MODEQUAL = r'%='
t_PLUSEQUAL = r'\+='
t_MINUSEQUAL = r'-='
t_LSHIFTEQUAL = r'<<='
t_RSHIFTEQUAL = r'>>='
t_ANDEQUAL = r'&='
t_OREQUAL = r'\|='
t_XOREQUAL = r'^='
# Increment/decrement
t_PLUSPLUS = r'\+\+'
t_MINUSMINUS = r'--'
# ->
t_ARROW = r'->'
# ?
t_CONDOP = r'\?'
# Delimeters
t_LPAREN = r'\('
t_RPAREN = r'\)'
t_LBRACKET = r'\['
t_RBRACKET = r'\]'
t_LBRACE = r'\{'
t_RBRACE = r'\}'
t_COMMA = r','
t_PERIOD = r'\.'
t_SEMI = r';'
t_COLON = r':'
t_ELLIPSIS = r'\.\.\.'
t_STRING_LITERAL = string_literal
# The following floating and integer constants are defined as
# functions to impose a strict order (otherwise, decimal
# is placed before the others because its regex is longer,
# and this is bad)
def t_FLOAT_CONST(self, t):
return t
def t_INT_CONST_HEX(self, t):
return t
def t_BAD_CONST_OCT(self, t):
msg = "Invalid octal constant"
self._error(msg, t)
def t_INT_CONST_OCT(self, t):
return t
def t_INT_CONST_DEC(self, t):
return t
# Must come before bad_char_const, to prevent it from
# catching valid char constants as invalid
def t_CHAR_CONST(self, t):
return t
def t_WCHAR_CONST(self, t):
return t
def t_UNMATCHED_QUOTE(self, t):
msg = "Unmatched '"
self._error(msg, t)
def t_BAD_CHAR_CONST(self, t):
msg = "Invalid char constant %s" % t.value
self._error(msg, t)
def t_WSTRING_LITERAL(self, t):
return t
# unmatched string literals are caught by the preprocessor
def t_BAD_STRING_LITERAL(self, t):
msg = "String contains invalid escape code"
self._error(msg, t)
def t_ID(self, t):
t.type = self.keyword_map.get(t.value, "ID")
if t.type == 'ID' and self.type_lookup_func(t.value):
t.type = "TYPEID"
return t
def t_error(self, t):
msg = 'Illegal character %s' % repr(t.value[0])
self._error(msg, t)
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = '../zp.c'
text = open(filename).read()
#~ text = '"'+r"""ka \p ka"""+'"'
text = r"""
#line 66 "kwas\df.h"
id 4
# 5
def errfoo(msg, a, b):
print msg
def typelookup(namd):
return False
clex = CLexer(errfoo, typelookup)
while 1:
tok = clex.token()
if not tok: break
#~ print type(tok)
print "-", tok.value, tok.type, tok.lineno, clex.filename, tok.lexpos